Haunted By Her Dragon (The Dragon Guard Series)

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Haunted By Her Dragon (The Dragon Guard Series) Page 25

by Mills, Julia

  “Mom, Sarah, and I lived a really simple life. Mom was a school teacher. She always told stories about dad, and showed us pictures to make sure we never forgot him. It was like I got to know him through her memories.

  “She never wanted me to ride the school bus. She said it was dirty and stinky, and since she taught just two blocks away at the junior high, she could drop me off and pick me up. One day during a particularly bad thunderstorm, she was late. I waited until all the other kids were gone, and then one of the teachers took me to the office. They called mom’s phone, and there was no answer. Then they called her school, and the secretary said she’d seen her leave ten minutes earlier, so we figured she was caught in traffic from the rain. It was then that we heard the sirens. I knew something was wrong.

  “We waited for another hour before the police arrived. They wanted to speak to my teacher, who was also a close friend of my mom’s, alone. But there was no way I was going to be left out. They finally told us that a drunk driver had run a stop sign and T-boned my mom’s mini-van. He was going so fast that he pushed them onto the curb, and the vehicle flipped. Both my mom and sister were pronounced dead at the scene.

  “I wasn’t really sure at the time what everything they were saying meant, but I knew one thing…I was alone. Both my parents were only children, and all four of my grandparents had passed before I was born.” His hurt at the story his love was telling made him wish to go back in time, and endure all her pain and suffering. She had lived through her trials, and learned from them. She was stronger because of them, and helped people every day.

  “My teacher took me home with her, and I stayed there until a social worker showed up. Then I was taken to a group home. There were lots of foster homes after that, and I finally landed at Momma Maybelle’s.” A feeling of contentment flowed through their bond, and he knew that his mate truly loved this woman.

  “She was the first person besides my mom’s friend that acted like I mattered, acted like she cared. I stayed with her until I graduated from high school. She was so proud the day we got the letter that I had been accepted into one of the most prestigious colleges in the country with a full scholarship. We had a huge graduation party, and all the kids that she could find that had been in foster care with me came.

  “She and I stayed in touch until she died during my junior year. It was a true testament to the wonderful woman she was that every foster kid still in the area was at her memorial service. There is not a day that goes by that I do not thank God for my mom, dad, and Momma Maybelle. Because without them, I would have just been a statistic, one of those kids that we patch up in the Emergency room and send back out it in the world to fend for themselves.

  “Now I tell you all of this because, for some crazy reason, I want you to really know who I am and to let you know that all of this,” she motioned between them, “Scares the shit out of me. Everyone I have ever loved, leaves.”

  He watched a lone tear travel down her cheek and gave up. Letting her hands drop; he grabbed her waist and lifted her onto his lap. She struggled for a minute, but he held her as still as possible until she gave in and cuddled against his chest. His kissed the top of her head and inhaled the beautiful scent of jasmine and honeysuckle that would forever remind him of the gift he had been given. As long as he had breath in his lungs, no one would ever cause this woman another moment of pain. She’d suffered enough, and it was his job to make all her days as wonderful as they could possibly be.

  “I’ll never leave you, Doc, and even if one of us goes to the heavens before the other, we will still be connected, heart and soul. I know you were told about how long we live, and I want to make sure that you understand that once we are officially mated, if that is what you want, you will have the same increased lifespan.”

  She jerked back from him with a surprised look on her face. The way her pouty lips had formed a perfect circle made him want to ditch all the talking and have a taste of his lady love. However, it was time all of it was worked out between them. She needed to feel comfortable with everything she had learned, before he could ask her the question that he and his dragon longed to hear the answer to.

  He chuckled and nodded, “Yes, mo chroi we’ll live almost a thousand years together in this life, and then for eternity in the next.”

  Her brow furrowed, and she asked, “What did you just call me? And what is the language I hear all your brethren and Siobhan speak occasionally?’

  “It’s the language of our kin. Not many use it anymore. Most of us mind speak because it’s a helluva lot quicker, but the older of our clan still use it all the time. As for what I called you, I said, ‘my heart’ because Samantha Malone, that is exactly what you are.”

  He watched while she digested what he had just said, and added, “Ta’ mo chroi istigh ionat, mo ghra’ which means my heart is within you, my love.”

  Placing his hands on either side of her face, he looked into the depth of her dark brown eyes and spoke with more sincerity than he thought he could ever possess, “I love you. With everything that I am, I know that you are the one person in the universe that completes not only me but the beast within. I cannot and will not live a moment of my life without you.”


  Love? He loved her? Really? Could it be true? She damn sure had learned to not discount what she doubted. Hell, men that could shift into dragons was real, it was probably not out of the realm of possibilities that he at least thought he loved her. She looked deep inside herself, even the parts she kept locked away, while he continued to gaze at her with his hypnotic, crystal blue eyes.

  She took his hands from her face, and held them in her lap, “I have some incredible feelings for you that I can’t explain, and I’m pretty sure I don’t want to, but I have to be as honest with you as I want you to be with me…” she paused, and watched as he held his breath but never once lost eye contact. Unable to speak above a whisper, she said, “I am terrified. I don’t think I’ll survive another loss.”

