Sara's Gun (Devil's Iron MC Series Book 5)

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Sara's Gun (Devil's Iron MC Series Book 5) Page 10

by GM Scherbert

  “I do know that she is not here. I just heard from Irene how you helped Ember out when she got to New Orleans and wanted to make sure that I thanked you for that. I am not sure what if anything Doc knows about those times, but I am sure that he would also like to show his appreciation for what help you gave to his old lady.”

  “Hmm, yes well, I was raised to always help those in need and that is what I did. Y’all skedaddle back over to Irene’s house now, or better yet leave because Sara will be home soon. She sure as hell doesn’t need to see you here or sniffing around over there either. It’s bad enough she will hear all about it from Soph as soon as she gets home.”

  “What are you talking about? Sniffing around?” I say raising my voice.

  “I can only image what the two of you were like when you were together, probably hornier than a two peckered owl. What I do know is that the feelings you have for each other are not in the past and Y’all need to figure it out. The longer you keep up with these games, the less time you will have with each other.”

  “I didn’t come here sniffing after Sara like a horny owl. I am taking care of Irene, like I have done the past five years that she has been gone. Don’t think that just because she has finally made her way home that I will stop doing what I promised to do. Watching out for Irene became my job when she ran away, and I have no intention of stopping.”

  Knowing that I should have not jumped down her fucking throat, I stop myself from saying any-more. Walking to my bike, I turn back and see the little girl smiling from ear to ear, waving and saying that she will see me soon.

  That couldn’t be further from the truth.

  A few days later, after Doc has taken care of Clutch, Ember comes in with him to get his ink put on her. He has claimed her as his old lady to the brothers, and I am happy to see him finally at peace. I long for that peace one day and know that there is only one person who can bring it to me. She will need to come to me if we can have even a slight chance at making this shit work. But, as soon as I get a glimpse that she wants me like I still want her, then she will be mine.

  Ember is in my chair less than five minutes before she is bringing up Sara. Not directly to me, but fuck I don’t need to be reminded that she is back. She continues to go on about the ink that some woman did for her, Heather, and Sara while they were gone. Thinking about the back piece that we had started and the idea for sleeves that we had, I know I need to step out and clear my head.

  Heading out of the front door of the shop, I lean up against the building and take a deep breath. Hearing a bike approaching, I think that my next appointment is early. Raising my hand to block the sun from my eyes, I look towards the sound. Seeing her brown hair coming out from under that fucking pink skull cap, I recognize her and that bike in an instant. She slows as she drives past, only figuring out too late who it was standing outside the shop.

  That’s when I decide.

  No, fuck that, that’s when I know.

  She will be mine.




  Chapter 21


  Knowing that he has been taking care of Irene while I have been gone, melts my heart. She has talked to him when I have called over the past five years. Knowing that he is still watching out for and over her the day that Sophie tells me that he was there, draws me closer to him.

  When I ask Sophie about her day at school that evening, the first thing out of her mouth is Gun. Looking towards Heather, I am quick to question what went on since I left the house for work.

  “You know that he goes over to Irene’s house sometimes. This afternoon was just another one of those times. It just so happens that he came over to talk with Sophie and me today, instead of staying at Irene’s.”

  “Why did he come over here? Was he looking for me?”

  “Sara, really. If you want to talk to him so badly just go do it. Bless my heart, I am not going to play monkey in the middle between you two. It’s just like I told him, Stop acting.”

  “Momma said that you two were hornier than a two peckered owl.” Looking at me with wide eyes, Sophie adds, “Auntie Sara, what’s a two puckered owl?”

  Shaking my head, I leave the room quickly, knowing I will not be able to keep a straight face for this. “Ask you momma sweetheart, she’s the one that said it.”

  A few days later, I decide to take a ride on my bike seeing how gorgeous of a day it is. Knowing that Gun would most likely be at work I decide, yet again, to drive by- what are the chances he’ll be outside? Glancing at the shop as I slow coming down the street I notice someone standing outside. Knowing that Gun doesn’t smoke and would never leave his shop unattended I have no worries. The tall man has a t-shirt on with his long hair pulled up in a bun. Slowing up, even more, I turn my head to meet the eyes of the man outside. Staring back at me are the eyes I would know in my sleep, the eyes I could crumble underneath, the eyes of the man I love.

