Scripted Reality

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Scripted Reality Page 13

by Karen Frances


  “Ella, your dad is right and we have so much to talk about,” Connor tells me. I nod in agreement because I’m sure my answer has given him a lot to think about. I know it’s given me lots to think about.

  “Dad, Trevor, is there anything else?” I ask.

  “If you mean has there been anything from Donovan, then no, there’s nothing yet. But as soon as there’s even the slightest whisper, you’ll be the first to know,” Trevor tells me, and relief sweeps over me.

  But my relief is short lived as I realise I want Donovan to have something to say. The fact that he’s been so silent is un-nerving. I’ve never known him to be this quiet. I know him well. Worry sweeps over me as I think about the fact he’s most likely plotting against me. I know without a shadow of a doubt that he will have something up his sleeve. I’ll need to be on my guard, as will Connor.

  “Now, do you not have something you want to discuss?”

  “Yes, although I’m not sure what organisation I should contact.” Dad and Trevor look at each other, and I know they’re both wondering what the hell I’m going to say next.

  “The last few weeks I’ve had lots of time to think about what was going to happen to me if things didn’t work out.”

  “Things would’ve worked out quicker if you hadn’t decided to try and deal with everything on your own.”

  “Dad, I know that. But while I’ve been thinking, it’s not been just about me.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Well, I’m fortunate, but what about those who aren’t? If I had lost this house and the cars, what is the worst thing that would have happened to me? I’d have come and stayed with you or Callum until I got myself back on my feet. And with what I do for a living, let’s face it, it really wouldn’t take me long to get back in a better place. But what about those people who lose everything and find themselves with nowhere to turn?”

  “Sweetheart, you are so like your mother. Always thinking of others.” He might be right, especially when I think back to all the charitable causes she helped over the years.

  “I want to do something for charity. The other day I gave a homeless man some money and he surprised Julie with actually going into a café and buying himself some food and a drink. He was maybe a little older than me. He was sleeping in a doorway and I know he wasn’t the only one. When Julie and I finished shopping he was still there and a bunch of young lads were making fun of him. I ended up booking a room for him in one of the inns.”


  “Don’t. That man was so appreciative. He couldn’t stop thanking me. It turns out he had a job interview yesterday and with staying at the inn, it meant he could shower, sleep, and turn up to the interview looking refreshed.”

  “So what do you want to do?” Trevor asks.

  “I’m not entirely sure. I spoke to Jess and Fletcher Adams last night along with Mr and Mrs Mathews. I know the Adams’ both work tirelessly highlighting domestic abuse. Jess has said she is more than happy to meet up with me.”

  “Okay, I’ll look into it for you,” Dad says with a warm smile. “I can tell this means a lot to you.”

  “It does.”

  He stands up. “Okay, sweetheart. We’ll go and let you talk.” I quickly go to him and wrap my arms around him. “Hey, what’s this for?”

  “Do I really need an excuse?”

  “No, you don’t, and you’ll never get too old to give your old man a hug, I hope.”

  I walk with him out to the hallway and I can hear Trevor and Connor following behind us. Opening the front door, it’s just Dad’s car in my drive. “Trevor will call you later as soon as he has the meeting set up and I’ll speak to you tomorrow. That should give you two time to talk. And I mean it. Talk and listen to him.”

  Dad gives me a kiss and walks towards the car with Trevor. I’m left standing in the doorway with Connor behind me. His arms wrap tightly around my back and his head rests against my shoulder.

  “So, we have a few things to talk about. And you have a script to read over.”

  “Yes, it would appear so,” I say, turning in his arms to face him. “But first I’d like a kiss, then another cup of tea so I can eat the chocolate biscuits.” I throw my arms around his neck and stand on my tiptoes.

