Best Laid Plans

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Best Laid Plans Page 8

by Sandrine Gasq-Dion

  “Did you really just ask that question?” Xander put his hands on his hips and frowned.

  “So that’d be a yes.” Jagger smiled as Xander scowled.

  “Yes, that’s a yes. Moron.” Xander winked. “Oh, I like him.” Bernard laughed loud. “He’s good for you Jagger, both he and Grayson have brought out a side to you and your brother that was not there before.”

  “I know,” Jagger sighed, smiling at Xander trying to catch his bag as it went around the conveyor belt.

  “Good, don’t screw it up.” Bernard clapped Jagger on the back. “Let’s go.” ~~ By the time the town car pulled up in front of Jagger and Taylor’s houses it was almost eleven at night. Grayson dragged himself out of the car and grabbed his suitcase following Taylor to the front door. Bernard honked the horn as he drove away leaving the brother’s on the front steps of their houses. Taylor smiled and gave a slight wave to his brother as he unlocked the door to his house. He flipped the light on and smiled as Grayson put his suitcase by the front door.

  “So, what do you think?” Taylor folded his arms across his chest. Grayson stepped down into the suernnken living room and looked around. Hardwood flooring spread throughout the room, plush oversized chairs sat on either side of an equally plush couch with throw pillows. The coffee table was a polished pine and sat in front of a large fifty inch plasma TV on the wall. The fireplace took up an entire wall and a soft area rug completed the look. The walls were painted in neutral tones and paintings of Denali National Forest were displayed on the opposite wall of the fireplace.

  “It’s beautiful.” Grayson turned to look at Taylor. “It’s just like what I would have done.” “Come on let me show you the rest of it.” Taylor extended his hand. “Okay,” Grayson took his hand and they walked through the rest of Taylor’s house. It didn’t scream, “I’m rich, bitch!”. It was beautiful, tasteful and low key. Climbing up the stairs, Grayson walked into the bedroom. A king sized bed and two night stands occupied one wall, on the wall directly across was another flat screen TV perched above another fireplace. The carpet was thick and soft and Grayson kneaded it with his toes. “It’s so beautiful.”

  “Look at the view.” Grayson opened the sliding glass door to the balcony. The light of the full moon cast a glow on the ocean water and Grayson took a deep breath inhaling the smell of the salty sea air. “Reminds me of home.”

  “I would like you to think of this as home, Grayson.” Taylor took Grayson’s hands in his own. “When you’re ready, I want you to move in with me.”

  “Are you sure? I mean we’ve just met Taylor. What if I snore?” Grayson looked at Taylor’s smile. “You don’t, I’ve already slept with you.” Taylor caressed Grayson’s cheek. “There’s no pressure okay? I just want you to know that I want this, all of it.”

  Grayson nodded. “I want this too. Just, give me a few days to get used to the idea okay?”

  “However long you need.” After settling into bed, Taylor turned on his side to look at Grayson. He was almost asleep the minute his head hit the pillow. Taylor sat for a few more minutes just looking at the beautiful face of Grayson Quinton. He was going to do whatever it took to keep him in his life.

  ~~ Xander hadn’t stopped gaping at Jagger’s house. It wasn’t that it was loaded with expensive furniture. It’s because it wasn’t. It was beautifully decorated and tasteful and Xander took his time walking through it. According to Jagger, his house was almost a duplicate of his brothers and it had happened by accident. They shopped together for furniture but split up in the store and when the furniture was delivered, it was almost exactly the same.

  Right now however, Xander was playing with the sleep number bed.

  “Hey, I’m sinking.” Xander giggled.

  Jagger was on his side, head propped up in his hand. “I’ve never set it that low. I wonder how far down you can go?”

  Xander laughed. “You may have to pull me out.”

  “Or I could just lie on top of you.”

  Xander waggled his eyebrows. “It could be interesting to see if we could have sex with it set all the way down.”

  “Maybe,” Jagger chuckled.

  Xander spread his arms out and yawned. “I think I’m jet-lagged.” “Come here,” Jagger laughed and pulled Xander into him. “Try and get some sleep, okay?”

  Xander closed his eyes and sighed deeply. Being in Jagger’s arms was so damncomfortable.“Good Night, Jagger.”

  “Good night, Xander.”

