Guild of Truth 02 - Shield from the Heart

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Guild of Truth 02 - Shield from the Heart Page 22

by Mary K. Norris

  Knowing Vander he went with the second option.

  He was so screwed.

  He didn’t know how long he remained in the back of that van before it came to a stop. It felt like an hour but he had no way of knowing.

  The car shut off. He edged his way closer to the back doors. If he could Lock his kidnapper’s hands to the back doors he could make a run for it.

  The front doors slammed. Footsteps sounded around the side. He heard voices.

  Shit. There was more than one of them.

  He shifted his weight from one foot to the other anxiously. He could do this. He pressed his hands against the two back doors of the van. He heard the key and waited until they opened the door. He needed to make sure the guy’s hands were touching the metal.

  The van groaned as the back doors were pulled open. Joel Locked the metal and kicked out with his foot. The man who opened the door took the hit in the shoulder and flew back. His arm was stuck to the van and pulled him back like a bungee cord. He cried out.

  “Nice trick, want to see mine?”

  Joel turned to find the man from San Francisco. He grabbed Joel and hung on. Pain exploded beneath his skin. He screamed as the burning sensation increased under his skin, like he was being boiled alive on the inside. He wrenched away and dropped to his knee.

  “Not so fast,” the pain master said. He held his hands up menacingly. “Drop whatever you did to my colleague and I won’t hurt you more than I have to.”

  Joel weighed his options. His muscles screamed and spasmed, his legs were shaking. He’d never experienced a pain like that before. It was as if every nerve ending had been on fire. He wasn’t ready to feel it again. He eyed his surroundings.

  A crappy motel, how fitting. He glanced back at the man flailing against the van door in an attempt to unlatch his arm. Good luck with that, buddy.

  He was tempted to watch the poor sucker to see how long he’d go at it before he realized there was no way he was coming away from that door unless Joel willed it. However, he didn’t want to feel like his insides were melting either. Keeping a careful eye on the pain master he put his hand against the van door and dropped his Lock.

  The man fell back on his ass and Joel grinned.

  Once he was back on his feet the man stormed Joel, his arm held back as if to throw a punch.

  Joel stared him right in the eye. “Touch me and I’ll freeze your lungs right in your chest.”

  The man hesitated. He looked to his colleague as if to ask him if that was possible.

  Joel had no idea if his powers allowed him to do that but this fucker didn’t need to know that.

  The pain master shrugged at his idiot companion. Idiot companion dropped his arm and instead glared balefully at Joel.

  Joel returned his glare with a pleasant smile.

  “Move it.” He motioned for Joel to start walking.

  He was taken to a motel room on the far side of the building, as far away from the front office as possible. The better to hide your screams, my dear. He thought of Little Red Riding Hood as he was led to the big bad wolf. Vander Donahughe stood inside the room waiting for them. He looked as if he’d aged forty years in the three months since Joel had last seen him. The sight was startling. Grandma, what gray hair you have.

  Sitting huddled on the bed behind him was a young woman. Looked like he wasn’t the only captive.

  “You’re right on time,” Vander greeted him. “I just got off the phone. It appears that your bargaining chip purposes have been made void.”

  Joel frowned.

  “The journal is in my possession, which means your usefulness has all but run out.”

  Joel didn’t take the bait. He wouldn’t ask what he’d be used for if Vander wasn’t going to barter him off to Sydney for Kevin’s journal.

  How the hell had Vander gotten to it before her?

  Fear slid through him. He hoped Syd was okay. If she was hurt in any way he didn’t care what happened to him, he’d take Vander down right where he stood. The man looked ready to break a hip at any moment. If Joel got to him before he used his powers then he might have a chance.

  “Not going to ask what I’m going to use you for?” said Vander.

  Joel crossed his arms and feigned nonchalance. “Considering what I’ve seen from you I have a pretty good idea.”

  Vander bowed his head in concession. “Then there’s no point in wasting time talking about it.”

