Secrets Untold

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Secrets Untold Page 15

by Shelia M. Goss

  Jasmine’s smile faded away with that gesture. “Well, we’re going to get some more footage. I’ll see you around.” She stormed away.

  Cole whispered in my ear, “I don’t think your sister likes me anymore.”

  “And that’s a bad thing?” I asked.

  “It’s great. I was trying not to hurt her feelings.”

  I saw a flash, turned around, and saw one of the cameramen was still there. He gave me a thumbs-up signal.

  Oops. He got everything we said on film. I didn’t think Jasmine was going to be too happy about what we had to say. Oh, well. It was her idea to bring the cameras.

  “Ooh, that’s my song.” I grabbed Cole’s hand and led him back on stage.

  We danced and cheered as my friends all got crunked.

  I yelled, “It’s my birthday! Let’s do this! It’s my birthday!”

  After Soulja Boy’s performance, it was time for some competitive games where people could win prizes. My dad went way out. I found him and Dion holding a civil conversation.

  “Baby girl, are you having fun?” he asked.

  “You know it. I can’t thank you and Mom enough for this. It’s different, and everybody seems to be having a great time.”

  “As long as you’re happy, I’m happy,” he said, as he hugged me.

  “Where’s your boyfriend?” Dion asked.

  I looked around. “He’s around here somewhere. Probably stuffing his face with some barbecue.”

  “The food is good, Trey. I have to hand it to you. You’ve pulled off a great event,” Dion commented.

  “Anything for my baby girl,” he responded.

  “Dad,” I said.

  Both of them looked at me.

  I was talking to Trey and didn’t mean to hurt Dion’s feelings. “Let me get back to my guests.” I left them alone talking and went in search of Danielle and Tara. I caught them in a heated conversation.

  “Tell Eric his friend is a jerk,” Tara said. “I do not want anything to do with him.”

  “What happened?” I asked, as I walked up to them near the house.

  “Do you know he’s been all up in Jasmine’s face the whole time?” Tara stated.

  “Man, that’s messed up,” I said.

  “I told Eric he was wrong.”

  I felt sorry that Tara’s date acted like a jerk. “If you want me to, I can kick him out,” I said.

  “No, that would be too embarrassing. Just keep him as far away from me as possible.” Tara stormed away.

  Danielle said, “I’m sorry it didn’t work out for her, but she didn’t have to jump on me about it.”

  “Tell me this. Did Jasmine start making passes at him?” I asked.

  “I really don’t know. Tara brought it to my attention.”

  “I’ll get to the bottom of this. Eric brought the guy for Tara, so he should have been concentrating on her, not some other chick.”

  “Even if that other chick happens to be your sister?” Danielle asked.

  I ignored her question and went in search of Jasmine. I saw her and some boy, who I supposed was Eric’s friend. “Jas, can I talk to you for a minute?” I interrupted without bothering to introduce myself.

  “Sure. Braylon, I’ll be right back.”

  Jasmine followed me away from the crowd. “What’s up?” she asked.

  “Braylon, or whatever his name is, was supposed to be Tara’s date, but from what I understand, you’re up in each other’s faces.” I stood with my hands crossed.

  “I’ve had my eye on Braylon for a while. When I saw him at your party, he let me know he had been feeling me too. I didn’t know he was here for your friend Tara. Besides, why are you worried about who Tara is with? You got your man.”

  “Look, I don’t like drama. This is my party, and what Braylon did wasn’t right. The fact that you’re participating in it doesn’t sit well with me.”

  “Again, I didn’t know Braylon was here for your girl.”

  “Well, now that you know, back up off him.”

  “I’m sorry I can’t do that. Braylon pursued me. I didn’t pursue him. Tara needs to get over it and find her own man.”

  As much as I hated to admit it, Jasmine was right. Tara didn’t need to be with a guy if he wasn’t feeling her like that. “Okay, to cut down on confusion, please just stay out of Tara’s way. Can you do that for me?”

  Jasmine smiled. “Anything for you, sis.”

