Scripted Reality

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Scripted Reality Page 15

by Karen Frances

  Today, many things have dawned on me. I love my life, almost every aspect of it. I have great family and friends who support me unconditionally. Yes, I might be ready to move on in so many ways; new man, new and exciting job opportunities, but I’ve learned I’m still vulnerable when it comes to Donovan. And I’ve decided that’s okay because it means where he is concerned, I’ll always be on my guard.

  I’m so glad I was able to put my wobble earlier behind me because I’ve enjoyed my day. Now I’m more than excited about what the future holds for me.

  “I’M SURE I SAID SOMETHING about taking care of you.” Connor’s words whisper delicately across the back of my neck. Goosebumps spread along my skin. My eyes close as his arms thread under mine and wrap around my waist.

  “Mmm, yes you did,” I say breathlessly, unable to say anything else as I enjoy the warm, fuzzy feelings spreading through my body. His hands rest against my stomach. In moments like this, I feel as though it’s all a dream. I worry that if I wake up, he’ll be gone, leaving a void in my life.

  We’re in the hallway, sexual tension charged between us, but yet, there’s the gentleness that I’ve grown used to these past two weeks. Being with Connor makes me feel relaxed. He makes me feel wanted and desired all the time. I stand in front of him with my heart hammering in my chest, not wanting to take a step away from him. I’m enjoying the feel of him beside me.

  “Ella, turn around,” he orders gently, and I comply without hesitation. I open my eyes and slowly turn in his arms. His eyes are focused on me. “Today has been incredible, hearing your passion and excitement for a profession I thought you had given up on, but now I plan on fulfilling my promise to you earlier.”

  “You also promised to take care of my car,” I say, teasing him.

  “And, I think you’ll find I did. I took extra care with your car. Now, it’s your turn.” He leans forward, dipping his head. His lips touch mine. “For the rest of tonight, I plan to take care of you and enjoy every last inch of your incredible body.”

  I’m where I want to be; in the arms of an amazing man who only wants me. His tongue skims my bottom lip, seeking entry, and I can’t deny him. Our tongues collide as his mouth crushes against mine. I throw my arms over his shoulders and his grip tightens around my waist, holding me close. His erection presses against my lower stomach.

  I want him as much, if not more, than he wants me.

  A low moan escapes his mouth as he slides his hands up my back and takes hold of my hair, bunching it in his hands and tugging gently, pulling my head back a little. “I’ve watched you all afternoon, longing to touch you. Needing to feel your body beneath mine. I’ve sat back and admired you when you thought I wasn’t paying attention. You, Ella McGregor, held everyone’s attention when we were in meetings today and you never even noticed. You never noticed that each person in that room was, like me, hanging on every word you said. Now, though, it’s just you and me. No distractions.”

  “Take me to bed.”

  “Yes, mam. You don’t have to tell me twice.” He takes my hand. We climb the stairs and he pauses outside his bedroom. His eyes dart to the master bedroom opposite his; I wish I knew what he was thinking. He opens his bedroom door and tugs on my hand, pulling me into the room with him.

  With a bang, he kicks the door closed.

  He lets go of my hand and stands before me. I reach up, running my fingers over the coarse stubble on his face; it’s comforting beneath the palms of my hands and I press my lips to his. He wraps his arms around me, pulling my body tight against his. And in this moment, I know I’ll never get enough of him. I lean my forehead against his. “There’s no going back,” I whisper.

  “Ella, for me there was never a way back, only forward with you. It’s the only reason I’ve stuck around all these years. I had hope.”

  His lips capture mine, our mouths joining in a kiss that holds so much emotion. So much passion flowing between us. He’s right; we can only go forward in our lives. The need for him intensifies. Every nerve ending in my body is on high alert, wanting more, wanting his touch. My body wants him to claim me.

  Who am I kidding? He’s already claimed me as his.

  He pulls back, breaking our kiss, and I want to cry out in protest at our broken connection. I take him in. His eyes glisten and then my eyes move down his perfect face, stopping on his lips that, after a few seconds, curl at the corners, knocking me off balance. His fingertips dance gently across my back and everything about this moment tells me he’s trying to tell me something.

