King of Hearts

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King of Hearts Page 10

by R H Tucker

  “Hey,” I call over to him, bumping his arm. He takes an earbud out and nods to me. “Are you playing anywhere in Seattle?”

  He shrugs. “Probably not. Maybe Vancouver, though. There’s this brand-new club opening up on top of Hotel Cryzal.”

  “Cool,” I reply, and he nods, putting his earbud back in, continuing to tap away at whatever he’s listening to.

  EJ’s staring at his phone, and when the elevator dings, the doors slide open, and we head to the radio studio. Jade and Maddox exit first, leaving EJ next to me. He shows me his phone. “What do you think about her?”

  I look at the screen. It’s an actress who just starred in a movie a few months ago and has a lot of Oscar buzz around her. “She’s hot,” I tell him.

  “Think I got a chance?”

  I lift a brow, gazing at him while we walk. “EJ, of course you got a chance. You’re a King.”

  “No.” He pushes me, shaking his head. “Not me the famous guy … me?” He emphasizes the word, looking back at his phone.

  None of us talk about it a lot because we all know it’s a touchy subject, but EJ hates being called the King of Nice. Hates it. Johnny’s nicknames for us came off as a joke. At least, they did to us the first time he said them on his talk show. What we didn’t know was how much fans, paparazzi, gossip sites, and the public in general was going to run with them.

  Maddox was the first to embrace his, and why wouldn’t he? King of Bad, playing off the bad boy image he was already building. He always calls his nickname a chick magnet. Jade was indifferent to hers. Being in a band called the Kings of Karmichael, she never took it as a sexist thing. In fact, she always said it had a cool ring to it. So being called the Queen of Kings, her first response when she found out everyone else was calling her that was, “Whatever.”

  Peter loved mine more than anyone’s. The King of Hearts? “It has million-dollar market written all over it,” he said, laughing. I don’t mind it, but it’s not something I think about very often. I know who I am, and I know how most people look at me, but I’ve never considered myself any kind of heartthrob.

  But EJ? I still remember the annoyed expression he couldn’t hide when Johnny told him why he’s the King of Nice. “EJ, you’re the lovable little brother. The cute one. The shy one. You’re the King of Nice,” Johnny said, laughing.

  I know he wasn’t making fun of him. He was categorizing him in the cliché role that band members get put in. The leader, the shy guy, the dancer, all of those things. To be honest, I could totally see Johnny’s point of view. EJ, on the other hand, thought it was an insult. And he’s been trying to shake the moniker ever since it was given to him.

  “EJ, your nickname has nothing to do with who you are, bro. We all know the real you.” I slap his shoulder.

  Maddox pulls the door open to the radio room, and I see a group of employees all standing around on the outside, while we head inside to take our seats. Radio interviews are easy, but I always feel like we’re fishes in a bowl. Everyone waits outside, either giddy with laughter, taking pictures, and just staring with blank expressions. Radio interviews are the only time I ever feel like we’re being put on a display against our will.

  “You know me,” EJ counters, lowering his voice. “Peter knows me. A few friends know me, Derrik. But the world? The world thinks I’m some cutesy pretty boy who’s harmless.”

  I can’t stifle the laugh that floats out. “EJ, you are harmless.”

  “Derrik,” he hisses through a clenched jaw, punching my arm, “no one wants to date the cute, harmless guy. They want the heartthrob. They want the bad boy. No one wants the boy next door.”

  “You’re such a girl,” Maddox teases him, pulling out his headphones.

  I’m just about to counter EJ’s argument when we’re all handed our headphones, and the radio show host comes alive. “Welcome, welcome, welcome! We have in the studio, live and ready to rock, the Kings of Karmichael! The King of Hearts, the King of Bad, the Queen, and of course, we can’t forget the lovable King of Nice.”

  EJ snaps his head toward me, unleashing a scowl of hatred. I have to hold back a laugh.

  “The Kings have a show tonight, and it’s been sold out for months!” the host continues. “How are you guys?”

  Jade answers first, and the show continues for about ten minutes. The host asks questions about the remaining dates, any future tour plans, questions about our next record, and so on and so forth. And he does so all with EJ talking as little as possible, still fuming.

