Sacred Thoughts - Girl Play

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Sacred Thoughts - Girl Play Page 5

by Alana Chappell

  Arriving within 15 minutes, she glances at her watch. “Oh, good, I still have enough time to run across the street and purchase some flowers. I will take one dozen of those long stem red roses,” she tells the man.

  “That will be $42.”

  “No problem,” she says as she hands him her credit card.

  Hoping that Mrs. Thomas will be impressed, she walks back across the street to reserve a romantic booth in the corner.

  Waiting anxiously, Mrs. Thomas walks through the door. Looking super sexy, she is wearing a tight little purple cocktail dress. It hugs every curve of her nearly perfect body. Samanatha becomes speechless.

  “Hi,” says Mrs. Thomas, “you look really nice.”

  “Wow,” replies Samanatha. “You look absolutely stunning. You take my breath away. These roses are for you.”

  “You shouldn’t have,” Mrs. Thomas replies. “These look so expensive.”

  “Don’t worry about it; you are worth it. Come this way,” she says as they walk to back to the isolated booth. “After you,” Samanatha says as she waits for Mrs. Thomas to sit down in the booth. Samanatha climbs into the opposite side so she can stare at Mrs. Thomas all night.

  “I have to admit,” Mrs. Thomas says, “I have been attracted to you since the beginning of the year and only found myself wanting to act upon it when the feeling was mutual. I still don’t know if this is such a good idea, but I am willing to take a chance.”

  “I am so glad you did. It makes me wish I would of said something sooner, but at least here we are,” she says with a smile.

  Mrs. Thomas reaches across the table and grabs Samanatha’s hand. “I can’t tell you enough how much I have thought about us being together. Last night I could barely sleep. I had thoughts of how you would taste,” Mrs. Thomas boldly states.

  “Umm, wow,” Samanatha says, astonished. “I can’t believe you actually said that.”

  “Well, I am tired of pretending, and it just took you to make me see that I need to act on my feelings.”

  Samanatha gets up and slides in the seat next to Mrs. Thomas and gently leans in for a soft kiss on the lips. Both of them, extremely worked up, knew they were in a restaurant and needed to compose themselves. Samanatha rubs up and down on Ms. Thomas’s thighs. “They are as smooth as I had anticipated them to be,” she says as she seductively looks into her eyes.

  “Good,” Mrs. Thomas says, “I wouldn’t want to disappoint you.”

  “Oh, you don’t disappoint at all,” Samanatha abruptly replies. The waiter comes to the table and asks if they are ready to order. They glance at the menu and agree to share some spaghetti and garlic bread.

  “Very well,” the waiter says as he walks away.

  Samanatha continues to feel Mrs. Thomas’s legs, making her way up higher and higher with each rub. “Don’t tease me,” Mrs. Thomas says as she grabs a hold of Samanatha’s hand and places it in between her legs. Feeling the outer layer of her cleanly shaved pussy, Samanatha can hardly contain herself. Mrs. Thomas reaches over and whispers in her ear, “I want you to taste it.”

  Samanatha reaches even further into her dress, reaching for her pussy, and gently spreads her apart and inserts her fingers deep. “Ah, there you go,” Mrs. Thomas says as she moans quietly in Samanatha’s ear.

  Knowing they are in a restaurant it becomes difficult to contain themselves. Someone walks by to use the restroom located next to them and Samanatha quickly removes her fingers. “Taste me,” Mrs. Thomas says.

  Samanatha places her two fingers in her mouth and moans a little. “I can’t wait to get a hold of you,” she replies. The people who had originally gone to the bathroom have passed by and there is no one left in the bathroom. Samanatha whispers in Mrs. Thomas’s ear, “Come with me to the bathroom.” She grabs ahold of her hand and they make their way to the back stall. “Handicapped stall, perfect, plenty of room,” Samanatha whispers. She reaches over and pulls Mrs. Thomas’s dress up to her breasts. She quietly spreads her legs apart and stares at her beautiful shaven pussy that is just waiting to be eaten. She slides her fingers back inside Mrs. Thomas and roughly moves her fingers back and forth towards her G-spot.

