Rough Trade: Bundle (Rough Monster BDSM)

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Rough Trade: Bundle (Rough Monster BDSM) Page 1

by Claudia Balvenie

  Hope Restrained

  Rough Trade #1


  Claudia Balvenie

  Copyright 2015.

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of the author.


  Hope knocked an arrow, taking aim at her prey.

  A deer, full grown and untouched by mutation was a rarity. If she could only bring it down, she'd skin it, salt the meat, and have protein for weeks.

  With a twang, she released her bolt into the air. It struck home firmly in the animal's shoulder. The creature reared up and bolted.

  Hope took off afterward.

  As she pushed forward through the thick woods, following the blood trail, she thought about what her life had been brought to. As a child, she'd lived in a village with many other humans, all trying to survive after civilization fell. She could not recall the “before times”. Hope was the first child born to her people, a symbol of life's continuation, despite the horrors that surrounded them.

  But their attempts to recreate civilization were not to be. The mutations grew fiercer and more dangerous. They'd built walls to protect themselves from the onslaught of savage animals, made rabid by the toxic sludge that flowed freely from the old city. It was not merely the predators of the world that became dangerous. Rats, bunnies, even deer were forced to be brought down, else they would attack the populace.

  Her people had sent their best minds to find a way to cap it off, stopping the crazed creatures from being formed. Once they had tracked the sludge to it's source, they thought they could end the onslaught by diverting the pipeline into the river.

  It was their fatal mistake.

  Hope shoved branches out of the way, making her way into a nearby thicket, the blood trail becoming thicker here. Memories of the day that the mutated humans came into her village buffeted her mind. The people they'd sent to stop the mutations had come back even more dangerous than the animals. They had grown larger and more muscular, their skin turning into greens and blues. All of the hair had fallen from their bodies, yet they still controlled their minds.

  All of the savagery and cruelty of the animals, yet with the knowledge of their former, human lives. It was a dangerous combination, and one that easily brought the walls of her village down.

  Hope survived.

  Now, after three years alone in the wilderness, struggling to feed and protect herself, she was once more face to face with a mutated human.

  He stared cruelly at her over the deer she'd just brought down. He held a knife in his hand.

  Hope knocked another arrow.


  She glared at the creature, keeping her cool. “The game is mine. Step away.”

  He did not take his eyes away from her, as she stepped into the clearing. When he spoke, his voice was deep and gravelly, affected by the tusk like teeth that protruded from his lower lips. “I found the animal. It is mine”

  “I brought it down, and I can bring you down too.” She fired off a shot, one that grazed his knife holding arm and struck deep into the tree behind him. Before that one landed, she had another from her quiver and ready to release. “Next one won't miss.” She said, coolly.

  He finally broke eye contact, turning to his arm to watch the slow trickle of blood as it ran from his bicep. The silence went on for a long moment. Perhaps he meant to test how long she could keep up the tension on her bow. Finally, he spoke.

  “Perhaps we could share the deer?”

  That surprised her. “Your kind doesn't do sharing.”

  He sighed then, and did something even more unexpected. He held one hand up in surrender, and slowly put the knife back in it's sheath. Then he held the other one up.

  “See? I'm unarmed.”

  She shook her head again, not lowering her arrow. “Your kind takes. Rape, murder, plunder, that's all you do.”

  “That's not..” he began, and thought better of it. “You've been alone out here a long time, I take it.”

  “I fail to see what that has to do with anything.”

  “Why don't you put down that arrow, and we can talk.”

  “Now you want to talk? Before you wanted to share. What sort of mutant are you?”

  “The kind who knows you can't keep the tension on that bow up forever.”

  She knew he was right. Slowly she lowered it, though she kept her hand on both the bow and arrow, ready to pull it tight at any wrong move. She took a step forward. She'd seen his people in action, she would not get too close. They were far stronger and faster than she.

  “Fine. Talk.” Perhaps if he were distracted, she could simply kill him and get her deer. She thought, not for the first time, about how unfortunate it was she could not eat mutated meat.

  He kept his hands raised, making no moves towards her. Still, his sheer presence was enough daunting. He stood nearly seven feet tall, his entire body a sickly green color but every inch covered in rippling muscle. Though he wore no shirt, he still had jeans and a pair of boots on his body. It was a strange mix of the savage and the mundane.

  “We, my people that is, mean you no harm. We are merely, like you, looking for food.”

  She made a gesture with her bow. “I'm doing well enough.”

