Trace's Temptation (RARE Series, #3)

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Trace's Temptation (RARE Series, #3) Page 14

by Dawn Sullivan

  “Angel called a meeting. Fucking Phoenix is outside waiting for me,” Trace growled as he got dressed. “I’m sorry, Jade. This isn’t how I wanted to wake you up this morning.”

  “It’s ok,” came Jade’s sleepy response. “You need to go. It’s probably about Storm. You need to find her. I’m going to get up soon and go to the hospital.”

  “It’s only 5, baby,” Trace said as he kissed her softly, “Get some more sleep.”

  Snuggling back under the covers with a soft sigh, Jade whispered, “Love you.”

  “Love you, too,” Trace told her as he stood up and left the bedroom. Grabbing a coat from the closet, he once again opened the front door. Phoenix was leaning up against the wall next to the door waiting. “Let’s go,” Trace snarled, softly shutting the door behind him.

  Nico and Ryker were waiting outside in the back of a black, four door, Dodge Charger. Trace grinned, “New car?”

  “Hell yeah,” Phoenix smirked. “I got this baby just a couple of months ago. Glad I went with the four door since Serenity’s pregnant.”

  “Serenity’s pregnant?” Trace’s grin grew. “Congrats, man!” he said bumping fists with Phoenix. “Hope I get that soon.”

  “It’s the best feeling ever, T,” Phoenix said as he slid into the driver’s seat. Trace opened the passenger door, running his hand over the top of the slick Charger. He had missed out on so much the past few months. Getting in, Trace shut the door behind him and leaned back against the leather seats. Stretching out his legs as much as possible, he groaned softly. There was still some pain, and his legs were slightly stiff, but they were so much better than just the day before. Concentrating, Trace did some exercises on the way to Denver, stretching the muscles.

  After driving through to grab some breakfast, they headed to Angel’s. Pulling down her long drive, they saw Angel coming from the barn. “Shit,” Phoenix said as he stopped the car in front of her house. “This isn’t going to be good.”

  Getting out of the car, Trace noticed the blood smeared on Angel’s knuckles. Walking up to her, he handed her a bag of breakfast burritos as a peace offering. “Don’t get your fucking blood on my breakfast,” he growled as he continued up the steps and into the house.

  When they were all in the conference room in the basement they dug into breakfast while waiting for Angel to take a quick shower. Jaxson was set up on one end of the long table and looked like he’d been there for a while. “Don’t you ever sleep, Jax?” Nico asked as he tossed him a sausage biscuit.

  “Not when one of ours is missing,” Jaxson responded, tearing into the food. “I’ve been up all night trying to figure out where the General would take Storm, but I’m coming up empty for the most part.”

  Entering the room, Angel asked, “Where’s Jade?”

  “Jade isn’t a part of RARE anymore,” Trace responded shortly before taking another bite of his food.

  Angel stiffened. “Why not?”

  “She got a better offer. One that suits her more than hunting and killing,” was Trace’s response. Taking a drink of his coffee, he continued, “She did tell me to let you know that Jinx said to get rid of the bike in your barn. He didn’t exactly obtain it legally.”

  “It’s already been taken care of,” Flame said from the doorway. Nodding at them, she walked in and sat down, grabbing one of the burritos Angel left on the table. “What’s this about Jade not being a part of RARE anymore?”

  “Is this because of me?” Angel asked quietly as she took a seat by Flame.

  “Actually, it has nothing to do with you. Doc Josie offered her a job at the hospital. Said Jade’s a natural healer and thinks she will be a big help to the patients with her gifts. She even wants to have Jade take some online courses.” Trace responded, grabbing a burrito and devouring it. Damn, he was hungry.

  Nodding, Angel agreed, “She is. And it will be nice not to have to worry about her while out on missions.”

  “True,” Trace said as he reached for another burrito.

  “Shit man, leave some for the rest of us,” Phoenix groused. Flipping him off, Trace tore off the wrapper and inhaled the food.

  “Okay,” Angel interrupted, “let’s get this meeting going. First thing we need to discuss is Storm. We haven’t heard from Jinx yet, so all we have to go on is a couple of facilities Jaxson found that the General has hidden deep. We are going to leave tonight to check the first one out. It’s highly unlikely that’s where Storm is from what Jax can tell, but until we find our girl, we are gonna go in hot on any and all facilities we can find.”

