Boy Allies with the Cossacks; Or, A Wild Dash over the Carpathians

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Boy Allies with the Cossacks; Or, A Wild Dash over the Carpathians Page 13

by Clair W. Hayes



  "So," said the Grand Duke Nicholas, "you find that there are adventuresto be found in the eastern as well as the western theater of war, eh?"

  "Yes, Your Excellency," replied Hal.

  "And tell me," continued the Grand Duke, "what do you think of theCossacks as fighters?"

  "From what we have seen," replied Chester, "I should say that there arenone better."

  "Good!" was the emphatic rejoinder. "There are none better!" and heregarded the lads silently for some moments.

  Hal, Chester, Alexis, Stephan and Marquis, after the battle on theVistula, had returned to Lodz without difficulty. The commander of theRussian river steamer had made it as easy for them as possible. In Lodzthey learned that their regiment had been ordered to the front, and hadbeen on their way to join it, when the Grand Duke, inspecting histroops, had come upon them. He immediately had the two lads taken to hisquarters, for he was greatly interested in them. Alexis, Stephan andMarquis waited without.

  At last the Grand Duke spoke. "I have a mission for you, if you arewilling to undertake it," he said.

  "Yes, Your Excellency," replied Chester.

  "Very good! As you may know, my primary aim, from the beginning of thewar, was an invasion of Hungary--the capture first of Budapest and nextof Vienna. This necessitates the capture of Cracow, in Galicia, and theforcing of a passage through the Carpathian mountains--a tremendous featat this time of year. The investment of Cracow is certain. Even now mytroops are within a few miles of that stronghold, and I had word thismorning that part of it is in flames. Do you follow me?"

  "Perfectly, Your Excellency," replied both lads.

  "Very well! Now, in some unaccountable manner, my plans have always beenanticipated by the Austrians. How or by whom I do not know; but Ibelieve it has been by some of Brunnoi's bandits, who have a strongholdin the Carpathians, but mingle freely with our soldiers. Do you know whoBrunnoi is?"

  "No, sir," from both the lads.

  "Well, Brunnoi is a veritable bandit chief--a man of great cunning andinfluence, besides being a born gentleman. A Hungarian, and therefore aSlav, he should naturally support the Russian cause. He has a strongfollowing and his men would make first-rate soldiers. We are seeking hissupport, and so are the Austrians. However, if it is through his spiesthat my plans are being given to the Austrians I would like to know it.Do I make myself clear?"

  "You mean," said Hal, "that you would have us find out just where hestands?"

  "Exactly! He has sent me word that he will espouse our cause, but I fearhe may be double-dealing. Naturally, therefore, you will keep youridentities secret. That is all."

  The lads saluted, and turned to depart, but before they could leave thetent a man in civilian garb entered the tent. The Grand Duke greeted himwarmly and then called to the lads.

  "I wish to introduce you to Count de Reslau," he said. "He, if any man,can give you information that may be of aid to you."

  The two lads acknowledged the introduction, and as he recognized thenewcomer, Hal started back. The latter smiled.

  "I see you remember me," he said pleasantly. "I must apologize for myprevious rudeness. I did not then know you were friends of the GrandDuke."

  Both lads bowed. Count de Reslau was the man who had laughed at Alexisin a store in Lodz some time before--the man whom the lads believed tobe responsible for their being set upon in the street. The countexplained the matter to the Grand Duke.

  "Well," said the latter, "I am sure these lads bear no malice." To theboys he added: "The count is one of my best friends. Being a Hungarianhe has not taken up arms against Hungary, although he is in sympathywith us. I am sure he can aid you."

  He then gave the count an idea of the mission the lads were about toundertake, and the count promised to help them in every way possible.

  "Your Excellency," said Hal, as they prepared to take leave of the GrandDuke, "have we your permission to take Alexis with us?"

  "And who is Alexis?" demanded the Grand Duke.

  Chester explained.

  "Take him by all means," was the Grand Duke's reply; "and return to meat the earliest possible moment."

  The lads saluted and left the tent. Alexis joined them on the outsideand the boys told him of the work ahead of them.

  "But how about me?" Stephan demanded. "Am I not to go too?"

  "No; I am sorry," replied Hal. "The Grand Duke said nothing about you.Besides, three are better than four."

  Stephan was greatly disappointed, and showed it plainly. However, he wasnot a man to complain. He wished them good luck, shook hands all aroundand set off to rejoin his own regiment.

  Suddenly Hal bethought himself of Marquis.

  "We can't take him," he said. "He would be in the way. What shall we dowith him?"

  Alexis bethought himself of a friend in the city who, he was sure, wouldbe glad to look out for the dog while they were away. AccordinglyMarquis was taken to this home, where the woman of the house readilyagreed to take care of him; but when they came to leave, Marquis wantedto go, too.

  "No," said Hal, and he talked to the dog quietly for several minutes,explaining to him the necessity of his remaining behind.

