Sara's Gun (Devil's Iron MC Series Book 5)

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Sara's Gun (Devil's Iron MC Series Book 5) Page 2

by GM Scherbert

  Getting to my bike I find it hard to keep from screaming out. He is nothing to me, why the fuck did I let him get to me like that? Calling me Princess is not something anyone has done for a long while, and it fucking hit a nerve as soon as it rolled off of his tongue.

  I need to drive away and not think about that man anymore. By the time I am home and safely tucked in my bed only one of those things were true. Reaching for my vibrator I cannot help picturing Gun. His inked up arms pulling me roughly into him as he takes what he wants and demands nothing but my complete and utter submission. Keeping these thoughts running I bring myself off not once, but two times in quick succession.


  Never again will I allow that to happen. I need to stay away from that dick and keep him the fuck outta my thoughts, fantasies, and life. I will not live this life like my mother did. I will not be an old lady or club whore for someone like him.

  Chapter 4


  Slipping out of the bed that is occupied by one of the club whores, I walk to the bathroom. Shaking my head to clear the fog that the beer and shots have left, I step into the shower. As the water runs over my body, my thoughts are on the brunette. Not the one in my bed, the one from that night, that Princess.

  I have not been able to shake her from my thoughts since that night. The women that have warmed my bed in those long weeks are only cheap alternatives. Poor substitutes with none of the spark or fire that she had ignited within me during our brief encounter.

  I haven’t seen her since that night and I have stopped from talking to Preach about her. She is just a fucking woman, I am not sure why I haven’t been able to shake her from my thoughts.

  Pulling up to the Clubhouse later that night I hope, yet again, that she will be there. I guess that was about three months ago when I saw her last and she just won’t get the fuck outta my head. Walking through the door the first thing I notice is a young as fuck smoking hot red head talking with Doc. I see the red head raise her arm and follow as she points towards the Princess.

  She looks better than I can remember from those months ago. Seeing her in the Clubhouse wearing something skimpy as fuck has me hard instantly. I want to fuck her and waste no time moving towards her, but am stopped quickly by one of the club girls.

  “Gun,” drips with lust from Red’s mouth as she puts her hand on my chest, “can we come to your room tonight? Hannah and I really want you to fuck us again. We had such a good time last week and were hoping that we could do it again! What do you think?”

  Reaching for my cock with her other hand, my eyes move toward the Princess and I notice that she is following Tank down the back hallway towards our rooms. Shoving Red to the side I stride quickly down the hallway after them. No one except me will have her screaming out tonight, especially some young fucking patch, I don’t give a fuck who he is, or who his father is.

  Seeing the bathroom door shut, I assume that she is going to freshen up before meeting up with him. That kid has another thing coming, thinking she will be his before I am able to get a taste.

  Pushing open the bathroom door I see her looking into the mirror. “Princess,” comes out harshly. As soon as those brown eyes hit me I am on her, before she is able to even get whatever she is about to say out. I reach her in two short steps, grabbing her around the waist, pulling her into me as I lift her up onto the sink and slam my mouth into hers.

  The heated kiss that we exchange is only amplified by the hands that I now find I cannot keep from her. Reaching up and under the short skirt that she is wearing, I rip the now soaked panties from her before shoving two fingers into her cunt. Catching the moan that tries to escape her I continue the duel between us, with no intention of losing. I pump my fingers into her and am rewarded by the sweet sounds that I continue to swallow down, until I feel her squeezing my fingers with her orgasm.

  Trying to pull away from me, she is quickly halted by the mirror behind her. When it hits me that she is trying to escape, whatever this is between us, I pull my fingers out of her roughly, before pulling her close to me.

  Hiking her up so that her legs are wrapped tightly around me before I back away from the sink, I turn quickly, slamming her into the wall as I do. Pressing her into the wall with my body, I continue the assault on her mouth as I work to free my cock from my pants.

