Alien Dragon's Mate: Braxan (Science Fiction Alien/BBW Romance)

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Alien Dragon's Mate: Braxan (Science Fiction Alien/BBW Romance) Page 9

by Juno Wells

During sex the dragon had always remained passive inside him, disinterested. But this time, it had been his Mate. And the dragon had been very close under the surface, even if it the injury in his chest had wounded it very seriously.

  At some point, she had to know who he was. How would she react to that? Would she hate him for what he had done to his friends on the base? He couldn't bear thinking of her hating him. That would be worse than anything else he could imagine.

  He had been on Earth before. Centuries ago, in his youth, right after the rite of passage when he had Changed for the first time. It was a pilgrimage of sorts, and he had travelled from his father's kingdom to Earth alone, without any spaceship, just zooming through space by the tips of his wings in a trance of delirious happiness about what his dragon body could do.

  Both ordinary dragons and Ultracos felt a connection with Earth. Maybe that was where dragons had come from in the first place. But the reason why never seemed that interesting. Ultracos were not deep thinkers or ponderers of life. They accepted the world for what it was and didn't ask too many questions about it. They had no reason to. After all, they were the ultimate beings, on top of every food chain imaginable. No other species could rival them in strength or power. They were not invaders, either. They saw no reason to own land or planets beyond their own home. When they attacked someone, it was to acquire gold and gemstones for their hoards. Under Emperor Kraz, that had been made much more effective by hiring themselves out to clients who would pay.

  Braxan frowned. Huh. He hadn't thought of his hoard for hours now. Not since he had fallen down on this planet. He had never gone this long without longing for it and worrying whether it was safe. Instead, his mind had been filled with her. With Amelia. And even now, he didn't miss his hoard.

  He looked down on her face, resting against his bare chest. Such an innocent, angelic face she had. So soft, so perfect, so defenseless. Her mouth was half open, and she breathed calmly. He felt the heat from her breath on his skin every time she breathed out.

  Despair rose in him. How would he protect her against all the evils of the universe? She was so weak! If he turned his back on her for just a minute, she was likely to step on flesh-eating sand or get bitten by some venomous monster or strangled by living vines.

  Especially when he was injured. The wound had begun oozing again, and the dragon felt weaker than ever.

  Perhaps all he could do was to get her safely to her home base before he died. When the dragon died, the man died, too. He was weakening.

  He wanted to laugh out loud. How ridiculous! No sooner had he met his Mate before she gave him an injury that could well end up killing him.

  Well, an Ultraco's Mate had to be ferocious in order to handle their beloved. She had that in her, he was sure. She hadn't cowered for him, hadn't begged him to spare her like so many did. She had stood there in defiance of the dragon in all its strength and glory and fierce menace. Yes, she was a worthy Mate. Even for an Ultraco. Even for a prince.

  He leaned back against the tree trunk. The yellow sun was setting and it was getting dark fast.


  - Amelia -

  She opened her eyes and squinted up at the sky. She would never get used to the weird suns and moons of Belzon. Now the yellow sun had set, and there was a whole bunch of different moons in the sky. It was never completely dark.

  She didn't want to get up from his warm chest. He had his strong arm around her, and the heat from him was reassuring. And the smell – that dry, fresh male scent that was natural to him. Along with that exotic alien component. Many things about him were alien. Even his cock.

  She smiled at the memory of their lovemaking. Gods, she had needed that. Not just because it had been a good while since her last time, but also because it had chased all the fear and worry away.

  She glanced up at his face. He was asleep, with his head back against the tree trunk. Damn, he was good. She couldn't remember having come that hard for a long time. Or ever, even. He filled her up perfectly, and his cock stimulated every single spot perfectly.

  She hoped she would soon feel it again. Damn, it was great to be alone with him and not around all kinds of people who might judge her for being too fast and sleeping with someone she'd only known for a few hours.

