Kitchen Promises (Riverside Trilogy, #3) (The Riverside Trilogy)

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Kitchen Promises (Riverside Trilogy, #3) (The Riverside Trilogy) Page 14

by Brooke Cumberland

  “I can’t believe you did this!” I gushed to Michael, who was now standing directly behind me. I turned around and squeezed him. “It’s amazing.”

  “You didn’t see the best part yet.” He winked and nodded his head in Drake’s direction.

  I turned to see Drake standing at the other wall and next to the chalkboard where we had written our vows.

  “You had it framed?” I squealed. “H-how did you do that? I didn’t even know you could do that,” I rambled.

  “I can pretty much get anything done for the right price tag.” He grinned. “Now our babies will grow up with our vows right in their room and know their mommy and daddy love them, and that no matter what, we promise forever.”

  “You really know how to lay it on a hormonal pregnant woman, don’t you?” I cried. He rushed to my side and hugged me. This moment meant everything to me.

  “I don’t care how or when we get married; these vows mean more to me than any ceremony.”

  “I’m happy you think that way, because this whale isn’t fitting into a wedding dress anytime soon.” I pointed down to my growing belly.

  He cupped my face in his hands and leaned in, just barely touching my lips. It was a sensual moment. Not hot. Not desire. Just love. And it was perfect.

  * * *

  Having Drake in my life was something I never wanted to imagine being without. He was my everything. He taught me to love again, to trust again, and most importantly, to live again. He reminded me of what love felt like, what life could be like sharing it with someone you love, and how it felt to be happy. I wanted to marry him. I wanted to call him my husband and have our babies growing up with two parents. He was everything I ever wanted.

  And now I was going to lose that.

  The moment that I tell Drake I can’t marry him, I know I’ll be bombarded with questions. He’ll think I’m being overly emotional or he’ll want reasons why. Actual reasons. How can I do that to him? Knowing he’ll be devastated and hurt because of me? I can’t. I just can’t do this to him.

  I wanted to enjoy this time with my family before the babies arrived. There was so much to do yet, I felt completely unprepared, but I didn’t care. I wanted them. I wanted to keep them safe and hold them.

  * * *

  I decided to not let myself think of Denny. I hadn’t heard from him since the baby shower three days before. I never confirmed that I would do as he said, nor did I dismiss him. The fact that he brought up Liam put my entire body into shock. He went to jail when I was six years old and got out right before my fourteenth birthday. He was let out early for good behavior. Years later, I heard he started a business and became a millionaire just a few short years later. By the time I had Stella, he was well-known in Iowa and held a lot of power.

  I wanted to believe that he was lying about making Liam disappear. Rather, he was just trying to rattle me, to try to prove to me how much power he had. And as much as I wanted to believe that, a part of me believed him. To him, I was the reason he went to jail in the first place, so if he was behind Liam’s accident, it was to seek revenge—to take away the one person I loved more than anything. To make me hurt. To take my life away from me as I did his.

  It was all starting to make sense to me now. It was like a huge puzzle I was finally putting together. Except, I needed to tear that puzzle apart and not let him win.

  And to do that, I would have to play his little game. I would have to let him think he was in control. I’d have to do as he said.

  I watched as Michael put everything from the baby shower away. Their tiny little, matching outfits, their teeny, tiny diapers, their new toys. It was all too much.

  “I want them here now!” I whined.

  “Soon enough, baby girl.”

  “I know everyone keeps telling me to ‘enjoy the rest,’ ‘enjoy the peace and quiet now while I can,’ but I just can’t. I want them now. I wanna hold them and rock them and see their cute little faces. It’s been five years since Stella was a baby. And ahh…I’m just so excited!” I gushed, overly cheerful.

  “Wow…sounds like someone’s in mama nesting mode.”

  “Ha! I wish you would let me nest. But instead, I get to watch you.”

  “Well, as soon as you’re up and walking around again, you can reorganize anything you want. I know you will anyway,” he snorted.

  “Well, at least you won’t be offended when I do.” I grinned.