  Without pause I free my cock I slide it through her moist folds quickly before driving it home in one long stroke. Pulling back from her face I try to look into her eyes before pulling out and driving right back in, but I cannot, her eyes are down. Again, pushing her into the wall with my chest, I use my free hand to reach up and pull her hair so that her eyes meet mine. Seeing the lust and passion in them and feeling her pussy clamp down on my dick as I pull her hair only drives me on.

  After a couple more strokes I feel my balls tightening and know that I am not going to last long. Grabbing at her hair again I pull roughly and am rewarded with her cunt tightening around my cock again. As I bury myself to the hilt I come, and it feels like nothing I have felt before. Only then noticing the feeling was being bare inside her.


  Pulling out of her swiftly, I let her get her balance on her feet before letting go. Turning to leave, I tuck my cock back in my pants and zip up, only pausing at the door when I hear. “What the fuck was that?”

  “That was the dick punishment that I promised you.” Grabbing for the shoulders of my favorite shirt, I throw back at her, “Loud pipes do get pussy. Right, Princess?”

  Hearing her growl out as the bathroom door closes, I smile knowing that I am the one who won this battle. Heading to the bar to grab a drink I am again approached by Red, who I quickly find that I am bored with, and send her on her way, but only after I make sure that the Princess sees me with her.

  I don’t know why I said that shit to her. I guess that I wanted to make clear that she knowns this shit between us ain’t going nowhere. Pissing her the fuck off seemed like a good way to do it, at the time.

  I don’t know what it is about that Princess, but I know that will not be the last taste I have of her.

  Chapter 5


  If I ever see that man and his Loud pipes Get pussy shirt again I will fucking kill him. I don’t know what the fuck that was, why I got caught up in the moment with him, or why I decided to let him have me. When he came into the bathroom and took what he wanted without asking me for it, I got so turned on, and that is something that hasn’t happened for a while.

  I shouldn’t want a man to act like that, I am a fucking educated woman for fuck’s sake, not some piece of ass that man can use and walk out on. The way I felt when he hoisted me up on the sink and ripped my panties off was something that I have never felt before. When he started finger fucking me short seconds later, I couldn’t stop myself from cuming. That’s when I knew I was in trouble. This man, this dick, is something like I have never had before.

  Pulling away from him is all I can think to do to try and stop his onslaught. He has other thoughts in mind though, because as soon as I smack my head on the mirror behind me he takes his fingers out of me, and grabs me around the waist hoisting me up onto him.

  Wrapping my legs around his waist for balance he slams me into the wall as he takes my mouth again with his. As I am lost to his mouth I barely register his cock at my entrance, until he slams into me and pulls his head back. Dropping my head to watch him fuck me only lasts moments as I feel a tug on my hair and am forced to raise my head. My pussy squeezes his dick hard. Meeting his dark eyes I am filled with nothing but desire for this fucking dick and instantly know I’m in trouble.

  Grabbing at my hair again he continues this punishment until I feel his cock buried deep inside me as he cums. Feeling each jet of cum I realize that he’s bare inside of me which brings me, which brings me back to reality like a slap to the face. Just as quickly as it starts, he is pulling out of me and setting me back on my feet before walking out the door.

en he called me Princess as he was walking out the door, I fucking lost it. Growling out at the name that use to mean so much to me. FUCK!

  The last few months I have thought of Gun almost nightly and that dirty fuck he just gave me in the bathroom was in line with the vivid images that I have been letting my mind run wild with. It was hot, rough, didn’t leave me any choice, and just up my alley. I gotta find Ember and get the fuck outta here before I go and beg him to fuck me again. Fixing my outfit, I take one look in the mirror and have no question that everyone will know what happened in here. FUCK!

