Fractured Darkness: A YA Fantasy Adventure (The Age of Alandria Book 3)

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Fractured Darkness: A YA Fantasy Adventure (The Age of Alandria Book 3) Page 29

by Morgan Wylie

  I look back at the two guys standing behind Alexis, and she turns to follow my gaze. “I found Jesse,” I say to Mateo, and return my gaze to Alexis. “And, I was just doing what you told me to do.”

  “I didn’t tell you to get jello-shot-jiggy with Mateo’s little brother.” Alexis says, but can’t help but grin. “But he can dance, can’t he?” She says under her breath with an eyebrow waggle. When I was gone Alexis and Jesse had a thing and she sent me some descriptive emails, but it ended before it really began.

  “There was no jello, and I wasn’t dancing with Jesse. I mean I was dancing, but we were just having fun. I couldn’t think about Jesse that way. Honest.” I hold up my hand like I’m making an oath.

  Mateo takes a few steps closer, and looks lost. Maybe he’s trying to find the right words, like I have been since I got home.

  “I needed to release some of this physical tension.” I gesturing between us with my hands, and Alexis snickers while turning and walking toward Graham. “Gah! This isn’t coming out right.”

  The only thing that could make this situation worse is me sticking around, so I walk away. I feel Mateo hot on my heels, and when I stop and turn to confront him, again, he collides into me. My hands meet his chest, and the earth begins to move.

  The ground shakes beneath us, and car alarms go off all around us.

  “What was that?” I hear Graham ask Alexis after the tremor stops. I look over Mateo’s shoulder and see them holding on to each other, and notice Jesse bracing himself in the doorway of the house. Strong arms tighten around my waist, and I can’t believe Mateo is holding me.

  “Are you okay?” Mateo’s question interrupts the trembling I still feel in my core. Since when did he stir those kind of feelings in me?

  “I’m f-fine.” My response is generic, but I’m so far from fine. Like, five thousand miles away from fine. Maybe I’ve changed more than I’d like to admit.

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  Chapter 1

  Isle of Myst - Drustan

  I replayed the night they took her from us for the countless time and mulled over the rash decisions the Council made all those years ago. I'm not sure why I persisted in the futile game of "what if" that I caught myself lapsing into during unguarded moments. What if they'd allowed her to stay? What if the Shadow Master didn't want her dead? What if she hadn't marked me that night and linked us together? One thing was certain, "what ifs" were a waste of time and energy. As a child, I was powerless to stop them from sending her away, but as a fully trained Guardian, I will bring her home and right at least some of the wrongs that were done to her, to all of us.

  Leaves and twigs crunched under my boots as I made my way through the dense forest. I'd used my sword more than once to cut back some of the branches and undergrowth that obscured the path that led to where my father waited. Crouching under a large branch, I entered a lush green meadow. The moon directly above was full tonight and illuminated the area. I was relieved we wouldn't need the torches. Secrecy was critical if we were going to pull this off.

  The portal lay several feet ahead of me on the other edge of the forest. The ancient standing stones always filled me with wonder. The hair on the back of my neck and arms stood on end in response to the energy pulsing off them. The swirling purples, blues, and pinks that rippled and shimmered between the mammoth sentinels held an eerie beauty. I had to look away to keep from being mesmerized by it.

  The warm summer breeze stirred through the nearby trees. The creaking and rustling of leaves brought me back to the moment. I closed the distance to where Lachlan waited. He reached out to me, the weight of his hand heavy upon my shoulder as his eyes locked with mine. The grim set of his face was in stark contrast to his usual jovial nature. His furrowed brow obscured the laugh lines etched around his dark blue eyes. I couldn't remember a time, since the death of my mother, I'd seen him so morose.

  "Drustan, are you certain you're ready for this?" His deep baritone voice laced with concern.

  "I'm positive, Father. They should have been here by now." I pulled back from him and paced a few feet away, clenching and releasing my fists." I've waited years for her to return. It's been torture not knowing why they didn't come back as planned. No more! It's way past time for me to bring her home and to retrieve the Book of Light. Myst needs her." I drew in a deep breath and released it before I muttered, "I need her."

  Lachlan pulled me into a fierce, enveloping hug conveying all his love for me. We stood like that for several moments. It wasn't often that he indulged in physical displays of affection and it helped ease the tension from my shoulders.

  He dropped his arms first and cleared his throat. I focused my attention on the stones behind him, pretending not to see the bright sheen of his eyes.

  "I am most proud of you Drustan. You're a fine Guardian. It is time at long last to put an end to this war. In order to defeat the Shadow Master and his wretched minions, she must return to her people. The prophecy must come to pass. He is growing stronger with each passing day and before long, we will be powerless to prevent him from escaping our realm and invading Earthside. The barrier between our worlds is weakening and soon he won't need a portal to cross over."

