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Fleeing Temptation [Temptation, Wyoming 2] (Siren Publishing Menage and More)

Page 4

by Marcel, Zoey

  “My lips are sealed.”

  Cameron thought back on his interaction with Hilary over the past month since he hired her. She listened to him fairly well, but when he was wrong she had no problem calling him on it and seemed to enjoy bossing him around. He should probably rebuke her for it, but in truth it turned him on sometimes when she took charge of things. Even when she unwittingly embarrassed him in front of customers sometimes, his cock hardened in his pants, somehow pleased to be humiliated by her.

  His dad had a dominant personality and Cameron felt less masculine in light of him. Still, his father might be dominant toward his mother, but Cameron noticed before that his dad seemed to bend to the will of the other man as his wife did. His father seemed able to be assertive with his woman, yet submissive to his man and he seemed no less virile because of it. Perhaps surrendering to the will of another wasn’t as degrading as some considered it to be.

  But Hilary was a woman. There was a difference between submitting to a more aggressive male and giving control over completely to a female. Oh well, it didn’t matter. What he imagined doing with Hilary was only a fantasy, so he could relinquish as much control to her as he wished and not feel like any less of a man for it.

  * * * *

  Callie’s results were fine and she was declared free of any diseases. She kept quiet through most of dinner, which proved awkward even for Hilary.

  She awoke in the middle of the night to hear Callie in the next room screaming and crying. She was having another nightmare about Brent. Hilary hurried into her room and climbed into bed with her, shaking her awake.

  Callie burst into tears and threw her arms around her. “Oh, Hilary, is it ever going to stop?”

  “It will eventually, but it will take some time.” Hilary caressed her back and laid Callie back down on her pillow, singing to her softly before getting up.

  “Can you sleep with me again please?” Callie seemed reluctant to ask this time in light of yesterday, but fear won out.

  “Of course.” Hilary climbed into bed and held the young woman against her, rocking her gently and reassuring her. She had done this many times before whenever Callie had a nightmare, but this time proved even more tempting for Hilary. Their breasts squished together into one erotic mass through their spaghetti-strap tank tops and their smooth legs were intertwined. The sound of their gentle, aroused breaths filled the warm darkness.

  “I always feel safe when you’re near, no matter how scared I am,” Callie whispered.

  Hilary squeezed her and played with her hair to soothe her. The way Callie fondled her arm slowly awakened primal urges she fought to control. “I’m glad.”

  “I’m sorry I freaked out yesterday. You were just being nice. Please don’t leave me or anything. I don’t know what I’d do without you.”

  “I will never leave you, Callie.” Hilary dared to kiss the top of her head, pleased when she didn’t panic over the affection.

  “You don’t want to waste any time on me, though,” Callie said sadly. “I’m damaged. I don’t think I could ever get naked for anybody or let them touch me sexually without having flashbacks of him. Yesterday was nice, but I didn’t know you were stimulating me like that. I really just thought it was the best massage of my life. I don’t want to be scared of intimacy, but I just need time and healing, or revenge or something. I don’t even know. I’m just so screwed up.”

  “I understand. I’m not going anywhere. Sleep now.” Hilary held her even after Callie fell asleep in her arms.

  Callie was right. She needed time, healing and revenge, and Hilary would see to it she got all three. If she couldn’t have revenge on Brent, then perhaps another man would suffice. Maybe what she needed was to take out her aggression, both violent and sexual, on a man she didn’t know. Hilary would teach her how to punish a man properly and perhaps play with and tease him with pleasure if he earned it.

  In that moment, she concluded there was only one logical solution to Callie’s problem. Hilary had to kidnap her boss, Cameron Hunter and train him to be Callie’s personal slave and plaything. It was the only thing that made sense. What other choice did she have?

  Chapter Four:


  Cameron didn’t know why Hilary came into the magic shop while he was working on her night off, but he didn’t care. How could he when the object of his fascination lit up the place with her dazzling smile? How could he concentrate on his work with that provocative outfit she wore? She sported a red halter top with a black leather miniskirt and black leather, knee-high boots. God, she looked stunning and racy, not unlike what he imagined a hooker to look like whilst doing business.