  Knowing that there is no way he would mistake me and my pink skull cap I nod slightly at him, before continuing down the street. Knowing that this thing between us is not over.

  Four weeks later and he still hasn’t come to talk with me. I know that this shit between us will blow up and I am just waiting for the other hammer to fall after seeing him that day. With Pearl and her husbands’ wedding going on tonight at the Clubhouse, I am frightened to go, but know that Ember and Heather will be there as well. Dressing in my usual tank top and denim shorts, I head over to the party with Heather not knowing who I will remember from those years ago.

  The first person I see is Preach, and I run up throwing my arms around him.

  “Sugar, you are home. I had heard as much talking with both Doc and Gun, but thought if you were back you would have stopped to see me by now.”

  “Preach, I’m sorry. Do you feel left out? Let’s have a shot for old times?” Slowly pulling my arms out from behind his neck I wave a hand towards Heather and go on, “This is Heather. Heather this is Preach.”

  “Hi Preach, I’ve heard about you. It’s nice to finally be able to put a face with the name.”

  “Hello Heather, I suppose you would like a shot too, seeing you’re here with her.” Walking back around the bar he grabs the bottle of Jack and three shot glasses setting them on the bar. Filling them to the top, we do the first shot and before I can thank him, the glasses are refilled. “Your gonna need more than that Sugar, as soon as he gets done with her ink and knows you’re here,” rolling his eyes, “Heaven help us!” Leaving the bottle next to our glasses he turns and heads down the bar to wait on someone else.

  Having another shot of Jack, I am quickly engulfed in a hug from behind from a man that I would know anywhere.

  “Sara, your back? It’s nice to finally see you again. I had heard as much.” Turning his head towards Heather, Country goes on, “Who is this lovely girl here?”

  “Country, down boy.” Jokingly I look towards Heather and see a smile spread wide across her face. “This is my friend Heather.” Turning back to Country I reach my hand up to his collared shirt, “It’s nice to see you too. Sorry I haven’t stopped by sooner. It’s just” trailing off I find myself looking around.

  My eyes find Gun across the bar setting up his station. When Pearl and her men come into the room, the atmosphere changes and everyone is eager to watch the ceremony before the party begins. Watching the majority of the tattoo from the bar, we help ourselves to a few more shots before I catch Ember’s eye and slowly make my way across to the opposite side of the bar. She and Doc have just found out that they are going to have a baby and I can’t be happier for them.

  With my back to the mock tattoo station, I ask Ember about her week, knowing that her morning sickness with Little Vincent was bad, leaving me to wonder about this new pregnancy. She brushes me off saying I am worse than her old man, telling me that everything is fine. Seeing her eyes wander behind me and a pained expression come to her face, I slowly turn and find myself watching Gu
n talk with a young woman. Slowly, Gun turns towards the bar and as his gaze lands on me, the heat between us fucking multiplies. I am not sure if it is the shots of Jack that I have had or what but the moment that he marches over to me and grabs my hand I have no idea what is happening, and I don’t think I care. Pulling me down the hall behind him we are in his room in a brief moment.

  Pushing me into his room, I stumble and land on the ground. He is there in a second trying to help me up after his mistake, but I stop him with a few words. “Thanks for that, Dick. I needed to be reminded of just how rough you bikers can be.” Standing up, I dust the shorts off that I am wearing and move towards the door. “I knew back then that you wouldn’t be the kind of man that I needed in my life and that’s why I left.” Grabbing me up he starts kissing me and in an instant, I am almost lost to the sensation.

  His hands move to my hair and tug sharply on the long strands tilting my face upward. Releasing my lips, he kisses his way down to my neck without saying a word. Nipping and biting on my neck I am lost to him in this moment. When he slips a hand into the front of my shorts and touches my pussy for the first time, I moan in his ear as he continues.

