Caught by the Bad Boys Series

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Caught by the Bad Boys Series Page 46

by Raathi Chota

  “Are you okay?” I asked as he scrunched his nose up. He groaned again but gave a short nod. Seconds later, Keene approached us.

  “Dude, you okay? Should I call an ambula—”

  “No, I’m fine,” he muttered then took my hand in his. “Just take me home.”

  I nodded as Keene and I helped him out of the car. Ethan and Aidan stayed by the vehicle and cleaned up. I helped Levi into the passenger seat of his car, then left Keene to do the rest. Out the corner of my eye, I saw Blake and Axel. I clenched my fists and squinted my eyes at him. I marched toward them as I pushed my way through the crowd. Axel noticed me and grinned as he elbowed Blake. He spun around with a wicked look in his eye as I approached him.

  “You want your kiss?” I grumbled. Blake raised his brow as he slowly nodded. I took the palm of my hand, kissed it, then gave him one hard slap. Oohs and snickers surrounded us as I quickly spun around and walked toward Levi. Without another word, I got into the driver’s seat and drove off with Levi beside me. We drove in silence as I glanced at Levi. He rested against the seat as he looked out the window. “How’s your cut?”

  “Not that deep, Keene touched it up. Don’t worry.” Levi sighed. “How was your date?”

  “It was good.”

  “So are you guys a thing now?”

  “I-I don’t know.”

  “So you guys just gonna go out and fuck like the last few years didn’t happen?”

  “No, what the hell? We’re not even a couple yet.”

  “Blake agrees with me that he’s just playing you.”

  “Like you two haven’t,” I muttered. I glanced at the time and noticed that it was almost midnight. Dad didn’t give me a curfew, though.

  “You still holding a grudge?” Levi groaned.

  “Look who’s talking.”

  “Fine, okay, I get it. It’s just we don’t like him. Never have, never will,” he admitted as he raised his arms.

  “We? You’ve known Blake for three days, and you grew on each other. Conceited and egotistical,” I muttered as we pulled into the driveway.

  “What can I say? I’ve found my people.” He chuckled.

  “It doesn’t mean you guys have to act like a bunch of assholes. At least he’s trying to make up the eight years, unlike some people who are so self-centered. Can you guys at least try to act friendly in front of him?” I sighed then made a pouty face. “For me?”

  “Fine, but only because I don’t want to see you get hurt.” Levi sighed. “Just so you know, I don’t believe in that ‘as long as you’re happy that’s all that matters’ bullshit, because if he hurts you, I’m gonna strangle him,” he continued as I sighed. “Like I did every year when you cried in my arms.”

  “Well, things have changed, Levi,” I said as we sat in the car. “A lot. I’ve been doing things on my own, and it’s scaring me. The most unexpected people can come into your life and make a difference.”

  “Wonder what Benny did to make you feel this way…that’s the thing Blake and I can’t get,” he muttered as we sat in total darkness.

  “There’s nothing to get. I like Benny a lot, and there’s nothing that you and your new best friend can do that will change that,” I said as I gripped onto the door handle.

  “All right, just don’t come crying to me when he breaks your heart.”

  “Bullshit. It’s already broken.”


  The rest of Thursday, I ignored Blake, which wasn’t hard since I barely had any classes with him. Lunch wasn’t so bad since everyone talked and he sat across the table. Liam and Aidan went on and on about Stranger Things, which resulted in Nick and Benny spoiling the last episode for them. As promised, I spoke to Tiffany for Aidan. It turned out she had a crush on him since sophomore year and swooned when he asked her to Homecoming. After lunch, he asked her out on a date, which she evidently said yes to. I joined her girly moment as we squealed.

  I walked down the quiet hallway on my way to the gym. Benny said he’d give me a ride home after practice. I didn’t mind sitting and working while they practiced.

  “So you’re going to ignore me now?” Blake said.

  “He could’ve been severely injured, Blake! You didn’t even stop to see if he was okay,” I snapped.

