Haunted By Her Dragon (The Dragon Guard Series)

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Haunted By Her Dragon (The Dragon Guard Series) Page 14

by Mills, Julia

  “That explains a lot. When I flew over this area the other night…” before he could finish Juan Carlos, still in cat form, growled. “Yeah, yeah, yeah I know you didn’t approve.” Lance shook his head at the panther. “Any way, there were a few times I felt the presence of white magic. That must have been her then too.’ He smiled, “Well, it looks like the stupid fuck-up is having a bad run with his motley crew,” Lance joked. “The wizards are performing rituals without him, and his little witch is hiding from him. He never did play well with others.”

  “It would seem you are right, and he appears to be part cat,” Max curled his lip in disgust, “since I am sure dragons do not have nine lives.” Lance laughed out loud and the Leo continued, “I am really looking forward to ending any he may have left,” the King almost growled. It was the closest Lance had ever seen the leader of the Big Cats come to a show of real anger. Max was always calm, cool, and collected, even when they were in the middle of battle. It truly was time to catch his ass, and make him pay for all he had done.

  “How far up did his scent go?” Lance asked as he used his enhanced sight to catch any signs of Andrew’s trail.

  “It stopped at the second rise, and started around towards the back. It is spotty and the stench of black magic is all around. He has recharged since the hospital, and is using it to lay false trails as much as possible.” Max stopped, and Lance could almost see the wheels turning in his head.

  When the King spoke again, his tone was low and ominous, “He will not give up. The white witch is important to him, but she is in her element here and able, at least for the time being, to stay ahead of him. Follow me.”

  Both men turned, and walked back through woods. Neither spoke until they reached Sam’s backyard. “I will have members of my pride come clear away the ritual site and show proper respect to the animals that gave their lives.” His tone became little more than a whisper, “Round up your Force and meet us back here tonight. If we find the witch, I am confident she can help us find the traitor.”

  Unable to help himself, Lance saluted, and the low growl that came from behind them let him know he had once again offended Juan Carlos. Max chuckled, at least the King had a sense of humor, even though he spoke in such proper English and with a slight Latin accent that he sounded like he belonged in one of the mafia movies the younger Guardsmen were so fond of. “You got it Max. I’ll round up the troops and we’ll see you back here tonight.”

  He turned to wave goodbye, and all he saw was the tail end of a very large black panther making his way into the woods. If the sun hadn’t almost been up, he wasn’t sure he would have seen him without his enhanced vision. Max really needed a course in etiquette, he thought to himself, but he sure as hell was not the one to give it to him.

  In no time at all he was back on his Harley, and speeding towards Sam, hoping she was still naked in bed; he had plans for an amazing wake up call.


  Well, at least he had confirmation that Kyra was hiding in the very mountains he was searching, but he was pissed that Master Eaton and some of his remaining followers had hooked up with hunters, and were performing rituals so close to his hideout. Worst of all, they hadn’t reached out to him. He was sure no one was aware of the little coven he was acquiring with all the rogues, and he and the Master had left things on good terms as they had both run for cover when the shit hit the fan at the abandoned warehouse, so why had the wizard leader not reached out to him? Luckily he had learned that a ritual could be performed using animals, but he still had to wonder if the presence of the humans that worked for ‘The Auctioneer’ meant they were still trying to grab human women for a Grand Power Ritual.

  He had not been able to hear what the idiot and the King talked about as they left the edge of the mountain and returned to Dr. Malone’s house. There was at least one other werepanther in the woods, and he couldn’t continue to waste what black magic he had left to conceal himself from them when his witch was close. Once he had her, and she made his amulets, then he could once again come and go as he pleased. Then those fucking Dragon Guardsmen needed to watch their backs. He was going to strike hard and fast. The others of his group had gotten his message, and if they knew what was good for them, they were making the preparations he had ordered. There would be no time to waste once he found Kyra.

