Silver & Black

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Silver & Black Page 22

by Tyler May

  “Well, shit, the man has his looks to fall back on.”

  “Who?” Silver sneaks up behind me wrapping his arms around my waist. He nuzzles his mouth into the nape of my neck. “Who has his looks to fall back on?”

  “Greyson had the fine honor of meeting Sir Stephon,” Deborah mocks.

  Silver groans, “He’s here? I was hoping he’d politely decline.”

  “Nope, you aren’t that lucky.” Stephon makes his appearance known. He glares at Silver and I. “You never told me you had a date for this evening. I had different plans in mind.”

  I raise my eyebrows. “Different plans?” Silver releases me and stands proudly next to me.

  “I mentioned it to you several times that I had a man I was seeing at home. You couldn’t take your hand off my ass long enough to listen.” Silver is annoyed that’s for sure.

  Stephon looks directly at me. “It’s a beautiful ass.” He glares at me with judgmental eyes. “I don’t get it.”

  “That’s enough, Stephon.”

  “Well, I came all this way to spend the evening with you. It would be a shame if the deal doesn’t go through because of this technicality.”

  “Did he just call me a technicality?” I whisper quietly to Deborah. Her eyes go wide and she nods her head to point to Silver. She mouths the words. “He’s got this.”

  “Let’s go somewhere a little quieter and we can talk about our deal for the club.”

  “No. I’ve spent far too much time tonight on business and it’s not fair to Greyson.”

  “Greyson should understand that business is your livelihood. If he can’t, then maybe you need somebody that is more knowledgeable of how this stuff works, someone who is your equal.” As the words leave Stephon’s mouth, I feel the heat raging in me. I want to yell. I want punch the guy so that he falls on snooty ass, but I’m not going to let his ignorant words ruin a perfect night.

  “I completely understand. Baby, if you need to talk business, by all means please do.” I play his game. Silver grins at me.

  Silver turns to Stephon. “Let me make something perfectly clear. If you ever disrespect Greyson like that again, there will never be a deal between us or any of my associates again. Think before you open your mouth. Sometimes words can bite you in the ass, and it doesn’t feel good. Now, if you’ll excuse me, there will be no more business for me tonight. If you had other plans then that’s on you, I’m sorry you wasted your time. Everything can wait until Monday. I plan to spend the rest of the evening with my handsome date here at this lovely party my parents are hosting. I’ve been rudely ignoring him, and plan to make up every minute of it up by his side.” He grabs my hand proudly. “And the rest of the weekend in my bed with him.”

  Deborah chuckles and bites her lip. “That’s the brother I love.”

  Stephon huffs, “I’ll call you Monday. I have other men that with whom I can occupy my time.”

  “You should do that, and do call me Monday.” Silver turns away from him, looking down at me. Stephon mumbles something to himself and walks away. Silver rubs his knuckles over my chin. “I’m so sorry I’ve been neglecting you this evening.”

  “Don’t,” I say and pull him into a well-deserved kiss. I’ve never had a man defend my honor. Silver is proving to be more than anything I’ve ever imagined. “Thank you,” I whisper against his lips. “So you’re at my disposal the rest of the evening? This could be fun.”

  “I’m going to leave you two boys alone and try to find my love. Greyson, make him dance with you. He’s a wonderful dancer.” She winks.

  “Anything, but that. I don’t dance.”

  “Liar,” Deborah states. “I could take Greyson to your bedroom and show him all the awards, ribbons, and trophies. Don’t let him fool you. He was born and raised to ballroom dance.”

  “Thanks for that, Deborah.” Silver rolls his eyes at his sister as she passes us waving her hand in the air.

  ~Chapter Twenty-Seven~

  “Ballroom dancer, eh? Have you been holding out on me, Mr. Silver?”

  “That was in my past, when I very young. Ok, well, I did it until my late teens.”

  “I bet you looked so hot.” I press against him. “Dance with me.”

  “I don’t dance, Greyson.”

  “You danced with me at the bar.” I raise my eyebrows. Got you there, Silver.

  “That wasn’t dancing. That was simply moving to the beat so no other man touched you.”

