Scripted Reality

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Scripted Reality Page 3

by Karen Frances

  I stand for a moment, taking in his tempting, attractive male physique that has women falling over themselves for his attention.

  And today it would seem I’m one of those women.

  Why? I don’t know. As if I don’t have enough things on my mind to be confused about, my emotions are now playing with my head.

  Connor Andrews is a confident man. He’s a friend, but today, since the first time I met him, I’m suddenly very wary of the man before me.

  “What the hell are you doing here?” I snap, pulling my eyes back to his face. I watch as his smile turns to a puzzled look.

  He puts his bag down and removes his hand from his case then leans forward, wraps his arms around me, and kisses me on the cheek. “Eh, good to see you too my gorgeous Ella.” He draws his head back, leaving his arms where they are and looks me over. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say he was checking me out. Actually, I know he is; this is what he does. His brown eyes never leave my face, and wrinkles form around his eyes as he frowns at me. “Your hair looks amazing. I love the colour, it really suits you, but the rest of you, not so much. You’ve lost too much weight. You can tell me what’s wrong when we’re back at the house.”

  Of course Connor would notice there’s something wrong with me. “You’re staying with me?” He nods. Brilliant. Why I’m surprised, I don’t know, because he always stays at my house when he’s back on home soil. I have a lot of time for Connor; he’s been a good friend to me over the years, but he’s also one of Donovan’s closest friends.

  Donovan should’ve at least told me Connor was arriving and staying with me. Why couldn’t he just stay at a hotel? Or better still, finally buy himself a house here. He spends more than half the year here in Scotland, usually staying with Donovan and me. Occasionally, he spends a few days with his parents up north. “Sorry, but I didn’t expect you.”

  “So, what are you doing here then?”

  “I thought I was collecting Donovan,” I say, my voice lower than it was moments ago.

  “Well, I’m sorry to be such a huge disappointment,” he says, chuckling. I have to stop myself from telling Connor I’m more relieved it’s him. He releases his hold of me, picks up his bag, and grabs his case handle. We leave the airport side-by-side in silence. What the hell am I meant to tell him about what’s been going on here? I don’t want Donovan to find out that I know what he’s done. Not yet. And does Connor know what his friend has been up to lately?

  “So, how long are you staying?” I ask. Maybe it will give me an inkling as to when Donovan will be back in the country, but then again, this is Donovan. I think there’s more chance of me being in L.A. before he comes back to Scotland, and at the moment, I’m not ready to be in L.A. If I’m honest with myself, I’m not sure I’m ready to see Donovan.

  “Well, the premiere of my new film code breaker is next week, and I don’t have any plans. So, I’m not sure. How long will you be able to put up with me?” He smirks.

  “A day,” I say with a straight face. And even that might be too long.

  He flutters his eyelashes and then winks at me. “I’m sure I can persuade you to let me stay longer.” This is typical Connor. He thinks a bit of harmless flirting can get him anything he wants.

  “We’ll see. I have a lot going on.” Instantly, I regret the words that have slipped from my tongue. I can see him from the corner of my eye, watching me as we walk toward the car. I know I shouldn’t have said anything because I’m bound to have raised his suspicions and his loyalties are to Donovan, not me. They were friends long before Donovan and I got together.

  We stop at my car and I open the boot. Connor puts his case and bag in then closes it. I stand at the side, and he turns and walks toward me, taking my hand in his. “Ella, I’m your friend. Whatever is going on, you can tell me. If I can help, I will. I want to.”

  His words set off a reaction, one that, whilst he’s here, I’d rather keep to myself. My lips start to tremble and I desperately will them to stop, but tears are already forming in my eyes. I turn my head away from him, fighting back my tears, not wanting him to see that I’m upset.

  “It’s too late, Ella. I can see you’re upset. Please tell me.” His hand touches my face and gently turns it back so I’m facing him. I flinch at his touch, a slight chill running through my veins. He removes his hand from my face, running it through his hair and, for the first time since I’ve known him, he looks so confused. “Ella, I would never hurt you. Please. There’s something wrong. You’ve never looked as scared as you do right now. Who hurt you?”