  Mrs. Thomas begins to moan and Samanatha places her hand over her mouth. Hoping that they will not be discovered, Samanatha knows they don’t have much time. She gets down on her knees and spreads Mrs. Thomas’s pussy apart and begins to tongue fuck her, placing her tongue deep inside and tasting all of her juices. With her other hand, she stimulates Mrs. Thomas’s clit causing her to instantly orgasm.

  “Fuck,” Samanatha whispers as she wipes her face off onto some toilet paper. “You are so damn hot and wet. Look what you have done to me,” she says. She grabs a hold of Mrs. Thomas’s hand and places it down the front of her pants. “You got me all wet,” she replies.

  “Oh, I did,” Mrs. Thomas says as she gathers herself from her orgasm. With her hand firmly planted the front of Samanatha’s pants, Mrs. Thomas presses Samanatha up against the stall wall. Kissing her with great passion, she slides her fingers inside, curving them ever so gently to reach her G-spot. Moving them rapidly in and out, they are grateful that they have not yet been caught. Mrs. Thomas can feel Samanatha’s pussy pulsating on her fingers; she starts to kiss her neck and gives it a little bite.

  “Oh my God,” Samanatha whispers in her ear as she cums all over her hand. Mrs. Thomas can feel the throbbing surrounding her fingers as she quietly relaxes her body. “Mmm,” Samanatha says as Mrs. Thomas pulls her hand from her pants. They passionately steal a kiss from one another before someone enters the bathroom.

  “Shh,” they both whisper to each other. They wait for the bathroom door stall to close and wash their hands at the sink. Leaving the bathroom, they feel like little school children getting away with something bad. “Oh, look.” They both laugh as their food has been served to them and is waiting at the table.

  “Good thing too,” Samanatha laughs, “I am starving. I think we both worked up a little appetite.”

  Jazz Club

  Clouds of smoke fill the air. The sounds of music and laughter attract Trina as she watches from a bar stool.

  “Can I get you another?” the bartender asks.

  She politely says, “Yes, please,” and watches the bartender mix her vodka and tonic. “Thank you,” she says as she turns her chair around to see who is performing on stage. An angelic voice catches her attention. “Who is that?” she quickly turns back around to ask the bartender.

  “Oh, that’s Christine. She’s amazing, isn’t she?” the bartender asks.

  “Yes, she has the voice of an angel, and the body of a goddess,” she adds.

  “She is definitely very easy on the eyes,” he replies. “I don’t believe she has a girlfriend right now. You should talk to her, she’s a sweetheart.”

  “Really?” replies Trina. “I would love to get to know her.” Trina turns back around to make sure she doesn’t miss a thing.

  Her stage presence is dominating. She was covered in a long, white, sheer backless dress that swooped in the front, exposing the top of her cleavage. It was intoxicating. As the lights lay dim, you can catch glimpses of the hourglass figure that lies underneath. Sipping on her straw, Trina sits in amazement, wondering what kind of a person Christine really is. Could she really be the entire package? As she continues to carefully watch this goddess in white, she can’t help thinking of a plan to meet her. How she will approach her and how she can convince Christine that she is the one for her. All of these thoughts became more dramatic the longer she sits there and daydreams.

  Her song comes to an end and the crowd cheers with enthusiasm. Feeling in a complete fog, Trina notices that she hadn’t even clapped for Christine. Swiveling back around on her bar stool to talk to the bartender, she asks, “How can I go talk to her?”

  “Well,” he replies, “
we aren’t sure if her show is done. She may still have to come back out on stage for a couple more songs.”

  “Oh,” she says in a disappointed voice.

  “However, when she is done I will take you back to her stage room and introduce the two of you.”

  “Okay,” she anxiously replies. Turning her chair back around, she can hear the announcer announcing the next singer to perform. It was not Christine and Trina feels a little lost for a moment. Looking around, she notices an old high school friend sitting at a small round table in the corner right hand side of the stage. She carefully gathers her items and tells the bartender that she will be back for him in a little while.

  “Okay,” he replies as he continues serving cocktails.

  She makes her way over to the old high school friend. “Hello,” she says to Ramon. “It’s been a really long time since we have seen each other.”