  “I called him last night, and he said no problem, happened before, no biggy.” Blake sighed as he threw his hands up in exasperation. “We’re not like girls who bitch around and sob for every little thing,” he added as I let out a dry laugh. “I’m still waiting for my kiss.” He leaned forward. Blake towered over me as his dog chain stuck out. I really wanted to take it and choke him. I glanced down at his black Doc Martens, then up to his leather jacket.

  “Screw you,” I hissed, then stepped back. Blake tilted his head as he put his hand on his chest. I rolled my eyes, entirely aggravated by him.

  “Ouch, that hurt, Willson,” he sarcastically said.

  “Ugh, I hate you.”

  “That’s funny. At the beginning of the school year, I heard I was your favorite.”

  “Yeah, that’s before I got to know the egotistical, selfish, backstabbing, cold-hearted, mystifying bastard know as Blake Gunner,” I said as I placed my hand on his chest. “So yes, Blake, I don’t hate you. I just hate the arrogant, self-centered, and confusing side of you,” I said, jabbing my finger in his chest at each word. “In fact, I like you, Blake. Just not the way that you like me.”

  We stared at each other for a moment. An emotionless look filled Blake’s face as I stepped back. He watched as I walked away. I entered the gym and saw all the basketball players practice, yet Benny was nowhere to be found. I glanced at Liam, Nick, and Ethan and strolled toward them.

  “Hey, guys.” I smiled.

  “Hey, Lana, looking for someone?” Liam wiggled his eyebrows. I gave him a strange look as Nick swung his arm around Liam’s shoulder.

  “Her boyfriend,” Nick answered with a sly grin.

  “We’re not a cou—”

  “Boyfriend!” Liam called out as he glanced around the gym.

  “Liam, what are you doing? If he’s no—”

  “Why aren’t you saying Benny?” Ethan asked as he raised a brow at me.

  “Oh no, she only says his name when they’re alone,” Nick emphasized. My eyes widened as they smirked at each other, then moaned out Benny’s name.

  “Benny!” Liam groaned in what seemed to be a seductive way.

  “Oh Benny!” Ethan joined in as my cheeks flushed.

  “You guys!” I whined as I playfully punched Ethan.


  “What?” a familiar voice asked, and I turned to see Benny. He walked to us in a muscle tank top and Adidas shorts. I turned back to the three guys, who laughed. I swear I was red as a tomato when Benny stood next to me. We stood there as the rest of them fooled around. Coach Harris entered the gym, and the guys cursed.

  “Eight laps around the gym, now!” he yelled, then blew the whistle, making Liam jump. He tugged on his friend Tyler, and they ran. I watched as they jogged around the gym but felt a hand entwine in mine. I looked over my shoulder to see Benny. We walked out of the gym and stood in the empty hallway. I leaned against the wall as he glanced down at me. He nervously licked his lips, then rested one arm on the wall next to me.

  “I had fun last night,” he murmured.

  “Me too.” I smiled.

  “Look, err…I want…” he stuttered, then took a deep breath. His brown eyes met mine as I saw the nervous look. “I know we’ve only been on one date, but Thanksgiving when you kissed me, I-I wanted you. I like you, Lana, and I want to be with you more. With Levi here, it just makes me nervous, and…what I’m trying to say is…” Benny trailed off as he looked at me. “Lana, would you be my girlfriend?”

  My blank expression immediately changed as a smile grew onto my face. I slowly placed my arms around his neck as I brought him closer to me. Our foreheads were pressed together as I smiled at him.

  “I’d love to,” I
whispered. Benny let out a sigh of relief, then smiled. He leaned in as he pushed my glasses up, then gazed at my lips. He pressed himself against me as he leaned on the wall for support as our lips met. I smiled against his lips. The thought of Benny Nielson being my boyfriend couldn’t register, but it was genuine. We could kiss in public, hold hands, and feel comfortable around each other. The kiss was soft at first as his lips pecked mine but soon filled with admiration. His body clung to me as my mouth parted. Benny took the chance as he deepened the kiss, and I raked my fingers through his hair. He let out a hoarse groan as the kiss became gentle.