  A chill crept over my skin as his words sunk in. The Shadow Master has spend the last twelve years imprisoned. The same magic used to confine him in Castle Sgiàl created the barrier between Myst and the Earth realm. We've suspected for quite some time his prison walls have lost power, but the recent increase in attacks by the Sgiàls was the final proof. The walls were coming down, not only between our realm and Earthside, but also the ones keeping the Shadow Master and Sgiàls captive.

  The Sgiàls, or Shadows, were practitioners of dark magic. They had an insatiable desire to destroy anything good and to conquer everything in their path. Their lust for power and control fueled the war between good and evil. It was the sworn duty of the Guardians, the warriors for the Light Keepers, to maintain balance and prevent the Sgiàls from destroying our world. The tide of the war had turned when we apprehended the Shadow Master. Without their leader, the Sgiàls were rendered ineffective in their attempts to overthrow the Light Keepers for control of Myst.

  I tried to shake off the foreboding that took root as I stepped back and waited while my father made his way closer to the stones. He began the hand gestures and words of magic only the Portal Master knew. His hushed sounds were melodic and indecipherable as they carried on the night breeze. He alone wielded the ability to open the gateway between Myst and Earthside.

  The air crackled with electricity as the shimmering changed and morphed into a large swirling vortex between the stones. I turned to my left and spied my best friend, and fellow Guardian, as he made his way towards us with brisk strides. When we were children, he swore he would help me get her back. Now that day was upon us, I needed him to understand I wouldn't hold him accountable to a childhood promise. It was one thing for me to risk my life for this undertaking, but I would never expect him to sacrifice his.

  When he reached my side, I held his gaze. "Colin, you are free to stay here. You don't need to come with me."

  He shook his head and put his hand up in front of me. "Just stop right there, Drustan. You're not the only one with a destiny to fulfill. I've been training with you for this since the day she left. I am committed to you and to this cause. In fact, wild dragons could not keep me from this!"

  His enthusiasm bolstered me and I couldn't help but smile at him. If I were honest with myself, I was relieved he wanted to come. I trusted him with my life and I stood a greater chance of success and survival with him at my side.

  Lachlan called out to us, motioning for us to join him at the portal. "Alright boys, it's time. After you go through, you will come out in a grove similar to this. Find Rory. He is the leader of a small band of Guardians tasked with protecting the portal
Earthside. He will know where Rhea took her. From there you will need to make haste. If the Shadow Master realizes Brianna is alive, he will stop at nothing to prevent your returning. He may be in captivity, but do not underestimate his power."

  Colin and my father clasped arms and he pulled him into a quick hug. "Make sure you two watch each other's backs. I expect the both of you to return unscathed."

  Colin nodded. "Yes, Sir." He paused a moment before he continued. "It might be a little late to ask this, but how do we get back through the portal? How will you know when we are ready for it to be opened?"

  "Rhea has an amulet that is a key to the portal. Do not let anything happen to it. There are but two such keys in existence."

  I'd never heard my father speak of these amulets before. "Where is the other one?"

  Lachlan's lips curled into a sneer and the vein at his temple pulsed. Through gritted teeth, he ground out the last answer I expected. "The Sgiàls possess the other one."

  I was certain the incredulous stare on Colin's face mirrored my own.

  Lachlan shook his head and held up his hand to stop us from commenting. "The Council decreed to maintain balance both the Light Keepers and the Sgiàls would get an amulet. That would be fine except the Sgiàls have no interest in balance. Anyway, there are limitations to the keys. They will work coming from Earthside to Myst but not the other way. As long as the wall is intact, the only way they can leave Myst is through me, and I will surrender my own life before I would allow such a thing to happen."

  My father meant those words. A warrior through and through, he'd always been loyal to the battle between light and dark and committed to keeping the balance. When my mother died, he vowed to avenge her. He would do anything to defeat the Shadow Master for taking her from this life.

  "Father, what if the walls falter before we return?" I didn't want to contemplate such a thing, but it was a real possibility.

  Lachlan's shoulders slumped. "Let us pray that doesn't happen. None of the realms will be safe if it does. Either way, we need that amulet and the book to restore them."

  I studied my father with keen interest. His eye twitched, which was a sure tell that he was keeping something from us. However, I knew better than to press him for more. I nodded and turned away as Colin stepped through the portal. I gave a final glance to my father, and then followed Colin. A movement at the edge of the tree line caught my attention. The shadows stirred and I strained to make out what lurked in the darkness. The portal took us from this world before I could warn my father of the cloaked figure that hurried off into the night.