  She'd had sex before, of course. But how many of those clumsy guys had saved her life before the act? Or after? None of them. None of them had deserved it like Braxan did. And sure as hell none of them had satisfied her like he had.

  She straightened up. The oasis was still beautiful and calm in the moonlight. The animals in the jungle around them were quiet now.

  She gently took hold of Braxan's arm that was holding her securely and ducked under it to stand up. His eyes sprang open, alert and vigilant.

  “I'll be right back,” she whispered. “Just ... uh ... tending to a need for a second.”

  He scanned the clearing and relaxed. “Very well.”

  She got the utility pack from her jacket, then went behind a bush and peed, looking around all the time in case some horrible monster was sneaking up on her.

  When she came back, Braxan was standing up. “Are you rested?”

  She was feeling totally refreshed and ready for anything, more optimistic than she could remember. Damn, she should bring those berries and sell them. Or maybe it was him that had that effect on her. “Sure. You want to keep going?”

  He nodded. “Night time is a good time to travel. But I have something I want to do first.”

  Then he stripped off his pants and unceremoniously dived into the clear pond, making a loud splash.

  Yeah, that looked pretty tempting. Amelia felt grimy after the previous day. “How's the water?”

  He surfaced and stroked his hair out of his face. “Cool and clear.”

  “Any fish with big teeth?”

  “Yes.” He dived back down, then came up with a silvery fish in his hand. He snapped its neck and tossed it up onto the grass. “Its teeth aren't too big, truth be told. It's regrettable. I know you had your heart set on teeth. But I think it'll be an acceptable breakfast anyway.”

  Amelia felt the water with her hand. Why not? He had already seen her naked.

  She stripped off everything and jumped in. It was cold at first, and it made her shiver. But then she was struck with how clean the water was. She felt renewed and refreshed after just a couple of seconds.

  Braxan was right beside her, treading water. “Do you know how to stay afloat?”

  She threw her wet hair back. “I've been swimming since I was five, so yes. How about you?”

  “I rarely go in the water. So I made absolutely sure that when I do, it won't kill me.” He dived down, got a hold of her hips and tossed her casually into the air and completely clear of the water. She squealed and landed as elegantly as she could, with a huge splash. He was grinning at her.

  “Oh yeah? Well, if it's a fight you want ...” She splashed water in his face and he splashed her right back. She dived down into the water, noticing that it was so clear that even in the dim moonlight, she could see the sandy bottom at least fifty feet down. She grabbed his leg and tried to get him off balance, and he played along, letting her partly succeed. He retaliated, and then they spent a happy few minutes playing in the water like little kids.

  He tossed her into the air again, and when she splashed down she surfaced right by him and looked into his face. It was more full of life and passion than any other she could remember meeting.

  “You make me feel centuries younger,” he said earnestly and gazed at her in wonder.

  “Okay, grandpa.” She splashed him again, then when he didn't splash her back, she saw the serious look in his face and placed both her arms around his neck, feeling giddily happy for some reason.

  He easily held her up so they were face to face, and she leaned in and kissed him on the lips, just testing, just brushing them. He placed one hand behind her neck and kissed her back, passionately and insatiably.

  She felt somet
hing hard poke her thigh, and reached down and took his manhood in her hand. She was feeling pretty ready herself. “Let's go back on land,” she whispered, and they swam to the shore together.

  She climbed out first, making sure to give him a good view of her bare butt, then lay down on the grass. He lay down right next to her and stroked her breasts as if they were the most mysterious thing he had ever seen. But no, she knew he was experienced with women. He couldn't have made love like he did otherwise.

  He kissed her gently, just brushing his lips against hers. “I like your softness.”

  “And I like your hardness,” Amelia giggled and grabbed hold of his hard cock with one hand. He placed his hand between her legs, and she willingly opened them so that he could cup her pussy and maybe-

  “Ooh yeah,” she moaned as he slipped a finger in between her sensitive lips and sent a little spark of bliss all through her pelvis and up through her stomach. “I can't take too much of that before- oooh my stars...”