  ~~ Over the next few days, Grayson and Xander settled in at Drake and Drake. Taylor looked at all their work and was impressed. They did indeed have the architect gene. They fit in perfectly and everyone loved them. They had Bianca eating out of the palm of their hands. Taylor couldn’t be more proud of his mate. They were in the conference room this morning going over a model design for a European client, when Bianca buzzed in on the conference room phone. Taylor hit the button.

  “Yes Bianca?” Taylor crooned.

  “There’s a Mr. Levine here to see you as well as Mr. Dubois. Should I send them up sir?” Taylor looked at Jagger; Bianca never called them ‘Sir’ unless the daughters were with their fathers. Taylor rolled his eyes at his brother and depressed the intercom button again. “Send them right up Bianca, thank you.”

  “Great,” Jagger sighed. “Well now we find out whether your breakup cost us money.”

  “What do you mean?” Grayson looked at Taylor.

  “I was whoring myself, remember?” Taylor sighed and sat down in the chair. Xander looked from Taylor to Jagger. “What about the Mr. Dubois guy?”

  “That’s Vanessa’s father, and she no doubt fed him some bullshit about our breakup.” Jagger fixed his tie and grabbed a glass of water. “Doesn’t matter, I told her it’s over.”

  There was a knock on the door and Grayson looked at the other three men. When none of them moved he pursed his lips. “Well, I guessI’llget it.” Grayson hadn’t gotten the door open a crack when a large man burst through, he almost tripped and fell and grabbed the chair to keep form toppling over. “Oh, come on in.” Grayson snarled.

  “Jesus,” Taylor helped Grayson up. “Are you okay?” Jagger steeled himself for Frank Dubois’ attack. “What can I help you with Mr. Dubois?” Frank Dubois was a portly man with a red face. It wasn’t sunburned either, it was just red all the time. Beady little eyes stared at him with an atrocious comb-over.

  “You broke my daughter’s heart is what you did!” Frank boomed. Jagger’s eyes laloonded right on Vanessa’s face. “Oh, is that so Vanessa? Did you tell your Dad what you were doing when I broke it off?”

  “Oh she did, but women are women and men are men. You don’t end it with someone because they sucked cock!” Frank sneered at Jagger. “Oh, well Ido.” Jagger rested his hands on the conference room table, leaning across it. “See, I want someone who’s faithful Frank. Not someone who can’t keep her pants on.”

  “How dare you speak about my daughter like that!” Frank roared. “I’ll have you out of business by next week! I know people!”

  Grayson narrowed his eyes and picked up the phone. He dialed a number and hit speaker. “Oh so do we Frank, so do we.”

  The phone rang twice and a cheerful female’s voice came across the line. “Flynn Electronics, how may I direct your call?”

  “Hello Charisa, its Grayson—”

  “Grayson! How are you!” Charisa crooned. “I’ll put you right through!”

  Jagger smiled as the line beeped, and then Riley’s cheerful voice came over the line. “Hey Grayson! Are you back from Vegas yet?” Did you see the thunder from down under guys?”

  Xander giggled and then straightened, when Jagger’s jealousy floated his way.

  “We didn’t this time, but listen, that’s not why I’m calling. We are having a slight problem with Frank Dubois—”

  Frank coughed loudly. “I see where you’re going with this young man—”

  “Do you?” Grayson tilted his head.

t tell me what you need sweetie, and Mateo and I are on it.” The door opened again and Brianna strolled in, with her father Harold right behind her. Jagger sighed and ran a hand through his hair.

  “Mr. Flynn? This is Jagger Drake speaking—” “Oh no you don’t!’ Riley laughed. “You call me Riley.” “Okay, Riley.” Jagger smiled. “We seem to have a misunderstanding with Mr. Dubois. But I am quite confident he knows his place now?” Jagger narrowed his eyes at Frank.

  “Oh, I’m sure if he doesn’t right now, he will in about two minutes. No one messes with my boys, is that clear Mr. Dubois?” Riley’s voice became much louder. “I believe you know what I can do to your little law firm.”

  “Little?” Vanessa stammered. “Who does he think—”

  “Shut up Vanessa,” Frank grabbed his daughter. “We are leaving now.”

  “Have a nice day!” Riley crooned.

  Grayson shut the door behind them and picked up the phone. “Thanks Riley, I appreciate it.”

  “Anything for you guys. Anything else?”

  “Nope, I think that takes care of that problem.” Grayson smiled.