  “All you have to do is move to the beat here as well, just with me pressed against you like this.” I get as close to him as possible, wrapping my arms around his waist.

  “Please don’t press this subject, Greyson.”

  “Ok. Maybe I need to find another man to slow dance with.” I pretend to let him go and scan the room. I try the jealousy card, but it only makes him angry. He frowns.

  “That’s not funny.” He pulls me back. He looks me deep in the eyes, and I see the truth in them. This is sincerely a sore subject for him, but why?

  “What the real reason you gave up dancing?” I ask him.

  “There are two things in life that scares me more than anything: Not being prepared and knowing that I could have prepared better. That’s complete failure to me.” He looks down at his feet.

  “Even if you give up things that make you happy and bring you joy?”

  “I’ve found others to activities that do that,” he says straight faced and for the first time I realize this is why he hasn’t had a real relationship. This is why sex is an escape from reality for him. He could control that. He could control the sex, but not the emotions that go with it. He doesn’t have to say anymore. He gave up dancing when his sight diminished. Like everything in his life, he’s prepared for the worst in hopes of the best. “I―”

  “I understand, Silver.” A server comes and makes an announcement that dinner will be served in fifteen minutes. “Sometimes being prepared isn’t feasible, though. Sometimes you just have to trust. If not for anything but that it brings you joy. Giving up things you love just to prepare for something that might never come: that’s true failure to me.” His eyes say it all as he stews in my words. His lip curls up on one side. “You know, Mr. Silver, I’m learning more and more about the real you every day. I like that.”

  “Don’t worry. I still have several dirty secrets you haven’t exposed yet.” He pulls me roughly to him and kisses me hard. Our tongues invade each other’s mouth. “Let’s go take our seats.”

  We walk hand in hand into the ballroom. There must be close to two hundred people here, and it’s just the engagement party. Wonder what the wedding is going to be like? The seats are assigned. Silver and I are seated with his parents, Deborah, and Thomas. After several toasts, one of which Silver gives, waiters and waitress by the dozen come around with trays of dinner plates. They serve us first.

  For over an hour, we casually dine and laugh. Silver’s family is perfect. They’re real. They love each other. I’ve always wanted this in my life. If I didn’t envy Silver before, this certainly did it for me. I’m more for family and emotional connection than I am for any riches in the world. Being wealthy means nothing to me, being rich with family and love is a foundation I want.

  After dinner, the servers bring a platter of delectable desserts to each table. I watch Thomas and Deborah feed each other, reminding me of Silver doing that with me. I glance over to Silver and grin. The look on his face and the haze in his eyes shows that he’s thinking the same thing. He winks. God, that man is so sexy.

  Scott leans back in his seat and arches his back. “I’ve eaten way too much.” He puts his arm around Thomas. “How about real dessert? I have couple cigars I got from my last overseas trip. You in?”

  “Absolutely,” Thomas says.

  “How about you, Greyson? I know a young man like you has to enjoy a good cigar every once in a while.” Scott stands. I nod. “And you son?” he says to Silver.

  “I don’t smoke dad, not even good cigars.”
  “Pity,” Scott teases.

  “That’s because he’s a good boy,” his mother praises as she playfully rubs his chin.

  “Well, I must be a bad girl because I’m joining.” Deborah jumps from her seat.

  “That’s my girl.” Scott smiles.

  “Scott dear, please smoke out front. I don’t want the smell around too many guests.”

  “Yes, dear.” He leans down and kisses the top of her head as he passes by.

  We go to the front of the home. Scott takes out a box in his pocket and pops it open holding it out for us. I take a cigar from the pack. They’ve already been prepared and are ready to smoke. Deborah and Thomas share one. I’ll be honest, I’ve never smoked a cigar. I observe Scott trying not to make it obvious. He lights the end and puffs. The smoke barrels from his mouth. He never inhales just puffs. I light mine and puff trying not to inhale. The drag is smooth.

  “These are incredible, Scott,” Thomas exclaims.

  “They should be. These bitches cost a pretty penny.” Scott turns to me. “How do you like it?”

