Destruction of a God

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Destruction of a God Page 9

by I. K. Bartlett

  This realisation threw both Ramilo and Peg, making them gape in surprise for a second. They had never even thought that the Dwarven King could have a family, let alone a son, who fought almost as fiercely as he did. Omni stepped back, his face beaming with pride, as he clasped Peg’s hand in his own. “Thank you for looking after him my friend.”

  Peg smirked and then without any hint of sarcasm replied, “He actually looked after me.”

  Just then, the trees to the west began to thrash violently and the sound of hundreds of bodies pushing through the foliage echoed around the forest. The assembled warriors moved together, forming three ranks, ready to repel an attack. They all glanced towards the small command group, which consisted of Peg, Omni, Avery and Ramilo, for their orders. The ground began to shake slightly, as the large force drew closer.

  Just in front of them, they could hear plants snapping and trees groaning. Ramilo fought his panic and stared ahead. Suddenly a tall birch in front of him swung wildly, so he clutched his sword tighter, preparing to charge.

  Letting out his breath in a whistling sigh, Ramilo smiled when he saw Tom, Sam and Bray ride through the trees in front of him. The troops behind Ramilo immediately let out their relief in a buzz of excited chatter.

  Seeing them, Bray leapt from his saddle and led his horse towards, Ramilo and Peg. He halted short of them, with a slightly worried look on his face. Within a second, Ramilo laughed when he realised why; the noise of thunderous sprinting footsteps signified Manil’s joyous charge towards his friend.

  The gigantic troll knocked Peg and Ramilo aside and picked up Bray, as if he weighed no more than a leaf. Spotting Raeywin and Gwion behind Bray, he released his friend and with a whoop of joy raced towards them. Raeywin held up her hand and was about to say, “No,” but she was silenced as Manil grabbed her and her son in a loving, if slightly too tight embrace.

  Bray turned and called, “Manil it’s great to see you, but please put my family down before you hurt them.”

  Manil smiled warmly and scanned the ranks of Elven faces. With concern more than evident, Manil asked, “Where be Bray’s Granddaddy?”

  The pain in Bray’s eyes spoke volumes, but he swallowed hard, fighting his sorrow and replied, “He died.”

  A strange look came across the troll’s face; he looked as if he were about to cry. With as much care as he could, he placed Raeywin and Gwion on the ground. Raeywin’s heart leapt with pity when she saw Manil’s face, so she cupped his face in her caring hands and kissed him lightly on the cheek. Manil’s face brightened slightly. He then turned to face Bray, who was smiling fondly at the child-like troll, his sorrow forgotten for the moment and clasped him tenderly to his chest. Bray snorted, as the air whooshed out of him and then gently untangled himself from the troll’s grip. He then smiled sadly and said, “It’s alright Manil. We must all go at some time.”

  Trying to break the sombre mood that had fallen over everyone, Ramilo stepped forward and said, “Bray I would like you to meet a good friend of mine. His name is Muru - he is Ratlar’s son.”

  Bray immediately grabbed Muru’s hand and pumped it vigorously before saying, “Your father was a great man.”

  To this Muru replied, “So everyone tells me.”

  Ramilo then explained what was happening in Velumia, so Bray said, “That’s good then, because we are heading towards the capital anyway. Ramilo; Antia is free and your people are waiting for your return. I think you should go home.”

  Ramilo started to protest, but was cut off as the Sentinel Commander, Sam, declared, “You’ve done more than enough Ramilo. Anlam’s Royal family is as safe as we can make them because of you. Go home, your people need you.”

  The large shaggy Sentinel then turned to Peg and continued, “You must go too King LilPeg. You have a family waiting for you. A messenger from Tamlin arrived yesterday. Kerril has returned home; you should be with her.”

  Peg nodded and, without argument, gathered his troops. He then moved back to the centre of the makeshift camp, which Rumar and Avrit’s troops had erected, to say his goodbyes. Ramilo was still trying to come up with reasons to stay, but every time he found one, Te-Che said, “But your people need you,” which silenced his protests.

  Finally, Ramilo conceded and after accepting a horse from the Elves, he mounted up and rode to the west with Peg and his troops. Sam waved to Peg and his entourage, keeping vigil until they disappeared from sight, he then turned to Omni and was about to suggest that he return to Carvel, but the wily Dwarf growled, “Don’t even think that you can bully me Sam. I’m going with Bray and that is that.”