  “You’re very demanding,” he says softly, his lips touching mine. “But because you’ve said you’ll eat the biscuits, I’ll let you have a kiss,” he teases, a playful smirk on his handsome face. I close my eyes and allow my senses to take over. The taste and feel of his lips against mine all feels too comforting. The warmth of his body as I press against him feels natural. Everything so far with Connor feels natural. Maybe that’s why I didn’t hesitate when Trevor asked the question, even though I’m a bit concerned about changing the dynamics of our relationship.

  With our lips lightly brushing the other’s, I push my concerns away in the back of my mind where they can stay until I need to deal with them. And today isn’t the time to deal with those. Or maybe it is.

  I pull back and I’m greeted with a huge smile that reaches all the way to his dazzling eyes that are clouding over and filling with a deep desire. Fuck. I want him. “What are you so happy about?”

  “Me? I have lots to be happy about. There’s you. Us. But most importantly, you want to eat.” His voice is low, full of longing and excitement. He takes my hand in his and I close the front door and allow him to lead the way back to the kitchen. He sits me down and leaves me watching him as he effortlessly moves around my kitchen, making a cup of tea.

  I have the perfect view of him. Connor Andrews has a certain rough edge to how he looks today; this is the first time I’ve noticed it. I’m practically drooling over him with my elbows on the island and my hands propping up my face.

  It feels good having someone do something for me. I know I must be grinning from ear to ear, but I can’t help it and I don’t want to hide how happy I’m feeling in this moment. Why should I?

  With two cups in his hands, he walks back toward me, his eyes glistening. He sits opposite me and slides my tea over, along with a chocolate biscuit. Chocolate orange; one of my favourites. I slowly unwrap the biscuit and bite into it, savouring the taste. It’s heavenly.

  “Okay, if you keep that up, we won’t be doing much talking. Can you not just eat the damn biscuit instead of making it sound so bloody erotic?”

  Smiling, I shrug my shoulders. I have no words.

  “With you making those noises, I don’t want to talk. I have the urge to push everything out of the way and fuck you here and now.”


  “Why don’t you?” I’m pressing my legs together tightly under the table, trying to ease the pressure that has built up quickly.

  “Because first we talk, then we’ll m . . . fuck.”

  I BLOT OUT HIS SLIP of the tongue, not wanting to think about his words. I know I should think about it. This between us feels right. There’s no awkwardness, when I thought maybe there would be.

  “Where will we start then?” I ask, taking another mouthful of the biscuit.

  “Well, seeing as you’re so preoccupied, I’ll start.” I would laugh if my mouth wasn’t full of a chocolate orange biscuit. If I keep eating these, I won’t be long in putting the weight I’ve lost and more back on. “Your word surprised me. Shocked me even.”

  “Me shock you? Now there’s the surprise. Well, I wasn’t going to lie, especially not to my dad, and Trevor will have a lot to deal with. I didn’t see the point in making his job any harder because neither of us can be honest.”

  “So, we are going to give being a couple a go?”

  “Yes. Connor, I can’t explain it and I know it probably shouldn’t feel right, but it does. I thought it would feel strange, because we’ve been friends for so long. I’m also a little scared that I’ll lose you as a friend if . . .”

  “Don’t. I don’t want it to ever feel strange or awkward. If it does, you have to tell me. Because, believe it or not, you m
ean the absolute world to me and I’m sure everyone else knew that fact a long time ago, including Donovan.”

  He pauses and I allow his words to sink in. Julie knew, Callum knew. What about my dad? Has he been aware of Connor’s feelings for me too? I already know that answer; he said as much before he left. So it was only me that was left in the dark.

  “Ella, what are you thinking?”

  “That I’ve been blind with not seeing what was right in front of me.”

  “And what do you see?”

  “A man who cares about me. A man who isn’t scared to show his feelings. A man who has waited patiently for his chance while watching his best friend be a complete arse. Tell me, Connor, when did he first cheat on me?”

  He closes his eyes. “About two years ago,” he says quietly. He opens his eyes. “I’m sorry. I wanted to tell you but then it would’ve only looked like I had said it out of spite. For my own gain.”

