Guild of Truth 02 - Shield from the Heart

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Guild of Truth 02 - Shield from the Heart Page 14

by Mary K. Norris

  Her head throbbed and she rubbed at her temples. She’d been holding her Shield up for a long time now. Those few seconds respite when she’d dropped it to allow Felix to Erase the “cat” hadn’t been long enough to reenergize.

  That only brought into focus that she still had Jente to worry about. Not to mention they still had to find Kevin’s journal. That took precedence over everything else.

  Pushing her growing headache aside she slid past Felix before he could say anything more incriminating.

  “Where are you going?” he asked before she could completely escape into the hallway.

  She forced her thundering heart to slow. “We have to find Kevin’s journal.”

  He cupped her elbow to keep her in place, his brilliant blue-green eyes staring down into hers. “Sydney, this isn’t something to brush off. I think Merrick thinks you’re his Mirror Mate.”

  She was suddenly very glad Felix wasn’t touching her hands because her palms instantly started to sweat.

  He searched her eyes with his. His expression was nothing if not sympathetic and understanding. She could tell Felix anything. But he was Joel’s best friend. Just because she knew him longer didn’t automatically make him her friend more than Joel’s.

  If Joel left the guild would Felix be forced to choose between them?

  What if he chose Joel?

  Her stomach started to cramp again.

  Felix’s fingers tightened around her elbow. “It’s okay,” he said softly.

  She looked away. “It’s close to dinner time. I’ll go pick up a pizza from Tom’s.”

  It took her nearly ten minutes to convince Merrick that she could go alone to pick up a pizza. It wasn’t until she was on her way out that Cali pointed out she could pick up Niella and Luke from the clinic.

  She’d wanted to be alone but she guessed some time to herself was better than none.

  She slipped into Tom’s Pizzeria and inhaled the smell of garlic bread and pizza sauce. She must’ve been a little early because the dinner crowd hadn’t arrived yet.

  “Hey, Sydney.” Tom came out from the back with his visor crooked as usual. She didn’t think she’d ever seen it on straight. “I thought you were on vacation.” There was no suspicious glint to his eye, just genuine curiosity. Sydney relaxed fractionally.

  She forced a smile. “Not even a vacation can keep me away from your delicious pizza.”

  He leaned against the other side of the counter. “That’s just sad,” he said while giving her one of his grins that used to make her heart flutter when she was a teen.

  Thomas Larkin had owned the pizzeria a few doors down from her parent’s clinic for years. She’d met him when she was eighteen and worked part time with her parents at the clinic while attending college. She’d instantly developed a crush on the twenty-three-year-old pizza maker. It hadn’t been hard. Tom had clear green eyes, unkempt dirty blond hair, and a smile that had melted her eighteen-year-old heart. She’d tried numerous times to flirt with him but nothing had ever come out of it. It was one of her biggest regrets not pursuing Tom to see if anything could have developed between them. Yet at the same time she was grateful nothing had ever happened, it would have ruined their friendship and right now she needed someone like Tom — a close friend with no ties or biases whatsoever to the guild.

  “Can I talk to you about something?”

  The easy smile faded from his handsome face. His forehead wrinkled in worry. “What’s wrong?” He came around the counter.

  She scuffed her shoe against the floor. “Nothing’s wrong, I just … need some advice.”

  Tom went over to the front door and flipped the sign to “Closed.” “Come on into the back so we can get some privacy.”

  This was why she loved Tom. She smiled gratefully at him.

  In the back of the pizzeria she watched as he put together her order. “So,” he said after he loaded their pizza into the oven. “What’s on your mind?”

  She snagged a green pepper out of a topping container and popped it in her mouth to buy herself some time to think. “What do you do when your feelings for someone you really care about change?”

  Tom took a moment to dust his hands off. “I’m going to take a guess and say this is about Joel?”

  She nodded.

  Tom exhaled and joined her leaning up against the counter. “First of all, I think that changing feelings is natural. It’s a part of growing up.”

  She gave him a flat stare. “I’m not sixteen.”