  “It’s good. I’ve never had a cigar before,” I was honest.

  “Really? What a nice treat for you then.”

  “A very nice treat,” I concur. “Thank you for dinner,” I say to Deborah and Thomas.

  “Our pleasure. I for one am just happy to see Brian so content,” Thomas says.

  “Sure is. My son just hasn’t had the best run with men.”

  “Oh, Dad, you know that’s Brian’s choice.”

  “Yeah, yeah.” Scott laughs it off as a car pulls up. The valet helps them out. Fuck. It’s Marcus and Jeff. I was hoping they changed their mind. “Speaking of crappy choices,” Scott snarls.

  Marcus walks up holding Jeff’s hand. He’s smugly confident as he greets Deborah and Scott. They’re kind, but show no interest in carrying on a conversation with him. Thomas shakes Marcus’s hand and then Jeff’s.

  “Thomas, this is my boyfriend, Jeff.” Boyfriend? I couldn’t help it I sniff a snide chuckle and turn toward the door. “Problem, Greyson?” Marcus remarks.

  “Who me?” I play innocent. “It’s wonderful to see you again. You too, Jeff.” Jeff nods.

  “Look,” Thomas breaks the awkwardness. “You guys missed dinner, but the fraternity brothers are in the house. Let’s go get you gentlemen a drink.” Thomas hands Deborah the cigar and kisses her cheek. She raises her eyebrows in disapproval, and he nods and smirks. Thomas obviously knows what Deborah’s wishes are when it comes to not socializing with Marcus. They walk in the house.

  “Oh,” Deborah laughs the word.

  “I’m sorry, but I hate that fucking guy. Excuse my language, sir.” I had to say it.

  “Don’t apologize, son. I fucking hate that guy too.” He pats my back in approval.

  “He’s my business math professor over at the university. Imagine my surprise when I find out his connection to Brian. He’s been a jackass ever since.”

  “That jackass better not mess anymore with my family, and that includes you, Greyson. I know Brian. He may have been wrapped up in Marcus’s world back then, but he’s in control of his own world now, no more manipulation. Brian won’t stand by and let Marcus run the show anymore.” He knows something I don’t, but I don’t push for the answers. That is something in Silver’s past. He’s over it and so should I be. “Speaking of, I don’t think I should leave my wife alone to face the jerk. She’s a very reserved woman, but the momma bear comes out when a hunter is attacking her prey. I’ll meet you both back in there.” He puts out the cigar.

  Deborah exhales her aggravation. “I told Thomas. I asked him, but he insisted.”

  “We’re all adults. I don’t think you have anything to worry about.”

  “I’m sure you’re right.”

  “You want some gossip?” I turn to her with a mischievous grin.


  “That man he’s with, Jeff, is the man I was telling you about that I was with before Brian.”

  “No shit?” She pulls me closer. “He was your boss at Silver Coffee?”

  “Mhmm. He and I were sleeping together for about a year and a half. He made it perfectly clear that he was ‘not’ gay. Coincidentally, the same day I met Brian, I found out that Jeff was engaged to a woman for over six months.”

  “How is that even possible? How didn’t you know that?” She tilts her head. “I’m sorry, no offense.”

  “None taken. I have no excuse except that I’m a fool. We never did anything when we weren’t at work or having sex, so he lived an entirely separate life. I broke up with him. If you can even call it that, I guess you could say I ended things. I hate liars.”

  “Wow, that’s crazy. So how is he with Marcus now?”

  “His fiancée found out about me and broke up with him. It’s over between us and I’m interested in Brian, so apparently he is exploring options―the internet being that option.”

  She chuckles. “Small world.”

  “I was told by a very wise man that the world is far too big for everything to be coincidental.” I raise my eyebrows and tilt my head.

  “Hmm, well it certainly makes you think, doesn’t it?” she says and I nod to agree. “I’m smoked out. Shall we join the party?”

  “Sure thing.”