  “Stop that before I hose you two off,” a loud voice interrupted as I pulled away. I glanced over my shoulder to see Coach Harris. Benny awkwardly scratched his neck as I blushed. Coach shook his head then walked back into the gym. As soon as he was gone, Benny came up beside me and smashed his lips against mine. It was quick yet sweet as he pulled away, then grabbed my hand. We walked back into the gym together, and I noticed Liam and Ethan grinned as they ran. I sat in the stands as I did homework yet I couldn’t focus or slap the smile off my face. I had a boyfriend!

  “Benny!” Liam and Ethan moaned as they ran past us. I swore at them, and Liam gasped. Then Benny passed, and I smiled at him. He sent me a wink, which apparently made my cheeks warm up. I still couldn’t believe that I had a boyfriend.

  Chapter Seven


  I stirred in my sleep as the memories of that night entered my mind. I suddenly calmed down as an arm wrapped around me, and I was brought closer to the person’s body. I smiled at the thought of Benny, who had me securely in his arms. Before I went to bed last night, he called and said he missed me. Then we talked for two hours until I fell asleep. My eyes shot open as I remembered that Benny didn’t come over, he dropped me off, but that was it. I glanced over my shoulder to see Levi’s face buried in the pillow. I got up too quickly and fell off the bed. I landed on my butt as I squinted at my window. It was already morning. I sprung up as Levi sat up and stretched. I ran to my closet and took out casual clothing. I ran into the bathroom and showered. Five minutes later, I was out in a plain white tee, jeans, and denim jacket. Levi was in the same spot as before. I glared at him the whole time as I slipped on my boots and glasses.

  “What the hell were you doing in my bed?” I demanded.

  “In the middle of the night, I needed to take a piss, so I used your bathroom, then came out to see you mumbling stuff in your sleep,” he began. “You tried grabbing something, so I just extended my arm and, well…you pulled me in.”

  “I’m locking that door from now on. I have a boyfriend!” I exclaimed as I took my phone. I glanced down to see that I’d received a message from Benny. Without giving Levi a second glance, I sprinted down the stairs and into the kitchen. Mom and Jade had coffee, and I could’ve sworn I ran past Dad. “Hey, Mom. Hey, Jade,” I said as I grabbed an apple. Benny’s car honk echoed as I dashed through the house. “Bye, Mom. Bye, Jade!”

  I scrambled into Benny’s car and shut the door. I turned to face him as he leaned forward. I smiled as we kissed then drove on.

  “Listen, since the game is tonight and there’ll probably be a party afterward, I was thinking maybe we ditch the party?” he suggested as I took a bite out of my apple.

  “And do what?” I grinned.

  “Chill at my place, watch movies, y’know, since it’s the last day of school.”

  “Fine with me.” I smiled. We arrived at the school on time. Since we had Physics first, Benny and I walked together to class. I sat at the back of the class with Benny in front of me. Ethan sat on my right as the teacher roamed in the front. Once everyone was in class, Mr. Gorton picked up a bunch of papers and handed them out. Everyone groaned at the thought of doing work on the last day of school.

  “It’s not my fault that someone piped up that we didn’t do work the other day,” he mumbled and snatched the basketball from Tyler. We sat in silence and did the sheet on Nuclear Physics. I finished earlier than everyone else, so I looked around the classroom. I noticed Benny sunk in his seat. He leaned back and rested his head on my table. I smiled as I sat up straight and leaned forward so that he’d see me. Benny smiled at me as I ran my hand through his dark brown hair. I kissed his forehead. He let out a sigh as he leisurely shut his eyes. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Liam raise his arm. I propped my chin on the palm of my hand as I rested it on the desk and watched Liam.

  “Yes, Mr. Sanchez?”

  “Have you seen Jack August?” he blurted out as Benny’s eyes snapped open.

  “Who the heck is that?” Mr. Gorton asked as he spun the basketball with his index finger.

  “Wait—is he that hobo on the news?” Ethan asked as Nick turned around to glare at Liam.

  “Yeah, he’s missing. Wonder why the police are making such a big fuss about it,” Britney explained as Benny slowly sat up. I nervously bit my lip as whispers and murmurs spread throughout the classroom. Liam turned to us as he gave an apologetic smile. Benny groaned as Nick flicked him. Mr. Gorton stood up from his seat and went to the front of the classroom.