  Joel was grabbed from behind and propelled toward the bed. He landed on the edge of it.

  The woman clutched her knees closer to her chest. She was dressed in RN scrubs. What the hell was Vander playing at?

  “Everything’s going to be fine,” Joel promised her.

  Her doe-like eyes latched onto him. He didn’t think she heard a word he said. Poor thing.

  The next thing he knew he was being held from behind, his arm gripped in idiot companion’s hands. “What the fuck?” Joel struggled but pain flared bright hot through his body in warning.

  Pain master held him immobile as idiot companion waited for some kind of signal from Vander.

  Vander drew closer and touched the woman on the shoulder. “You’re an incredible nurse,” he told her calmly. “I’ve seen your records. The recovery rates are off the charts.”

  The woman shivered beneath his hand. “I’m just a nurse,” she all but sobbed. “I don’t know why I’m here. Please let me go.”

  Vander continued to speak as if he hadn’t heard her. “You don’t like to see people in pain, do you?”

  She shook her head, tears leaking from her eyes. Joel’s stomach churned painfully. “Please don’t hurt me,” she whispered.

  “You’re a natural born healer,” said Vander.

  “I’m just a nurse,” the woman repeated. “You keep calling me a healer but I don’t do anything special, I just do my job. Please … ”

  “Show me how good of a healer you are.” Vander nodded at idiot companion.

  Joel felt a snap in his forearm and screamed.

  • • •

  “We have to get the real journal and trade Joel for it.” Sydney paced Felix’s living room. Worry had her stomach cramping. This was all her fault. She should have gone over to his place when he didn’t answer his phone.

  “For that to work we need to get the real journal.” Felix stood a few feet away, participating in his own pacing. “Where does this Greg Kelley live?” he asked Merrick.

  “I only caught glimpses. I put in a call to the city station and should hear back shortly. We’re going to have to tread carefully. We can’t go barging into this man’s house.”

  “Why the hell not?” Cali asked from the couch.

  “Because he has powers,” Merrick said flatly.

  “What kind of powers?” said Felix.

  “I didn’t see that much,” said Merrick. “And with no idea what he can do, we need to plan this out. Kevin must’ve realized how valuable his information was, so he trusted it to someone he knew could protect it. That’s saying something about this man’s power.”

  Felix swore.

  Sydney was right along with him. This was such bull. She couldn’t sit by and wait while she knew Joel was being hurt.

  “Look,” Niella said. “You guys go after this Greg guy and I’ll stay behind and see if I can Dream up anything about Joel. Specifically his whereabouts.”

  “Do you want me to stay behind with you?” Luke spoke up for the first time.

  Niella looked startled that anyone would even offer but she quickly got control over her expression. She shook her head. “It’s fine. I know how much you want to go along with them.”

  “I don’t know if bringing him is such a good idea,” Sydney said. Luke was only twenty years old. If anything happened to him she’d feel even worse. She didn’t even think he knew how to fight.

  “Are you kidding?” said Cali. “He’s perfect. If we have no idea what we’re going up against, we’ll just shove Luke in first.”

  Luke’s face paled.

  Cali leaned over and chucked him under the chin. “I’m kidding.”

  Luke relaxed.

  “But only partly.”

  Felix grinned at Cali’s antics.

  Before they could say anything else and give Luke a heart attack, Sydney intervened. “We need to come up with a plan. We don’t have any time to waste.”

  “Agreed,” said Merrick.

  The Newport police station got back to Merrick within the hour. Sydney sent up a silent thank you that this Greg character didn’t live in Anaheim. She never wanted to deal with Merrick’s old co-workers ever again.

  The address was some private estate that was very secluded.

  “Shit,” Cali commented as they looked up the address on the internet. “I don’t think he has a neighbor within a mile of his house. Is that good for us or bad?”

  Felix cracked his knuckles. “It’s good. Everyone ready?”

  “All set,” said Merrick.