  As the Dwarf stared sternly at him, Sam raised his arms in surrender and chuckled. Bray grinned as he watched the exchange and was about to speak, but went silent as Raeywin said, “It’s all well and good trying to do the right thing by sending everyone home to their families. However, if you don’t return to ‘when’ you came from, none of this will matter, because we’ll all die in the Aquin Mountains thirty years ago.”

  At this, Tom nodded grimly and said, “Raeywin speaks the truth we must go.” He turned to Bray and asked, “Can you send us back?”

  Bray nodded slowly and replied, “I think so, but I’m not sure if I can get you to the Aquin Mountains.”

  Gwion coughed politely, as his father finished talking and stepped forward. He held up his hand as if still in school and said, “I can.”

  Bray peered curiously at his son and asked, “Can do what?”

  Gwion smiled and continued, “I can get them to the Mountains.” He glanced from face to curious face and then continued, “If you concentrate on sending them back in time, I’ll aim your power so that they come out right where you need them.”

  Raeywin placed a hand on her son’s shoulder and asked, “Are you sure?”

  Showing a confidence that he certainly did not feel, Gwion answered, “Yes.”

  With this, Sam grinned and said, “Right that’s settled.” He glanced at the still bodies of the enemy dead and continued, “If I’m assuming correctly, then we’re riding into a very dangerous situation.

  The enemy are similar sizes to us and they had more numbers than we, so I think we should thank them for the use of their armour and bury them.”

  Tom glanced at his brother curiously and then understanding slid across his face. He pointed to the large enemy soldiers and said, “Strip them of their armour, find some that fits and then bury the dead. They may have been treacherous but we’ll act with honour.”

  On his command, the Sentinel warriors immediately set about finding themselves some armour and then with the help of the Dwarves, whose mining experience allowed them to dig enough graves for all the dead in the time that it would have taken the human soldiers to dig half.

  Within two hours, the dead were in their graves and the Sentinels were sitting astride their horses, wearing their newly acquired armour. Sam was glancing admiringly at the shiny breastplate he was wearing, but Tom was fidgeting uncomfortably inside his.

  Sam nodded to Bray to let him know that they were ready and then smiled comfortingly at his brother. Bray unlocked the psychological door in his mind and unleashed the awesome power of Mogya. He concentrated on the fabric of time, which now showed itself to him and began forming it into a door.

  The others in the clearing had to shield their eyes, as a circle of light began to form in front of them. It suddenly exploded out, seemingly stealing what little light the night possessed. Gwion rushed towards his father and placed his hands on his shoulders. He let Mogya course through him and began searching for his father’s presence in the past. He caught a feint signal, which he focused on, but as he neared it, he realised that it was too far away from the battle, which he could feel raging on the slopes of the Aquin Mountains. He changed his focus and aimed at the powerful emanations that Mogya gave off when people died.

  Content that he had found the right place, Gwion sent his mind twisting towards the raging battle. In his mind’s eye, he saw a hug
e Ralkyl fighting a tall warrior of light. Aiming for the slope above this titanic battle, he reached for his father’s power. With his mind, he sent a blast of power into the side of the newly forming gateway. This sent the gateway careering towards the slope. When the circle of light was in the correct position, Gwion forced it to stop. He then released his grip on his Mogya.

  Sam watched the young nobleman stagger slightly and, just before he fell into a sitting position, taking deep hacking breaths, managed to spurt, “Go now.”

  Sam sent his powerful stallion charging through the magical gateway. Tom and the other Sentinels immediately raced after him. Within seconds, the Sentinels were through the gateway, fighting the Demon-King’s forces on the other side.

  As soon as Bray felt the Sentinels rush through the gate, he released his grip on his Mogya, forcing it to retreat. As soon as his Mogya’s powerful waves were gone, he collapsed.

  Raeywin rushed across to her husband, as he hit the floor and held his head gently. She then glanced across at Gwion and whispered, “Well done Gwion. I’m so proud of you.”

  Gwion flapped his hands weakly in her general direction and replied, “It was nothing; Dad did most of the work anyway.”