  There could be no doubt that the dog understood, for a sorrowful lookcame over his face. His tail wagged in understanding of his orders, butthere was a hurt look in his eyes. However, he did not protest, and whenhis three friends finally walked away, he stood looking after themregretfully, although making no attempt to follow.

  "The first thing," said Hal, "is to procure three good horses."

  "Yes," agreed Alexis, "and another to carry food."

  "No," answered Hal. "We cannot be bothered with that. We shall have tolive off the country."

  Alexis made no objection, though it was plain to both lads that theCossack would have rather made due preparations to care for the innerman. Three strong, wiry Cossack horses having been placed at theircommand, the three leaped into the saddles and set off through thestreets of Lodz at a slow trot.

  Darkness was falling when they came to the outskirts of the city, andturned their heads toward the southwest. As far as Cracow the roads wereheld by Russian troops in force, and the three travelers experienced nodifficulties. They did not go close to the beleaguered city, but boreoff a bit to the north, just skirting the great Russian army before theGalician stronghold.

  Three days and nights they traveled without incident. Their food theypurchased at little towns through which they passed, or at farmhouses;and they slept wherever they happened to be when night overtook them.But now that they were drawing close to the Carpathians, Hal decidedthat the order of things must be reversed.

  "In the future we shall travel at night," he said. "We'll do oursleeping in the daytime."

  This plan was approved by both Chester and Alexis, so that the morningof the fourth day found them approaching the long line of mountains.

  The Carpathian mountains encircle Hungary on three sides, separating itfrom Germany on the northwest, from Galicia on the northeast and fromTurkey on the southeast. At the southern extremity of the range, abranch proceeds in a southerly direction across the Danube to the centerof European Turkey, connecting the Carpathian mountains with the greateastern branch of the Alps.

  It can readily be seen, therefore, that the Carpathians are much likethe Alps--made up of rugged peaks between which are narrow passes. Thesepasses furnish the only means of getting across the mountains.

  In their search for Brunnoi, the boys and Alexis were now approachingthat part of the mountains which separates Hungary from Galicia, andthrough which there are but three passes; so that their traveling had tobe done slowly and with great care.

  "Now, if you will permit me, I shall take the lead," said Alexis. "Ihave been in these parts before. Besides I have been told of certainlandmarks in these foothills which indicate where Brunnoi holdsforth--not definitely enough to lead us straight to him; but I have ageneral idea of the direc

  No objection being offered, Alexis swung into the lead and the horsesplunged up a narrow pass into the midst of the wild hills, probably thewildest and most desolate spot in all Europe. Great trees and massiverocks overhung the little pass, making progress extremely difficult. Atthe top of the first steep incline, the riders allowed their horses tostop and rest. Then they fared on again.

  It was nearing daylight when they came upon a small hut, shrouded bytrees, through which a dim light twinkled.

  "We'll wait here until daylight," said Hal, "and when the occupants ofthe hut come out we will accost them."

  They waited. Daylight came, and with its coming, a man came from thehut. Hal approached him, and addressed him in German. The man looked athim shrewdly, and then answered in the same tongue.

  "Yes," he said, "we can spare you something to eat; also your friends.May I ask what you are doing in the mountains?"

  "We are trying to make our way to Budapest," replied Hal. "We werecaptured by the Russians, and escaped. We are not familiar with theground, however, and have met with difficulties."

  "Well," said the man of the hut, "I can set you right. Come."

  Over the meal they talked of the war. Finally Chester said:

  "Is there any truth in the report that Brunnoi will go over to theRussians?"

  "None!" cried the man, striking the table a hard blow with his fist. "Iknow, because I am one of his men."

  "What!" exclaimed Hal, in well simulated surprise, though he hadsurmised as much.

  "Yes," said the man quietly. "Brigands, they have called us. But theywill find that when the Russians attempt to cross the Carpathians, asthey surely will, we bandits will give as good an account of ourselvesas will the trained troops. We love our country just as well as do thosewho live in Budapest. But tell me, you are not Hungarians nor Austrians,nor even Germans?"

  "No," said Hal, thankful that they had been wise enough to discard theiruniforms before setting out upon their mission. "We are Americans."

  "Ah!" said the man. "I have heard much of them. And you have beenfighting with the German army?"

  "Yes," said Chester truthfully.

  "But this man," said their host, turning to Alexis. "Is he an Americanalso?"

  "Yes," replied Hal, and signified for Alexis not to speak, for fear thathis accent might betray him.

  Their host was evidently satisfied. The meal finished, the man walkedwith them to the door, and pointed out the direction they were to take.Then he pointed also to the southwest.

  "In that direction," he said, "lies the home of Brunnoi. No, there is notruth that he will espouse the Russian cause. Even now he is able to domuch harm to their cause. He is with Austria to the last drop of bloodin him."

  The three took their departure, going in the direction the man hadpointed out. But once out of sight, Hal changed the course, and theybore off to the southwest for several hours, looking for a place tosecrete themselves for the day.

  "We shall have to be very careful," said Chester.

  The truth of this statement was proved a moment later. From behind camethe sharp crack of a rifle. Chester's hat leaped from his head.


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