  He stands up and reaches in for a hug. “It has been a long time,” he replies. “Have a seat.” He points to the empty chair in front of him.

  She reaches for the back of the chair, pulls it out and places herself firmly in the seat.

  “So, how have you been?” Ramon asks.

  “I have been doing really good,” Trina replies. “What about you? How are your wife and kids?”

  “Good, they are doing really good,” he replies with a smile.

  “So what brings you out tonight? I rarely see you out in the streets,” Trina asks.

  “Oh,” says Ramon, “I am here to support my cousin singing.”

  “Oh, is this her singing right now?” she asks.

  “No,” replies Ramon, “she was just up right before this act.”

  Trina yells out, “Christine is your cousin?”

  “Why do you ask with such hastiness?” Ramon asks.

  “Well, she is extremely talented and I find her quite attractive,” Trina responds.

  “Oh, do you? You find my cousin Christina attractive? Well, I wasn’t expecting to hear that from you,” he replies.

  “I know, but I asked around and I heard she was on the market and that she was single.”

  “She is,” he confirms. “Would you like me to introduce you to her?”

  “Yes!” she yells out. “I really would, and if you don’t mind, please put in a good word for me,” she says jokingly.

  “She is performing next and then she will be done for the night,” he replies.

  “Oh, good, I can’t wait to hear her sexual voice as she sings.”

  “Wow,” he replies, “you really do have a thing for Christine.”

  “Well, I am hoping to get to know her better. I want to see if I would like to pursue a relationship or not.”

  “Well, I can tell you first hand that she is very loving, dedicated and wears her heart on her sleeve. Don’t go breaking her heart, I will have to kick your butt,” Ramon says jokingly.

  “Oh, look, here she comes to the stage. I can’t believe she is single,” Trina says as she adjusts her seat to get a better view.

  “She is, but she has had her heart broken by women who have treated her poorly, so just proceed with caution,” he adds.

  “You don’t have to worry about that. I know firsthand how that feels.”

  As Christine belts out the most beautiful words to a song unknown, Trina watches in amazement. The crowd goes crazy for the high notes that she reaches effortlessly. With every word that is sung, chills run up and down Trina’s body. She hangs onto every note as if nothing else in the world mattered at this very moment. Her eyes swelter as Christine sings about losing the love of her life. The words are captivating and her very presence takes Trina’s breath away. As the song ends, she is greeted with a standing ovation. It seems as though Trina is not the only one in the room mesmerized by her vocals. She glances back at Ramon to see him quickly wipe away a tear that had run down his face. She smiles and he gently smiles back, reassuring her that he is okay. Christine is the final act for the night and she has definitely made a huge impact.

  As she slowly cascades across the stage, she makes eye contact with Ramon and blows him a kiss, muttering the words, “I love you,” before disappearing into the back drop.

  Trina turns around to Ramon and, with great anticipation, says, “Let’s go. I have to meet her. She is truly amazing.” She grabs her purse and her drink and, with a huge smile on her face, she follows Ramon to the backstage area. ”Christine!” he blurts out as they round the corner.

  She stops in her path and runs towards Ramon, giving him a huge hug. “It’s so good to see you. Thanks so much for supporting me tonight,” she says. “I was so nervous that I would mess up. All those blinding lights and crowds make me nervous.”

  “Well, you were great, and if it’s any consolation I could not tell one bit that you were nervous,” Trina says.

  Christine looks confused as she watches her speak. “Oh, I’m sorry,” Trina says as she introduces herself.

  “No problem. I really appreciate the great compliment,” Christine replies.

  Ramon interjects, “I really wanted the two of you to meet. I think you will find that the two of you have a lot in common. I went to school with Trina and she is a wonderful woman.”

  “Well, in that case,” she says with a smirk, “I do trust my cousin’s opinion. If you don’t mind, Christine says, “you can come back with me to the dressing room.”

  “I don’t mind at all,” Trina immediately replies as her stomach fills with butterflies.

  “Bye, Christine,” Ramon says as he waves goodbye to her.

  Making their way down the dark cement hallway, Christine begins to make small conversation. “So how was my cousin in high school?” she asks in a playful way.