  “Good. Now I got more people to see. Enjoy the rest of the party,” I said, as I left Jasmine alone with the cameraman.


  My mom gathered up me, Danielle, and Tara so we could get ready for the second part of my party. We took turns showering. My curls had fallen a little, so my mom re-did my hair. And Danielle re-applied our makeup because we had sweated it out in that Texas heat.

  “You girls make me proud,” my mom said as she admired our final output. She grabbed her camera and took our pictures. “We’ve rolled out the red carpet. You’ll all stop and pose for the photographers. I want different shots but, of course, I had to take my own.”

  “Dani and Tara, I’ll be out in a minute. I want to talk to my mom alone for a minute,” I said.

  “What’s wrong, baby?” she asked.

  “Nothing. I just wanted to apologize for my behavior these past few weeks,” I said.

  She reached for my hand. “No apology necessary. It’s been intense in the Swint household. I take full blame for it all. You didn’t ask for the changes. I should have told you and Dion sooner.”

  “Like you tell me, that’s water under the bridge now.”

  “My little girl is acting all grown up on me.” She gave me a tight hug. “Now come on. It’s time for the queen and her princess to make their grand entrance into the ball.”

  We walked out of the room hand in hand.

  “I hope Cole is waiting nearby.”

  “He’s been instructed not to move. I got your brothers on that.”

  “Oh no, Cole’s going to jet for real. They are going to run him away.”

  We both laughed.

  I felt like a superstar as I we glided out of the room and down the red carpet. We stopped and took pictures. I took pictures with both of my BFFs, my two dads, my mom and brothers, Cole, and then, finally, by myself.

  Everyone marveled at how beautiful I looked in my designer dress, and the necklace my dad gave me accented it perfectly. My three-inch heels sparkled as I walked. An announcement was made when I entered the ballroom area.

  Everyone stopped and looked in my direction as Cole escorted me in. He led me to the front of the room, and I took a seat at the front table adorned with pink and purple flowers. I noticed each table had a glass-slipper drink fountain filled with never-ending pink punch.

  “Wow! Your parents went way out,” Cole whispered as he held my chair for me to sit down.

  “Looks good,” I agreed.

  Danielle sat next to Eric. Tara sat in between me and Danielle. I noticed Jasmine had Tara’s date sitting next to her.

  “Why does she keep looking down this way?” Tara asked.

  “Chill out. Ignore them. This is my party. Don’t even think about them.”

  “I can’t help it. It’s like she’s eating up every word he says.”

  “He’s a jerk anyway. Forget him,” I said.

  “Ladies, I can hear you all the way over here, so I know they can.” My mom’s eyes darted to the end of the table, where Jasmine sat with Tara’s supposed-to-be date.

  I rolled my eyes because I didn’t care. Jasmine didn’t have to sit him at our table.

  Tara whispered, “I know she’s your sister, but I can’t stand her.”

  “Shh,” I said. “Just ignore them.”

  “I’ll try.”

  Waiters came and served our food. I didn’t think anyone would be hungry after all the barbecue consumed, but I was wrong. Soon, all you heard was the tinkling of silverware hitting the fine china dishes.

  “This food is
scrumptious,” my mom said from across the table.

  After dinner, my dad said, “We’re going to move this event to one of the other ballrooms. Dion has a surprise for you.”

  “Really?” I was surprised that he and Dion were getting along so well. In fact, real surprised that he would even let him participate in the party that he put so much energy into. I was loving him even more. His selfless acts were amazing. I vowed then that my future husband would have to have all of the qualities of Trey Swint.

  I was anticipating the surprise Dion had for me. People started heading toward to the ballroom. I was led up front, with Cole and my two BFFs on my heels.

  Dion had the microphone. “I know by now everyone has heard that Porsha is my daughter. I wanted to tell her how proud of her I am, and I appreciate Trey and Angie for allowing me to spend this special night with her.” He looked at my dad and mom, who both had smiles on their faces.

