Silver & Black

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Silver & Black Page 11

by Tyler May

  I shuffle my clothes from the washer to the dryer then take my place back on the table. No more job hunting. I’m going to play on my new phone a little. Silver is floating in my head. He consumes my thoughts lately. I kind of like that. He talked about his eye disease. Wonder what it is? I type in macular dystrophy in the search engine.

  Oh, my―All I can do is read and shake my head. I can’t believe he went through all this. He’s still going through this. I can see now why he wants to experience everything and why he wants me to help him. I haven’t known him long but I already feel a connection. Maybe this is why I was brought into his life. It puzzles me; everything about this is confusing. Why do I feel so much for a man I just met? That’s not like me. It took me over a year to admit that Jeff was more to me than I thought. I’m not saying that I’m in love with Silver, but I can say that I’m in definitely in like. And I do like he’s so confident about liking me.

  He’s not the type of man to whom I am usually attracted to. He’s better. I keep reading some chilling testimonies on a blog from people that suffer and live with macular dystrophy. It all hits me and it all starts to make sense: the sunglasses, his school, the driver, and his entire staff. He said he loves his staff and he couldn’t be without them. The fact is he needs them; they’re essential. He’s one of the lucky ones that have the means to employ them to maintain his independence. I get now why he wants to help; to help men like Brady. Everything about Silver is miraculous to me. There’s a reason, but he’s yet to divulge the reason he sought me. The fact is…. He needs me; I need him. I already know that. I just have to sort it out in my head―and heart. I glance down at the screen on my phone. My eyes start to tear as I research more and I can’t go on. I can’t read any more of what may happen. He’s optimistic and I’m going to be too. I need to talk to him. I scroll to my text screen.

  Me: Hey…. What are you up to?

  I wait and he doesn’t respond. Do I text again? Does it make me sound desperate? The dryer beeps suspending my thoughts. I jump down, drag out all the warm clothes, and throw them onto the table. I fold as fast as I can, glancing down at my phone in hopes that it will beep with a text from Silver. I stack all the clothing into the laundry basket and put my phone into my pocket. Maybe he’s in a meeting.

  I grab my basket and turn to walk out. I freeze when I glance through the window of the storefront and I see him, the man that followed me through the alley. He’s standing there with a dark gray hoodie zipped up to his chest shielding his head, sunglasses hiding his eyes. I drop my basket and he scatters. I run out the door trying to catch him and he’s gone. Where the fuck could he have gone that fast? My phone beeps startling me.

  Silver: I was in a meeting at the club. Everything ok? I miss you.

  I run my hand through my hair as I stare blankly at the crowded street. I go back into the laundromat and pile the clothes back into the basket. I just want to get the fuck out of here. I’ll text Silver when I get back home. My text message beeps again.

  Silver: Hope you’re not mad at me I wasn’t ignoring you. Please text or call to let me know you’re ok.

  I basically run home clenching my basket, watching every person that comes close to me. Paranoid doesn’t even begin to explain how I feel right now. I’m not going through this again! I get home rush through the door and lock it. Levi is there and he looks at me like I’m crazy. Fuck, I feel crazy.

  “You ok, Grey?” Levi asks. He’s dressed for work. I just stand there with my back pressed against the closed apartment door clenching the basket. He walks over and pries the basket from my hands. “I’ll take that as a ‘no’. What happened?” He snaps his fingers in my face to knock me out of my anxious trance. “Honey, you’re scaring the shit out of me right now. Answer me.”

  “I’m ok.” I check the lock on the door and go sit on the couch letting my face rest in the palms of my hands. “I think someone’s following me.”

  “Grey, do you think it’s him?” Levi sits next to me and pulls my head to his chest. “Are you sure?”

  “I saw him, uh, twice now. I thought the first time was a random encounter, but this wasn’t―I saw him standing in the window of the laundromat staring at me, watching me.”

  “You saw him? Is it―” Levi doesn’t have a chance to finish before I jump in.

  “I don’t know. I saw him, but I couldn’t see his face either time. He was covered for the most part.” I sit up. “I’ll be ok. I just freaked myself out.”

  “For good reason! We need to call the police,” Levi insists.

