Silver & Black

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Silver & Black Page 30

by Tyler May

  “Thank you. I couldn’t have done it without you, Levi.”

  “Good. Now get your pretty ass out there and mingle.”

  “I don’t know why we had to have such a party.”

  “Because we are celebrating you and your achievement.” Levi straightens my gown.

  “You didn’t even go to your graduation.” I point out.

  “Well, I’m not you.” I turn to face him. “We’re all grown-up now.”

  “Well, I wouldn’t say that.” I laugh.

  “The future is bright, my friend. Let’s get drunk!” He takes my hand and we walk out.

  The club is hopping. Levi and Silver have planned a graduation party in my honor in one of the halls. It’s a small gathering: a few friends, some work colleagues, and Silver’s family. I greet everyone as I walk past them to the bar. It’s funny hearing them congratulate me. I can’t seem to find Silver. He’s probably wining and dining some business people. “What’s your poison tonight, honey?” Levi asks.


  “Oh a sophisticated man,” Levi teases. He orders as Jeff walks up behind us.

  “Grey, I’m so proud of you.”

  “That’s what everyone keeps saying. But thank you.”

  “It’s been a hell of a few months.”

  “You’re telling me,” I say and Levi turns to hand me my drink. He glares at Jeff.


  “Don’t ‘what’ me.” He waggles his head with attitude. “You’re late.”

  “Oh, well, how can I make that up to you?” Jeff pulls Levi and kisses him. That’s still so weird. They do make a cute couple. Apparently, they bonded over the fact that they were both used by Milo and Marcus and finding out that they were pawns in Milo and Marcus’s marriage brought them together. They’ve been seeing each other exclusively ever since. They had each other to lean on. It was a traumatic time for all of us. Me especially. I don’t know what I would have done if I didn’t have Silver. Where is that man anyway? I look around and spot him talking to his parents. I excuse myself from Levi and Jeff, not that they care. They’re too busy making out to notice.

  I make my way across the room to join Silver. He grins as I get closer. It never gets old. “Congratulations, son,” Scott says and shakes my hand.

  “Yes, so proud of you.” Jennifer hugs me.

  “Thank you, both, and thank you for coming.”

  “We wouldn’t miss it.” Scott reaches into his pocket and pulls out an envelope and hands it to me. “This is for you.”

  “Oh, no, sir I couldn’t.”

  “Of course you can. This actually isn’t your gift. This belongs to you.” He has me wondering. I take the envelope. “Open it.”

  I open it and look inside. There is a stack of cash. “I can’t take this. This is too much.”

  “Like I said, it belongs to you. Silver gave me the money your father had given you. I invested it and this is the return on it.”

  “We did use some to donate to a blood clot organization in memory of your mother,” Silver proudly states.

  “Wow. I don’t know what to say.”

  “No need. It’s yours, son. Enjoy it and here, take this. This is your gift. It’s not quite that much.” Scott laughs, handing me a card in an envelope. “Oh, look I think I see Charles. Let’s go, dear.” Scott and Jennifer leave Silver and I.

  “Have I mentioned how proud I am of you?”

  “Only about a zillion times today.” I kiss his cheek. “Can we just stop saying that?”

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing. Everything is perfect. I just want to enjoy it and take every minute of it in.” I glance around the room. “Thank you, Silver.”

  “You owe me no thanks. I’m nothing without you.” And the truth is: I am nothing without him. A couple of months ago, I questioned that and with good reason. But Silver has proven repeatedly that he is trustworthy. Normally, I wouldn’t have forgiven so easily, but I knew there was something special about him. Something I could never deny. He is the man that I was intended to meet. And I like to think my mother had something do with that. After all, it was her gift that brought him into my life. That and his persistence. “Look who’s here,” Silver says and points toward the door where Brady and his wife were walking in. She helps Brady through the crowded room.

  “So happy you both could make it,” I greet her with a kiss on the cheek.

  “We wouldn’t miss our favorite barista’s party.” Brady smiles. “I guess we’ll be looking for someone else.”