  “Don’t be sorry. This isn’t on you and I don’t blame you. The funny thing is, deep down, I already knew what you’ve confirmed. It’s strange though, because up until about two years ago, there was lots of talk about us getting married, even though he never actually proposed. Could you imagine that? Ella Bell?” I laugh at how ridiculous that sounds, but stop when I see the hurt in his eyes.

  He reaches his hands out to me and I give him mine. “Ella, I broke my own heart every day watching you with him. I’ve stuck around being his friend only because of you. Donovan and I should’ve parted company a long time ago. I want us to slow things down. I need us to have a fighting chance of survival because I’m not sure I’ll be able to function not having you in my life. But I want more than friendship. I want you and a future together.”

  I’m not sure why, but his words take me by surprise.

  “Why me?”

  “Because you’re it for me. You have been since that very first night. You took my breath away with your natural beauty and your perfect smile. You stole my heart that night. But, it’s not just about that first night, I’ve watched you over the years. Watched how you’ve dealt with situations with your strength and determination. But, for me, I’ve had to watch on when Donovan has fucked up and all I’ve thought about is how he wasn’t worthy of you, and how you ought to have someone who would treat you with the respect you deserve.”


  “As I said we can slow this down between us.”

  “What happens if I don’t want you to slow things down? I like the pace that has been set.”

  “Then we’ll go at that pace and see where we end up.”

  “I’m hoping for the bedroom.” I watch as he seductively licks his lips and I enjoy watching the amusement on his face.

  “Ella!” He stands, and the chair scrapes along the floor. I take another biscuit and have a mouthful. He watches as I continue to munch away. “To me it looks like you’re enjoying that biscuit way too much.”

  He has a point. Biscuit or sex? I know what my choice is.

  My heart rate accelerates as he steps toward me with confidence. He’s trying to keep a straight face but failing miserably. The corners of his mouth are twitching and any second now . . . Yes, there it is; his smile.

  Leaning forward, he takes the biscuit from my hand and takes a bite. He makes chewing a damn biscuit look so seductive. Bloody hell. When he’s finished eating, he takes another two steps until he’s standing behind me.

  I clasp my hands together.

  “What do you want to do now?” he asks, draping his arms around me and nuzzling my neck. I close my eyes and enjoy the feel of him. He moves my hair and kisses my neck. My senses take over. The softness of his lips against my skin has it tingling all over.

  Still kissing my neck, his hands move. He brushes against my breast, once, twice, before kneading it. My head rolls back. Desire spreads like wild fire through my body. All thoughts of my biscuits have melted away and been replaced by need.

  I wanted the bedroom, but I’m not sure my body can wait that long. A small moan falls from my now parted lips. “Do you like this?” he asks, whispering against my ear.

  “Yes, but I like you more.”

  “Ella, what do you want?”

  “You.” I turn in the chair and he steps to the side, holds out his hands, which I take, and he gently pulls me from the chair.

  EVERYTHING IS SO FAST PACED in showbiz. Why can’t it just slow down for once? As I sit in the back of the car with Trevor, staring outside, watching people hurrying about getting on with their own business, I’m grateful for my time alone with Connor yesterday. Yes, my phone and his buzzed all day long, but it was only Trevor we replied to. For the next two weeks, we both have constant meetings about various projects.

  It’s all really exciting. And, for me, that’s a huge bonus. I’ve not been excited about working for the past six months or so. Something was always missing. I couldn’t tell you what it was, but I just had that feeling.

  In a world where everything changes and happens so quickly, I’d love to slow the pace down. But as it is, I’m grateful for everything I have in my life at the moment. My family, my friends, and new beginnings.

  The next chapter in my life starts today. Well, I suppose it started with Connor, but today I’m meeting with the CEO of the high street chain. He’s coming from London especially to meet with me. Then we’re going into his Glasgow store where I’ve to pick out items from the range to do a photoshoot for his company.