  “Ella, let me make love to you?” I hear the slight quiver in his voice as he asks the question. I nod, because his question has left me breathless. I close my eyes as my body trembles at what this means. In his own way he’s telling me how he feels about me, but in a way that won’t scare me off.

  He knows I need time and patience and he’s prepared to give me both.

  I open my eyes as he starts to undress me. He’s in no rush, taking his time to enjoy and savour this moment. He’s not the only one. Every piece of my clothing he removes, he stands and carefully folds it, placing it down on a chest of drawers.

  I stand before him, completely naked and unashamed, and watch as he undresses and carefully puts his own clothes in a neat pile beside mine.

  He walks toward me, scoops me up into his arms, and I let out a squeal as he marches with purpose toward his bed. Connor places me down in the centre of the bed, almost as carefully as he folded our clothes.

  He lowers himself onto the bed above me, leaning his head down and teasing my lips with the whisper of a kiss and slowly pushes inside me.

  There’s more between us tonight than just the physical connection we’ve shared recently. There’s a bond, I feel it. All the way to the depths of my soul. I watch as his eyes cloud with desire and darken with love as he slides deeper inside me.


  Sensations flood me, like a river pulling me under. I see darkness and light, uncertainty and surprises, hope and fear, but I don’t feel frightened. I feel alive and free.

  He groans as he starts to move. My body reacts instinctively, my back arching. I push my hips up to meet him.

  The feel of his skin against mine. The gentle caress of his fingers on my face. The undeniable love in his eyes. The soft groan of pleasure . . . It’s all too much, yet not enough. Tears fill my eyes, but not of sadness. It’s because of the amount of happiness Connor has brought into my life. He’s pulled me out from the quicksand I was drowning under and brought a ray of light into my life when darkness was all I saw.

  A rush of heat engulfs me as he grinds his hips, ensuring I feel him deeper, before slowly pulling back out and doing it all again.

  My body vibrates beneath his as pressure builds, leaving me dizzy. Connor has set a slow and steady pace that allows him to draw out the sensual high that is sending me spiralling on a collision course.

  With his eyes still holding mine, I see I’m not the only one heading down a one-way street. We’re both on the same journey. His pleasure spikes, his jaw tightens in concentration, his heavy eyelids close briefly. His nostrils flare as he attempts to take several deep breaths.

  “Connor . . .” I moan. The spark of ignition sends heat racing through my body. My muscles tense. He shifts position, sitting back on his knees, sliding his hands down both sides of my body. The smallest of touches has me lost in the onslaught of sensations that sweep through my burning body.

  “The look on your face right now; I’ll never tire of seeing it. Watching you fall apart beneath me is my favourite pastime. Can you carry on?” I nod because I’m not capable of speaking. I’m sure if I tried to reply it would only come out in a slurred mess.

  With his grip now firmly on my hips, he holds me in place. I tilt my hips as he continues to push in and then withdraw, leaving me wanting more each time. My senses are still on high alert after my orgasm. I try to refocus my attention back to him, but it’s hard when my body surges forward, anticipating another r
elease. He’s driving me higher and higher and I’m almost at the point of no return. My thighs tighten and all I want to do is close my eyes and enjoy the feelings that will sweep through my body.

  He stops.

  I stare at him in frustration for stealing my moment. Leaving me wanting and waiting.

  He smiles.

  He surges forward, pushing deeper inside, and I moan. Pushing my thighs back, he hits that sweet spot that is sometimes beyond his reach, but in this position, everything is well within reach. My eyes close and this time I can’t keep them open. He pounds into me recklessly, driving us both to the brink.

  “You are my heaven and hell combined,” he says, leaning forward and pressing his lips to mine. Pushing his tongue between my lips, he dominates our kiss just the same as he dominates the pace he’s set. His restraint is slipping away, just as mine has already done.