  A loud shout from the Clubhouse surrounding us brings me back to reality. Pulling away from him, I see the lust in his eyes fade as he begins to understand my words. “You are a brother in the Devil’s Iron MC for fucks sake. You aren’t the type of man to come home to your woman every night. You’re not the kind of man to think of the future. You couldn’t be the kind of man that keeps it in your pants long enough to not fuck around. You would be just like him, and I couldn’t do that to myself then and refuse to do it to myself now!”

  Moving towards the door, I hear the wall crumble under his punch. “Again, Princess? You are going to fucking spew shit that you don’t fucking know and couldn’t fucking know until it happened. Then you are just going to walk out the fucking door. That’s all you are fucking good at, isn’t it Princess? Walking out of the fucking door- Well go then, but don’t fucking think that this,” pointing between us, “this shit between us is far from fucking over.”

  With that, I leave and know that his words are more honest than the ones I have been saying.


  The next time I see Gun is as I am trying to set up the Clubhouse for Ember and Doc’s wedding. My thoughts, as usual for the past five years, have never strayed far from him even after his fucking behavior at the Clubhouse after Pearl’s wedding. Especially those thoughts, no dreams that I have late at night. The ones of him owning me: mind, body, and soul. The thoughts of him fucking me so hard I wouldn’t be able to get him off of my mind because the soreness of my body would remind me that he had been there. That he had owned me, used me so well. Then the thoughts of my father and his treatment of my mother come, and my dreams are stopped dead in their tracks.

  I don’t get to stay away from him when I help out with Ember and Doc’s wedding, I try, but it just doesn’t seem to work. How did I get the fucking short straw to have to be the one doing this, setting up a wedding at the fucking Clubhouse, instead of the one that would be setting up the Dungeon? Then at least I would not have to see that fucking Dick, I could just figure out the scene and set it up, something I was rather good at in New Orleans. No, I get to plan the fucking food and ceremony at a fucking biker Clubhouse. It’s not like I haven’t been to enough of these fucking things, especially when I was still living with my dad. They always end up the same- all the men drunk and fucking anything with an open hole.

  Great reminder of why I decided to leave. Why I decided to cut ties with him, knowing in time, that he wouldn’t be any different than the others. The others like the ones that I grew up watching. The way I would see my father fucking club girls sometimes when I would be at their Clubhouse.

  As Ember walks into one of the back offices at the Clubhouse the day of her surprise wedding, she is greeted by Pearl, Heather, and myself all wearing bridesmaid dresses. Embracing each one of us, Ember looks to Pearl first, questioning what is going on.

  “They didn’t tell me, Ember. They knew that keeping secrets, especially from you, is not one of my strong points, so they only just told me what was happening as I was getting ready tonight.”

  Looking towards us, Ember notices the humongous grins on our faces and knows that we were the ones to set this up.

  I am the first to answer her unasked question. “Doc, Prez, and Tank all asked for us to help set this up. I got wrangled into doing this part, where Heather got to do the next phase- which I would have liked much better. Especially considering Gun has been staying at the Clubhouse, so every time I have come to talk to anyone about the wedding, the guests, or the fucking decorations he has been here. Fucking watching my every move. Why won’t he just go away.”

  “This is his home, Sara. Where else would he be?" Pearl gets out sharply, only knowing some of the story that has been unfolding between us over the past few years.

  “His home? No, this is not his home. He has a home outside of Chicago, it is fucking gorgeous, and I don’t know why he chooses to stay in that fucking hole of a room here instead of there. He could do so much more than be the tattoo guy of a motorcycle gang.”

  Without warning Pearl lands, a slap to my face. “Shut your fucking mouth, Sara. This is not a gang and you for one should not be disrespecting the way that Gun chooses to live. He has a job that he fucking loves, owns the shop that he works at, and is part of a brotherhood that any of these men would give their lives for. He has watched over me, and even you, from what I hear, without question to keep us safe and for that alone I will not listen to you talk shit about him.”