  “Okay, if you need anything don’t be afraid to call. Bye cutie!  R"18

  “Bye Riley.” Grayson hung up with a smile on his face. “Xander and I are going across the street to get lunch. We’ll be back.”

  Taylor smiled as Grayson and Xander excused themselves. Once the door to the conference room was shut, he took the exact stance Jagger had, and rested his hands on the table.

  “What can we do for you, Mr. Levine?” Taylor tried to smile. “Well now, for starters you can call me Harold. Just because you and my daughter broke up doesn’t mean we have to get formal does it?” Harold smiled.

  Taylor relaxed, and Brianna pouted. “No I guess not Harold. What brings you by today?” “Well, just wanted to let you know we’ve signed off on your plans.” Harold put his hand out. “It will be good doing business with you, Taylor.”

  “Dad.” Brianna whined.

  “We’ve gone over this darlin’. Business is business, and this is what’s best for the company.” Harold took a stern voice with his daughter. Taylor smiled and shook Harold’s hand. The man had a thick Texas drawl and stood as big as an ox. He’d never had a problem with the man, he even liked him. “My Brother and I look forward to it, Harold.”

  “Good,” Harold nodded. “I look forward to seeing you both at the black-tie on Saturday?”

  “Yes, we will be there.’ Taylor walked Harold to the door. “Pleasure doing business with you Harold.”

  “Pleasures all mine. You boys have a good day now.” Harold winked, and dragged his pouting daughter out the door.

  The door shut and Taylor fell into the chair. He sighed and rubbed his face. “Well, that didn’t go as bad as I thought it would.”

  Jagger smiled. “Thanks to Riley Flynn.”

  Taylor chuckled. “What do you send a millionaire, as a thank you?”

  “I think he’s in the billions now.” Jagger looked at the clock. “Jesus, I am hungry. Besides, I think we owe our boyfriends more for their contacts.”

  “Dinner someplace nice?” Taylor leaned back and closed his eyes.

  “For starters.”

  ~~Chapter Nine~~ Grayson juggled his cup of coffee along with his bagel, as he and Xander made their way back to the office. They spotted Vanessa and Brianna together, and it looked like they were in deep conversation. Xander laughed and Grayson sipped his coffee, as he turned to look at his brother.

  “What?” “I wonder, between the two of them, if they have enough brain cells to carry on a conversation.” Xander bit into his bagel. “Oh look, the firefighters are cleaning the truck.”

  Grayson stopped to admire the muscle-bound men. “It was better when we ha poydn’t found our mates. It’s no fun watching them now.” Grayson pouted. “None of them look as good as Taylor.”

  “I know,” Xander sighed deeply. “The allure is gone.”

  Grayson narrowed his eyes at one of the guys running around with a sponge. “Hey, isn’t that Preston Dalton?”

  “Wyatt’s mate?” Xander looked at the kid. “It is him, what’s he doing at the firehouse?”

  “Well, let’s go find out.” Grayson looked both ways before crossing the street, and they walked up to the fire truck. “Preston?”

  Xander smiled when the blonde-haired kid turned around. “Hey guys!” Preston smiled wide. “What are you guys doing here?”

  “Working at Drake and Drake.” Grayson shook Preston’s hand. “Cool,” Preston nodded. “I’m volunteering here. You know, staying out of trouble. Wayne’s idea and all. Tucker and Wes are inside cooking.” Preston looked around and ran a hand through his hair, “How’s Wyatt?”

  “Still believes in you. We’ve tried to convince him you don’t exist, but…” Xander shrugged his shoulders. “He’s stubborn.” “I miss him,” Preston sighed. “It sucks being six years older.” Preston looked around. “Look, Nick’s here with Kellan too, just hanging out for the week. Why don’t we all get together tonight?”

  “Sounds good,” Grayson smiled. “Just give us a when and where.”

  “I will,” Preston smiled. “I gotta get back to work. So, we’ll see you guys tonight!” Xander smiled, as Preston ran back over to the truck and grabbed a towel. “God I feel so bad for him you know? Wyatt’s six years younger, and right now he’s a colossal pain in the ass.” “Yeah? Let’s hope he grows out of it.” Grayson laughed.