  She replies, “He was actually a really good guy. He was one of my good friends.”

  “Good to hear. He is still a really good guy. He plays a really big part in my life,” she adds. Christine opens the door to her dressing room. “Please excuse the mess.”

  “No problem. It actually looks like my room,” Trina replies with laughter.

  As Christine sits down, she immediately takes her shoes off. “My feet are killing me,” she responds as she sits down to massage them.

  “Here, let me,” Trina says as she grabs ahold of her feet. “Place them here on my lap so that you can relax a little bit.”

  “Oh, that is so sweet. I barely know you and you are massaging my feet. I’m in love,” she replies in a playful way.

  “Well, that makes two of us. I could listen to your voice all day.”

  “Thanks, hun, that is so sweet,” Christine replies. “Where have you been all my life?” she says with a big sigh. Throwing her head back against the chair, she relaxes and says, “This is heavenly.”

  After massaging her feet Trina slowly makes her way to her calves. “Ooh, your legs are so tight.”

  “Oh my, that feels even better than the foot rub,” she says with a huge smile on her face. Trina’s heart begins to race as she rubs her hands up and down her legs. Her skin is as smooth as a baby’s butt and did not disappoint to the touch.

  “Your skin is so smooth,” she tells Christine.

  “Aren’t you full of compliments?” she replies.

  “I just have to speak the truth,” Trina adds as she continues to rub Christine’s calves. They go on to engage in meaningless conversation. Trina gently lays Christine’s legs back down on the ground. She walks back around behind Christine and starts to gently massage her neck.

  “Uh,” Christine moans as Trina gently works her kinks out. “You are amazing,” Christine adds.

  Trina slowly start to massage her way down her back. “How does this feel?” she asks with excitement in her voice.

  “It feels awesome,” Christine replies.

As Trina continues to massage Christine, she has thoughts of touching her naked body. Trying not to come across too strongly, she carefully starts to run her fingers through Christine’s shoulder-length hair.

  “Ugh, you know how to make a woman feel good,” Christine adds as she melts into her chair.

  “I do have a way with the ladies.” Trina begins to softly massage the top of Christine’s head while grasping her hair in between her fingers with a little tug. She presses Christine’s back up against her breasts. She rests her head onto her cleavage. Finding comfort in Trina’s size DD breasts, Christine completely relaxes. Trina slowly moves her hands down the front of Christine’s dress, reaching for her breasts. As she rubs the palms of her hands down the front of her breast, she can feel the nipples emerging from underneath. Pushing the limits of them being strangers, Christine does not object. She melts into Trina as she allows her to have her way.

  With her hands shaking, Trina gently reaches into the swoop of her dress and fondles her nipples. She twists them back and forth within her fingers, making them protrude fiercely. “Ahh,” Christine says out loud from the stimulation being placed on her nipples. The sensation reaches her all the way down to her throbbing pussy. “That feels so good,” she mumbles as she tries desperately to form words. “It’s been a really long time since I have had a woman touch me this way.”

  Trina brings her hands up to her neck and gently tilts her head to the side. She then reaches down and starts to nibble on her neck a little, causing Christine to flinch. Grabbing a hold of her hair, she gently kisses the back of her neck. “You are so damn beautiful,” she tells Christine as she passionately engages in a long, sexual kiss. Trina gathers her thoughts afterward, left in a state of bliss. She is incredibly turned on by the soft lips placed upon her lips and the sleek, sexy tongue vibrating in her mouth. Trying hard not to seem over-stimulated, she can feel her panties getting wet.

  She moves to the front of Christine and wraps her long, sexy legs around her, straddling the chair. Christine grabs a hold of Trina’s ass, pulling her in closer. They can feel their breaths becoming one as they grind together. Trina takes her shirt off and her DD breasts overflow her bra. “Take that bra off,” Christine says to her. She reaches around to help her. As the bra falls to the floor, she places her face deep into the Trina’s cleavage. “Your tits are amazing,” she says as she gently bites her nipple. Trina’s head falls back as Christine has her way with her. “Let’s get these clothes off and make our way over to the couch.”


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