  She invited him to walk her home in the cool twilight and he just couldn’t say no to her. He only hoped the growing darkness properly concealed his raging hard-on over seeing her like this. Why did she come by to visit him at work and then ask him to walk her home? Why had she dressed like she was attending a nightclub?

  Cameron walked alongside her in the brisk evening air, making small talk on the way to her apartment.

  “Would you like to come inside?” Hilary asked without looking at him as she seemed to adjust her breasts, causing her generous cleavage to heave seductively.

  That probably wouldn’t be appropriate since I’m your boss, but thanks anyway for the offer, was probably what he should have said, but that wasn’t what came out.

  “I’d love to.” Did he have to sound so damned enthusiastic? She looked like a temptress and he sounded like a giddy teenager trying to control his natural urges at the sight of a beautiful woman.

  She smiled almost wickedly, he thought, and locked the door behind them. “Does anyone know you’re here?”

  What an odd question. “Why do you ask?”

  She shrugged innocently. “No reason. I just didn’t want to keep you from anything important or from anyone who might be waiting for you.”

  “No, it’s fine. I live alone, so nobody will be calling to ask why I’m late. This is a nice little place you’ve got here.”

  Her full lips pulled back into a devilish little grin as she headed toward the hall. “Thank you. Would you like a tour?”

  “Sure. That would be great.”

  The place was small but compact and nicely decorated. The touches were starkly feminine, but even he had to admit the end results were tasteful.

  “This is my roommate’s bedroom.”

  His already-aroused cock tightened at the sight of the full-sized bed. A mental image of getting freaky with Hilary in it nearly made him moan with need.

  Before he knew what was happening, she placed her palms on his cheeks and French kissed him. Cameron was shocked, not only by her brazen conduct, but also by the sexual magnitude of the kiss. He’d never been kissed that way by a woman before. Sure, he’d done plenty of kissing, but it never felt like this. Was she more experienced than her predecessors, or did he simply have a connection with her that he hadn’t shared with the previous women?

  She pulled back from the slow, intimate web she spun on his mouth. She looked captivating with her enticing eyes and dangerous smile. The red-and-black ensemble she wore reminded him of a spider spinning a web of seduction to trap some horny, clueless fly. He seemed to fit the mold for this hungry arachnid, but he must be strong. This was deeply inappropriate between an employer and his employee. They were asking for trouble if they let this get too far.

  It was time for intelligent, collected words to save the day. “Wow.”

  Wow? What the hell, man? You can do this.

  “Do you like it when I put my mouth on you?” She purred.

  He stiffened when her soft, womanly hands slid up the sleeves of his navy-blue T-shirt. “Very much, but we shouldn’t.”

  “Why not?” she whispered, drawing near his lips again. Her luscious lips placed tender, barely there kisses on his. The gentle touch made his lips tickle and burn with desire for her.

  “Because I’m your boss and you work for me. It would b
e highly inappropriate.” His eyes closed and he lost his breath when she slid her hands under his T-shirt and on up his torso.

  “But what if I want to be inappropriate?” Her slick, pink tongue darted from her pretty mouth and flicked against his quivering lips like a serpent sniffing out its vulnerable prey.

  The image made him dizzy with lust for some reason. He liked imagining her as a ravenous predator and himself as her helpless prey, which existed only to be devoured by her and sustain her very life with his flesh. His blood would quench her thirst and his descent into weakness would supply her with divine strength.

  What the hell was wrong with him? She wasn’t a goddess or some predator. She was only a woman, but for one reason or another, she had him completely under her spell.

  “Maybe I want to be the boss for once,” Hilary purred as her fingers dipped into the waistband of his jeans, fingers twirling lewdly in what she could reach of his pubic hair.

  His dick jolted at the forbidden contact. “Hilary, we can’t.”

