So Much to Learn

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So Much to Learn Page 19

by Jessie L. Star

  Chapter 11

  I woke up late the next morning and would’ve slept longer if it hadn't been for the throbbing in my ankle. Apparently all the drama and hi-jinks of the Saturday night had completely exhausted me.

  Well, that and the fact that I'd dreamt of Jack again during the night and let's just say my dreams weren't exactly G-rated. Perhaps more annoying than feeling tired was that they left me feeling unfulfilled and dissatisfied and, to be honest, scared me a little in how much they affected me. I've never been a big believer in the theory that dreams were particularly significant, but if I chose to listen to my subconscious this time it wouldn't be long before I jumped Jack and tore all his clothes from his body!

  Throughout the day flashes of the dreams came to the front of my mind meaning that I would become suddenly flustered and embarrassed. The boys must have thought I was going through extremely early menopause the way I kept blushing and saying weird things to cover my awkwardness.

  To explain the fact that I was hobbling and that Jack had needed to put an ankle support on me as soon as I emerged from my room, I told Matt I had rolled my ankle and then landed on it awkwardly as I fell. It wasn't technically a lie, but I'm one of those people who count lying by omission as just plain lying so that didn't really help with my guilt.

  Still, my darling, oblivious brother didn't seem at all suspicious and, in fact, was surprisingly sweet all day, keeping up a steady stream of refreshments and the odd painkiller when I needed it and making sure I stayed off my ankle as much as possible.

  By the end of the day the pain had dulled to the point where I could apply a little pressure on my right leg and I knew that after anther night's rest it would be almost as good as new. Jack's quick actions, applying ice and elevating my leg had kept the swelling to an absolute minimum.

  To thank my two caring companions I made tea that night, lasagne and salad nothing too fancy, but it was one of their favourite meals. We were just mopping up the remains of the lasagne with some garlic bread when the phone rang. Matt answered and I could tell by his immediate eye roll that it was our mother. Jack and I cleared the dishes while Matt huffed and sighed his way through a conversation with her, always a very one sided affair. Then Matt tossed me the phone and I settled down on the couch to listen to the mother monologue. She prattled on for about fifteen minutes then suddenly said, "So, are you coming up next weekend?"

  Beware mother's guerrilla attacks at all times. The second you relax is the second she strikes. Do not let her lull you into a false sense of security!

  "Oh…uh…" I said, flustered. "I'll ask the guys."

  There was a long pause, which did not bode well.

  "Did I raise a daughter who needs to check with men before making a decision?" She asked in a dangerous voice and I smacked my head back against the couch armrest as I realised my tactical error.

  "No," I groaned.

  "So do I suppose then that you don't want to come and see your parents by yourself? That you are, in fact, scared to come home without a boy buffer?"

  "No," I said again, half frustrated, half amused at her fake hurt voice.

  "Well then," my mum said, all brisk business now, "we'll see you on Friday then."

  I stared at the phone in annoyance, but also, I must admit, with a little bit of admiration. How had she managed to do that? One minute I was happily planning another weekend in our flat, hopefully spending more time with Jack and the next I'm committed to the eight hour return trip home. She's evil, pure evil!

  "Fine, nice to talk to you too, Mum," I said sarcastically, "Pass the phone to Dad."

  Once I heard my dad take the phone I whined, "Daddy, she trapped me!"

  I heard his deep laugh and, as always, felt compelled to join in. "You've got to constantly watch yourself and not give her anything to work with, you know that," he lectured me. There was a pause and then he added, "Once you work out how to do that be sure to let me know, yeah?"

  We talked for a while until Mum wrestled their phone away from him and I chucked ours over to Jack.

  Matt came over and flopped down beside me looking extremely glum. "I had plans for this weekend," he sighed. "Good plans."

  "But she got you too," I commiserated and he nodded.

  "Not just me though. Apparently she ran into Tommo's mum and they had a conversation about how they so rarely get to see us now we're at uni."

  "Uh oh," I said and Matt smiled sadly.

  "Yep, that's right, now I have to tell Tommo that he's expected to report to the mothership this weekend as well."

  "Misery loves company," I laughed. "I guess we'll make a road trip out of it."

  Matt's shoulders slumped. "So goodbye hook up with a random hot chick, hello long tedious weekend in the mother zone."

  Jack hung up the phone and threw himself onto an armchair rolling his eyes at Matt’s and my despondent attitude.

  "Ah, dry your eyes princesses," he said. "Your mum's not that bad."

  Matt exchanged an exasperated look with me and then we both turned incredulous eyes to Jack.

  "What?" He asked.

  "You just don't get it. Mum thinks the sun shines out of your arse. You can do no wrong," Matt said patiently as if he was explaining it to a child who was a bit slow on the uptake.

  "You're so full of it," Jack scoffed, but I could tell he was kind of pleased. He knew he was the most precious thing in Mum's eyes, but I think he always liked to hear it said.

  Matt sighed loudly then got up. "Right, now we've got that sorted out I'm off to the pub, you guys coming?"

  "Nah." Jack shook his head. "Talia and I are only hours away from finishing all the stuff from first year."

  "I hope this scholarship thing is worth it because you've become a boring bastard," Matt joked.

  "Oh yeah?" Jack kicked out a leg as Matt came past and my brother fell straight over the outstretched limb. He promptly yanked on the leg he had tripped over pulling Jack down onto the floor with him. The next moment the two of them were rolling about on the carpet laughing as they grappled with each other.

  I heaved a huge exaggerated sigh and shook my head. "It's been said before and it'll be said again- boys!"

  I got to my feet and went to step over them, but I should have known better. I barely heard Matt ask, "Where do you think you're going?" Before he grabbed my legs and pulled me down on top of him and Jack. I shrieked as I fell and then some more as Matt began tickling me.

  "Jack! Save me!" I yelled through my laughter, whilst trying to protect my ticklish spots and my sore ankle.

  "I don't know," he said slowly. "Maybe I'll let you suffer."

  "No!" I screamed, tears of laughter welling up in my eyes. "Please help me!"

  "Well, since you asked so nicely." Jack reached round me and started attacking Matt in my defence. The three of us were laughing so hard that we didn't hear the door open.

  "Don't mind us, we'll just wait until you're done."

  At the sound of Sam's voice the three of us looked up from our tangled position on the floor.

  "Uh, hi," Matt said. "Just wait a minute while my lump of a sister and best mate get off me and then I'll be ready to go."

  "A sentence you don't hear too often," Tommo remarked offering me a hand to help me to my feet.

  Not too long ago holding Tommo's hand would have sent me either into a girly tizz or a panic attack, but now I simply smiled easily and thanked him without giving it another thought.

  Once Matt had grabbed his wallet and jacket all the boys, bar Jack, trooped out of the flat and I grabbed the massive first year text. I settled myself down on an armchair and spread the book open across my knees before bending my head down to it.


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