  Rumar moved across to Raeywin and bent down to lift Bray. Despite his age, Rumar was still surprisingly strong; moving easily, he strode across to Bray’s horse and placed his friend in his saddle. He then clambered up behind him and gripped him around the waist, so that he could sleep without falling off. Once, he was finished he nodded to Avrit, who said, “I’ll lead your horse Rumar.” Rumar then turned to the others and called, “Let’s get going. If anybody can help Bazil and Kayla then it is Gwion and Bray, but we must get them into the Palace first.”

  With this, Galivan gave the order for the column to form up. With Raeywin, Rumar, Avrit and the still sleeping Bray next to him, Galivan glanced back, waiting for the troops to break camp.

  It took a few minutes, but eventually the entire column was ready and waiting behind Galivan. He glanced at the other Commanders, who nodded back, and called, “Forward.”

  With this, the column moved to the east, following the track back to Velumia. It did not take long before the city’s towers came into view. They kept riding, keeping watch for any pursuit, even though they were safe in the knowledge that the enemy had fled from Anlam. Within an hour, the column halted in front of the colossal city gate and waited.

  As they approached, a lone face peered over the city’s battlements; it did not remain for long, disappearing back over as soon as the warriors below had seen it. As Galivan lowered his gaze, the portcullis began to rise. Once it settled into its runners, the drawbridge lowered, allowing the column to ride into the city. The Captain of the guard popped his head out of the guardroom to see, who was coming into the city. When he saw who it was, he was about to run out and tell them what was going on, but the majestic Primero stole the wind from his sails.

  Primero smiled and, as he bobbed his head in a mark of respect for the Elves, said, “My parents are in the Palace with Duke Okinwantal and Lady Gwena of Brehatch. They have gone to heal the Royal couple.” He glanced at the exhausted Gwion, who was still managing to cling to his horse, but only just, and said, “Lord Gwion, it’s you who must go to the throne room. Only you may save the crystal. Ciqala of the Wuzens passed you the power many years ago. You were not aware of this transaction, but your power will allow you to save the crystal and gain us access to the Mystical cavern once more.”

  Gwion Shook his head in resignation and flapped his hand uselessly in Primero’s direction, as he replied, “Whatever, nothing surprises me anymore. Just show me where the throne room is.”

  Primero glanced at Gwion with regret and said, “I’ll not fit in the Palace my Lord.”

  It took a second for these words to sink into Gwion’s exhausted brain, but Raeywin immediately had a question.

  She slid from her horse and moved towards the huge Dragon, before asking, “If you can’t fit, how do your parents?”

  Primero winked and replied, “All I’ll say is that none of you are big enough to have clothes to fit me.”

  With this, the chuckling Dragon bunched his massive shoulders, expanding his impressive wings, and shot into the air; leaving Raeywin and the remainder of her companions staring after him with confusion painted on their faces.

  Time trails

  Tal placed his hand on the doorknob and prepared to open the door, but paused, not wanting to see the Royal couple suffering. Swarim moved across and gently moved Tal out of the way. He opened the door and moved through, with Ratora following close behind. Gwena was still staring wildly at the graceful, beautiful figure, which she knew only half an hour before had towered above them.

  The two Dragons in human form moved straight across to Bazil and Kayla, who were lying still in their ornately decorated oak bed. Swarim placed his hand gently on Bazil’s forehead, as Ratora carried out the same action on Kayla. The two of them glowed slightly and then their heads snapped up, pain etched on their striking faces. They remained still for a few moments and then they began to rock slowly. The dark chaos they could feel revolted them, but they knew they must push through the thinly veiled walls, which kept them from pushing into Bazil and Kayla’s sub-conscious.

  Ratora and Swarim pushed harder, breaking the weak barriers of Mogya trying to keep them out. They forged on until, eventually, their minds touched a familiar presence. They could not remember why this touch was familiar, but something in them realised they had not felt it for a thousand years. Ratora reached out with her mind and metaphorically held Swarim’s hand for comfort. As she did this, a shadow flitted through the Royal couple’s minds, drawing the two Dragons’ attention.

  They pushed with their minds, giving chase to the strange presence. They then rushed through Bazil and Kayla’s mind, leaving no corner unchecked until they finally felt the strange shadowy power cowering in the deepest depths of the Royal couple’s minds.