  “Oorah,” Phoenix muttered from where he sat in the corner.

  “I need you all on this. I’m not asking.” Shrugging Angel said, “You would be insulted if I asked anyway.”

  “Damn straight,” Ryker hissed. “Storm’s ours. We’re all going.” It got loud as everyone voiced their agreement, then Angel held up a hand.

  “The other thing I wanted to talk to you about today is Rikki,” Angel continued after it quieted down. “I’ve spoken with Doc Josie and Rikki’s still sleeping. The Doc has no idea how long Rikki will be out, but we may have another problem.” Running a hand through her hair, Angel sighed heavily. “I’ve been trying to get a hold of Jeremiah since we got back. His phone goes directly to voice mail. Yesterday I called his office and got his secretary. She refused to say anything except that Jeremiah wasn’t there. She did consent to have the director call me back, which he finally did this morning. It seems Jeremiah has been on an undercover mission of his own since July infiltrating a human trafficking organization. The FBI lost contact with him last November.”

  “Shit,” Nico cursed. “That explains why they have you dealing with a different agent recently.”

  “Yeah, I thought it was because Jeremiah needed time away from Rikki,” Angel growled, slamming her fist onto the table. “If I had known he might be in trouble I would have done something about it. I haven’t been able to reach him the few times I’ve tried to connect with him, but he could be unconscious.”

  “The director agreed to let us do our own reconnaissance on the side,” Jaxson cut in, “as long as we don’t screw up the FBI’s mission. I haven’t found anything yet, but it could be that Jeremiah is so deep undercover that he has managed to hide from everyone.”

  “We are going to be very busy the next few weeks, people,” Angel said as she stood from her chair. “I want you back here in full gear by 7 p.m. tonight. We head out to the first facility we found of the General’s. If we can’t find Storm, hopefully we will get a hit on where Jeremiah might be.”

  Before leaving, Angel turned to Trace, “Come upstairs with me, please, Trace. I have something for Jade.” Not waiting, she left the room leaving Trace to follow.

  “Meet us outside,” Phoenix said as he finished off his last burrito. “I need to get back home and spend some time with Serenity before we leave.”

  Trace found Angel in her office, removing something from the safe. Handing it to him, she said, “This is Jade’s birth certificate. She will need it if she is going to take classes.”

  “Thanks,” Trace told her as he accepted the certificate. “You know, you could give this to her yourself, Angel. It would mean a lot to her.”

  “I just can’t right now, Trace.” Angel moved to sit at her desk, leaning back in her chair. “I love my daughter. I will always love her no matter what. But I need some time.”

  “She didn’t do anything you wouldn’t have done, Angel,” Trace insisted. “You know damn well you would do whatever it takes to protect your family. That’s all Jade was doing.”

  “I know,” Angel agreed, rubbing her eyes tiredly. “I know this in my head, Trace, but my heart is having a hard time catching up. I just need some time.”

  “Fine,” Trace said as he turned to leave. “Just don’t take too much time, Angel. You and Jade have been separated far too long already. She’s hurting just as much as you.”

  Trace went outside where Phoenix, Nico an
d Ryker waited, and they all piled into the Charger to go home. They had a long haul ahead of them, but RARE never left a teammate behind. They would hunt to the ends of the earth for Storm and Jeremiah, taking out any obstacles in their path.

  Author Bio

  I have a wonderful, supportive husband and three beautiful children. I enjoy spending time with all of them which normally involves some baseball, shooting hoops, taking walks, watching movies, and of course reading.

  My passion for reading began at a very young age and only grew over time. Whether I was bringing home a book from the library, or sneaking one of my mom's romance novels and reading by the light in the hallway when we were supposed to be sleeping, I always had a book.

  I read several different genres and subgenres, but Paranormal Romance and Romantic Suspense have always been my favorites

  I have always made up my own stories, and have just recently decided to start sharing them. I hope everyone enjoys reading them as much as I enjoy writing them.

  ~~ Dawn

  Dawn Sullivan can be found at the following places.







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