  I looked over at Jasmine. Her face showed a half-smile, but it couldn’t mask her body language that indicated she wasn’t happy about his words. I turned my attention back to Dion.

  “I asked her dad who one of her favorite artists was, besides Soulja Boy, and he told me. So, thanks to Teddy, who’s a good friend of mine, I was able to get the following guest to come and sing happy birthday while we get ready to cut the cake, and then you all can party.”

  “Who?” I yelled out. The excitement was killing me.

  The lights dimmed. I heard the words sung, “Happy birthday to Porsha,” and the lights came back on, with the spotlight on no other than Trey Songz.

  Cole had to hold me because I almost passed out. “Oh my God!” I yelled out. “That’s Trey Songz!” I could barely breathe.

  “Calm down, baby,” Cole said. He grabbed my hand and led me up to my four-tier birthday cake with a pink slipper on the top.

  By the time Trey finished singing “Happy Birthday” to me, I was floating on cloud nine. He topped it off by kissing me on the cheek.

  “This is a dream come true.” My hand flew to my cheek. I’m never washing this cheek again.

  “I heard it was your birthday, and I wanted to make sure you had a good one.” He winked his eye.

  “Thank you so much.”

  “Anything for you. Now let me get back to doing what I was paid to do.” He grabbed the microphone and sang some of his hits, and Cole and I, along with all the guests, rocked along to the songs.


  After the mini-concert my favorite singer put on, I didn’t think my night could get any better. My mom announced, “It’s now time for the gifts.”

  There was no way I would be able to open all of the many gifts. After opening up a few and realizing how much time it was taking and also seeing how overwhelmed I looked, my mom got on the microphone and said, “Porsha will finish opening up her gifts later. She will be thanking each of you personally, either in person, phone call, or handwritten note.”

  My dad walked up to me and handed me a gift bag. “This is from your mother and I.” He kissed me on the cheek.

  The room got quiet. I removed the box. It was an all-expense paid trip for four, which meant I could take my two BFFs along with me to the Bahamas. “Thank you so much,” I said, as I hugged them both. “Girls, we’re going to the Bahamas.”

  “I’m so jealous,” Brenda said from behind me.

  “I have an open ticket, so you can go too.”

  “I better go, because I’m sure you’re going to need a chaperone.” She winked her eye.

  Me and my older sister were going to be all right.

  My dad went on to say. “Dion and I were talking, and we both decided that we would put our differences aside and join together and get you what any sixteen-year-old would want.”

  “Close your eyes,” Dion said.

  I did as I was told as they led me out the door. Dion was on one side of me, and my dad was on the other. I could feel the cool breeze sweeping under my dress.

  I heard “Oohs,” and “Ahhs.”

  “Okay, open up,” my dad said.

  “Oh my God!” My hand flew up to my mouth. Standing before me was a black BMW 65oi convertible.

  “Here’s the keys,” my dad said.

  I snatched them from him and jumped in the driver’s seat. My two BFFs rushed to the other side.

  My mom said, “Now, you don’t have your license yet, so we can’t let you drive it home, but those two insisted that we present it to you tonight.” She looked over at Dion and my dad.

  Both looked like two proud fathers.

  I cranked it up and turned to my favorite Dallas radio station K104 and let the music blast as those around us started singing along and cheering me along.

  “Happy birthday to me!” I yelled out.

  After the excitement died down, I turned the engine off and exited the car. “Thank you, Daddy,” I said out loud as I approached Dion and my dad.

  Both men looked in my direction. I hugged my dad first. He acted like he didn’t want to release me, but soon did. I paused for a minute and hugged Dion. “Thanks, Dad,” I said in his ear.

  I saw a tear in his eye. He said, “Do you realize what you just did?”


  “You called me Dad for the first time. I’ll never forget this day.” Dion wiped his eye and then walked away.

  I looked at Trey.

  He said, “That’s okay. He is your dad too. So if you want to call him Dad, I’m okay with it.”

