So Much to Learn

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So Much to Learn Page 24

by Jessie L. Star

  Chapter 13

  All my thoughts on what it would be like to kiss Jack, and, believe me, I'd had plenty, were dodgy little home video versions compared to the proper, blockbuster reality.

  Jack's lips, at first cold due to their exposure to the whipping wind, warmed quickly against mine. That warmth seemed contagious and I felt my lips tingle and plump up as blood rushed to the area as if worried it might miss all the excitement.

  But, to clarify, just because I likened the kiss to a blockbuster movie don't think that it was all tongues and R-rated groping right off the bat. At the outset he simply bestowed soft, gentle kisses, breaking away every other second or so. Just when I thought I had properly captured his lips they moved away again. I wanted more and, I'd bet my life on it, he wanted more too, so why was he holding back?

  Still, as the seconds past I found myself enjoying the gentle touches of his lips and the light hold he had of my hips and stopped trying to strive for more. I hadn't consciously realised that the dregs of anger, confusion and hurt of the few moments ago were still swirling about my body until I surrendered myself to Jack's light touches and felt them drain away.

  Then, and only then, did Jack move forwards and gather me into him. He wrapped one arm securely around my waist and gently cupped the back of my head with the hand of the other. My hands found their way to his shoulders and I held on to him tightly as little shots of desire zipped and zinged through my body.

  As well as drawing me into his embrace Jack began to let his lips linger longer over my mouth. God, but that boy could kiss! I didn't think there were that many different things you could do with a kiss, especially the relatively chaste, closed mouth one were we having, but with varying degrees of pressure and angle, he proved me wrong.

  Still, no matter how inventive you are with your lips together, there comes a time when the situation demands more…no scrap that, when I demand more. So, ever so slightly, I parted my lips and, a moment later, I felt him follow suit. That small open link between us released a rush of heat not only into my mouth, but also throughout my whole body. It was as if someone had just turned a massive heater onto me.

  I was just congratulating myself on having control of the situation, i.e. not melting into a puddle at the feel of his warm breath mingling with my own, when I felt his tongue gently run along my bottom lip.

  Hmm, what is this thing you call control…?

  I made a weird little sound somewhere between a gasp and a moan and felt Jack smile against me even as he continued to trace my mouth with his tongue. I unconsciously tipped my head up higher to press myself harder against him, and, in response, Jack's arms tightened further still and lifted me up so I was balancing on my tippee-toes. I think you would have been hard pressed to manage to even slide a piece of paper between our bodies we were so melded together…although why you would want to I'm not sure.

  As wrapped up as we were in each other, however, we still both heard the familiar choking, grinding sound of Matt's car as it hiccupped up the street, and our surroundings suddenly came rushing back into focus.

  Jack broke the kiss, pulling his mouth away but seemingly unable to make the rest of his body follow suit as we stayed entwined. He leant his forehead against mine, breathing heavily, and gazed into my, somewhat dazed, eyes.

  "Your brother," he gasped, "has got the worst timing in the world."

  Or the best, I thought, which is what Matt would think if he saw the two of us up here.

  Down below, Matt's car choked into the car park, prompting Jack to reluctantly release me, and I staggered back feeling the cold air hitting my face and body like a literal interpretation of reality.

  Jack turned away quickly and held the heavy door open for me. Trying to gather my wits and thinking that anyone with half a brain would take one look at me and diagnose me with a classic case of 'interrupted making out-itis' I pulled my jacket tighter around myself and walked through the door onto the landing inside.

  Following me, Jack let the metal door close behind us with a clang that made me jump and look up at him, marvelling, as I did so, that his mussed up hair, shining eyes and swollen lips were all down to me.

  "Hey, Tally?" He said quietly.

  "Yeah?" I asked, thinking for one heart stopping second that he was going to kiss me again.

  Instead he grabbed my waist, hauling me back behind him and said, with a cheeky grin, "Last one back to the flat is a rotten egg," before disappearing round the stair well, taking the steps three or four at a time.

  "Cheat!" I shouted, thundering down after him, but only able to jump two steps at a time to avoid breaking my neck.

  Having covered the distance between the roof and the third floor in about 10 seconds flat, and panting heavily as a result, I jumped down the last couple of steps and came face to face with Jack who was leaning casually in the doorway to our flat. Not the slightest bit out of breath, damn him!

  "What took you so long?" He asked with an innocent smile as I glared at him. "I've been here for ages."

  I laughed sarcastically. "Oh, you are so-" I was aiming to say 'funny' but the word got swallowed up as Jack lowered his head and kissed me fiercely. I clung to him for a second, loving the spontaneity and the different feel to the kiss, but then I came to my senses and pulled away.

  "Cut it out," I laughed, giving Jack a shove so he basically fell into the flat. "Are you mad?"

  "I think I just might be," Jack replied, heading towards his bedroom. "Why else would I kiss a rotten egg?"

  I rolled my eyes, then, as I heard the distinct noise of Matt galumphing up the stairwell, I hightailed it into my bedroom and closed the door. Throwing myself onto my bed I grabbed my book from my bedside table so when Matt threw my door open a moment later I was the picture of innocence.

  "What's up with you?" I asked as he collapsed onto my bed with a groan.

  "I hate Wednesdays," He whined.

  "Yeah," I agreed, but silently I added, 'But not this one. No, not this one at all.'


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