  Sure that it was okay to move without detection, he scooted out of the foliage he had used for cover, and ascended the mountain using another, less traveled trail. It wouldn’t do for the werepanthers to locate his scent again, and he needed to be careful now that the sun had almost completely risen. His little witch could use the daylight to her advantage, and his patience with her continued avoidance of him and his needs was at an end. It was way past time to take down the mighty Dragon Guard. Those ‘wastes of space and air’ needed to pay for leaving him in the hands of the wizards to be tortured. And then there was Aidan, the brother that had left him for dead. He had a very special kind of vengeance planned for him, one that would send shockwaves through all of dragon kin.

  Focusing on the task at hand and putting all thoughts of retribution from his mind, he climbed the mountain using long forgotten hunting and tracking skills. Kyra was here. He would find her. He had to find her.


  He spoke with his brethren the entire ride back to Aidan’s. Royce was going to handle calling Rayne, and he was also supposed to speak with Max later in the afternoon. Royce was still nagging in his ear when he drove through the gates, “I know you’re not listening to a damn thing I’m saying, but your mate is gonna be asking questions, and she’s no dummy. You better get your shit together, and have the talk before it gets out of hand. We were lucky only the little one has made an appearance this morning. By the way, I have spoken to Grace, and we need a background on Sydney. There is just something about her. I can’t put my finger on it, but she’s way more perceptive than anyone is giving her credit for, and I would swear she can tell when we’re mind speaking.”

  “Whatever, old man, I swear you just find things to worry about. I’ll handle Doc, and if Grace is cool with tracking down Syd’s background, then go for it, but you really need to chill the hell out. Just think about it. If all goes well, we’ll have the traitor back at the lair before sunrise tomorrow.” Lance threw the kickstand down on his Harley, jumped off, and was striding towards the door in one smooth movement. “I’m on my way in the back door, and up the back stairs to see Sam. Let me know what Rayne’s got to say…later.”

  Royce laughed, and Lance knew he was trying to hold it in, “Just take care of her you pain in the ass. The Heavens know the Universe was way too good to you when they made Samantha.”

  “Don’t I know it, Old Man, don’t I know it.” He smiled ear to ear as he took the steps three at a time, his erection tented the front of his jeans by the time he grabbed the doorknob and quietly opened the door. The sight of her long curly mane spread across the pillow, and the golden glow of her bare back where the sheet was draped at her waist, almost brought him to his knees. Remembering there was a very inquisitive six-year old in the house, he reached back and locked the door. There would be no interruptions for the next hour or so. He needed to wake his mate, and he took his job very seriously.


  She came awake slowly to the amazing feeling of Lance’s lips kissing and tasting the sweet spot behind her ear, while whispering all the scrumptious things he wanted to do to her body. The feel of a warm muscled chest at her back and large calloused hands kneading both of her incredibly sensitive breasts, coupled with his low rumbling voice, made her nipples hard and her pussy dripping wet. Their bodies were so completely fused together that the short, coarse hairs covering his legs tickled hers as they moved. Her hips began to roll back and forth of their own accord. Every motion brought her ample backside in contact with his very aroused cock. One of his amazingly talented hands continued to torment her breasts, alternating between the needy globes, as the
other worked its way downward.

  His light, sensual touch left a path of sparks, each landing directly in her womb, and amping up her arousal until she panted and moaned. When his fingers tickled the short curly hairs covering her mound, her hips jerked forward trying to drive his fingers to her already pulsing clit. “What’s the matter, Doc? Have an itch you’d like me to scratch?” he chuckled in her ear. The vibration against her body robbed her lungs of the air needed to answer, so she nodded, and continued to move in any way possible with the hopes he would ease the ache he had started before she lost her mind.