  “I don’t want to talk about it.” I turn my face to the side, staring at nothing for a moment. People and cars can be heard and seen moving around in the background, but I’m not paying attention to those. I’m trying to compose myself because I can feel panic setting in and now isn’t the time for a panic attack. My breathing is accelerated and I take a few long, deep breaths in an attempt to slow it down. It works. It should. Over the last few weeks and months, I’ve had plenty of practice.

  “What you really mean is you don’t want to talk to me about it. So, I guess this is about Donovan,” he says sadly, breaking the trance I’m in.

  “It doesn’t matter,” I say, shrugging away from him. I hear a long sigh but I don’t turn back. Instead, I get into the driver’s seat and wait for him to get in the car. Already, I know it’s going to be hard for me to be around him.

  I enter the code for the gate and tap my fingers against the steering wheel, waiting not so patiently for it to open. Today of all days, everything seems to be going in slow motion, when all I want is for this day to be over so I can be tucked up in bed. The metal gates finally open enough for my car to drive through. It’s then I see my dad’s car along with Callum’s parked to the side of the driveway.

  This isn’t what I need today.

  I stop the car and my front door swings open. Callum almost bounces down the stairs. I climb out. “We were starting to get worried about you. Where have you been?”

  “I had something to . . .” I don’t get to finish what I’m saying. Callum’s eyes shift to the passenger side of my car.

  “Yeah, I can fucking see that. What the hell is he doing here? And where is his friend? That useless waste of space? I swear if he’s in the country I’ll fucking kill him for what he’s put you through.”

  “Hold on a minute,” Connor says, walking around the car. I could leave them all to it if I wanted to. I’d run inside and straight up the stairs and hide away in my bedroom and not listen to the argument I’m sure is about to happen. But as I look toward the door, my dad is standing there, casting his eyes over the situation in my driveway. There’s nowhere for me to hide now.

  “It’s just as well your sister has no neighbours.” My dad’s voice echoes loudly around us. I try to smile but I’m finding it hard. “Let’s get inside, please, and then you can tell us what’s going on.”

  I nod and look at Connor who looks totally bewildered. He walks to the back of my car and opens the boot to get his belongings. “Callum, help Connor.” It’s not a question from my dad, but a statement. Callum huffs and mumbles under his breath but he does go and help. “Sweetheart, I’ve put the kettle on and taken care of all outstanding bills that I found in the office. We can talk about that later, and if there’s anything else that needs attention, I’ll sort that too.”

  “Thanks,” I say, wishing he didn’t have to, but grateful that he has. One less thing for me to worry about.

  “By the way, the new hairstyle. I love it.” Dad kisses me on the head and wraps his arm around my waist and we walk through the house together to the kitchen. Dad always noticed when Mum had been to the hairdressers. I remember him paying her compliments about her hair and, toward the end, about her wigs. Some men don’t notice these things, but Dad always did.

  I sit down at the island as my dad makes four cups of tea and we wait for Callum and Connor to join us. I can hear them talking out in the hallway but I don’t hear wha
t’s being said.

  It was strange hearing Callum shouting at Connor, because the two of them have also become good friends over the years, despite the fact my brother doesn’t like Donovan. I hope all this crap with Donovan doesn’t change that, but I have a feeling it will. It’s bound to.

  The guys come into the kitchen just as Dad places the cups down on the island before me. “Okay, Ella. You have some explaining to do.”

  “Yes, I know. Dad, I’m sorry. Donovan texted me this morning with flight details. Maybe I should’ve told you, but I wanted to see him first on my own. I thought . . . oh I don’t know what I was thinking. His message just said a flight number and time and I presumed I would be picking him up from the airport, but when I got there it was only Connor. Sorry.” My last word is meant for Connor, and he offers me a small smile. Poor guy. He has absolutely no idea of what the hell is going on.

  “Connor, where is Donovan?” my dad asks.