  I looked around the nursery. I couldn’t believe this was mine. That my babies would soon be here. When Stella was born, Liam and I lived in a small two-bedroom apartment. We weren’t allowed to paint the walls, so I used wall décor and stickers to decorate her nursery the best I could. It wasn’t spectacular, but at the time, it was perfect. It was ours.

  “I really love this nursery, you know?”

  “I knew you would.” He smirked. “Surprisingly, the chalkboard is my favorite part.”

  I glanced over to it, still thinking of the moment Drake and I wrote those down. I closed my eyes as I remember Drake’s voice…

  “Molly, I don’t need a fancy ceremony. I don’t need the flowers, the big cake, or even the cheesy music. I just need you. I only want you. And if that means writing our vows on chalkboards, then it’s exactly what I want.”

  That was it. I’ll just tell Drake I don’t want the ceremony or the big fancy wedding. He doesn’t want it either. That way I can keep my word to him, but give Denny what he wants to keep his mouth shut.

  * * *

  It was finally Christmas Eve. A huge storm front had just entered Chicago, dumping tons of snow on top of us. It was beautiful. I could stare out our windows all day watching the snow falling over the city.

  “Mommy! Santa comes tonight!” I was promoted from the bed to the loveseat downstairs. The doctor had given me lighter restrictions, but still wouldn’t let me do much of anything else. At this point, I was just excited to be out of the bedroom finally and enjoying new scenery.

  “I know! Are you excited?”

  “Yes! I can’t wait to see what he brought me!”

  “Well, you know sweetheart, Christmas isn’t just about presents. There’s a meaning behind it.”

  “I know.” She smiled. She sipped her hot chocolate that Michael made her and sat down next to me. Given all the shit that was happening…this was really perfection. I pushed everything back in my mind for now. I was determined to enjoy this.

  “So, do you kids want to watch a movie?” Drake entered with more hot chocolate.

  I excused myself to use the bathroom as they bickered on a movie choice. I laughed as I watched Drake try to keep up with the kids. It was precious really, seeing Drake in daddy mode.

  Once I was done, I remembered I forgot my cell phone back upstairs. I wanted to call my parents before they went to bed and wish them a Merry Christmas.

  As I unlocked my phone, a text appeared.

  Blocked Number: The clock is ticking.

  My entire body shivered as I read his message. I looked around the room, feeling suddenly scared that I wasn’t alone.

  Molly: What do you want?

  Hell, I didn’t know whether or not he could, but I wasn’t about to let him know that.

  Blocked Number: You know exactly what I want. Leave him. Leave him like you made me leave my family.

  Molly: You deserved it, you sick fuck.

  Blocked Number: Leave him. You were never meant to get your happily ever after, you fucking slut.

  Molly: I’m not leaving him.

  Blocked Number: You will if you want to protect him. I won’t even lay a finger on his pretty little face. Deal?

  What the hell is wrong with this freak? He was totally getting off on this. Fury ignited throughout my entire body, making my hands shake as I held my phone.

  Blocked Number: And if you keep this our little secret, I won’t even touch a hair on Stella. Pinky promise.

  At the sight of seeing Stella’s name on my phone, I chucked my phone as hard as I could
against the wall, which apparently wasn’t very hard because it bounced off and landed on the floor. I sank to the ground, hyperventilating. This cannot be happening. I rubbed my hands over my belly, begging them to stay in as long as possible. It was my only way to protect them now.

  What the hell am I going to do? I was prepared to tell Drake I didn’t want the whole ceremony and official “wedding,” but the mention of Stella and hurting Drake, I was fucking screwed. What can I do? Telling Drake would only fuel Denny more. Who knows what he really was capable of? Could I risk it?

  I pulled myself together and went back downstairs. Before I landed on the last step, I watched as Stella snuggled up to Drake with a bowl of popcorn. I couldn’t lose them. I couldn’t lose my family. What the hell am I going to do?

  I snuggled into the sofa next to them. I was going to enjoy my family. I would not let Denny ruin this for me.