  I declined the fee offered to me for the photoshoot. Instead, I’ve asked that what I was going to be paid is put to charity. Trevor told me the company was more than happy to do that; they emailed him a contract last night with all the details on it.

  Trevor and my dad worked hard on my behalf yesterday and this morning. After Connor and I spent some quality time together, he helped me decide what charity I wanted to help. Trevor has set up a meeting for next week and Connor has asked if he can come with me. He’d like to help out as well. I told him he didn’t need to feel obligated to help because of me. But he assured me he wanted to help.

  Actually, I think my dad wants to get in on the act as well. I think he’s bored. Since Mum died, he’s had a few acting jobs. He’s been offered parts left and right, but turns most of them down. I’m not sure why; it would keep him occupied and give him something to do with all his free time. He’s maintained he wanted to make the most of his free time before Callum or I had kids, because when and if that happens, he wants to be a hands on papa because it’s what my mum would’ve wanted.

  He’s right about that.

  Mum would have been an amazing nana. I give myself a pep talk about today; I don’t want to be thinking sad thoughts. My mum had an amazing life and did so much for others over the years; these are the memories I should keep firmly at the forefront of my mind.

  “Ella, are you okay?” Trevor’s voice brings me back to reality as we pull up outside the hotel where we’re meeting the CEO.

  “Yes, sorry. I was a million miles away thinking about Mum.”

  “You’re very much like your mum. Headstrong, determined, and beautiful. But even Sheena would’ve been disappointed with how you handled the Donovan situation. Can I tell you something else?”

  “Please do.”

  “Your mum never thought you’d end up with Donovan. She had told Betty on more than one occasion she’d seen the likes of him before. She said she already knew the man that would one day win your heart.”

  “Who is that?”

  “Betty has kept that to herself. You would have to ask her yourself, but I do have my suspicions. Now, come on. Let’s go and meet this man.”

  He smirks, getting out of the car, and I find myself grinning at thoughts of my mum and Betty gossiping over a cup tea about who I would end up with. Would she be happy about me and Connor? I find myself smirking. Of course she would. If everyone else knew how Connor felt about me, I’m sure she knew too. I exit the car, and Trevor tells the driver to come back in an hour and a ha

  We enter the hotel and Trevor leads the way to the bar, which isn’t busy, but there are a few people sitting around having tea and coffee. There’s two men sitting by the windows with no one else near them. One man is in a suit the other in jeans and a t-shirt. The man in the suit stands as we approach his table. He’s maybe a few years older than me, and very handsome. “Trevor, good to meet you,” he says, holding his hand out to Trevor.

  “Likewise. Ella, this is Martin Brown. Martin, Miss Ella McGregor.”

  Martin kisses me on the cheek. “It’s lovely to meet you, Miss McGregor.”

  “Please, just Ella. Nice to meet you too.”

  “This is Will. He’s our photographer.”

  “A pleasure to meet you, Will.”

  “The pleasure is all mine, I can assure you,” he says with a thick Scottish accent, putting me at ease.

  We take a seat and order tea and coffee from a waiter. “Ella, my company is hugely successful because we don’t compromise on quality or style when it comes to our products. We are affordable to everyone. We are a far cry from the designer brands but we compete well with other high street stores. The sudden spike of interest and sales in my business is truly incredible. I never thought a movie star like you would shop in any of my stores, but to pick one of our dresses and wear it to a premiere . . . I’m truly flattered.”

  “Martin, can I be truthful?” He nods and I look to Trevor. He smiles as he has an idea of what I’m about to say. “Things have happened recently that have made me sit back and re-evaluate my whole life. I won’t go into it all because I’m sure you’ll read about it. I stumbled into your store and was impressed with what I saw. I made a conscious decision that I wasn’t spending thousands of pounds on a dress in a designer boutique.”

  “Well, I’m glad you did. As I’ve said, there has been a lot of interest in my business, including lots of online sales of the dress you wore, which resulted in my website crashing yesterday.”



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