  “Hey, you’ll always be that little eighteen-year-old to me.” He wrapped his arm around her and rubbed the knuckles on his other hand gently on top of her head.

  She pushed him away. “I don’t want anyone to get hurt,” she confessed. “And you know how close-knit my guil — uh, my group of friends are. I don’t want to ruin the whole dynamic.”

  “I hate to say this, Sydney, but you can’t stay with Joel out of some twisted obligation you feel for your friends. That’s not fair to you — or Joel. It’s perfectly normal to want to move on. That’s why we date, to figure out what we’re looking for in a life partner and what we’re not. You’ll find that one guy for you.”

  “What if I already have?” she mumbled.

  Tom stopped nibbling on his piece of Canadian bacon. “You already have? Meaning — ? Ohhh.”

  She waited for the disappointment, the condemnation. It never came. “You’re not a bad person because of this, Sydney. You got me?”

  “Easier said than felt,” she said.

  “I’m serious.” His expression hardened. “You’re not a bad person. You can’t help what you feel. It’s as simple as that.”

  “Okay,” she said because she didn’t know what else to say. She’d never seen Tom so fierce before.

  He relaxed back into his easygoing demeanor. “Good. Don’t lose sleep over this either. You look exhausted.”

  She was. She’d dropped her Shield on the way over. Cali could listen for Jente if he was hanging around Felix’s and she didn’t need to Shield herself while going to get pizza. Her body needed the rest.

  Tom wrapped his arm around her shoulders again and she felt a comforting tingle throughout her whole body.

  When Tom released her she felt loads better. Rejuvenated.

  She gazed up at him. “What did you do to me?”

  Tom tilted his head. “What do you mean?”

  “When you hugged me … I felt … tingly.” Realizing her words could be taken in a totally different meaning, she flushed. “I didn’t mean — ”

  Tom laughed. “Don’t worry about it. I’m sure you were just exhausted and when you relaxed it helped ease some of that weight you’ve been carrying on your shoulders.” He pushed off the counter to tend to her pizza.

  Her eyes followed him, her brow furrowed in thought. “I guess,” she muttered.

  While Tom was busy she slipped back to the front of the pizzeria. Bad idea. The dinner crowd had arrived and they spotted Sydney.

  “Uh, Tom?” she called to the back. “It looks like there’s an angry mob outside your place. You want me to flip the sign and let them in?”

  “Give me a second,” he answered. She heard movement as he bustled around in the back before he came out holding her pizza all boxed up and ready to go. “Here.” He handed it to her. “Let me know how everything works out, okay?”

  She didn’t want to lie to Tom, but she didn’t know if she’d be able to go through with breaking up with Joel. Their three-year anniversary was only a few days away. It would devastate him.

  But which would hurt him more: breaking up with him before, or right after?

  She could barely meet Tom’s eyes. “Okay,” she told him.

  His green eyes warmed. “You can do it, you’re stronger than you think.”

  At that moment she didn’t think so. She’d never been particularly strong or adventurous. If she was she’d have thought her powers would have reflected it. But what did she do? She Shielded. It was a fancy w
ord for hiding. For cowardice.

  A warm hand gripped her shoulder. Tom was still watching her. “I’m just a phone call away if you need anything.”

  She smiled at him. “Thanks.”

  • • •

  “Finally.” Niella rolled out from behind the reception desk when Sydney came in. “Come on, Skywalker, our ride is here,” she yelled to the back.

  Sydney hid her smirk. Niella liked to think she kept her distance from the guild, but what she didn’t realize was that when she used Joel’s nicknames and helped create titles, she was a part of the guild as much as anyone else.

  Luke emerged from the back, his brown/blond hair falling into his eyes. He needed a haircut, Sydney thought absently.

  He smiled when he saw her. “Your clinic is amazing,” he gushed. “I can’t believe you run this whole thing.”

  Pride swelled in Sydney’s chest. “My clinic isn’t that amazing,” she said on instinct, even though she thought it was. It wasn’t very big but it was hers and she loved it. The first time Cali had seen it she’d commented on how small the place was. Sydney liked Luke’s reaction much better.