  * * *

  “Mom! Wake up!” Stella’s screams and body shaking jolted me out of bed before I could rationalize what the hell was happening.

  “I’m up! I’m up!”

  “Before the sun, apparently,” Drake muttered, whipping the covers off. “Here, let me help you, sweetheart.” He kissed me gently on the lips. “Merry Christmas, baby.”

  “Merry Christmas,” I whispered back. And it was going to be. No matter what. Today was going to be a good day.

  “Santa came! There are presents! And his reindeer ate the carrot I left out.”

  “Wow, awesome!” I gushed with her. “What about the milk and cookies?”

  “Yup. All gone.” She smiled proudly.

  I took her hand in mine and let her lead me downstairs. Michael had stayed up late to place all the gifts under the tree. I did all my shopping online and made Michael wrap everything for me.

  “Wow!” I smiled wide as Stella ran over to the tree. Liam was already kneeling down, shaking all the boxes. It was our first Christmas with Liam, and I wanted to make sure it was extra special for him and Drake. Violet was nice enough to let Drake have him this holiday, so I wanted to make it memorable for the both of them. Since I wasn’t able to do much, I had given Michael a to-do list of food to make and decorations to set out.

  He really went over the top. Garland and lights accented the room, while eggs, bacon, and French toast aroma flooded my nose. I could hear my stomach growling as I inhaled the scent.

  “It smells delicious, Michael! Please tell me we eat first?” I pleaded.

  “No, mommy! Presents!” Stella interrupted.

  “Please!” Liam begged.

  “Fine.” I smiled. “But just one. Then we eat and then open the rest.”

  Drake and I watched as they each ripped one open. Luckily, it was a toy that kept them occupied until after breakfast.

  “Mols, where’s your phone? I tried texting you earlier,” Michael asked as he served me.

  “Oh, I dropped it. I think it’s upstairs somewhere. I guess I should’ve asked Santa for a tracking device,” I said coyly.

  “You dropped it? How?” Drake asked.

  “Fell. I mean, it fell out of my hands. And I couldn’t bend over to pick it up.”

  The room stayed silent. I was hoping Michael and Drake couldn’t see through the lie.

  “Well, let’s eat!” Michael interrupted, setting the last of the plates on the table. We ate as Stella and Liam chatted away, telling jokes and making everyone laugh. I shoveled food into my mouth, enjoying the moment we were sharing together. It was perfect.

  I couldn’t keep the thought of Denny out of my head no matter how hard I tried. I kept looking at Stella, knowing I was putting her in harms way. And then Drake, knowing I had to protect him. I didn’t know what that creepy bastard could do to him, but I sure as hell didn’t want to find out.

  After Liam and Stella dug through their gifts and ripped each one open, I excused myself. I needed a moment to let this day sink in. I was an emotional mess just watching how perfect our family was. In actuality, it wasn’t perfect, but it was perfect for me. My future husband, my baby girl, my best friend, and Liam, my future stepson. We were a perfectly blended family. And now, it was being threatened.

  Molly: Fine. I’ll do it. I’ll tell Drake I won’t marry him.

  Blocked Number: And it’s a Merry Christmas after all.

  Molly: Fuck you.

  Blocked Number: Now, now. Where’s your Christmas sprit?

  I had to do this right. I couldn’t let my emotions take over me as I told Drake. He had to know I was serious and make him believe me no matter what.

  I had to. If what he said about Liam dying were true…

  I had no choice.

  Whom am I kidding? I had no power or control over this. I needed a plan.




  Christmas was amazing this year. Having Liam here for the first time was so special to me. Watching his eyes light up every time he unwrapped a present was like reliving parts of his childhood that I had missed. It felt amazing to give him this—not only the presents, but the feel of a real family.

  Molly engulfed herself in Project Anchor as soon as the holidays were over. She didn’t seem to like talking much and it felt like we were distancing. I knew she was worried about the babies and probably still very emotional and hormonal, but I wanted to get that back. I wanted her back.