  After a few more hours at the party, we decide to make our way home. We have a long drive and it is pretty late. I can say with utmost sincerity that I love his family. I had such an great time, and it really made me feel more secure about Silver and our relationship. I’m not even sure if I should call it that. We haven’t discussed it, and I don’t know if it’s something we will. Maybe it’s something we just assume. Marcus and Jeff seem confident, so maybe it’s not too weird that it’s new and early. I’m not worried about titles. Right now, I just want to focus on him.

  The drive back to Manhattan is peaceful. Silver and I have removed our suit coats, ties and got relaxed for the drive. Much like the drive there, we never stop talking except to rest in each other’s arms. It’s a wonderful feeling being so comfortable with someone you’re interested in. He makes me feel like I’m the only one in his sights. When we talk, his focus is on every word. He studies me. With twenty minutes left of our drive, I rest my head on his shoulder. The drive is making me tired.

  “Do you want me to have Connor take you home?” he says and kisses the side of my head.

  “I was thinking I would go home with you, but if you want time to relax by yourself I understand. I know you were rushed and haven’t had time to relax from your trip to LA.”

  “No, I want you there. I just wanted to make sure you wanted to be there.”

  I scoot as close as I can to him and tilt my head. My hand feathers the side of his face. “This night was perfect. The only way that it can get any better is if I spend the night with you.” I press my lips softly to his. My teasing lips glide over his. “I don’t have clothes or anything for tomorrow. Should I have Connor stop by my place first or can I just borrow some stuff from you?”

  He grins. “It may have been a little presumptuous on my part, but I had Levi go shopping and pick you up some stuff to leave at my place.”

  “Are you serious?”

  “I hope you’re not mad.”

  “I’m not. When did Levi do this?”

  “Today. He left the bag with my doorman. I figured, who knows you better than Levi? He went and got a couple of outfits, undergarments, toothbrush, brush―pretty much anything you need.”

  “Two assignments that Levi has had with Silver Inc. and they both involve me. This isn’t going to be a thing, is it?”

  “Oh no. I will utilize Levi. I know he will work great in the spot I have planned for him at the club, but it’s also nice to have an inside man to keep tabs on you.”


  “What?” He smirks, and I shake my head. “What?” he repeats.

  “You have it all figured out, don’t you? You like things to go Brian Silver�
��s way.”

  “Well.” He shrugs. “I wouldn’t want it to go someone else’s way.”

  “Don’t be cute.”

  “I’m not trying to be. It comes naturally.” We laugh. “I know Levi is your family. I’ll never mistreat him and I promise you I didn’t hire him because he’s your best friend. I hired him because he’s more than qualified. Business is business. I let Levi know that when I hired him. If he doesn’t feel comfortable, he is in no obligation to stay―as am I to keep him, if he’s not working out.”

  “Thank you. He has helped me through everything and I want nothing but good things for him. He’s excited about this and I know he will rock it. Like you said he’s my only family, for the time being.” I had to add that part. “Speaking of which, your family… They’re amazing.”

  “Thank you. I know they liked you too.”

  “I hope so.”

  “I know so.” He puts his arm around my shoulders and holds me close for the remainder of the ride. We don’t even talk the last few minutes, we finish the ride in easy silence.

  We carry in our coats, slinging them on the back of the couch as we walk into Silver’s penthouse. He unbuttons his shirt and takes it off. He sets it on the back of the couch. He’s wearing a white cotton undershirt. He looks completely exhausted. He’s been going since early this morning. I would love to see him slow down, but I know it’s the way he works. I excuse myself to the bathroom. I come back holding my dress shirt and wearing just my white undershirt and pants. My eyes widen with surprise. He has the room dimmed, lit with a few candles, and the soft sound of music is faint.

  I smile. “How long was I in there?”

  “You’re right, Greyson.”

  I put my shirt over the couch and walk to him. “Not that I don’t like hearing that I’m right, but what exactly am I right about?”

  He licks the corner of his mouth nervously. “When you said that I shouldn’t let things I can’t control steal what makes me happy and brings me joy.”

  “I said that?” I innocently joke.

  “Yeah, you did.” He inhales deeply. “How’d you get so smart?”

  “It’s a gift.” I chuckle.


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