  “He’s still in L.A. I’m not sure what’s been going on but I thought he’d told Ella I was coming, but it was very clear to me at the airport she didn’t have a clue. What’s going on? I get he’s done something that has upset you.” Connor looks directly into my eyes and, although I want to look away from him, I can’t. Something is holding me hostage, just like earlier in the airport.

  “He might be in on it,” Callum snaps. “Playing games with Donovan. Hurting my sister.”

  “Bloody hell, Callum. If he’s hurt Ella do you really think I would be in on it? Come on, you of all people should know me better than that. I have no idea what’s going on. Why don’t you just tell me?” A look I can’t quite place passes between my brother and Connor, and Callum nods as though he understands. I’m glad someone does, because I don’t.

  Dad looks at me and I nod. “It seems your friend has got himself into a spot of financial trouble and he’s trying to pull my daughter down with him.”

  “I don’t understand. What do you mean?”

  With a deep breath, I say, “What Dad means is that somehow Donovan Bell has re-mortgaged my house and re-financed my cars along with emptying all my bank accounts. I only found out this information after his car was repossessed.”

  Connor places his cup down slowly and sits back in the chair, thinking about what I’ve just said. “Are you sure? Of course you are; a new hairstyle isn’t going to hide the small fact that you look as though you haven’t slept or eaten properly in weeks. But how? He’s still been out on the town night after night splashing the cash.”

  “Yes, I know he has, while I’ve been stuck here without a penny. No money for food or to pay the bills.” My dad closes his eyes; obviously this is hard for him to hear. But I’m not going to hide the truth from any of them, not anymore. The last few weeks have been really tough, trying to deal with everything on my own.

  “Honestly?” Connor asks.

  “Yes,” I reply, completely deflated.

  “But how?” he asks my dad.

  “I have no idea. This was all news to me and Callum this morning.”

  Connor reaches across the table and takes my hand in his. “Ella, you, crazy, stupid girl. Why the hell didn’t you tell anyone? You have good friends and family who love you and we would do anything for you. I just don’t understand.” His voice is laced with sadness and his eyes are filled with . . . I actually don’t know what his eyes are filled with.

  “Lots of reasons. Embarrassment being the biggest. I feel like such a fool.”

  “You have nothing to be embarrassed about. I want to fucking kill him myself. What is he playing at? Is there anything I can do to help?” Connor asks my dad but keeps his hands in mine.

  “At the moment, no. Our lawyer is looking into everything. At least Ella had the common sense to involve him from the start. It looks as though if Ella wants to keep the house, I’ll have to pay off the mortgage company and the same with the cars. Then I’m not sure if we’ll get anything back if we take him to court because he’s taken credit out with various companies and there’s nothing in any of his bank accounts. Both private and business. As I said, the lawyer is looking into it to see exactly where Ella stands.”

  “Ella, I’m so sorry. I really had no idea.”

  “This isn’t your fault. But haven’t you noticed anything different about him?” I ask.

  “I’ve not been in his company much the last few months. You know how it is. As soon as I was finished filming one movie, I was straight onto another set. I’ve not had a minute to myself. This is the first and all I wanted to do was be here in Scotland with y . . . amongst friends.” I might have a lot going on, but I did catch his slip of the tongue. I try not to think about what he was going to say. “He did say he had a few things to do in L.A. but would be here for my film premiere.”

  “If he thinks for one minute he’s coming here, he had better think again,” Callum shouts, banging his cup on the counter. Not much gets my brother angry, except someone hurting me. He’s always been the same, even when we were kids. He always wanted to look out for and protect me, even though I’m two years older than him.

  “He won’t be staying here,” I say, but as the words leave me I don’t really know what I’ll do about Donovan. “Can we not talk about it? This whole situation is leaving me drained. Connor, what’s next for you?” I ask, changing the subject. Three sets of eyes stare at me.

  “I’m not sure. I wanted to talk to you about that, see what you thought of the proposal for the Glasgow based soap opera.”

  “What proposal?” I ask, looking at him then glancing back to my dad.