  She frowned, lips pouting in a cute, sexy manner. Her light brown hair had been curled and teased and looked gorgeous tumbling down over her bare shoulders. She untied the halter, and the loose ends of the tie fell down. The top was barely held on now by her well-endowed bust. “Am I not attractive to you?”

  The question proved ridiculous. How could she ask that? Did she not own a mirror or something? “What? God, no. You’re unbelievably attractive. I want you bad. I have since I first laid eyes on you. It’s just—”

  “Then take me,” she whispered, drawing into him for a kiss.

  Cameron would have pushed her away for honor’s sake, but oh sweet heaven, that kiss was pure rapture. The effects flooded his system like a sweet poison, consuming him alive and doing exactly what this dishy assassin had intended it to do. His better judgment was beaten down hard when she grabbed his boner and gave it a squeeze. He cried out in her mouth, his senses raw with passion as his cock ached and pulsed for consummation.

  So much for resistance. His brain seemed lost in the carnal madness as blood continued to engorge his penis to the point of suffering.

  Hilary rolled his shirt up while they kissed, breaking their union only to remove his shirt over his head. Since she seemed so keen on undressing him, he took the liberty of removing her top for her. What glorious breasts she had spilling over her black leather bra. Her tummy looked soft and slightly rounded. He wanted to plant kisses all over her warm skin and nip at it with his teeth.

  She paused when she saw his chest and arms as if the sight of them had broken her concentration. He hoped she liked what she saw. He worked out, so it shouldn’t be that bad. Then again, a breathtaking woman like Hilary had probably known her fair share of men. Perhaps she had seen better. What a crappy thought.

  “I see you take care of yourself,” she said, sounding like she tried to stay calm and collected.

  He grinned. Her phrasing was adorable. “I’m kind of a hard gainer. I work out and stuff, but I’m not nearly as muscular as my dad.”

  Well, that was a lame thing to say. Who the hell admitted to looking inferior to their dad to someone they were about to sleep with?

  A faint smile of amusement touched her lips before she became serious again. “I’m fucking you. What makes you think I desire to hear of your father?”

  Cameron blushed. “I don’t know. It just sort of came out. Sorry about that. I’m just kind of skinny, that’s all.”

  “Some might call me fat, and once I punched them they would realize I’m voluptuous, not corpulent. You, sir, are not skinny. You are toned and lithe. Not every man has abs like yours.”

  He groaned when her nails raked gently down his chest until they found the definition in his abs and dug in sensuously.

  “Take off your pants and shoes, but leave your underthings on.” Hilary watched silently as he kicked off his tennis shoes, undid his fly, and stepped out of his jeans. She examined him head to toe in a long, sweeping gaze as if scrutinizing a stallion she wished to purchase. “Sit down on the edge of the bed.”

  He sat, pulse racing with anticipation as she stood before him and unzipped the side of her skirt. It slid down a bit, but she left it on as if to tease him with the unseen. He jumped a little when she stuck the sole of her boot against his erect groin and pressed firmly against it. The pressure hurt, but oddly, having his cock abused by this seductress turned him on all the more. Her eyes never left his as she slowly unzipped the boot and lifted her foot from him to remove it.

  “I want you so bad,” he confessed, almost breathlessly.

  Her smile turned evil and she rammed her other boot against his cock, this time pressing harder than before. She seemed to thoroughly enjoy his tormented yelp. She removed her foot and the boot and then slowly slipped the miniskirt down her plump, shapely legs before stepping out of it. After removing her socks, she stood before him barefoot now, wearing only the black leather bra and what looked to be a red lace thong. He melted at the sight of her.

  “Look at you, Hilary. You’re so damned hot.” Cameron stood and pulled her into another openmouthed kiss that quickly turned savage. He pushed her onto the bed beneath him while they made out and ground his erection against her mound. Only their underwear separated them. He couldn’t wait to change that.

  Hilary rolled him so he lay underneath her and reached into the drawer of the nightstand. “Close your eyes.”