  He flicked her womanly flesh with an expert finger, teasing her and caressing her, never quite touching her clit, but coming pretty close and building up her expectation and arousal.

  He kissed her lips once more, then kissed down her neck and up onto one breast, licking around the nipple and kissing it, then gently nibbling on it. Then he gave the other one the same attention, sending delicious little sparks from her nipples to her pussy.

  He probably sensed her need, and made his way down her abdomen, placing loving little kisses all the way down to her slit with a steady course for her clit. She tensed up, expecting the kiss right on her most sensitive flesh, but then he veered to the side and continued down right beside it. She spread her legs more to give him total access, but he wasn't satisfied with that and looped her legs over his shoulders so he could easily bury his face between her thighs. Only then did he place his mouth directly on her clit, but only for a second, making her gasp, before he moved further down, sweeping his tongue across and along her sensitive labia.

  Amelia moaned again as he kept going, just up and down and across the labia, lapping up her juices, with regular sweeps around the clit, sweeps that came with shorter and shorter intervals until she realized in an ecstatic haze that if she wanted, she could come right now. But she wanted it to last, too. She'd been licked out a few times before, but it had never been anything like this. Not even close.

  She whimpered and spread her legs further apart, feeling the climax build up. But he obviously wanted this to last for her, and again he focused a little lower on her slit, sweeping the tip of his tongue around her entrance.

  Oh, Amelia thought, he absolutely had something special going on with that alien tongue. It felt like it could curl and hit several sensitive spots at the same time, and she was convinced it had the same kind of ridges on it that his cock had. And when he swept it fast around the opening, and a little bit inside ... she couldn't think of a word for it. Nothing could describe it. But she knew that she was shamelessly grinding her pussy into his face while whimpering.

  Braxan kept lapping at her with a fervor that told her that he was enjoying it as much as she was. Well, almost. Maybe. He went back to lick little circles and figure eights around her clit, both teasing and stimulating it so expertly that Amelia pulled at the grass with her hands and tried to spread even further for him. And then he settled for a steady rhythm, twisting his remarkable tongue around the epicenter of her pleasure and varying the pressure with each circuit in a fast pulse.

  Then he unceremoniously stuck a finger right into her, hitting the g-spot like a fireworks display and mercilessly throwing her over the edge. She had no choice in the matter, and that was okay. The flood wave washed over her from her clit to her scalp, sending shockwaves all over her and making her tremble uncontrollably. She was vaguely aware that she was screaming out her ecstasy, and she realized that he wasn't stopping. He was still licking her and fucking her with his finger, pounding her most sensitive parts and wringing every ounce of pleasure from them. Her orgasm went on and on and on, and she thrashed and shook and bucked under his expert pleasuring.

  After a while he slowed down, took his finger gently out of her and then finally gave her pussy a gently kiss and held her close.

  The aftershocks died out and she glanced down at his cock, still as hard as ever. It was very alien, but for some reason that made her really want to feel it in her mouth. She smiled and inched herself further down along his body. She grasped the hard manhood with one hand, feeling the ridges and the thickness and that wonderful knob that hit her just right when he was fucking her. “Let's see what I can do about tha-”

  There was a sound as from raindrops falling hard, and suddenly Braxan had many long, black pins sticking out of his back.

  Amelia yelped, and Braxan was on his feet before she had realized what was going on. A handful of Pirgks were storming towards them across the clearing.

  “Run!” Braxan yelled and shielded her with his body, pushing her away to the other side of the clearing.

  Amelia felt sudden panic. She was still naked. “My clothes! The medpack!”

  “Run!” Braxan said into her ear, and the intensity of his voice chilled her to her core. He was right. There was no time to lose.

  She ran in one direction, and Braxan ran in the other, towards the Pirgks, drawing their attention and their fire.