  “Well, I think it’s amazing,” Luke said as she locked up. “Do you ever need, like, help or anything?”

  Sydney pulled back from the door to look Luke up and down. He was no longer dressed in his scrubs. He had on worn jeans and a black jacket that wasn’t quite zipped up all the way revealing a … Star Wars shirt?

  Joel …

  She shook her head at the idea of Joel happily giving Luke a shirt to wear.

  With his outfit Luke looked like any regular kid. But what was he before he was kidnapped by Vander? Had he been homeless? She knew Juliet had a family to return to. Hazel admitted to having no one but she hadn’t elaborated beyond that.

  “Luke,” Sydney said, “did you have a home you needed to return to? Parents that you needed to contact?”

  “Uh.” Luke studied the floor, shifting nervously.

  Sydney waited patiently. She knew that he was twenty years old, so he didn’t have to go anywhere he didn’t want to go.

  “I’m not going to force you to do anything. You know that, right?”

  He lifted his blue eyes from the ground. “I-I know.” He twisted his hands a few times before continuing. “I was in the foster care system for a while. The home I was taken from … the people were really nice.” He shrugged. “I just don’t see what good talking to them will do. I mean they were great and all and I’m really glad I was placed with them but I don’t want to cause them any more problems. I’d rather stay away. They probably thought I ran away anyway.” He continued to fiddle with his hands, his eyes darting around.

  She decided not to press him anymore. “Why don’t you help Niella get situated in the Hummer?”

  He looked grateful to have something to do and disappeared to the back of the car to help Niella.

  When they reached Felix’s, Sydney’s heart flipped at the sight of Joel’s truck parked out front.

  She felt Niella’s eyes on her and tried to keep her outward appearance calm and collected.

  Tom’s words floated through her head as she brought the pizza in. Felix, Cali, Merrick, and Joel were all seated on the couches. Joel and Merrick were on the same couch. Sitting side by side the two looked so different, yet so similar.

  Everyone turned when she entered the room and Sydney found her eyes locked with Merrick’s. Her heart pounded in her chest.

  “Where are the others?” Cali asked.

  She pulled her gaze from Merrick and pointed behind her. “Luke’s helping Niella.”

  “Nice.” Felix came over to her and took the pizza box. “Who’s hungry?”

  Merrick and Joel got to their feet. Sydney was stuck rooted to the ground. Joel gave her a smile though it didn’t quite reach his eyes. He pulled her in tight for a hug. She closed her eyes instantly so she wouldn’t see Merrick’s expression over Joel’s shoulder.

  “Sorry I had to work,” Joel said as he released her.

  “It’s fine.” She forced her own smile while her heart raced. It was so hard to stare into his face when she knew she had to break it off with him. She’d spent the entire car ride back to Felix’s bolstering her confidence. She had to do what was right. Right?

  Indecision warred within her.

  Chapter 16

  Merrick climbed into the back of the Hummer where Luke was practically jumping up and down.

  “This is so cool,” said Luke. “We’re going to break into a hospital so you can use your powers.”

  “Technically,” Felix said from the driver’s seat, “we’re not breaking in. We’re visiting during visiting hours but the rest of that statement is true. You think you’re going to be able to get anything?” Felix directed that last question at Merrick.

  “I won’t know until I get there,” he said honestly.

  Joel sat silently in the passenger seat. Merrick tried not to watch him but he couldn’t help it. Once Sydney had returned with the pizza Joel had never left her side. As if he wanted to keep Sydney away from Merrick on purpose.

  Stop being such a fucking asshole. That’s his girlfriend and he has every right to want to spend time with her.

  Sydney might be Joel’s girlfriend but after Merrick’s conversation with Felix about Mirror Mates, Merrick was almost positive that Sydney was his.

  Everything Felix had described had happened between them. A jolt through his system when they touched, an ache in his chest when they were apart, and an overwhelming need to be with Sydney — to taste her and touch her.

  He bit back a groan of frustration as his cock hardened.