  Getting out into the main room, I look around. I don’t see her anywhere and after talking quickly with Preach I find out that she has gone with Doc. Doc is an asshole and hard as fuck, but wouldn’t treat a woman with anything less than respect. Doc has to be a million times better than Ember’s ex, Clutch. That fucking piece of shit had her so wrapped up that I didn’t even recognize her when she showed up at my door those weeks ago. I had not seen her since just after she left her parents’ house over two years ago. After spending a while with me she got mixed up with Clutch and being only eighteen, she would not listen to the voice of reason in her ear, me. When she should up almost three months ago, bruised, battered, and beaten down, I hadn’t seen her since the day she left to go with him. I did the best that I could to fix up the wounds and try to get her into see someone, but she wouldn’t have any of it. She even moved out of my place onto her own only a few short weeks ago.

  When I brought up going to the Devil’s Iron Clubhouse tonight, Ember perked up and got ready instantly. She has talked about the times when the Devil’s Iron would go to the Knight’s Clubhouse and how she was slightly enthralled by Doc, I just didn’t think that she would be heading to the back rooms with someone, even if it is him. Shaking myself out of my thoughts, I glance back to the bar and see that fucking Dick out of the corner of my eye and know that this night is done for me. That this place is done for me, at least for a while.

  Knowing that Doc will not let anything happen to her, I walk out to my bike and head home needing to shower and get that asshole’s smell off of me. I still can’t believe that I let him take me and in such a seedy way or that I only find myself wanting more.

  Running the shower once I am safely home, I am quick to get under the hot water and get him off of me. When my hands start roaming over my body, cleaning it with the lavender scent that has been my favorite since junior high school, I can’t stop myself from thinking of him.

  Thinking that his hands are the ones roaming over my body.

  Thinking that he is the one cleaning and caring for me.

  Thinking that he would be man enough to claim me in all the ways that I desire.

  I come at my own hand right before reality hits me.

  I want Gun like I have never wanted another. There is no way I will fall for a man so much like my father, though. No chance in fucking hell I will put up with being nothing more than a dirty fuck for a man, no matter how much I find myself wanting him.

  The Devil’s Iron Clubhouse is definitely off limits to me for a while, until I can get these thoughts of him out of my head.

  Chapter 6


  Seeing her walk out of the bathroom disheveled has me grinning from ear to ear. No one in this Clubhouse will question if she has been with someone tonight. Watching her sway that ass up towards the bar has my cock getting hard again. FUCK, what is it about this woman? I have not been with any of these club girls more than a few times, but with her I can see more. That definitely means that I need to not see her again. I have no want to settle down and live a life like that, ever, especially after I have only been back from overseas for such a short time.

  Princess approaches the bar looking around for who I am guessing is the friend that she came in with. Knowing that Doc took her to the back room I weigh my options out, not knowing if talking to her is a great choice. I decide to go tell her about the red head, but when I look around again, she is gone. Where the fuck did she go? Moving quickly to the door I push it open only to see her pulling out of the lot, on a fucking sportster.

  I need to know who she is. Having no luck finding Preach to ask him, I decide instead to call it a night and head towards my room. Instead of sleeping I find myself thinking of her. How the fuck am I thinking of that woman again? I thought fucking her would’ve been enough, but here I am taking matters into my own hands.

  Waking in the morning, Prez sends me out of town for ten days to get some shit in order with a startup chapter in Minnesota. Thinking of her becomes less common and by the time I have returned she has all but slipped from my mind.

  As the weeks pass I look for the Princess less and less and my usual behavior returns. I never again forget to wear protection when I take the club girls back to my room. I still think about that fuck from time to time and have even found myself picturing her when I cum.

  I have yet to see that red head she came with that night either, or I would ask her. In fact, all the brothers have noted the change in Doc since that night. He has been gone from the Clubhouse frequently and has little to nothing to say about it. It all comes together the night that he asks me to come with him.

  “Gun, come with me tonight? I need your skills.”

  “Oh, my skills in the bedroom or what Doc?” I say laughingly.

  “No, you fucking prick, and if you are anything but respectful to Ember, we will have more than words,” shoving me, he finishes, “you get me?”