  “And tell them what? Some guy in a gray hoodie is at the same places that I am? Come on, this is New York; there’s weird stuff like this happening all the time. Do you have a cigarette?” I haven’t smoked in days, but this has me stressed. He hands me a smoke and holds the lighter for me.

  “It’s better to tell them instead of waiting to see what the jackass will do. I’m going to call into work. I don’t want you to be alone. I’ll stay with you.” He pulls out his cell and I stop him.

  “No, you need the money and it’s your big project. I can’t wait to see it tomorrow. Oh, crap I forgot to ask Silver. I’ll text him in a few minutes.”

  “I’d prefer that you aren’t alone tonight. How about this, I’ll go in and then come home early.” I nod and he pulls me into a hug. “You’re my best friend, honey. I have a bat in the corner; use that bitch if you have to.” He gets up and grabs his stuff for work. “Are you sure?”

  “I’m sure. I’m a big boy. I’ll be ok. Go, please.” He leans in to kiss my cheek. I follow him to the door and lock it after he exits. My phone beeps again. It’s Silver. Shit, I should have answered him.

  Silver: Are you ok? You’re worrying me. Please just say something to let me know you are ok.

  Me: I’m ok. Sorry I was in the laundromat and I get shitty signal in there.

  Silver: Oh, good I was worried. Did you get everything done?

  Me: Yup…. I just got home. I miss you. I think you put a spell on me ;)

  Silver: I told you not to drink the potion. Now you’re stuck with me. lol I miss you too.

  Me: But the potion is so, so good. Mmmm.

  A little flirting is perfect to get my mind off everything.

  Silver: ;) two SOs!

  Me: I’d give you more, but your self-control keeps knocking me out of the game.

  Silver: Damn self-control

  Me: Mmhmm…..hey, I really don’t want to be alone tonight. Are you busy? Levi won’t be home for a while.

  Silver: Are you flirting with me, Mr. Black? ;)

  Me: lol… Of course, but it’s not that. I realize that this was the wrong time in our messaging to ask that. I really don’t want to be alone. I’ll explain in person.

  Silver: You’re wording kind of worries me, but I’ll be there in about an hour. Is that ok?

  Me: That’s perfect.

  Silver: I’ll bring dinner. Is Chinese ok?

  Me: I just want you, but Chinese is good as well.

  Silver: Your choice of words there makes me very happy, Mr. Black. See you soon.

  My choice of words is a testament to how I’m feeling. I do want him. I realize I may be overreacting, but I just want Silver with me. I feel a sense of security with him that I’ve never felt with anyone else before, and frankly, I just want him to hold me in his arms.

  I clean up some. Levi is the perfect roommate. He keeps everything tidy all the time, so there’s not much to do. I refold all my laundry and put it away, throwing on a pair of sweats and a T-shirt in the process. It’s been about a half hour since I talked to Silver. He should be here soon. I pull out my phone and text Levi to let him know that I won’t be alone and that he doesn’t need to take off early. As I push send on the message I hear a knock at the door. Silver must be early. I answer with a big smile, but it’s not Silver. It’s Jeff.

  “What are you doing here?” I look around him to examine the hall. He turns to see what I am looking at.

/>   “I just wanted to stop by. What are you looking at?” I realize I look like a fool, but that man has me cautious.

  “Nothing―stopped by for what? I told you, Jeff, I don’t want to repeat it.”

  “I know. I’m sorry. I just wanted a chance to talk to you.” He stumbles and falls into me. Fuck, he’s been drinking. I help him stand upright.

  “Jeez… Jeff, are you drunk?’” He holds up his fingers and gestures a little. “Get in here and sit down.” I pull him in and look one more time in the hall to be safe. Jeff falls to the couch and starts to laugh. I shake my head. “What the hell are you getting plowed this early In the day for?” I look at the clock and it’s only 6:00 p.m.

  “Because of these,” he says holding out his phone. He has an email attachment so I click it. What in the hell…. It opens to pictures of me and him. Pictures of us: kissing, hugging, and one of us fucking in his office. “Nice, huh! And guess who they were sent to? One guess―fucking Callie. Who broke up with me today.”