  When it’s over, he’s quiet all the way across town, as we continue on our morning tradition for three more radio interviews. We finally make our way to the arena for mic and sound check. By the time we’re finished with everything, it’s only a couple of hours before showtime, and I realize I haven’t heard from Zoey all day.



  Waking up in the morning, I can hear the band in the hallway as they leave their rooms. For a moment, I wonder if Derrik’s going to knock on our door and invite us along. We didn’t talk again last night, and after Becca and I got everything out in the open, I told her what happened with Derrik before she showed up.

  Was he about to kiss me? Was I about to kiss him?

  That was too close. I’ve meant everything I said to Becca and Jade. The good and the bad. I do think Landon’s a better fit for me, even if I don’t have all of those butterflies, and nervous feelings around him all the time. Sometimes you don’t get those until later. Right?

  In any event, how hypocritical would it have been that I would’ve been the one to cheat on someone? I mean, it would’ve probably only been a kiss. We wouldn’t have done anything more than that. Would we? Thankfully, I don’t have to answer any of those types of questions because I’ve decided. Derrik and I can’t happen. He can continue to be a happy, world-famous rock star, and I can go back home in a couple of days, finish out my high school career, and get on with my college life. With a boyfriend. Who’s Landon. Not Derrik.

  Even as I think all of that, it’s difficult to get past what I feel. What I’ve always felt, and what seems like I always will feel around Derrik.

  I hear them walk down the hallway, EJ yelling at Maddox who I think just pushed him into the wall because a loud thump was just heard and EJ let out a curse, then I hear Jade start laughing. The Kings are a band, friends, and maybe most importantly, family. I refuse to be the one to possibly ruin all of that because of fears I have in the future of what might or might not happen if Derrik and I got back together. So, I’ll do the safest thing possible. Remove myself from the equation.

  There’s a knock at the door, and all my Zen-like and resolute thoughts vanish. Cautiously, I walk over to the door, pulling the luxury hotel bathrobe tighter around myself like it’s a defense mechanism. Cracking it open slowly, I peek through to see Peter.

  “Hey, Zoey.” He smiles widely.

  “Hey, Peter,” I respond, opening the door wider for him.

  He walks into the room, carrying a cart that has what looks like two iced coffees and two hot drinks. “You girls like hot or cold in the morning?”

  “Cold!” Becca shouts, peeking out from her massive comforter on her bed.

  “Hot, please,” I add.

  Every time I see him, he’s in khaki slacks with either a navy blue or forest green button-up shirt. Today’s it’s a forest green, short sleeve. He also wears a gold bracelet on one hand and a gold watch on the other, with rings covering his pinky and ring fingers.

  Through his mustache, he smiles again, handing me the hot coffee drink. “It’s a caramel latte. Derrik said those are your favorite.”

  My smile falters a bit, and I nod, taking the drink. “Thank you.”

  “The iced ones are also caramel, so I hope you like sweet stuff, Rebecca.”

  “Becca!” she counters. As long as I’ve known her, she hates being called Rebecca. It doesn’t happen much anymore since everyone knows it, but when it does, it makes me laugh. “An
d thank you!”

  Setting the other two drinks on the counter near the door, he inspects his watch. “Okay, the band is heading downtown for a few radio station interviews this morning. Later, they have a guest spot on a local TV show before they have to meet up at the arena for sound check. You guys are free to roam around the city if you’d like. I’ve arranged a car to take you anywhere you want to go, and then this evening, you can meet up with us at the arena and we’ll hop on the bus after the show.”

  “Sounds good.”

  He smiles again and turns to leave. It’s a full day’s plan and shouldn’t be an issue. However, I remember my aim for the rest of this trip.

  “Um, do we have to go to the show?” I ask, and he turns back to face me.

  “No, I guess not. I’d like to make sure you two are okay, though.”

  I nod, trying to act like it’s completely fine. “I’m sure the band will be great, I was just hoping to do a little more sightseeing. Is that okay? And we’ll meet back up at the arena and the bus later?”