  His eyes very obviously moved over her form. Yes, she was thin, but she was still wiry. She was strong. Still she hadn't seen herself in the mirror in ages, and could only imagine what her hair and body must look like. No doubt the lack of sleep was evident in her eyes. But she was surviving.

  “Yes, you are. You clearly have been alone for quite some time. Why don't you think about joining us?”

  She laughed at that. “Why? So you can.. what.. eat me? Don't think I have enough meat for you.”

  “No, no, nothing like that. We are not the beasts you seem to think we are. I'm guessing you've had bad encounters with my kind before?”

  “You could say that.”

  He nodded, considering. “Well you know, the mutation... it does make you try to follow your most base instincts. Lust, rage, cruelly. All of those are heightened. But after a while, it becomes controllable.”

  “I don't understand, what are you saying?”

  She didn't even see him move. Suddenly, she was just flat on her back, her bow tossed further than arms reach away. He was on top of her, each leg pinned under one of his, his hands trapping her arms to either side. She was completely under his control.

  He leaned forward, his breath hot on her face. She felt an unfamiliar twitch in her nether regions. It has been far too long since she'd been with a man if this sort of treatment was exciting to her.

  “I'm saying that I could force you to do whatever I wanted. And I have not, nor will I. I think I deserve a bit of trust for that, don't you?”

  She took several deep breaths, trying to calm her nerves and her aching sexuality. She'd been alone since she was twenty seven. She'd given up trying to please even herself. How long had it been since she'd felt anything that wasn't hunger or fear?

  “Perhaps you do,” she replied, after having to stop and lick her suddenly dry lips.

  Without any further explanation, he pulled himself off of her, brushing the dirt from his jeans. Then he did the strangest thing. He offered her his hand.

  “My name's Justin.” He said.

  She took his hand slowly, feeling the power in those fingertips. He carefully pulled her to her feet.



  “A pleasure to meet you, Hope.” He said, a genuine smile touching his monstrous lips. She even offered her own ha
lf smile, her emotions in turmoil.

  “So,” he continued, stepping a couple of steps away from her, allowing her to have her space. “I have a proposition for you.”

  A soft chuckle escaped her lips. Still she was curious, and it had been a long time since she'd spoken to another human, mutated or not. “Go on.”

  “See, my people, we actually have it pretty good. We're fortified, we have plenty of food, water, medical supplies. Yes, we still go hunting, but you understand the need for fresh meat.”

  She nodded once.

  He continued. “Really, we are rebuilding society. But there is something missing.” He slowly walked away from her, and pulled the arrow from the tree that she had shot as a warning. He came back and handed it to her.

  “What's that? You don't have weapons?”

  “More like... we don't have women.”

  Hope blinked a few times. “I don't understand.”

  He shrugged then. “You've seen our kind plenty of times. Ever seen a female?”

  She searched her memories. “I... well to be honest I thought that maybe you all..”

  “We all just looked like this?” He gestured to his rippling musculature. “No. Seems like the mutations don't take with your gender.”

  She gathered up her quiver and replaced her arrow, believing herself out of immediate danger. “That explains what they would do to the villages...”

  He nodded simply and picked up her bow, handing it to her. “Some mutants can't control themselves.”

  “And your people can?”

  He nodded simply. “But still, the desire is still there. And you are... quite lovely to look upon.”

  “So you want me to, what, be your woman? Or a woman for your whole tribe?”

  He nodded and let the words sink in. Finally he continued. “It is not as bad as you might think. Anything we have is yours. You will be safe, finally able to sleep a whole night. You can leave whenever you wish. All you have to do is to take what I and my brethren can dish out.”

  “Rough, I take it?”

  He nodded. “I cannot deny that some will be rough. But you will be given a safe word to protect yourself with. You will never need continue with something you do not wish to do.”

  A dark part of her she had not realized existed was becoming even more excited by this. For so long she'd always been in alpha mode, she'd never been able to truly rest. The idea of surrendering herself to these men, hideous creatures though they were, was somehow appealing.

  But was he telling the truth? How easy he was able to knock her over, to take full control of her body.

  Yet he let her go. He was giving her a choice.

  She wanted it.

  “OK. But you are carrying the deer.”


  They walked for miles, Justin chatting amicably the whole way. She let him speak, it had been a long time since she'd heard any voice that wasn't her own and it was nice to be distracted. She was still on hyper alert, hoping that this was no trap.

  Along the way, he shared his food with her. She devoured everything he handed her, and nearly drained his whole canteen. She hoped he wasn't lying about having stocks of food and water.