  “Jeff, who sent these?” I scroll through completely mortified for him and myself. “JEFF!” I scream. He’s hysterically laughing. “This isn’t funny!”

  “I’m sorry. I know it’s not, but I don’t know who sent them. Whoever it is, I don’t know whether I want to kick his ass or kiss him.”

  “This is horrible, Jeff. What do you mean?” I forward the attachment and send it to my email. I want to make sure I have copies. This isn’t a coincidence, someone wants something. “Jeff, it had to have had an account attached to it. Who sent it?”

  “I told you. I have no clue. I thought it was sent from you, so I opened it.” Me?

  I grab my iPad and hand it to him. “Log on to your email. Come on….I have to see this.” He does as I ask and his email inbox pops up.― someone has an account with my name. I never use my full name on my email accounts and I certainly don’t have an xmail account. I save everything to my iPad. “Jeff, I didn’t send these. I swear. I think someone is watching me.”

  “You think, Einstein?” He retorts back. “But this means you and I can be together.” He crawls over to me.

  “No, Jeff it doesn’t. I don’t want to be with you,” I say and scoot back against the chair. He hovers over me now. I feel uneasy. He’s drunk and I don’t like it when he’s drunk. “Jeff, please move.” His face is unreadable and his eyes glazed in a haze of confusion, drunkenness, and lust.

  “You owe me. My girlfriend broke up with me because of an email you sent.”

  “I didn’t send it. I told you THAT and I owe you nothing.” I push him and he stumbles into me. “Jeff, pull your drunken ass together and stand up.”

  “No, Grey, I need you.” He starts to kiss my neck and I push him to the floor. “What the fuck, Grey?”

  “I think you have a problem hearing the word ‘no’―so let me make this clear for you and your idiotic brain. I don’t want to be with a liar. I’m NOT interested in getting back together with you.”

  “Fuck!” He screams loudly.

  “I’m sorry that Callie broke up with you, I am, but it’s not a way back to me. I have someone else I’m interested in.” Crap, Silver should be here any minute. I have to get Jeff and his drunken ass out of my apartment. “You have to go.”

  “Go where? Home?” He laughs. “I have no home. No place I want to be….except with you,” he slurs.

  “You have a home, Jeff. You’re drunk and you will feel better when you can think straight.”

  “Ha, straight…. Yeah, guess I should have been thinking that way all along.” He laughs.

  “Jeff, look, you’re going through a lot, I know. And I’m sorry if I caused any of this, but this is something you have to work out in your heart. I can’t help. I’d only complicate everything.” I’m trying anything to get him out. “Maybe you can find another man and see if you’re attracted to him. Then you’ll know.”

  “Are you fucking serious?” He charges me and traps me against the wall. “I don’t want another man, Grey. I want you.” He crashes on my lips. I turn my head against his force. Suddenly there is realization in his eyes. “What am I doing? I’m sorry. Grey, I’m so sorry.”

  “It’s ok. You should leave though, please Jeff. Just go and forget this, forget me. I don’t want you. I want Silver.” His face went still; his mouth in a straight line of anger.

  “He got to you. You’re a fool.” Jeff laughs evilly.

  “You don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “You don’t know him…. Watch yourself. I don’t trust him.”

  “And I don’t trust you. Now get the FUCK out of my apartment.” He’s made me mad. I trust Silver. He snarls at me and then opens the door. Silver stands there holding a box full of Chinese take-out. He was just about to knock on the door.

  Jeff chuckles. “Your man is here. Have a good fucking night. You’ll get what you deserve.” What the hell does that mean? He scoots around Silver, who does not look amused.

  “Is he threatening you?” Silver is pissed. “You better not be threatening him,” he yells to Jeff as the elevator doors open and he gets in laughing. Stupid, drunk idiot.

  “Just come in. I’ll explain.” I watch Jeff as the elevator doors close. I turn and walk back in the apartment, locking the door behind me.

  ~Chapter Fourteen~

  “Was he threatening you? What the fuck was he doing here, anyway?” Silver is angry and I’m not sure at whom.

  “I hope you’re not mad at me. I didn’t invite him over.” My nerves are on edge along with every other part of me.