  They piled into Felix’s Hummer. Sydney went over the plan again and again. She hoped she could do this.

  A warm hand covered her knee. “You okay?”

  She looked over to Merrick. “I just hope I don’t screw this up,” she told him in a hushed tone.

  His fingers tightened on her leg. “You’ll do fine. No pressure.”

  She gave a quiet laugh. No pressure, sure. It was only her responsibility to Shield everyone periodically so they could take Greg by surprise. She’d have to be on high alert to watch for any signs of his powers so that she could temporarily shut them down before dropping her Shield so the others could use their powers in offense. It was like one big choreographed dance, only she didn’t know if she remembered all the steps. Attack, Shield. Shield, attack.

  It’d be a lot easier if she could see Greg during this whole operation so she could read his body language and facial expressions, but they probably weren’t going to come across him until the halfway point.

  “Someone want to tell me how Kevin befriended someone this wealthy?” Cali stared out the front windshield at the large double door gates that blocked off the estate.

  “Maybe he gave him some good financial advice or some stock market tips,” Merrick said dryly.

  Cali turned around in her seat and grinned cheekily.

  Felix continued down the street and parked a half a block away. “Everyone know what they’re doing?”

  They all nodded, Luke a little less confidently then the rest of them.

  Felix’s eyes latched onto him. “Cali and I are going to clear the way for Merrick to get any reading on where the journal might be kept. Sydney is going to be on the watch for any super powers and if we’re in danger she’s going to Shield us. Luke, you’ll bring up the rear. You’re our backup.”

  He nodded shakily. “You’re not going to Shield if I’m hit are you?” he asked Sydney.

  “Don’t worry,” she told him. “You’re not going to have to take a bullet for anyone else. And if on the off chance that you do, I promise not to Shield, that way you’ll heal just like you always do.”

  That seemed to put him at ease.

  “You can always stay behind in the car if you don’t want to come with us,” Merrick said.

  “No.” Luke shook his head. “Joel helped break me out in San Francisco and I want to help him if I can.”

  When they were all out of the Hummer, Felix came around and clapped Luke on the shoulder. Luke flinched mildly. “Welcome to the Guild of Truth,” said Felix. “You’re official now.”

  Luke beamed.

  Felix and Cali led the way back to the estate. As they came upon the gate Felix motioned them to the wall. “Cameras,” he whispered. He waved his hand and the two little black cameras mounted on the top of the gate vanished.

  Merrick blinked.

  Sydney smiled and touched his arm. “You’ll get used to it,” she told him.

  He nodded.

  Felix turned to Merrick. “Give me a boost?” He motioned to the large wall.

  “Why don’t you Erase the gate?” Sydney asked.

  “Because that’s going to look suspicious. If I can get on top of the gate I’ll be able to see the lock and Erase it, letting you guys in.”

  Sydney eyed the large wooden doors. The lock was probably a giant latch on the other side.

  Merrick and Luke both helped boost Felix up enough so that he could grab the edge of the wall and haul himself up. He sat on the wall for a moment, his hand waving. No doubt he was taking out any threats that he could see. He jumped down from the wall and a few seconds later the two large gates swung open soundlessly.

  “Nice landscaping,” Luke said in awe as they all got their first good look at the front yard.

  It was huge. Bright plants were everywhere. The driveway was lined with professionally designed hedges that were shaped into long spirals. A koi pond was off to one side of the place while a fountain was off on the other. All in all, the one word Sydney could think to describe the place was exotic. “At least we know he doesn’t have kids,” Merrick said as they made their way down toward the mansion type house.

  “How can you tell?” asked Cali.

  Merrick gestured to the grass. “There are no toys lying around anywhere. In my experience that means no kids.”

  “One less obstacle,” said Felix.

  They moved slow and steady until they climbed the stoop leading to the front door.

  “Anyone else think this has been too easy?” Felix asked.

  Sydney hadn’t wanted to say anything but they hadn’t come into contact with any resistance. Not even a guard dog. “Maybe he left?”