  I thought traveling through the portal would be similar to teleporting. I couldn't have been more wrong. It is unlike anything I'd ever experienced before. I had no sense of time or place while the air whirled around us. The only sound I could hear was the rhythmic pounding in my ears as it kept time with my heartbeat. It's like when a giant wave traps you, pulls you under and refuses to release you from its mighty grip. I didn't have long to ponder this as I tumbled onto the ground in front of two massive standing stones. I rolled over onto my back and tried to ease my ragged breathing. The night sky is so stark here. The stars were fewer and the constellations are in different formations. The moon should be right above us, but I couldn't find it.

  Colin's soft chuckling broke the silence. I sat up on my elbows and turned my head to face him.

  "Well, that was interesting." Leave it to Colin to find levity in any situation.

  His amusement was contagious and I didn't try to suppress my smile. We'd little to laugh about of late.

  A rustling to our left brought an immediate end to our mirth. I scrambled to my feet, drawing my sword in one swift movement. Colin leapt to a similar position to my right. Crouched, ready for a fight, I scanned the unknown terrain for any threats. Four brawny men strode out of a cluster of nearby trees and halted about ten feet away from us with broadswords drawn. The largest man, with dark brown shoulder length hair and a short beard, took a step closer to us. He wore black leather pants and a snug black shirt with muscles that bulged from the short sleeves. Judging by his stance and position with the group, this man was the leader. I assessed the situation and although they appeared to be Guardians, the chance they could be human existed.

  "I am seeking Rory. Know ye where I may find him?"

  The man in charge frowned, his eyes narrowing, as he made no attempt to hide his appraisal of us. He moved closer. "Why should I be tellin' the likes of you?" His voice was deep with a slight brogue.

  I lifted my chin and gave him a hard look. "Lachlan sent us."

  "Did he now? Well then, why didn't ye just say so?"

  The man laughed and lowered his sword as he closed the short distance between us. I released my breath and shook my head at the abrupt change in the man's demeanor.

  "You've the look of him about you." He put his weapon away, and then offered his forearm in greeting.

  I sheathed my blade and clasped arms with him. "I usually get told I favor my mother. I'm Drustan, Lachlan's son and this is Colin Dunlap."

  Colin remained quiet as he inclined his head to the man.

  "I'm Rory and these are some of my men, George, Malcolm, and Terrence."

  The three men put their swords away and strode towards us to complete the introductions.

  "We've been doing extra patrols these past few weeks. We figured it would only be a matter of time before someone came through. Rhea planned to be here at the Summer Solstice in Lady Brianna's eighteenth year. We've not seen hide nor hair of them. I am sending a couple of Guardians on the morrow to seek them out."

  Crossing his arms in front of him, Colin broke his silence. "Any idea what happened to keep them from arriving?"

  Rory ran a hand through his hair and shook his head. "No, but that's not the worst of it. We're not sure how, but a group of Sgiàls is here. We've had a few skirmishes with them over the past week. There hadn't been any Sgiàl sightings in years. We cleared out the last few when we came to this realm."

  Shock coursed through my body. The Sgiàls weren't supposed to be here and they sure as hell shouldn't be strong enough to attack a group of Guardians.

  "This is much worse than we expected. The Council believes the portal to still be the only way to get here from Myst."

  "Well, as usual, they're wrong." Rory didn't bother to hide the disdain from his voice.

  Rubbing the back of my neck, I closed my eyes. "I don't understand. How are they getting over here? The walls can't be that unstable yet."

  Tree limbs cracking and breaking brought an abrupt halt to our conversation.

  We all drew our weapons and took defensive positions. I was crouched with both hands on my broadsword and Colin stood at my back. The faint hint of sulfur wafting through the air our only warning before a large object came flying out of the trees above us. The hurtling thing moved faster than I could track, and all I could make out was a blur before flames scorched the grass in front of us. I gathered energy to me and thrust my left hand up erecting a magical shield around our small group.

  "What the hell is that?" Colin yelled over the loud rumble, as the whooshing of wings erupted from the forest around us and the ground began to shake.

  With a hard smile, Rory shrugged one broad shoulder. "That, my lads, is one pissed off dragon. Welcome to Earthside."

  Coming Soon!

  Find Stacie at

  The Age of Alandria series:

  Silent Orchids (The Age of Alandria: Book One)

  Veiled Shadows (The Age of Alandria: Book Two)

  Daegan (The Age of Alandria: Companion Novella 2.5)

  Fractured Darkness (The Age of Alandria: Book Three)

  The Rise of the Paladin (A Short Story Prequel)~FREE with newsletter signup!

  The Age of Alandria: Book Four- 2017

  New Adult supernatural:

  Supernatural Chronicles: The Necromancers

  (A New Orleans Collection Novella)

By Morgan Wylie:


  RYLEN (The Tangled Web Book 1)

  MATHER (The Tangled Web Book 2)

  Look for more in The Age of Alandria series

  along with some new projects!

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