  After checking into Dan’s history, I hadn’t been able to find anything unusual. He had a whole record of previous jobs, previous addresses, and everything always checked out when I dug for more information. I wanted to believe Molly with everything I had, but I couldn’t go around accusing people of being a child molester. I needed hard evidence.

  She hadn’t brought him up again, so I wasn’t sure if I should let it go or see if she mentioned him again. It was now a week after Christmas and things were finally feeling real. Molly was still getting weekly check ups and staying on strict bed rest. I would feel the babies kick and would talk to her belly so they could hear my voice. I was excited and nervous as hell for them to arrive.

  “Sweetheart?” I entered the bedroom where she was laying and flipping through a magazine.

  She looked up and smiled at me. I bent on my knees against the bed and kissed her softly. “How are you feeling?”

  “Not too bad. I think one of the twins has the hiccups. Wanna feel?” She perked right up, leaning up on one hand.

  I nodded and reached out to feel her belly. This would never get old. Feeling them inside her, knowing we made them, was the most incredible feeling ever.

  “Feels like your belly is doing the wave.” I laughed.

  “Feels like a dozen little elves are in there hammering away on new toys.” She grinned.

  “So that’s where the toys come from,” I teased.

  “Riiiight.” She grinned and rolled her eyes at me. For some reason, I felt tension between us. There wasn’t anything wrong with us that I knew of. The only thing hanging over our heads was the whole Dan/Denny thing.

  “Are you still thinking about him?” I blurted out without thinking.

  “Huh?” Her face confused.

  I swallowed and began again. “Denny…I mean, Dan. Are you still thinking about how you think Dan is Denny.”

  She stared at me a long time before responding. Her eyes went from soft to hard before responding. “No, I was confused, that’s all.” For the first time, I couldn’t tell if she were lying. Why would Molly lie to me? She was hell bent on this just weeks ago.

  “It’s okay if you do, Molly. You don’t have to lie for me.” I moved a piece of her hair that had fallen back behind her ear. I wanted to look her in the eyes. “I just wanted you to know that I looked into it.”

  She closed her magazine and propped up. “And?” she asked a little too enthusiastically.

  “I’m sorry, sweetheart. I found nothing. Everything in his background is solid. His previous jobs, his education, his previous address—everything checked out.”

p; She leaned back down and dove into her magazine again, not saying anything. I waited patiently for her to respond.

  “Oh, okay,” is all she said, not even looking up at me. I could tell she still believed it was he and I felt horrible for not being able to believe her.

  “So I was thinking, what if tonight, Michael takes Stella out to dinner and just you and I have a little alone time? We could order food and a movie.”

  “Sure, sounds great.” She smiled. “As long as I get to pick the movie.”

  “Whatever you want. I’ll grab the menus.” I stood up and kissed her on the forehead, promising to return soon.

  Later that night, she had fallen asleep half way through Pitch Perfect leaving me to watch the rest by myself. I didn’t half mind it, but I wouldn’t tell her that.

  Just as the movie was ending, Molly began mumbling in her sleep. It was a mixture of Liam and cries of help.


  I froze, unsure if I should wake her up or not.

  “Don’t hurt him!” she yelled, jerking me back. I was stunned how clear I heard that one. “Denny, you monster!”

  Finally, I couldn’t take it anymore and shook her awake. “Molly! Sweetheart, wake up!” I squeezed her tight, not wanting to scare her as she woke up from whatever nightmare she was having.

  “What? What happened?” she asked startled, opening her eyes wide. She glanced around the room, realizing it was just her and I.

  “You were screaming in your sleep, baby. Are you alright?”

  “Oh.” She blinked several times. “Yeah, just a dream.” She rubbed her hands over her face and I could see the horror in her eyes.

  “What’s going on? Is there anything you need to tell me?” I asked.

  “No, why? What did I say?”

  “You were yelling about Liam and then something about Denny. Is this about Dan?” I asked as I tried to tread lightly, because I knew it was a sensitive topic.

  “Dan is Denny,” she murmured. “Denny is Dan.”

  “Okay, anything else?” I listened.

  She snapped her head over me, surprised to hear how calm I was. “He’s threatening me.”


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