  “Fuck, Pearl, I was just trying to-”

  “No more Sara. I will not listen to this, and we have other things to be doing right now.” Looking away from Sara and towards Ember Pearl has silenced the conversation, at least for the time being, with no more than a look. “Let’s get Ember to her old man and get today’s show on the road.”

  Walking down the aisle, I have staged, is a strange feeling. Doing so with the man I once shared my life with takes it to a whole different level. It’s not like anyone even talked about who was walking with who, it just was. Country and Heather walked down the aisle in front of us, while Tank and Pearl were walking down the aisle behind us.

  As Preach says the words and I stand there looking towards Ember and Doc I find my eyes drawn to Mack. When I look over to him, I see him staring back at me intently. Quickly looking away, I know that the tension running between us is about to explode. Trying to make a plan for after the wedding as I am walking back down the aisle with him, I find us not stopping or heading towards the bar, where the others are. He leads me straight to his room.

  Opening the door to his room with his free hand, he pulls me into the room then shuts and locks it behind us before scooping me up in his arms. Tossing me onto the bed, I land with a bounce. Squirming I try to get off of the bed but find myself being pushed back and covered with his body.

  “Gun, we-”

  “Sir,” he says sternly.

  Looking up at him my eyes widen as I question, “Mack?” comes out on a whisper, “I think that-”

  “I said Sir, Princess,” wincing at the name that he used to call me, I try to speak, but am cut off yet again. “Shut that pretty little mouth, I don’t want to hear anything that you might have to say. We don’t need to fucking talk, we need to work out these issues we have. You know it, and I know it.”

  Grabbing my wrists up he lifts them above my head, “Talking never did us much good, Princess, this is how we communicate best.”

  Slipping a hand along my arm to my breast, my breath catches as he pulls my bra and dress down roughly, exposing my breast to him. The moan that escapes me when he captures my nipple in his teeth is a sound that has been lacking from my life for far too long.

  “Keep your hands on the headboard, Princess,” is out on a groan as he continues his assault. Wincing in pain after one of his bites,
I look down to find he has attached a clamp to my breast. After pulling down the rest of my top of my dress and bra my other breast is exposed to him. Reaching for the chain attached to the clamp an evil grin crosses his face before he continues.

  “Mack, what are you doing?” is out of my mouth as I watch him grab the clamp at the other end of the chain. Opening it with one hand, he uses the other to pinch and pull at my nipple readying it for its impending torment. Fastening the clamp to me, he uses his left hand to give the chain a tug before turning his attention to me.

  “Sir. You want to know what Sir is doing, Princess? Do Sir a favor and open that beautiful mouth wide.”

  Trying to object, I open my mouth and am meet with three fingers shoved deep into it before I can speak. Groaning out at the intrusion I find myself gagging as he repeatedly rams his fingers down my throat. I feel the loss of breath before remembering to open my throat wide when his fingers or cock were ramming down it. As he continues to move his fingers in my mouth, I feel a sharp tug on the nipple clamps and moan out as his fingers are shoved deep, I come without warning, finding myself lost in a haze of flying.

  Leaning down Mack whispers into my ear, “Princess, did you just come? It looks like you might be flying as well, your eyes as so glassy and gorgeous.” Rubbing my cheek with his thumb, he slowly pulls his fingers from my mouth, “Such a dirty fucking bird you are.” Reaching for my hands, still gripping the headboard, he lays them out at my sides. Running his fingers up and over the tattoos that cover them, he speaks low, “these were supposed to be for me, Princess.” Reaching towards my breasts and the clamps on my nipples he releases each, sucking on them in turn.

  Siting up, he moves off of me and onto the edge of the bed. Facing me he reaches under my waist rolling me face down before saying, “did you fill in all the areas I had plans for?” Pushing my head to the side so that I can see his every move, he sweeps the hair off of my neck to the side. Trying to tug my dress down he finds resistance and reaches into his pocket. Pulling out his blade, flicking it open, he slices through the dress in an instant. As the top slips away, he runs his fingers over the still bare flesh in the center of my back and growls out, “Princess, you left my spot open for me.”


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