  “You’re firing me already?” I joke. “I’m in no rush, Brady. I love working there with your family.”

  “Good to know. Shall we get a drink, love?” Brady asks Liz.

  “So proud of you, Greyson.” She and Brady walk over to the bar. They’re good people. There’s no other way to say it. Silver was completely right. I look up to Brady. He’s so strong, and probably the best dad and husband I know. He got sucked into Marcus and Milo’s web as well. He just did it unknowingly. We found out that Marcus gifted Brady the watch because he knew I would see it and ask questions. In the last few months, we learned a lot about what their intentions were.

  Milo suffered from depression. He was extremely young when he met Derrick. During treatment, the psychologist brought out everything that Milo had been hiding. He too was manipulated by Derrick, used and abused. The doctor said that some people deal with traumatic events differently. Milo believed Derrick loved him. He believed that he was doing Derrick justice by hurting me, or trying, thankfully, in my case. Derrick preyed on young boys and Milo fell for it just like I did. Milo never turned on Derrick. He swore his undying love even though Derrick used him. It actually makes me feel bad for Milo. To be that screwed up over a man who hurt him, it’s crazy. I don’t understand it, but I don’t have a mental illness either. I swear Derrick deserved everything he got for doing what he did to me and Milo. Just goes to prove, even the smartest of men can be the most vulnerable. Milo is serving time in a correctional facility that deals with people who have mental and emotional disabilities. The case against him hasn’t gone to trial yet. The judge and the doctors agree that Milo needs mental evaluation and treatment. The lawyer that Silver hired also agrees. If we went to court now he would get off or get a lesser charge because he would plead insanity.

  Marcus, on the other hand, is doing time. He pleaded guilty to bribery. He got off easy considering they took a lesser charge in exchange for a guilty plea. He really does love Milo, though. He would have taken the wrap for everything if there hadn’t been so many witnesses.

  It turns out that Milo and Marcus had been married for just over a month when all this occurred. They married in secret and it was all part of Milo’s plan. Marcus went along with it because of the money. Milo was the mastermind. They bribed Silver for close to forty thousand dollars. I found that out after. Marcus lost everything he had inherited and his savings when he invested in a bad deal. Silver was the perfect target.

  After Marcus told Milo everything about Silver paying for my schooling and why, it fueled Milo more. Milo had insisted that I was taking advantage of Silver the same way he felt I took Derrick for granted. Marcus made it look like Silver was guilty. It was all a big mind game. Milo wanted me to think I couldn’t trust anyone. Hell, he did a good job at that, there for a while.

  At the time, I didn’t understand why everything stopped for a couple of months, but now I know that it was to set up Silver. The closer Silver and I got, the closer they got to the money and revenge. I don’t know what Milo’s exact plans for me were. Honestly, I think I’m better off not knowing. All I know is, Milo and Marcus both are mentally unstable and I hope I never see either of them for as long as I live.

  But out of hardship and pain comes growth and strength. And let’s not forget second chances. I watch the dance floor. Silver dances with Deborah while Levi is nearby in Jeff’s arms. I can’t help but smile at all the good that came out of this. I’ve never been th
is happy. Life is good.

  Silver waves me to the dance floor. As I join him, he takes my hand and turns me. Pulling me close, we dance slowly to our song, “Thinking Out Loud.” He presses his cheek to mine. “Did I ever tell you I have a fantasy about a man in a cap and gown?”

  “Is that so?”

  “Mhmm,” he hums against my ear. “Do you want to get out of here? The party is dying down anyway.” I look around. It is getting late and it looks like most people have left.

  “Yeah. Let me just say good-bye and thank Levi.” Silver walks his family out. I pull Levi aside. “Silver and I are going to go.”

  “Go get some, honey. I know I am,” he says and turns to wink at Jeff. He looks at me. “Ha, sorry I’m a wee bit drunk.” He hugs me tight.

  “I’m happy for you, Levi. I’ve never seen you this happy before.”

  “Honey, I’m so happy that I feel like I can spew happiness all over the place. Who would have thought that your weasel would be my prince?”