  Felix looked doubtful but didn’t say anything. “Get ready for anything,” he warned her.

  She stepped back.

  Felix waved his hand and the lock and handle on the door disappeared. The door slid open, again soundlessly. Sydney wondered if they were just lucky that this man oiled his hinges or if Cali was at work. She cast a quick look in Cali’s direction but the Silencer only smiled back.

  Once all inside, Luke pushed the door closed as best he could but it continued to slide open.

  If Sydney thought Collette’s house was nice, then this place was amazing. Two curving staircases, one on each side, joined up in the middle to lead to the second floor. There was a hallway straight ahead and two rooms on either side.

  A dark object moved too fast for Sydney to catch on the second floor. “Did you guys see that?” Her voice came out warped, as if she were speaking underwater.

  “No, what?” She heard Felix’s voice perfectly but there was something off about it. As if she heard it in her mind and not around her.

  She turned to Cali. She smiled again and tapped her ear. She was using her powers. Somehow she was manipulating their voices when they spoke so that they’d be able to hear each other but no one else would.

  “Something moved upstairs,” she said.

  Merrick’s warm body came up behind her and for a moment she wanted to lean back against him and absorb all that heat. “Do you think it’s Greg?” he asked.

  She shrugged, some part of herself doubting that she even saw anything. “I know this is going to sound crazy,” she said. “But what if we were to ask him for the journal? We’re both on the same side. He might be sick of having to protect the journal from Vander — if we tell him we’re going to take it maybe he’ll be happy to be rid of it.”

  “The only problem with your plan is that we’re not going to keep the journal from Vander. We’re going to barter it for Joel’s life,” said Felix.

  “Technically we don’t have to tell him that,” Cali commented.

  Felix stared at Cali before turning around to look at the rest of them. “Is that what we want to do then? Try the diplomatic angle first?”

  “There might be less pain that way,” said Sydney.

  Felix shrugged. “I guess — ” A large object flew from one of the side rooms and smashed into his shoulder.

nbsp; He staggered back. Cali raced to his side as another object came flying.

  “Cali, watch out,” Sydney cried.

  Cali took the hit in the side of the ribs. Her face contorted in pain but she continued to Felix’s side.

  The dark shape reappeared on the second floor and Sydney stared into Greg Kelley’s eyes.

  A flurry of miscellaneous objects came hurdling toward them.

  “Sydney!” Merrick shouted from behind her.

  She tore her gaze away from Greg and threw up her Shield. The objects fell to the floor useless. Greg disappeared out of sight.

  “Holy shit.” Felix rubbed his shoulder absently as he bent to inspect Cali’s side. “Out of all the fucking powers we had to get landed with Mr. Telekinesis?”

  Sydney barely heard him. She rushed for the stairs. She couldn’t let Greg get away.


  She kept running. On the second floor landing she went left where she saw Greg disappear. She followed her instinct and picked the furthest hallway to travel. She passed room after room, some connecting with others. There were tons of places Greg could have backtracked. She shook her head and pressed on.

  “Syd!” Merrick’s voice barely reached her.

  Movement caught her attention and she veered left into a large room that was filled with boards and planks and other wooden items.

  Greg stood alone in the center.

  “You can’t hit me with anything,” she told him.

  Greg slid a hand carved bat from one of the shelves. “I can’t hit you with my mind,” he corrected her.

  She swallowed in fear but kept her footing. “Look, we’re on the same side. We both want to keep that journal from Vander. If you help us — ”

  “I was warned about you.” Greg stepped back and raised his bat. “You’re the one’s Kevin warned me about. Under no circumstances were you to get his journal. You’d ruin everything with it.”

  Sydney drew back. “What? No — we’d never … our friend is in danger.”

  “I don’t care who’s in danger. You’re not getting that journal.”

  “You can’t stop us. You’re outnumbered and it’s only a matter of time. Help us. Please.”


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