  It was the single hardest thing she’d ever admitted to anyone in her life. She was prepared for him to tell her that she was weak or silly or any other wide variety of insults that were swimming around in her mind, but he didn’t. He completely surprised her by smiling and rubbing her up and down her arms. When he spoke, she could feel strength pouring from him, filling her, and calming her fears. “I completely understand mo ghra’. We have a lot more in common than either of us knew, and it’s time to share my past with you.”

  He told her about his father who was killed in battle when he was a child and about his mother and sisters who sounded like wonderful, beautiful, strong-willed women. He talked about how he had traveled for days to reach the clan with the Dragon Guard that Rayne’s father had commanded and how he had trained for three long months.

  She felt like her heart would shatter into a million pieces as he told her how they had come to find all the people of his clan dead from an attack by black magic wizards. She felt her tears fall as she pictured him finding his mother and sisters killed by the people that he’d been training to protect them from. The only thing she could think to do as he relived the most traumatic event of his life was to wrap her arms around him, and lend him her quiet support. She cried for all he had lost, and the longer he spoke, the more it became undeniable that they were meant to be together. They were meant to share the good times and the bad times, but most of all, they were meant to heal each other and to be exactly what the other needed.

  She had no idea how long they sat in silence, and didn’t care because being wrapped in his arms was the safest, most peaceful place in the world. Reveling in the strong, steady beat of his heart in her ear and the deep, even rise and fall of his chest, reaffirmed her belief in the sanctity of life, and gave her hope that she really could love and be loved without drastic consequences. He woke her from her musings when she heard the sensual rumbling of his low voice. “You okay down there, Doc?”

  “Yeah, I’m good.” She sat
up and looked at the man that had stolen her heart without her even knowing it. “I’m so sorry that you lost your family. I know it was a long time ago, but I can tell how much they meant to you and how much you loved them.”

  Feeling tears come to her eyes again, she took a deep breath, but it was Lance that spoke. “You are right, evgren. I did love them very much, and I still carry that love to this day, but it is you that makes my heart beat. It is you that I love more than I ever thought possible.” He placed his hand over her heart, and she knew he could feel how hard and fast it was beating, but she didn’t care. It was time to be honest with him.

  She looked down at his hand on her chest, and marveled that she found even his hands sexy. Knowing how those incredibly talented fingers made her body sing made it difficult for her to think. It was now or never. She had to tell him how she felt. Raising her head, she found him looking at her. She felt him deep inside, burning brighter and filling her with so much love and acceptance that she thought she might burst. Instead, she blurted out all that she was feeling, “I love you, too. I didn’t think it was possible for me to love anyone ever again. In fact, I’ve worked really hard for all these years to keep people at arm’s length, but there is no way I can deny what I feel, and what you’ve come to mean to me. I love you. There is no other way to say it. I do. But I swear if you ever put me through what I went through the last three weeks, I will kick your ass.”

  The last word was still on her lips when he slammed his mouth to hers, and kissed her with a fiery passion. He stole the breath from her lungs and all thought from her mind. When they came up for air, all she could think about was getting her amazing man naked, and by the look in his eyes, he thought the same thing. But…there were still a few questions she needed answered.

  She laughed out loud as he groaned when her hands touched his chest to keep him from continuing their kiss. “What gives, Doc? I’m dying here.” As he spoke he raised his hips, letting her feel exactly how happy he was to be kissing her, and it was her turn to groan.

  He laughed, and tried to close the distance between them again, but she kept her arms firm. “I have just a few more questions.”

  He groaned even louder, flopped back against the couch and let his head fall to the side, “You really are trying to kill me. I just know it.”

  She play punched him in the stomach. He grunted, picking up his head and winking at her. But it was the shit-eating grin and damn dimple that made her giggle like a schoolgirl. Breathing deeply to regain control, she asked, “Did you fly past my window in dragon form the first night we officially met?”

  His grin grew wider as he nodded. “Sure did.” He placed his index finger on his lips, making the ‘Shhhh’ sound, “But keep that between us, I’m not really supposed to be flying that close to town unless it’s an emergency.”

  Another giggle bubbled out of her, and she chalked it up to a side effect of being in love. “I promise, and I want to see him again for real when I know for sure I’m awake.” When he tipped his head in agreement, she went on, “Is everyone’s dragon the same color as yours?”

  “No, our dragons are all originally from different clans, and therefore, we are all different colors except for Aidan and Aaron. They are the same because they are blood relatives and twins. Integration happened as time passed. We don’t adhere to the color sects any longer. We live with the Force with whom we trained or pledged our fealty. He stopped talking, and she thought about what he’d said, wondering if, or when she would get to see the color of the other dragons. Then she remembered something she really needed to ask so she powered on.

  “Now, Sydney said that she told you that she can tell when you and your brothers were talking into each others’ minds, and she said that you told her to keep that little tidbit from me. Is that true?” She gave him her most intimidating look, the one she reserved for children, and seniors that refused to take their meds.

  “Yes, I did,” he said and didn’t even have the decency to look ashamed. “But in my defense, I didn’t know how the hell she could tell, and I didn’t want you freaking out and leaving me.”