  He rocks deeper into me and the fire within me starts to spread at a lightning pace. My body begins to tremble from the punishing rhythm. Our joined moans fill the room. Mindless pleasure consumes me as I surrender to the orgasm that takes me captive.

  He doesn’t still, but pushes on, pounding deep into me, over and over. I open my eyes just at the right moment. His body tenses, his eyes close, and I feel him. All of him.

  “Ella,” he growls.

  He rolls us to our sides, but we stay connected. I hold him close, not wanting to lose what we’ve just shared. Our pounding hearts and ragged breathing are all that can be heard amongst the silence. It’s comforting.

  “I should move,” I say after a few minutes.

  “You are going nowhere. I’m not nearly done with you. I told you I planned to take care of you all night long and that’s what I intend to do.”

  Who am I to argue with that?

  “I CAN’T BELIEVE YOU’RE IN London and I’m stuck home alone,” Julie whines through the phone in between her coughing and sneezing. I hold it away from my ear and Connor laughs, shaking his head as we enter our hotel room. “Ella, I’m not kidding.”

  Her nose is out of joint because I’m here with Connor. She loves these events. She can always be found mingling with all the celebrities, especially the single ones. She was invited, but she declined, given the fact that she’s loaded with a cold. “You two have your fun. Don’t worry about me,” she says sniffling.

  “Okay, we won’t.” I know she’s teasing. She’s happy we managed to get away together.

  “Ella McGregor, you witch. But I know you’ll have a great time.”

  “I’ll try. Look, I’d better go. We’re at our room and I don’t have long before we need to leave.”

  “Okay. There’s someone coming to do your hair and make-up in about . . . oh, half an hour. You can thank me when you see me during the week. Maybe lunch?”

  Why does this not surprise me? She is so thoughtful. I’m okay at doing my make-up and hair, but it’s nowhere near professional standards. “Thank you, and yes, we’ll do lunch. Love you.”

  “Yeah, yeah. Now go and have fun.” We end our call.

  I walk through the room toward the bed, dropping my phone on it. Trevor has done good, although I wouldn’t expect anything else from him. But, I’m surprised he didn’t bring up sleeping arrangements to me before we left Glasgow. This suite is incredible. It feels cool yet warm with its soft greys and deep reds. All very sensual.

  I walk over to the large sash bay windows and I’m staring straight out onto Piccadilly Circus. Right in the heart of London. Maybe I should find out what shows are on in the theatres and Connor and I can have a proper date.

  “What are you thinking?” Connor asks, approaching me from behind and securely wrapping his arms around my body and resting them on my stomach.

  “I’m thinking the room is perfect but I’m a little surprised Trevor didn’t book two rooms.”

  “He did, but I very politely asked him to change the reservation.”

  “I see.”

  “Yes, you do. If only we had more time to ourselves before we have to leave,” he whispers against my ear.

  “We don’t, but I’m sure the wait until you get me in that bed will be worth it.”

  “Of that I have no doubts. I’m going to call for some room service and order us some sandwiches because neither of us has eaten since breakfast and there’s no way I’m letting you drink on an empty stomach. So go and shower before whoever Julie has organised is here.”

  I turn in his arms. “You knew?”

  “Of course.” He presses the briefest kiss to my lips and releases his hold of me. I stand and watch as he picks up the telephone and orders food and a bottle of wine. I leave him and wander through the suite until I find myself in the most amazing bathroom. Everything in here is brilliant white with a few red accessories thrown in. My eyes take in the giant bath tub that looks as though it would fit two comfortably. A relaxing bath with a bottle of fizz does sound appealing.

  Shaking my thoughts from my head, I undress, switch the shower on, and stand under the warm flowing water. Perfect. Just what I need to wash away a day full of travelling. With our flight being delayed today, we would’ve been quicker travelling by train.

  I’m looking forward to being out and about tonight, but I’m also a little nervous. I should’ve asked Trevor to check out the guest list for me. Voices in the other room grab my attention and I wonder if it’s room service or the hairdresser and make-up artist. I suppose that means I should get out.