  “As long as he makes you happy and he treats you well, I’m good.”

  “He treats me so well. If you know what I mean,” he says with a wink. I laugh. I love drunk Levi. “Plus, he knows if he hurts me or lies to me, I’ll kick his ass. And no one wants these shoes in their ass.” He points to his very stylish, pointy-toed men’s dress shoes. He gets very serious and grabs my shoulders. “I love you, Grey. I do.”

  “I love you, too.”

  “You look so happy.” Ok, I know he’s completely drunk when he’s feeling my face as he says that. “You are, right?”

  I laugh because he looks so somber right now. “Completely.”

  “That’s because you got your white rose and your rich billionaire.”

  “You’re not going to let this Pretty Woman thing go, are you?”

  “It’s too much fun, honey. Now, go get laid.” He hugs me.

  “You too.”

  “Oh, I plan to.” He walks away waving his hand. I seriously have the best friend in the world.

  I meet Silver outside. He takes my hand as Connor pulls up the car. Climbing in the backseat, Silver gives Connor a pat on the shoulder. We drive away, but Connor takes a different route than I expect. I look at Silver. He has a mischievous grin on his face. He’s up to something. “Where are we going?”

  “I have to stop at the office real fast. I hope that ok?”

  “Sure. It’s not like I’m in any rush to get you back to your place,” I say and tease the inside of his thigh with my hand. I scoot closer to him. Placing my leg over his, I kiss the side of his neck. He turns his head and his eyes pierce through me. He grabs a fistful of my hair and attacks my mouth with his. I pull off his lips and breathlessly whisper, “Can’t the office wait? I really want to get you alone.”

  “We’re already here. It won’t take long. Please, come up with me.” Connor gets out of the car and opens our door. Silver leans in and whispers something in Connor’s ear. Connor nods and then gets back into the car. “This way.” He takes my hand.

  “What’d you tell Connor?”

  “Well I can’t tell you that.” He opens the building. He owns the building, but leases most of it out. The top level is where Silver Inc.’s corporate offices are. We get off the elevator. Silver pulls me through the hallway toward his office and then past it. I look at him in confusion, but he’s on a mission.

  “I thought you had to get something out of your office?”

  “No. There’s something in this one.” We stop at the end of the hall. He opens the door to a corner office with a magnificent view of Manhattan. He goes over to the desk and leans on the front of it. “Have a seat.” He nods with his head to the chairs that are directly in front of the desk.

  “Whose office is this?”

  “It’s nice isn’t it?” Silver smiles.

  “Yeah. It’s very nice.”

  “I have a graduation present for you,” he proudly says.

  “Silver, you’ve already done so much.”

  “One more won’t hurt, will it?” He slides a folder across the desk and hands it to me. “Here.”

  “I take it it’s not a car then?” I joke.

  “Do you want a car?”

  “I’m joking.” I open the folder.

  “It’s an amended contract. Now that you’re a college graduate, I figured you’d be looking for a more professional opportunity and career.”

  “Wow. Silver―” I scan the very detailed contract.

  “Before you say no, I want you to read it. It’s a very competitive salary. I know you had a problem with that last time. I made sure that the criteria and expectations were more suitable to someone just starting out. I’m not going to lie, they’re still specific to you, but I feel it’s a better fit.”

  “I see that.”

  “I have no doubt that you’ll be perfect for this position. You know how my coffeehouses work. You’re perfect for this marketing job.”

  “Is this my interview?” I grin at him.

  He clears his throat and straightens up. “Yes, Mr. Black, this is your formal interview.”

  “Well, you must have questions for me.”

  “I do indeed. You and I will be working very closely. I have high expectations for the men that work under me.” I chuckle. He tilts his head and glares at me. “Do you have a problem with my wording there, Mr. Black?”

  “Not at all. Will you be training me?”

  “I always train my men. Especially ones that I feel will be a huge asset to my company.” He starts to laugh. “Oh, I can’t do this. It sounds like we’re in some cheesy porno.”

  “We need to work on our role playing skills.”