  Ratora and Swarim combined their awesome power and rushed to meet the foreign presence, which was threatening the life of the Royal couple. As they reached towards their opponent with their minds, it disappeared, leaving Bazil and Kayla free to think once more.

  However, the Dragons did not settle there, they followed the strange being’s trail, sensing it move to another weaker mind, which it had been controlling for the last ten years. The Dragons pulled their thoughts back into themselves and opened their eyes. They smiled down at the Royal couple, who had absolute confusion in their now open eyes. Swarim chuckled and said, “You both must rest now. We’ll find our enemy’s hiding place and flush it out.”

  With this, they stepped back, leaving Posendre to wipe her patients’ brows and take care of them. Ratora turned to Tal and said, “You must remain here with your loved one and look after Bazil and Kayla. They are weak and need help.”

  As Tal nodded and moved across to Posendre to find out what he could do to aid her, Swarim spoke to Gwena. “You must come with us. Ten years ago, you saved the crystal, but unfortunately, you released something from the Demon Realm of Hackich. Not your fault; you were not to know, but somehow Merihim has adapted to become alive on every plain of existence.

  It has taken Prince Artir and has been controlling him for a long while now. Given his interest in self-preservation and his selfish pursuits, it was not hard for the creature to take control. We must restrain the young Prince and cleanse him of his possessor.” He then turned to Posendre and asked, “Where is the Prince?”

  Posendre pointed out of the room and replied, “He’s in his own room.”

  Swarim nodded and then turned to Gwena and said, “Come with us.”

  Gwena did not need asking twice, she immediately turned, opened the door and rushed along the corridor, to Artir’s room. The two Dragons ran after her and were soon standing outside the Prince’s bedroom. Recognising Gwena, the Palace Guard saluted and opened the door. The room inside was shrouded in darkness, as Gwena and
the two Dragons entered. They peered through the gloom and saw the Prince sitting on the bed with a blank look on his face.

  Gwena moved towards Artir and saw that his irises were no longer visible; all she could see were the whites of his eyes. The Prince turned to face the three companions and in a terrible almost hollow voice growled, “You’re too late, I have distracted you long enough to gain control of your future. You may fight to save your world now, but eventually you will all succumb.” He then closed his eyes and slumped onto the bed unconscious.

  Gwena clasped hands with the two Dragons and closed her eyes. She concentrated so hard that all she could see were white spots behind her eyelids. Swarim let Mogya flow through him and then he and Ratora closed their eyes. They allowed their thoughts to relax and join with Gwena’s. Placing their hands on Artir’s brow, they sent their thoughts into every corner of the Prince’s mind. Just as they managed to catch up with Merihim’s shadowy presence, it fled.

  Swarim held on tightly to Ratora and Gwena’s power. He then pushed forward following Merihim’s tentative trail out of the Prince. As he drew closer to the fleeing power, it began to grow. Ahead of him, he could see a large bubble of light. Merihim rushed towards this, so Swarim followed. He pushed through the bubble and beheld a sight, which sent terror shuddering through him. He seemed to be looking at Antia, but it lay in ruins.

  Hiding behind the gigantic jagged rocks, which were all that remained of the city, he could see the Sentinels. Next to the huge shaggy creatures, lay the Wuzen, looking for all the world as if they had lost hope; their thick fur lying tangled against their bodies, as if they had not groomed themselves for weeks. One of them, Swarim could not tell which, looked up. He did not think they could see him, but when he saw the furry being’s bright blue eyes stare in his direction, he heard the familiar voice of Sacrem, the Wuzen leader, in his head. ‘You must bring Duke Bray of Brehatch and his siblings to help us.’

  A thin line of Elven archers stood behind the Wuzen firing a salvo of arrows at a mass of silver-armoured warriors, who were riding towards the city. He could see that this column behind them consisted of thousands of Rockserpents, huge ten feet long snakes made of stone, which feed on souls. Behind these, he could see a mass of Vampires, riding Elebulls. This sight was testament to the power with which Merihim ruled this land, because Vampires never followed anybody, let alone formed armies. It was common knowledge that if too many Vampires grouped together, the alpha males would fight for control, but here in front of his very eyes, Swarim watched as an army of the un-dead rode upon huge carnivorous buffaloes.


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