  Switching the water off, I shiver, suddenly feeling cold. I grab a large white fluffy towel and quickly dry myself before putting on the dressing gown and leaving the bathroom.

  Room service has been delivered. So much for just some sandwiches; there’s enough food on the table for a party. Along with my favourite; a bottle of champagne.

  Connor exits the bedroom and joins me with my phone in his hand. There’s no smile on his face, no glint in his eye, and I know something is wrong.

  I freeze.


  That’s the only explanation.

  He’s not contacted me again since the other day, but given the grim expression on Connor’s face, that’s changed. “What’s wrong?” I ask nervously, not sure if I want the answer.

  “He’s been back in touch,” Connor says, moving toward me.

  “What does he say?”

  “He sounds a bit more desperate than his message earlier in the week. He really needs to speak with you. Each message is the same.”

  “What do you mean, each message is the same?”

  “He’s sent ten messages in as many minutes.”

  Shit! That does sound desperate. “I don’t care how desperate he is. I’m not getting back to him. I’m not interested in anything he has to say.” I take a seat at the table and don’t wait to see the expression on Connor’s face. Yes, he’s bound to be concerned, but I don’t want Donovan Bell to put a damper on tonight or this weekend. I open the champagne without looking in his direction.

  “Are we not going to talk about this?”


  “Ella . . .”

  “Don’t. I don’t want us to have an argument over him. Please. I don’t want him to come between us or ruin the weekend.”

  He moves closer to me, resting his hand on my shoulder. I tilt my head back, looking directly into his amazing eyes. “I can promise you, he will never come between us.” He takes the bottle from my hands and fills up the glasses before us. “A toast! To an amazing weekend with an equally amazing woman.” He hands me a glass and we clink our glasses before taking a drink.

  “To an amazing weekend with a wonderful man.” He takes the seat opposite me and has the biggest smile on his face. He places my phone face down on the table. I’m sure it will buzz again, but I’m not interested. We eat in silence, a comfortable understanding filling the air around us, until there’s a knock on the door.

  “That will be Julie’s friend here to work her magic.”

  “Hey, cheeky,” I say, reachi
ng over and playfully slapping his arm.

  He stands and walks around the table. “You know I don’t mean it.”

  I raise my eyebrows and watch as he wanders toward the door and opens it. A young woman enters, pulling a small trolley behind her. I smile as Connor shows her through to the bedroom.

  “She’s setting up. I’ll get ready in here and leave you in peace.” He’s very thoughtful. I’m glad because I don’t want him to see my dress until I’m in it. “Go on. Go and get pampered. You deserve it.”

  I stand in front of the mirror, feeling giddy as I take in my appearance. Long gone is the woman who stared back at me almost three weeks ago. So much has changed in such a short period, least of all the small fact that I’ve put on some of the weight I’d lost. It’s only a small amount, but I look so much healthier and happier. The happiness is all Connor’s doing. I can’t take any of the credit for that.

  My hair is incredible, all curled and hanging loosely down my back and framing my face. It really does look more blonde than light brown now, and I love the colour of it. The make-up is light, yet effective. The lady Julie organised has done an amazing job with both, and she was lovely.

  I’m struggling to take in my figure in this tight gold dress that sits just below the knee; some of my curves are back and I can’t believe how good I look. Turning to the side to see how the back looks, I see it’s really low with lots of skin on show.

  I slip my feet into my black Jimmy Choos, add my jewellery, and pick up my black matching clutch bag that contains the essentials; my bank card, lipstick, and my perfume.

  With a deep breath, I leave the bedroom.

  Bloody hell.

  And I thought Connor looked handsome in his kilt at his own premiere. He looks amazing in his dark suit, white shirt, and dark tie. I smile, thinking he’s worn that to match my shoes. He must’ve seen my shoes and bag before we left home to pick out a tie almost identical in colour. He shaved a few days ago, much to my disappointment, but there’s now a slight shadow along his jawline. Connor looks hot.

  Deliciously hot.


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