  He pretend pouted and when that didn’t work he tickled her until she surrendered. When she was able to speak again, she said, “No more secrets. Got it, dragon man? And since we’re on that subject, why is it that she can do that?”

  He furrowed his brow and pursed his lips. “No one is sure, but Siobhan has a theory…” She tried to butt in, but he shook his head and gave her a look then continued. “But we need to talk to the Elders of our clan and have Sydney talk to them to be sure.”

  She frowned at him. He quickly grinned, and said, “There’s nothing to worry about, at all. I promise. Whatever it may be is a blessing, something really cool. We just need to be sure.”

  Knowing he was telling the truth from their bond, she let the subject go, but gave him one last look to let him know she wanted answers as soon as possible. He had to be the most patient man in the world as he sat there waiting for her next question, like he had all the time in the world. Well he kinda does. Smiling at her own funny she asked, “Who the hell is Andrew? What all has he done? Every time his name or one of the names you guys call him came up while you were healing, everyone spoke in your language. I’m guessing they were waiting for you to give me the scoop.”

  “Well, Doc, there’s a long answer to that but I’m gonna Reader’s Digest it for you the best I can. Over seven years ago, Aidan and his younger brother, Andrew, were out on patrol. Aidan had gotten a whiff of something a few days prior, and couldn’t shake the feeling that he needed to follow up. So they went out to see what it was. The scent Aidan was tracking had taken all his focus and he was careless, something completely uncharacteristic for any of us, but especially ‘A’. He’s one of the best trackers any clan has ever seen. Anyway, he hadn’t continually scanned the area like we’re all trained to do, and his pansy-assed, little brother, who always depended on one of us to take care of him, wasn’t scanning either. Andrew was the youngest in our Force and the younger brother to two of the best Dragon Guardsmen this world has ever known. And to top it off, he was and I imagine still is, a lazy little shit.

  He paused to take a breath, and she quickly asked, “’A’ is Aidan, right?”

  “Yep, sorry about that, force of habit. Anyway, the guys were flying over a wooded area when they were both literally pulled from the sky by what we now know was black magic. The force from the dark spell pushed their dragons back, and left the men falling to the ground. Apparently, a coven of wizards had seen ‘A’ earlier in the week and set a trap for him. However, they hadn’t counted on two dragons. From what we now know, they didn’t have enough magic to hold them both. In a quick plan B move, the sadistic bastards used their dirty magic to disorient ‘A’ while they held Andrew and made it look like they sacrificed him. ‘A’ was sure he’d seen Andrew’s severed head thrown into their huge ritual fire, and before he could do anything about it, the assholes hit him with another blast of their tainted shit, and left him there for dead.

  “Later, ‘A’ woke up, and made his way back to the clan for help, but by the time we got back there, the cowards had run, and hidden their tracks. The search went on for hours, but there were no clues to be found. Now, you have to understand. We have some serious mojo of our own. Dragon magic is ancient, and nothing to be scoffed at, but those sons of bitches were packing some kind of hyped up, seriously nasty power that night.

  “We all mourned Andrew’s death. You know we live a long time, and to lose one of us so early in our lifespan because of the scum of the earth is a horrible loss for all of us, but it hit ‘A’ the hardest. He felt responsible for Andrew’s death, and spent every waking minute punishing himself for what had happened. For six years, we all watched our friend and brethren in pain and constant turmoil, with no way to help him. No matter what we tried, nothing helped. Not even Aaron, his twin could reach him. Then almost two years ago, everything changed.

  “We were on o
ur way back to the lair. Trying to get Spitfire, I mean Kyndel, back to the lair,” he smiled, and she took the opportunity to butt in, “Kyndel lets you call her ‘Spitfire’?”

  “She damn sure does, and Grace let’s me call her ‘Hellcat’. It was our way of letting them both know that they were accepted into the clan. I can’t believe you didn’t hear it while I was out.”

  “I did, but I was so focused on you and…” She paused, was she really going to admit this to him? Yeah, she sure was. “I was so worried about you that I remember little else besides taking care of you and Sydney and sleeping.” She tried to bow her head to avoid his knowing eyes, but he obviously had other plans as he used his thumb and forefinger to lift her head until they were eye to eye.

  “Thank you,” he said so softly that she had to strain to hear him, and then kissed her on the very tip of her nose. “You brought me back, and I will forever be grateful. I love you, Doc.”

  Trying to regain her composure, she asked, “And I’m guessing that ‘Doc’ is my nickname?”

  “You got it. Now let me finish this story because I have something I need to ask you. That day in the clearing, we were ambushed by a group of hunters led by a magic practitioner pumping them with enhanced abilities. Even with the black magic, we were winning the fight, but somehow, the magical guy got past us, and held Kyndel at knife point. While Rayne was negotiating for her release, the SOB pulled off his mask, and there stood Andrew, obviously not dead, and seriously fucked in the head from his time with the wizards. Kyndel was hurt when we caught the asshole, then he used the black magic he’d gotten from the wizards mixed with his dragon magic and escaped before ‘A’ and Aaron could get him back to the Elders for the Tribunal.


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