  “Jesus Doc, yeah I got it. Who the fuck is this bitch that’s got you all wrapped?” That’s all I get out before the punch lands on my chest, causing me to lose my breath.

  Doubling over, I catch my breath hearing him say, “Gun, I am not fucking kidding- if you are disrespectful to her in any way I will be going to the brothers only after I have you buried. She is not like the club girls that you always find yourself fucking. I want my ink on her and will be taking it to the brothers in the next two weeks. I want you to talk to her before you draw something up that will match the ink that you gave me last week.”

  “The flames on your chest? You want me to make a matching tattoo to that?” I say looking up to him, still bent over trying to catch my breath.

  “Yes,” he says looking at me

  “Ok, but you want it to look more girly, right Doc?” I say standing up. Nodding his head in agreement I ask my last question. “Do you want it to say that same word, Ofiara?”

  “No, it will say my name, not Ofiara. Now come on, let’s get over there so you can talk to her.”

  Walking out to our bikes I follow him to what I can only guess is her apartment. I think better than to talk to her about the Princess, seeing that Doc will probably have a shit fit if I do. As we head in I find the redhead from those months ago and can see why he has such a bubble around her. She is young and seems almost fragile. That is why he must not have been bringing her around the Clubhouse. I wonder what the fuck has happened in her life to make her this way.

  My mind wanders to the brunette and I wonder if she would act the same way if we were together. Fuck no she would not. She has way too much spark and spunk in her to be as young and seemingly innocent as Ember is.

  When she is mine she will give me so much of a fight I won’t know what to do.

  Where the fuck did that come from?

  I need to keep those thoughts out of my head. And my hands off of her fucking body. Which I am doing great with, until she shows up at the Clubhouse again.


  Chapter 7


  Thoughts of that Dick have not been far from my mind since that night. I have fought the urge to go back to the clubhouse, only slipping up once.

  About a month after our meeting in the bathroom, I slip into the Clubhouse on a Saturday night, not wanting to admit to myself I wanted, no needed, more of him.

  Reaching the bar, Preach has a shot of Jack waiting for me as I step up. Drinking the shot down, I am grabbed befo
re the glass drops from my lips and can even return to the bar top.

  “You came back for more? I thought maybe I had scared you off,” is growled into my ear as his hands move down my arm to my ass. His voice grates on my last nerve as I turn around. What the fuck was I thinking? He is nothing more than a fucking dick, thinking only about the next woman he will screw.

  “Fuck you, Dick. I am here to have a drink and nothing more!”

  Trying to turn back around, his hand shoots up to my chin as he speaks, lifting my face to his. “Don’t lie to yourself. You know you want this fucking cock again. You have been hiding since that fucking night in the bathroom, I’ve noticed you haven’t been around.” Sliding his hand done to my breast he squeezes it roughly before he adds, “Just tell me how much your pussy wants another taste of my cock and he’s all yours.”

  Fighting the urge to vomit at his words, I wonder what the fuck I am doing here. Pulling away from him, I am out the door quickly and heading towards my bike. Grabbing for the pink skull cap resting on the handlebars, I have it almost strapped on when I am grabbed from behind.

  “Why are you running? I know you came here looking for me, I can smell it on you. Don’t fucking pretend you don’t want this cock again,” he says grabbing himself. “Come back to my room and I’ll show you just how much you have missed this past month, Princess.”

  The fire I felt was instantly put out with that name. Shoving him hard I look towards him growling out, “Fuck you, Dick. I will go home and fuck myself better than you and that pathetic cock can.” Swinging my leg over my bike I am out of there before he has a chance to respond.

  He fucking had me with that fucking macho shit up until he called me Princess. That fucking name again. I continue to fight the urge to go back and see him, fuck him, let him own me. I just cannot get my emotions involved with him and if I see him again that is exactly what will happen. He is too much like my father and I will not give my heart to a fucking biker.


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