  He grinned and closed them. A moment later his wrists were secured to the headboard via the handcuffs she used on him. “Oh, wow.”

  This time her smile scared him a little. He wasn’t sure why.

  “Do you know why you’re here, Cameron?”

  “Uh, to have sex? Duh.”

  “Yes, because that’s all women are good for.” She snorted in annoyance.

  “I didn’t mean that. I—”


  Her firm tone and sudden change of mood surprised him, and he began to wish he wasn’t half-naked, shackled and helpless beneath her. She ran her hands all over his body in either appreciation or to be a tease. He wasn’t sure. He only knew she was naughty and dangerous.

  “I kidnapped you, Cameron. Do you know what that means? It means you’re my prisoner now and I can do whatever I want with you. And believe me, I will.”

  The words confused and excited him. Her behavior turned strange rather quickly, but maybe she wanted to role-play with him. He could go along with that. “Will there be a ransom note?”

  She snickered. “No, fool, there’s no one coming for you. No one knows you’re here. You walked right into my trap.”

  He remembered her asking when he arrived whether or not anyone knew he was here. The epiphany sent a chill up his spine. For role-play this sure was creepy. “My parents will call eventually and wonder why I’m not answering.”

  “Your parents live in Oregon, and I’m sure I could persuade you to convince them everything is all right. I can be very persuasive when I want to be.”

  Cameron didn’t doubt it. “People will miss me at the store. What are you going to do when they ask for a manager?”

  Her eyebrows wiggled up and down with mischief. “I will simply tell them that I’m the manager now.”

  He chuckled. “I don’t mind pretending I’m your prisoner, but can we, you know…get to it already?”

  She stared at him indifferently for a moment before smirking. “Pretending? You dim-witted male, I’m not pretending with you. You really are my prisoner and I intend to turn you into a weak, writhing, pathetic, little man who grovels at my feet and pleads for mercy and release. Whether or not I acquiesce has yet to be determined. Perhaps if you’re a good boy for me I might consider it.”

  For some reason the term good boy had his slit oozing pre-cum. He wanted her to say that to him and get him off. “This role-play thing is really hot, but I need…” He needed to orgasm, but knew he’d turn red if he said the word. Lying half-naked and chained to a bed beneath her was overwh
elming enough without pleading for climax.

  Her hazel eyes narrowed and she slapped his groin hard, making him cry out in pain. “How dense are you? This is not a game. I kidnapped you and I’m going to turn you into my slave. When I’m done with you, you will be little more than an object to be used and abused as we see fit.”


  “My roommate Callie is visiting her family in Cheyenne, but once she returns, you will have a second mistress to obey in addition to me. I want you good and trained as much as I can break you before she returns. She has been through hell and you are my present to her.”


  “Aye, through you she will execute her revenge for all the injustice done to her.”

  Cameron’s eyes widened and he felt goose bumps prick his flesh. “You’re actually serious. Do you mean to tell me you just waltzed into my magic shop and kidnapped your boss?”

  “My magic shop. You have made it a joke, but I shall add some authentic touches and restore the name of magic you sought to tarnish with your cheap magician’s tricks.”

  “Hey, my store is really popular and magic tricks are a hell of a lot better than sorcery and all that dark, satanic crap.”

  Her eyes flashed with anger and her lips pressed tightly together. She gently moved his prick aside and slapped the material covering his scrotum. “You pompous llama, not all witchcraft comes from the belly of hell. And it is no longer your store. It is mine and you best remember it if you want your stay here to be pleasant.”

  “My stay? Quit screwing around, Hilary, and unchain me. I’m going home.”

  She let out a shrill, mocking laugh. “You’re not going anywhere. And you do not give me orders. I’m the boss now and what I say goes.”

  “Damn it! Let me go! This is kidnapping!”

  “I’m glad you finally realized that. It only took you eons to reach that conclusion.”

  “Why are you even doing this? It’s against the law.”

  “I suppose we had better be quiet then, mustn’t we?”


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