  Relief swept across my face. Two dads and a mom who love me. I was one lucky girl, or as my grandmother from Shreveport, Louisiana would say, I was one blessed girl. I wish she was alive to see me, but I know she is looking down from heaven above. I looked up into the sky, and as if on cue, I saw the sparkle of one lonely star.

  Cole walked up to me and pulled me away from my dad. “I can’t wait for you to allow me to take a spin in your new wheels,” he said.

  “Only if you’re good,” I responded.

  Brenda walked up to us. “I guess you no longer will want a ride in my convertible Mustang.”

  I laughed. “You still owe me a ride.”

  “Only if you let me drive that baby.”

  “Ain’t nobody driving that baby until I do,” I said.

  “It’s all right. I want me a Jaguar. Those are better cars.”

  Brenda said, “Stop hating, Jasmine. You were drooling over that car when you saw it.”

  “Was not.” She pouted.

  “Yes, you were.”

  “Brenda, leave your sister alone,” Kim said.

  I hadn’t realized she was there until I heard her open her mouth. “Kim, thanks for coming,” I said.

  “We’re family now . . . extended family, but family nevertheless,” she said, sounding a little slurred.

  “Mom, have you been drinking?” Brenda left my side to go stand nearer to Kim.

  “I’m a grown woman,” she snapped. “I don’t answer to you, my child.”

  “Uh-oh. Sounds like some drama brewing,” Cole said.

  “Yes, and I’m out of here. I got enough drama to deal without having to worry about theirs,” I responded.

  Cole and I made our exit as the McNeils dealt with their own issues. Cole whisked me away to a vacant room. “Finally, I get the birthday girl all to herself,” he said, as he embraced me.

  His cologne filled my nostrils, making me dizzy. Before I could react, his lips were on top of mine. This was only the second time we had shared a kiss. His soft lips caused me to lose my balance as my hormones went out of whack. I knew I had to pull back. This wasn’t the time, nor the place for us to be caught kissing. The feelings I felt were foreign to me. I had to get a grip on them.

  I pulled back. “Cole, we should stop.”

  “Baby, it’s nobody here but you and me. We’re only kissing.”

  “Yes, but what if my folks walk in?” I was trying to think rationally in an irrational situation. “And is that alcohol I smell on your breath?”

  Cole blew his breath in his hand. “Oh, that’s nothing. I just took a sip of a beer Braylon had earlier.”

  “Are you serious? There’s not supposed to be any liquor. If my folks find out, they are going to kill me.”

  “Calm down, Porsha. The beer’s in the car. We know not to bring it out for anyone to see.”

  “But still. I didn’t even know you drink.”

  “I don’t drink often. Every now and then. Besides, a few beers won’t hurt.”

  “Well, put a mint in your mouth or something, because your breath stinks.”

  Cole did as I told him. “Is that better?”

  “Yes, but still don’t think we’re going to do anything but kiss.”

  He pulled me into his arms. “Porsha, don’t you know by now how much I love you? I would never hurt you.”

  “Cole, I love you too, but we need to chill, okay. I’m just not ready to go there with you.”

  “Fine. Another place, another time. Just say you’ll think about it,” he pled.

  I hugged him, trying to figure out how to tell him I vowed to remain a virgin until at least after graduation. I hoped he could wait that long. If not, well, I didn’t want to think about that.


  “We need to get out of here before folks start looking for us.” I pulled back and ran my hand down my dress to make sure there weren’t any wrinkles.

  “So you’re just going to blow me off just like that?”

  “Cole, where is this hostility coming from? I’m your girl. We have plenty of time for doing those things. Not tonight.”

  “I’m not talking about tonight. I wouldn’t dare disrespect you and your parents like that. I just want to know that, when you do it for the first time, will I be that guy?”

  “Yes, of course. But, truthfully, it’s going to be a while okay. I’ve made a mess with my grades these last few months, so my concentration is keeping my grades up so I can go to college.”

  “My hormones are all over the place. I love you so much, and I want to be with you so bad, I don’t know how long I can wait.”

  Disappointed with his words, I hung my face down. “So what are you saying, Cole?”


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