  Always the tease, Lance lightly slid his finger all around her outer lips, coming close to her throbbing nub on every turn, but never touching where she so desperately needed relief. Unable to control herself any longer, sure she would lose her mind if she did not have release in the next few seconds, she started to turn over. The movement caused his rock hard penis to slip into the crack of her ass, making contact with the very bottom of her slit. Both she and Lance gasped as his strong arms closed around her, holding her completely still. He exhaled long and slow, and she felt him everywhere. Then he spoke and she was sure she could come just from the sound of his voice against her ear. “Hold still, m’anamchara. You’re driving me crazy. I need to feel you come apart in my arms before I completely embarrass myself,” he panted, and she felt better that he was just as affected as she was.

  If she could have, she would’ve laughed. How in the hell could he ever embarrass himself when the very thought of him made her wet and needy. She had dreamed of having this man naked and wrapped around her for so long, that she had almost thought last night was just another of her erotic dreams. But here he was again, and she was greedy for more. Her next thought was stolen from her mind as he simultaneously leaned her forward at the waist, and slid his cock into her waiting channel. “Lance….oh my God, Lance…” she moaned, her voice sounding low and breathy.

  Her contracting womb pulled all of his long, hard length into her. She could feel him pulsing against her feminine walls as he held them completely still. He slid his leg between hers, opening her legs, and changing their position just enough that when he began to slide out of her, he bumped the sensitive bundle of nerves that sat at the height of her channel. She saw stars behind her tightly closed eyes. When his fingers touched her engorged clit, she came with such force she fought to remain conscious. He continued to move in and out as she floated back to earth, building another orgasm before the shocks of the first had stopped.

  She needed to look into his crystal blue eyes to make sure he was real and there, loving her. She had to know that she was not dreaming, so she attempted to roll over once again. This time his grip on her body loosened. She felt the immediate loss as his still hard cock slid from her overly sensitive pussy. Her peaked nipples rubbed against the short hairs on his chest. She shivered at the delicious tremors it sent rushing all over her body. The longer her chest was in contact with his, the more tingles she felt. It was as if the brilliant dragon tattoo on his chest was moving right along with them. He smiled a cock sure smile, as if he had a secret he was deciding if he should share. Then he chuckled, “You cold, Doc? Why not let me warm you up a bit?”

  Before she could even process what he’d said, his lips were on hers. Her brain and body went into overload. It was a kiss that short circuited her brain. She could only feel. A kiss of complete dominance that robbed the room of all air, they were breathing for each other. A kiss so deep and completely sensual that she knew she had been marked for all time; there would never be another. No matter what happened in the next minute, hour, day or lifetime, at least a part of her would always belong to him. In the next breath it was all teeth and tongue, so hot she felt as if he had set a fire and was stoking it. His hands gripped her butt, melding her body to his as he moved onto his back.

  Her legs slid to either side of his hips, and his cock bumped her clit. She immediately sat up and leaned forward on her knees with her hands braced on his pecs, his erection poised at her opening. Looking deep into his eyes, she saw a wealth of emotion that made the butterflies in her stomach flit and flutter. It was totally humbling to have a man like Lance look at her like she was his everything. How in the world did someone as funny and mouth-wateringly handsome as the man beneath her, find someone like her attractive? Excitement coursed through her veins at the heat he did nothing to hide. He wanted her, really wanted her. He looked like he could and would eat her alive. The thought of what his talented lips could make her feel had her lower body shifting, until just the head of his rock hard penis sat inside her dripping pussy. Shocked that she could be excited again after having just returned from heaven, she slid farther down his shaft. His hands gripped her waist, and the sweat that dotted his upper lip and the lines that bracketed his eyes let her see the effort it took for him to allow her to take control and go slow.

  When he was seated completely inside her, they both sighed. It was as if their joining was what they both had been waiting for their whole lives, and no matter how many times they made love, it would always be just like the first. She continued to look deep into his eyes, an invisible tether, tying their souls together, binding them as no other. Unable to deal with all the emotions welling up inside her, she began to move slowly up his cock. When he would have slipped from her, she began her downward stroke. He moved his hips in unison with hers, and she rotated her hips on every down stroke of his length. Their intricate dance pushed all thoughts of anything but the incredible man she was astride. Their motions sped up, pushing her right to the brink of release. She could tell from the throbbing of his cock buried deep inside her that he was too, but she needed a…something more, something she couldn’t ask for with her sex-addled brain. He pushed her farther onto his erection just as she shifted forward. She mewled at the contact, “Oh, oh, oh, yes…” she chanted, riding him harder and faster.