  “No, baby, I’m not mad at you. I just don’t like seeing him with you and then he said that.” He takes my hand. “You look very upset. What can I do to help? Come sit with me. Let me hold you.” I nod. That’s actually what I need.

  We don’t talk for several minutes. I think he knew I needed to regain my composure. The side of my face is against his chest. I take a deep breath for clarity and to take in his scent. He has the most rousing scent. It’s almost like instant peace. I glance up at him and he looks at me with those blue eyes. I think he’s scared to kiss me, so I lean up and press my lips against his. “Thank you for coming over.”

  “I’d do anything for you and after that, I’m glad I did.” He grins. “Do you want to tell me what’s going on because my mind is roaming to places I don’t like. Did he try to hurt you?”

  “He didn’t try to hurt me. He tried to get me to come back. He was drunk and pushed himself on me.”

  “What?” Silver barks. “If he tried to hurt you, I swear I don’t know what I’d do. Drunk or not doesn’t excuse that.”

  “I took care of it. I’m not helpless.”

  “I never said you were…. I’m sorry. You’re one of the strongest men I know.” He brushes the hair off my forehead. “I know you can take care of yourself. I just want to help.”

  “I’m just on edge. There are not too many things that make me cower like a child, but this is one of them.” I adjust on the couch to face him. “I think someone is following me. I mean, I know.”

  “Someone’s following you? Did you call the police? Is it Jeff?” He’s livid.

  “It’s not Jeff. It happened for the first time the other day when Connor picked me up and then today at the laundromat.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me earlier? Did Connor see him? Did he know?” Oh, crap I told him not to tell Silver.

  “No. The man chased me through the alley on the way to the pizza place and then today he was staring at me through the window of the laundromat.”

  “This is nothing to mess with Greyson. Did you call the police?”

  “No, not yet. I was waiting to see if it was just random incidents.”

  “Random incidents?” He raises his eyebrows with an annoyed look on his face. “Two different times is not a coincidence. You can’t wait to see what’s going to happen, Greyson. I don’t want something happening to you.” He rubs my face. “I have a friend that works
down at your local precinct. I’ll call her,” he says pulling out his phone.

  “There’s more,” I timidly add. He looks at me.

  “More?” He confirms and I nod once. I hand him my phone with the emails that were sent to Jeff. He scrolls through them. He inhales sharply. He probably got to the picture of Jeff and me fucking on his desk. “Why do you have these?”

  “What do you mean? Why would I have them?” I am appalled he would think I would keep stuff like this on my phone. “Someone sent them to Callie, Jeff’s fiancée. That’s why he came here. She broke up with him. Look at the email, it’s my name. I never sent them.”

  “This is crazy, Greyson. Do you have any idea who would be doing this?” he asks and my head sinks into my hands. “Let me call my friend and see what she recommends we do.” I nod ok.

  He picks up his phone and asks to talk to Detective Cynthia Bennett. She answers and he puts the phone on to speaker for me to hear their conversation. “Hey, Cynthia, it’s Brian.”

  “Brian, how the hell are you? It’s been forever. How are you feeling?” Her voice is very sweet and young as she bounces greetings and questions to Silver.

  “I’ve been good; just staying busy with work and some other things.” He winks at me. Cute, Silver. “I’m actually calling on business of sorts. I have a friend who lives in your area and he’s having a problem. We think someone is following him.”

  “You think?” she questions.

  “No, we know. He saw someone on a couple of different occasions and then he got an email, well his friend did, from someone posing as him. We think it’s connected. Cynthia, I have you on speaker so my friend can hear and talk to you as well. His name is Greyson Black.”

  “Hi, Greyson,” she chimes.

  “Hi, Cynthia, I know this is kind of all over the place, but I’m really worried.”

  “Oh, Greyson. It’s fine. It’s also my job so I don’t mind. We will keep you safe and I’m sure, if I know Brian and I do, he will too.” I smile at Silver. Everyone likes him; it shows he has a good heart and character. “Tell me what happened. I’ll open a case file and then if you don’t mind, tomorrow Brian can bring you down to the precinct to meet me and we can go over it more. You won’t be alone tonight, will you?” she asks and Silver jumps right in.


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