  “Indeed. But seriously, you and I are good together. I have no doubt that with you by my side that my company is better off. We’re strong together.”

  “Like titanium.”

  “Like titanium,” he agrees. He turns the name plate on the desk. My eyes widen when I see the name. Greyson Black: Marketing Manager. “The office is yours.”

  “Wow. Silver….”

  “What do you say?”

  “What if I don’t work out?”

  “Then I’ll let you go,” he says seriously. “It’s business, Mr. Black. But I don’t see that happening.”

  I stand and press my chest to his. “What’s your stance on mixing business with pleasure?” I smirk.

  “Well, I’m a big advocate, Mr. Black.” He reaches the back of my head and yanks my lips to his. He stands without breaking our kiss and walks me backwards until we fall to the leather couch in the office. He kisses down my chest as he unbuttons my shirt. I reach up and remove his shirt. “Imagine the possibilities, the places, the excitement.”

  “Is that your motto?” I ask and a sultry grin takes over his face. He sucks and traces his fingers over my naked chest. He lifts my hips and slides my pants off and then removes his. He kisses me while lifting my hands above my head. He pins them with his to the armrest of the couch. Nibbling on my ear, he causes a chill of arousal to run through me. I pant and moan. “Take me, Silver. Hard.”

  “I like the way you think, Mr. Black.” He gets off me and pulls me up. Positioning me on the couch on my knees with my chest against the backrest, he climbs on behind me. He kisses the side of my neck as I roll my head back on him. He rolls the condom on himself while he lubes my entrance. I feel his hard, swollen cock press against my ass. He breathes heavily into my ear and I can’t take it anymore. I need to feel him. He pushes his thick tip through my tight muscle.

  “Oh,” I groan as he thrusts all the way into me. His hands brace themselves over mine. He drives in and out of me. “Ah. Yes.”

  “You have to say yes. I want you at my disposal,” he murmurs against my ear. “I want to be able to fuck you, kiss you, and have you any time I want.” His words are a pure aphrodisiac. “But most of all, I just want you here with me,” he says pulling almost completely out of me and pounding back in. I groan a delicious pant. My balls are aching fo
r him. He reaches down and gently massages them in his hand. He knows everything about the way my body works. I don’t even have to tell him. He slams his hips against my ass, his thick cock filling me completely. He takes my hardened cock into his hand. Slowly he moves his hand over it, stroking. “Say yes, Greyson.”

  “I love the way you talk to me.”

  “Say yes,” he says against my ear and strokes quickly up and down my shaft. I feel my release creeping up and he knows from the sounds of the moans rolling off my lips that I’m close. With quick and hard thrusts, he teases me to the brink of orgasm. “Say yes,” he repeats. My balls inch up.

  “Yes,” I cry out as my powerful orgasm shoots out of me. I quiver under him.

  “Ah….” He groans and pumps into me. He blankets my back with his chest, holding himself in me as he convulses through his orgasm. He doesn’t move. Still inside me, he kisses the side of my lips. “Welcome to Silver Inc., Mr. Black. It’s going to be a pleasure doing business with you.”

  This is going to interesting.

  The End… For now.

  Follow Silver and Greyson as they learn to balance business, pleasure, life, and loss in the next installment of Silver & Black: Titanium.

  About the author

  Tyler May was born and raised in the great state of Michigan, and still happily resides there. She is a stay at home mom to her three beautiful children. Tyler’s passion for reading came later in life when she found a love in romance novels, more specifically the male/male genre. After drawing inspiration from some wonderful authors and encouragement from friends and family, she penned her first full length novel: Angel of Darkness. Tyler draws inspiration from the simple things in life and will never take that for granted. Since Tyler is a LBGT author, she has three hopes when a reader picks up her book(s): She hopes that her books will teach tolerance and equality. She hopes to convey the truth behind the famous saying, “love is love.” She hopes that the book is more than a story―that’s it a journey with an important message. Tyler’s favorite quote and something she always has tucked in the back of her mind as she writes her fictions: “Everything you can imagine is real.”―Picasso.


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