  “Yes, ta’ mo chroi istigh, yes! Take whatever you need. Come for me.” The tone of his voice, breathless from their lovemaking, shot through her, pushing her arousal higher. He reached between their bodies, and laid his thumb on her pulsing clit. She was sure he had read her mind when he gently pushed, and she was screaming her release right along with him. Their orgasm went on and on as he worked himself in and out of her body, prolonging their ecstasy. She collapsed against his chest, gasping to get a breath, and grinned against his sweat soaked chest as he wheezed right along with her. Never in her life had she thought she could bring a man as strong and vibrant as Lance to his knees, but from the sound of his breathing, she had done just that. Her eyes closed as her breathing returned to normal and with a smile on her face, she drifted to sleep.


  Her breathing returned to normal, and he felt her completely relax. It wasn’t long until he realized she had fallen asleep, with his half-erect cock still buried within her warm, wet pussy. Not wanting to sever their connection, he was content to lie with her draped across his body while he thought about the miraculous gift he had been given by the Universe. Dr. Samantha Malone was perfection personified. She was smart and intuitive. A more superb woman had never been born. The way she took command of every situation, so sure of herself, and unwilling to back down until every option had been exhausted, made him respect her as no other, but it was her heart and compassion that drew him in like a moth to a flame. The light of her pure, unselfish, giving soul, shone like a beacon. He truly was the most blessed man to walk the earth. His dragon chuffed in agreement, basking in the afterglow of the incredible connection they were building with their mate.

  Sam moved in her sleep, curling slightly to the side. His cock slipped from her, and she moaned. Even in her sleep she missed the connection of their bodies as much as he did. She slowly slid off his chest, and settled in against his side, breathing a sigh of relief that caused the dragon marking on his chest to ripple. The beast within loved the attention and was definitely pushing Lance harder than ever to mark their mate. The battle of
wills that had been a constant since the day they laid eyes on Sam continued, until Royce spoke directly into his mind, “Okay, lover boy. Time’s up. Rayne is on his way and Jace and I have played as much Candyland as we can stand.”

  “What’s the matter? Did the little girl kick your ass, Grandpa?” Lance chuckled.

  “I think the child cheats,” the elder guardsman grumbled, and Lance was sure he heard an agreement from the younger Guardsman.

  “You guys are such wimps,” he laughed outright, and was rewarded with two disgusted scoffs in return.

  “Just wait until she plays with you and then tell me that she isn’t a shark,” Royce retaliated. “Now get your ass outta bed and get down here before the Commander gets here, or I’ll send the little one up to roust you.”

  “We’ll be down in a bit, Old Man. Just keep your shirt on,” Lance said, appreciating all that his long time friend was doing for him by keeping Sydney busy so he could spend time alone with Sam. “Oh and Royce?”

  “What now, pain in my ass?” Royce almost growled through their connection.

  “Thanks for everything,” he said with all sincerity, and then rushed on before Royce could recover from his unfamiliar show of affection, “See ya in a few.”

  He promptly cut their connection to concentrate on waking the beautiful woman that was to be his for all time.

  After thirty minutes of kissing and cajoling, he finally had her out of bed and in the shower, but was sporting another impressive erection. He wanted to follow her into the bath and quench their desire, but was sure that would take hours, because once he started making love to his mate again, he had no plans of stopping until he was unable to walk. Unfortunately, their time was short. Making sure to not get sidetracked, he had showered prior to waking her, giving him no excuse, but that didn’t mean he didn’t want her with every fiber of his being.


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