  ~~ By five, Preston called and said they were all going to Charlie’s. Charlie’s was the one bar in Anchorage that was specifically for underage kids. And it was always packed. Grayson shucked his dress slacks and grabbed a pair of worn jeans. He slipped a tshirt on with a hoodie and grabbed his hiking boots out of the closet. Xander was already dressed and on the phone with Jagger, telling them where to meet them. Taylor and Jagger had one more meeting tonight, before they were free and would be joining them soon after. The black-tie affair was slowly creeping up on them, and Grayson knew it was going to be an important night for Drake and Drake.

  Bernard was waiting for them downstairs, and Grayson smiled getting into the town car.

  “Well good evening, Bernard.” “How are my boys tonight?” Bernard smiled.

  “We are going to relax, dance and stay sober.” Xander cracked up.

  “Charlie’s it is.” Bernard winked.

  Charlie’s was loud, and bodies were plastered to the wall. The neon lights moved around the room in c Foy8

  “Hi!” Xander shouted over the music at Nick and Kellan.

  “Hey guys!” Nick stood up and hugged Xander, then Grayson. “It’s good to see you two.”

  “What are you two doing in Alaska?” Grayson sat next to Nick, as Xander took the seat between Kellan and Preston. “We just decided to take a quick vacation.” Nick smiled at Grayson. “So, I heard through the grapevine you guys landed yourselves the Drake brothers.”

  “They are our mates.” Grayson sipped his drink. “That is so cool!” Preston shouted. “I always knew those guys would end up with male mates. Their dad was an asshole.”

  Xander laughed. “From what I heard, yeah, he was.”

  “Hey Grayson, you want to dance with me?” Preston smiled wide.

  “Sure.” Grayson stood up, taking Preston’s hand. Xander laughed, as his brother was yanked towards Tucker and Wesley, already dancing. The second Grayson hit the dance floor, the music changed to the “Electric slide”. Xander groaned, when Nick and Kellan stood up, grabbing him off the stool.

  “No! You can’t make me!” Xander cracked up, as they dragged him to the dance floor. Forming a line, the men all danced the steps together. Xander’s ass hit Kellan’s and they busted out laughing as they all ran into each other during the different steps. More than once Grayson stepped on Nick’s foot, and was thanked with a hip to his ass. They were laughing so hard, they kept bumping into each other. The club was so hot, Xander’s shirt was actually wet with sweat. He
leaned back into Kellan and felt arms around his waist. They moved to the music and Xander realized he danced a lot better with his eyes closed.

  “I should just keep my eyes shut.” Xander laughed, as Kellan spun him out and pulled him back in.

  Nick laughed, stepping into their circle with Grayson. “I know what the next song is.”

  “Oh yeah?” Grayson arched a brow.

  “Yup, Cha Cha baby.” Nick smiled wide. “Oh come on!” Grayson moved his ass to the beat and sure enough, the song merged into “Cha Cha Slide”. “How did you know?”

  “Preston comes here a lot with Tucker and Wesley.” Nick laughed. “Clap your hands!”

  “Yeah? How low can you go?” Grayson swung his hips, as he lowered his ass to the floor. “Damn Grayson!” Preston laughed. “You’ve got some moves!” Preston grabbed Grayson around the waist and moved to the beat with him.

  Xander was so engrossed in keepin Foy8ayson arg with the beat, he didn’t realize his mate arrived until the feeling of jealousy hit him like a two by four. He scanned the room and saw Jagger with Taylor watching them. He crooked a finger at Jagger and smiled. The way Jagger moved, it was fuckingsexy.

  “Look at you,” Jagger pulled Xander into his arms. “You looked so good.”

  “You were jealous.” Xander winked.

  “Okay, maybe a little. I know I shouldn’t be.” Jagger looked at the other men dancing with his mate. “Kellan?”

  Kellan turned and looked at the man addressing him. “Shit, Jagger? Damn, it’s good to see you.” “You too, and Nick is with you?” Jagger put his hand out and Kellan shook it. Kellan and Nick had been part of the fight in Denali, when Carson Drake had been taken out of power. He knew he shouldn’t be jealous, but Kellan Brady and Nicholas Stevens were not ordinary men. Not only were they werewolves, but they were stunning, Kellan, with his dark hair and eyes black as onyx, and Nick, with equally dark hair but eyes that twinkled silver. As if sensing his discomfort, Kellan smiled and took him around his shoulders.

  “I know he’s yours, Jagger.”

  “Thanks, I know it’s stupid, I just…” Jagger sighed.


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