  “You mean Donovan hasn’t sent you the proposal? This is getting stranger by the fucking minute.”

  “You’re telling me.”

  “I can pull my copy up from my emails and let you see it. On it you will clearly see they want both of us and are more than happy to work around our other commitments.”

  “Sweetheart, I think it’s safe to say you’re going to need a new agent.”

  “I know, but the minute word on that gets out there’s going to be lots of speculation about me and Donovan.”

  Dad squares his shoulders. “There already is lots of speculation. You’ve been too busy hiding yourself away, dealing with his crap to really take notice. Ella, I can make all the money issues go away, you know that . . .”

  “I do, but you shouldn’t have to bail me out,” I interrupt. I should ask about the speculation, find out for myself what is being said, but at the moment I’m just not interested.

  “Enough,” Dad snaps. “You’re my daughter and I, like all other fathers in the world, won’t sit back and watch as that man destroys everything you’ve worked so hard for. Now, you have to leave lawyers and Donovan to me. It’s time for you to concentrate on yourself. Get yourself looking and feeling one hundred percent.” Callum and Connor nod in agreement. I’m outnumbered.

  “And you should start with eating a proper meal,” Callum tells me. His eyes are full of sadness. “The fridge and cupboards are now full, so no excuses. Please?”

  “I promise. Dad, do what you have to do,” I say reluctantly. “Do you both want to stay for dinner?”

  “We can’t. I have a few things to take care of and your brother has a date.”

  “A date? Who?”

  “It’s not a big deal. Just someone I know,” he says without looking at any of us. His body language tells me this is a big deal, so I’m not going to push the subject. I know if anything comes of it, he’ll tell me.

  “So, it’s just you, me, and a proposal tonight,” says Connor with a glint in his eye and that cheeky smile girls seem to love. “If you play your cards right, I might even cook for you.”

  Everyone laughs and, for the first time in a long few weeks, so do I. “There, that’s much better. Good to see you smiling. We’ll go and I’ll see you in the morning,” Dad says, standing. He kisses me. “Hopefully you can relax tonight. Read over the proposal Connor has been sent and I’m sure everything will seem clearer in
the morning. And Connor? Can you send me a copy to read over?”

  “Of course.”

  Callum gives me a huge cuddle and a kiss and whispers in my ear an apology. I shake him away. He hasn’t done anything wrong.

  “Okay, so it looks like it’s just me and you for the rest of the night,” Connor says when they leave.

  “Looks like it.”

  “I think you should go run a nice hot bath and do as your dad says and relax. I’ll make a start on cooking some dinner.”

  “Really?” In all the time I’ve known Connor, I’ve never known him to cook.

  “Yes. Go, before I change my mind.”

  I stand and walk around to him then kiss him on the cheek, “Thank you.” As I leave him alone in my kitchen, I try not to think of the mess he’ll make.

  “I HOPE YOU’RE NOT GOING to be much longer.” Connor’s voice calls out loudly as he stands at the bottom of my stairs with a dish towel in his hand. He looks all domesticated, which is laughable because he rarely does anything for himself.

  “Nope,” I say, walking down the stairs toward him.

  He lifts his head and his eyes follow me with a smile until I’m at the bottom and then he frowns. “Ella McGregor, when I saw you today at the airport, I knew you had lost weight, but fucking hell. The amount you’ve lost is ridiculous.” I glance down my body and I know he’s right. I wrap my arms protectively across myself in an attempt to hide from him. I should’ve worn something else besides this t-shirt and shorts. “While I’m here, I’m making it my job to fatten you up a bit and I’m starting now. I hope you’re hungry.”

  “You know what? I am.”

  “Glad to hear it.” He walks away smiling, and I follow him because whatever he’s cooked smells amazing. Let’s hope it tastes as good as it smells. In the kitchen, Connor has been busy. I hope he plans on tidying up the mess he’s made. I swear he’s used every pot and dish I own. It’s really quite funny. Under normal circumstances, this mess would freak me out, but my bath has helped me relax, and for the first time in what seems like forever, I feel like the old me.


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