  Amelia sprinted as fast as she could across the clearing, away from the pond and the stream. And her clothes. In front of her lay only the jungle full of danger, and behind her came the Pirgks. Only Braxan was between her and them. And the stars knew how long he could hold out against them. He was naked, too, and he had already been hit by a lot of dirty-looking arrows.

  Amelia threw a panicked glance over her shoulder. He was fighting them. There weren't that many. But it looked as if he was losing.

  She had never felt so vulnerable. But he had told her to run, and she would run as far as she could. She ducked under a low hanging branch, then another. And then she saw only green and red and yellow vegetation around her. She was alone and naked in the deadly jungle of an alien planet.


  - Amelia -

  The fear made her effective, and she made her way into the forest as fast as she could. She had seen how Braxan would bend branches out of her way and hold vines up so she could pass under them, but only now did she fully realize that it was surprisingly hard work. The branches were heavy and springy, and the vines were sometimes dripping with a smelly sap that made her hands sticky. She felt insects crawling on her, but when she checked with her hands, there was nothing there. She saw movement among the trees, but when she stopped to look closer, there was only trees and bushes and exotic plants.

  Her breath was ragged in her throat and her heart was beating like crazy.

  She had almost forgotten how terrible the Pirgks were. If they caught up with her now, they would just rape and kill her. Probably they wouldn't be able to leave the jungle alive, and they probably knew it.

  She had seen those arrows before, sticking to the armor of the base defenders after battles with the Pirgks. They were thin and not too pointy, but if they struck exposed flesh, the wound would be infected immediately. It took a long time to heal from it, even in the state-of-the-art medical bay on Belzon Base. And Braxan had been struck with many of them.

  A part of her felt shitty for abandoning him there, but it made sense, too. She had no weapons, and the hand-to-hand combat she had learned before she went to space had been only focused on disarming drunk humans with knives, not determined aliens. It was probably her they wanted anyway, not him.

  At least it seemed as if most of the animals had taken the night off, and the few living creatures she saw were not too interested in her.

  It was hard to know if she was going in the right direction. For all she knew, she could be walking directly away from the crater and Belzon Base.

  If it still existed and the dragons hadn't completely burned it away.
/>   No, she had to keep a positive mindset. The base was still there, and her friends too. Jean was recovering fine in medbay, they had found Josh and he was recovering too, Daria was fine and making sure they kept looking for Amelia, the kids in the little classroom were as inquisitive and starry-eyed as always. And Braxan had easily disposed of the Pirgks, taught them some manners and made them apologize. Or something.

  She had to believe it. Whatever had been in those berries, even if it was just sugar, it had helped her see things a little brighter after the terrible day she'd had. And she would cling to that feeling, even making her way through the jungle naked and alone.

  No. Especially when making her way through the jungle naked and alone.

  The only thing she regretted was that in the emotional and erotic rush last night, she had forgotten to check the comms and try to establish a connection with the base. It would have been nice to talk to someone she knew.

  She tried to empty her mind and make her way further through the heavy growth of the trees and bushes and tall grasses, keeping a sharp lookout for anything that moved. But it was hard to not have her mind's eye replay the last thing she had seen of Braxan – naked, wounded and running towards the approaching Pirgks at great speed.

  As the red sun rose the jungle became brighter, and there were many more sounds around her as the various animals and birds woke up. She started looking around for more of the purple berries, but she hadn't seen any. Her stomach started rumbling.

  To make matters worse, she thought she could smell food. Something frying, pork or chicken. Or fish.

  “So I guess now I'm smelling things that don't exist,” she muttered as she bent another branch out of her way and ducked under it. “Great going, Amelia. The nakedness wasn't enough. Of course I have to be hallucinating, too.”

  But the smell wouldn't go away, even if she knew it was some kind of hallucination. It even seemed to be getting stronger – the unmistakable smell of fresh fish being grilled.

  She squinted in between the trees in the direction she was going. Wasn't it a little brighter over there? Like another clearing? Maybe there was a creek or another one of those ponds.


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