  Peter eyes me cautiously, but it’s gone in an instant, and his smile returns. “Of course. If you need anything, don’t hesitate to call or text. You have my number?” I nod and smile wider. “Okay, great. Yeah, have fun today. I keep forgetting, you two are on spring break. Live a little!” He laughs and exits the room, closing the door behind him.

  Taking a sip of my drink, I turn and see Becca staring at me.

  “You don’t want to see the show?” she asks.

  I lift my shoulders. “I just figured after what we talked about last night, it’s probably for the best. After tonight, we’ve got Seattle and Vancouver. Then we’ll be back home. The less time I am around him, the better.”

  “Better for who?” I frown, which in turn forces a frown out of her. “Sorry.” Walking over, she grabs her iced drink and sticks a star in it, taking a sip. “So, what are we going to do, then?”

  “Do you want to just sightsee? Like, touristy stuff, Voodoo Doughnuts, and all that?”

  “Zoey, we’ve been to Voodoo Doughnuts at City Walk.”

  “It’s not the original.” I slap her arm, laughing. “Come on, let’s just go out and have fun.”

  She thinks it over for a second, then nods. “Okay.”

  So that’s what we do. First, we take the car to Powell’s Bookstore. We have some good bookstores in Southern California, but after a quick Google search, it said Powell’s is an excellent Portland spot to check out, and I’m glad we did. The place is huge! It’s one of the largest bookstores in the world, and we probably could’ve spent the entire day in it, but I also wanted to check out the ice rink.

  An ice rink might not sound like something exciting, but being from Southern California, ice is a rarity. Sure, we can head up to mountain areas like Big Bear or Idyllwild, which are a few hours away from Karmichael, but Karmichael itself is in the desert. So, when I saw the picture of Lloyd Center Ice Rink while looking for places to see, I knew we had to visit. Plus, it’s in a mall, and we get to do a little shopping.

  I tell Becca to remind me when we get home to find out how we can always have a personal driver because it’s beyond fantastic. He’s a middle-aged guy dressed in a dark gray business suit with a sky blue tie; very formal. I thought he was going to be rude when we first got in the car at the hotel, but he’s been a silent, invisible driver who waits with the vehicle. We send him a text, he’ll drive around to pick us up, and ask us where to next. It’s like having a personal Uber driver, but he’s not a sleazy old man, trying to make lame jokes, or insisting on making small talk. We get in, he asks where to, and we’re off. It’s the best.

  We finish our sightseeing day at Oaks Park. It reminds me of the county fairs we have, but apparently, this place is open year-round. They have little rides and roller coasters and some history stuff since I guess the park’s been in Portland for years. It’s fun, and even though it’s not a big place, we roam around as the sun sets. With the darkening sky, the park lights turn on, making it almost whimsical. We decide to get on the Ferris wheel, and then a carousel that the park’s website says has been there for a hundred years. Bobbing up and down, the lights and soft music plays around us. Becca and I giggle at the innocence of it all.

  We finally head back to the arena where the band is playing, and instead of going inside, we get on the bus. Becca and I play their video games, then I start reading one of the books I picked up while Becca aimlessly scrolls away on her phone as we wait for everyone to come back.

  EJ’s the first one to get on the bus, and he’s soaking wet. The foam party must’ve splashed over him tonight. He jokes around, lying on top of Becca, and then wraps his arms around me while I laugh and push him off. Jade walks over to the fridge, grabbing two water bottles. She downs the first one, throws the bottle in the recyclable bin, then opens the second and takes a huge gulp. Maddox runs in after her, pushing her to the side, throwing off his shirt. I watch as he searches his bunk for something. He puts on a hat that says, “Drummers Rule - Bass Players Drool,” no doubt a dig at Jade, and flings a new shirt over his shoulder. Flicking Becca behind the ear, she yells at him while he laughs, and then hurries off of the bus. I don’t know where he’s going, and I don’t want to know, shuddering to myself. The bus never waits long, so wherever he’s off to, he’ll have to be back within an hour.

  Finally, Derrik walks on the bus. He’s smiling, but his joyful mood seems more tempered than the others. I give him a smile, then return my attention to my book.