  All these sensations couldn’t have been one sided. Sydney had to have felt them too, which begged the question: why didn’t she do anything about it? Did she not want Merrick as a Mirror Mate?

  I thought you weren’t buying into this soul mate shit?

  He sighed. He didn’t know what to think anymore. Was it too much to hope for a woman he could get close to and not have to fear her inner thoughts?

  “You think Juliet and Hazel are all right?” Luke’s voice snapped Merrick out of his inner musings.

  He glanced over at the kid and saw real concern on his face. “I’m sure they’re fine. I told Hazel to call if she needed anything. If she’s in trouble, we’ll know.”

  Or at least he hoped so. Regina hadn’t shown her pretty little mug since they came to Southern California. He would have thought Vander would send her after him, or that she’d at least volunteer, but he hoped that not seeing her meant she was ordered to stay in San Francisco.

  Luke nodded. “I miss them,” he mumbled.

  Merrick blinked in surprise. He hadn’t thought their friendships had grown that strong, but then he remembered that all his time was spent with Sydney.

  And look how attached you got to her.

  “I’m sure they miss you too,” he said earnestly.

  Some of the sadness left Luke’s face. “I bet they would have had fun going on this mission.”

  Merrick felt like telling him that it wasn’t really a mission. They were walking into a hospital room, end of story. But he didn’t want to ruin Luke’s illusion.

  They arrived at the hospital with a little less than an hour to “visit.”

  Felix led them to a private wing. A few nurses eyed them skeptically but no one stopped them. Merrick kept a close eye out for anything suspicious. He had that tickle at the back of his neck again, like someone was watching him. Could it be that Jente guy again?

  They shouldn’t have left Sydney at the house.

  They had no way of knowing if they were being followed but she had looked beyond exhausted and Merrick had agreed with Joel and Felix that she needed to stay behind and rest.

  “Here we are,” Felix announced as they stepped into a sterile smelling room. The temperature was on the cool side. Merrick instinctively scanned the room. There wasn’t much to look at. There was nothing there. No flowers, nothi
ng to indicate that anyone came to visit.

  Merrick stepped closer to the bed. It was surreal to look down into the faces of Collette and Kevin and feel like he already knew them. He’d seen them awake, walking and talking. He’d been inside Kevin’s head, feeling what he felt.

  They both looked washed out now. White faces, drab hair, and sunken cheekbones.

  Felix stared at both of them with a strange expression on his face. Some kind of mix between sympathy and loathing.

  Joel remained off to the side, arms crossed over his chest. Luke stood nearby looking as if he wanted to come closer but wasn’t sure if it was appropriate.

  Merrick stood between the two beds acutely aware of all the tubes that were attached to both Collette and Kevin. Maybe it was a good thing Sydney had stayed away. She hated hospitals; he couldn’t imagine what seeing someone like this would do to her.

  “Have you ever gotten information off of an actual person before?” asked Felix.

  “No, just things they’ve touched. I’m not sure this’ll even work. I’ve never tried to read something off of someone in a coma before. They might not give off impressions like a normally active person would.”

  “Just give it your best. We might as well start at the main source.” Felix moved away to give him more room.

  Merrick ran his fingers along the sheets as he focused. He’d never tried to get inside a person’s head before. Not to mention one that was in a coma. Was it possible for him to become trapped inside another person’s mind?

  He fucking hoped not.

  He inhaled. The back of his neck prickled. He reached out and brushed the limp brown hair off of Kevin’s forehead. His skin was lukewarm. Merrick repressed a shiver.

  You won’t get trapped.

  He pressed his fingers more firmly against Kevin’s skin and shut his eyes.

  Nothing happened.

  He gave it a few more seconds but no visions came.

  “Anything?” asked Felix.

  Merrick shook his head in awe. “Nothing.” He couldn’t read people. A tightness in his chest released. “I’ll try his clothes and the sheets, just to make sure.” He touched Kevin’s hospital gown and instantly got sucked into a strange black void. He was aware of being moved and that was it. He jerked his hand back.


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