  Finally as they walked into another clearing, the deer strapped to a pole on Justin's back, three other mutants sprang from the bushes, surrounding them. All three were similar in build to Justin, though different skin tones. Each had a spear pointed directly at her.

  “Well now, what have we here?”

  Justin stepped forward, laying his hand upon the spear head. He slowly pushed it aside. “She has agreed.” He stated, simply.

  All three hesitantly lowered their spears. They looked from one to another, as if unable to believe this. “Is this true?” He asked Hope.

  She nodded once. “Provided you hold up your end of the bargain.”

  “It's not a problem.”

  Justin handed off the deer to one of the guards. Hope crossed her arms over her chest, while three pairs of lecherous eyes took in her body.

  “So, how does this work? Take me to your leader and all that?”

  A look passed between the mutants. Justin began. “It's not that we don't trust you, but...”

  Another cut him off. “It's just that we need to sample the goods before we take you to the village.” The other two nodded vigorously. “Justin, Chuck, keep watching the perimeter. Runt, you hang that deer, we'll get to work skinning it in a bit.”

  Runt, who clearly had an ironic name, spoke up then. “And what will you be doing, Captain?”

  He began to unhook his belt.

  “Testing the merchandise.”


  The Captain lay his thick fingers on top of her head and shoved her to her knees. Her eyes were wide at how quickly this was happening. It had been far too long since she'd tasted a man, she craved it, no matter that he wasn't truly a man anymore. Still, it would do her no good to appear too willing in this situation.

  He unzipped his jeans and reached inside, drawing out the largest dick she'd ever seen. The massive member had to be more than a foot long, straining dark blue and purple. His mutation had rendered him hairless, even down there, so she could see every inch. No doubt he caught the flash of surprise in her eyes as she took it in.

  “Never seen a mutant dick before, girl?” He laughed roughly, lust catching in his throat. “Well, certainly won't be the last time.” He pressed it forward, slowly running the sensitive head against her lips. She felt a drip of pre-cum trailing behind.

  A cough from the perimeter brought her attention back to Justin. He gestured to the Captain. “Don't forget.”

  The Captain nodded his thanks. “Oh, yes, your safe word is 'funnel cakes.'”

  With no further preamble, he shoved his huge dick head into her mouth.

  She squealed in surprise, the sounds reverberating down his cock. He smiled in delight down at her, and began to force more of himself into her wet throat. He was thick, yes, but enough that she could get around it. What she was more concerned with was the length. She simply wasn't going to be able to take him all.

  But he was going to try. Slowly he inched himself out, then just as slowly he worked himself back in. His cock, the part that he could work inside of her at any rate, grew wet with her saliva.

  “Oh yes, that's right. Suck it now...”

  She did as he commanded. It had the desired effect. When she looked up, his eyes were closed. His head leaned back in rapture.

  Her eyes were pulled away from him by a sudden motion. Chuck, who'd was supposed to be guarding them, had freed his own thick rod from his pants. Dark green and throbbing, he unabashedly began to stroke himself while he watched.

  Her eyes darted towards Dustin. He too was watching, but when he realized that she had caught him doing so, he quickly turned his attention towards the woods. She felt her lips curl into a smile between the slow thrusts of the cock in her mouth.

  “It's... been... too long..” The Captain stated simply before he increased his rhythm. In and out he thrust, faster, harder, filling her mouth to the brim and then shoving even further into her throat. She kept the sucking going, hard and tight, becoming lightheaded from the fierceness.

  He grabbed her by either side of her face and forced himself down as deep as he could. Unable to move, all she could do was whimper in protest as he shot load after load of his hot, sticky seed to coat her esophagus.

  Finally satiated, the Captain let go of his fierce grip of her countenance, and she drew back catching her breath. She felt dizzy from the sucking in conjunction with the cum swallowing.

  For his part, the Captain simply took a couple of steps back, and leaned himself against the tree, catching his breath. When finally he had recovered enough to begin cleaning himself, he made a dismissive wave to the others.

  “Go ahead, I'll watch the perimeter.” He chuckled softly.

  Chuck wasted no time. She knew they were faster than she, but had no way to prepare herself for thi
s onslaught. Gravity had not taken his spear to the ground before he had her lifted into the air.

  Justin and Runt were only milliseconds behind. She found herself suddenly surrounded by three huge, mutated creatures who wanted nothing more than to violate her body. They wanted to take her and use her to satiate their dark, depraved lusts. They did not care for her pleasure, only sought their own.


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