  “You guys didn’t come to the show,” he says. He doesn’t make it sound like a question, but I know it is.

  I look back up at him. “No, we just hung out today. We went to the park, and by the time we got back, we kinda didn’t want to deal with the crowd or anything.”

  He doesn’t reply. He simply stands in front of me, his eyes searching for something. I’m not sure what, but after our interaction last night, I’m sure there are a million things in that mind of his. However, I have to be strong. I have to get through the rest of this tour and get back home. Where things will return to normal. This is his life, and I’m just enjoying it for a few more days.

  When he doesn’t add anything more, I ask, “Is that okay?”

  He nods, clearing his throat. “Yeah. No biggie.” He shrugs, and starts walking back to the bunks, and I return to reading my book.



  I didn’t sleep much last night. I could hear Maddox playing a video game up front. Jade must’ve had her earbuds in because I could hear her humming to something. She does that sometimes when she’s working on new songs; she’ll hum out loud, trying to find the rhythm. EJ was snoring after we’d been on the road for only an hour. All of that has never kept me awake. But silence? Silence is a bitch.

  After I hadn’t heard from Zoey for most of the day, I was going to text her, but the way we ended in her room was so abrupt that I decided to text Peter instead. He told me the girls wanted to go out and see the sites of Portland. What could I say, no? As much as I love what I do, I know it’s technically a job. And she’s on vacation now.

  So, okay, she decided to spend the day out with Becca and have some fun. That’s cool. But I figured they’d be back in time for the show and I’d see her backstage. It’s not like I can hang out with her while we have a show going on, but having her backstage at the last couple of stops was fun. In between songs, I’d run over to joke around and just enjoy being around her.

  Instead, Danica decided to hang out backstage. Forgoing one of the luxury suites she’s been using, she posted picture after picture of us on stage, much to the delight of her adoring fans. After the show, she holds an InstaPic Live and gets a couple of words from Jade, teases EJ a little, while Maddox hurries past her. I’m left with her as we record for five more minutes, and she goes on about how the show is fantastic. She tells the watchers how much she loves it and that she’s giving away tickets to our last two shows in Seattle and Vancouver. That actua
lly catches me off guard a little.

  As entitled as she comes across, and believe me, there are times she definitely proves how much she is, there’s one thing Danica has always held dear and taken care of: her fans. She started on YouTube, and now she’s in charge of a multimillion-dollar brand but has never forgotten that she built a loyal following online. She always holds them in high regard. She’ll hold giveaways, contests, and other events for them.

  Unfortunately, everything is a hazy fog of Zoey still covering my vision. She wasn’t anywhere, and when we finally spoke on the bus, it wasn’t much better. She stayed with Jade, joked with EJ, all while practically ignoring me. Okay, that might be laying it on a little thick, but it felt like it. Then, when she went to bed, and everyone else started to retire for the night, I stayed awake all night in my bunk wondering what the hell happened for the last twenty-four hours. Yesterday I was on the precipice of telling her how I feel, how I’ve never stopped feeling, and I’m positive we were centimeters from kissing.

  Now I’m sitting on top of the tour bus, staring out across the parking lot of the arena we’ll be playing in tonight.

  We’ve been to Seattle a few times. It’s green. I know that sounds like a generality, but when you’re from the desert, you tend to notice the colors of everywhere you visit. Even though it’s still desert, Arizona is red. New York is white. So is New Mexico, but for different reasons. And the Pacific Northwest is green. Trees everywhere, even in the city. I’m used to yucca trees or palm trees, so seeing the ferns and pine or whatever else kind of trees are all around is a complete one-eighty from what I’m used to. But it’s peaceful.

  I hang out on top of the tour bus every now and then. It helps me clear my head. Jade puts her earbuds in and listens to music. Maddox plays video games, but if he really wants to zone out and relax, he’ll get quiet and start rapping his drumsticks on his knees. He doesn’t think we notice, always playing up the bad boy image he likes to portray, but we do. EJ will throw on a hoodie and go for a run. Me, I like hanging out on top of the bus.


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