  “Quiet down!” he exclaimed. Once everyone was settled, he turned to Liam and raised a brow. “Why do you ask, Liam?”

  “He’s just missing…” Liam shrugged as he avoided eye contact. Mr. Gorton sighed as he told us to get back to work. I sighed. Jack. Yeah, he’s missing, and it doesn’t look like he’s going to be found very soon.


  “The best thing about Nick is that he always gives me his jacket.” Melissa smiled as we entered the gym. The rest of the day flew by in an absolute blur. Blake and Carter didn’t come to school, and Ethan told me that they never went on the last day. Park Town High was opposite us, and Liam was right. They were tall and massive. I sat down in the stands with Miranda on my right and Melissa on my left. Marcus and Parker were next to her as they talked. We got the perfect view as both schools got ready. Benny’s eyes met mine as he sent me a warm smile.

  “This has Levi written all over it,” Miranda said. I raised a brow as I followed her gaze to my faded hickey. I descended in my seat as they stared at me with questioning looks.

  “It happened before Benny asked me out, okay?” I mumbled. Miranda let out a sigh as she glanced up at Benny, then me.

  “I adore that you guys are finally together, but I just have this strange feeling that Blake is going to ruin it.”

  “Or Levi,” Melissa added.

  “Oh, shit. There goes my happiness,” I said.

  The game started and everyone quieted down. Benny played well; the way he dribbled the ball across the court and passed to his teammates showed how skilled he was. Ethan played center as he directed his team while Nick was shooting guard and Liam was the point guard. The rest of the game went well, but Park Town High was full of surprises with a better tactic. Ethan, Benny, and Tyler were the ones who scored the most, as well as the taller guys from Park Town High. One of them was benched for foul plays, yet he seemed familiar. Miranda and Marcus bought food while Melissa scolded them to stop and actually focus on the game. When they finally did, I noticed that there were thirty seconds left.

  “They just need to score two points then we’ll win!” Marcus said since the score was 45-45. I watched eagerly as the big guy from Park Town High stole the ball from Nick and ran the opposite way as he dribbled the ball. Ethan came out of nowhere as he flipped it out of his hand. Giants surrounded Ethan as he tried to score.

  “Pass it to Sanchez!” Coach yelled as Ethan snapped his head toward Liam. I glanced at the clock to see twenty seconds were left. Ethan threw it to Liam, who caught it with ease as he dribbled the ball past the Giants. People were at the edge of their seats as we watched the brunette run across the court like there’s no tomorrow.

  “Come on, Liam!” Parker yelled as he stood up. Soon everyone followed as we stood up and cheered Liam on. He stopped at the three-point line and glanced at the clock. Eight seconds left as he looked at the
hoop. The opposite team came as Liam angled his hands to score. We watched as he threw the ball in the air. It soared and hit against the backboard. Everyone suddenly froze as we watched the ball drop on the ring. It did a semi-circle and at the last second fell in the hoop. As the ball landed on the ground, the buzzer went off as we cheered. Everyone made his or her way down as the team congratulated Liam. Park Town High glared at us but was immediately snapped from their stares as their coach yelled at them. Benny ran up to me and engulfed me in a hug as I stood on my tippy toes.

  “You were amazing,” I said as we pulled away.

  “Let’s go party!” Nick cheered as we walked out of the gym.

  “Err, we’ll see you guys later,” Benny said as he gathered his things. They didn’t mind at all and walked on. Miranda spun around and pointed to her neck while Benny grabbed his stuff. I gave a short nod as I buttoned up my jacket. We walked to Benny’s car, and I was glad that we didn’t go to the party. I wasn’t in the mood, and I heard that those after game parties got wild like the last time when Benny and I did a body shot.

  We arrived at the house and noticed that his parents were home. We entered the house to see no one in the living room.

  “They must be sleeping,” Benny mumbled as he put his things down. I followed him into the basement and was immediately thrown with noise. Once we reached the bottom of the stairs, I glanced up to see Sam on the sofa with a controller in his hand as he stared at the TV.


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