The Soul Redeemer: From Victim to Victory

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The Soul Redeemer: From Victim to Victory Page 9

by Bowser, Nancy

  "We need to claim Joshua 1:5-9. 'No man shall be able to stand before you all the days of your life; as I was with Moses, so I will be with you. I will not leave you nor forsake you. 6 Be strong and of good courage, for to this people you shall divide as an inheritance the land which I swore to their fathers to give them. 7 Only be strong and very courageous, that you may observe to do according to all the law which Moses My servant commanded you; do not turn from it to the right hand or to the left, that you may prosper wherever you go. 8 This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success. 9 Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.'"

  The women agreed, and as they prayed together, the Holy Spirit guided their hearts back to the Inn. They knew that if the Lord were to take over the heart of the town, the rest of the enemy's strongholds, even Anak's, would be weakened and would fall more easily. They decided to set up special times the following week to go and pray over the Inn and its property.

  Nicole felt relieved and blessed to have sisters in Christ who saw things in the spiritual realm the way she did.

  That Sunday, Jake and Nicole went by the Inn together. They sat out front and prayed while Jo began casing the property. They had brought along some anointing oil, and after a bit Jake said, "I think we should anoint the front corner of the property."

  As Jake poured out a small stream of oil onto the north east corner fence post, something amazing happened in the spiritual realm! Nicole saw that the oil had become as blood and it seemed to take on a life of its own. It began to multiply and to move and jump about like water getting ready to boil, and suddenly, it shot out from the corner post like a lighting bolt in both directions following the property line until it was all outlined in the oil that had turned to Jesus' blood. The Lord was claiming the property.

  The next day, five of the intercessors met at the Inn to pray. The Lord led them to gather around the old oak tree out front. Liz said, "This tree has been here a very long time. If it could talk, it could tell us so much about the events and strongholds on this land. We need to lay hands on it and pray."

  If any of the ladies were afraid of what passers by would think, no one said anything. When the thought occurred to Nicole, she decided that this was very good training because she knew that they would be required to do many things that would look crazy to most people.

  As the ladies prayed, the Lord began to dismantle the roots of the enemy's strongholds over that land. Several of the ladies had researched the history of that property and were able to identify some of Satan's rights to claim it, and the Holy Spirit was revealing others that were hidden.

  A word of knowledge was given to Deanne. She said, "I'm new at this, so I'm not sure what I'm doing. But I think that the Lord is telling us that the waters that are feeding this tree are defiled and polluted. But the Lord is cleansing the underground stream that feeds this tree and it will soon drink of the pure, Living Water."

  "Wow girl! That is a very accurate word! I just got goose bumps!" Casie said as she rubbed her arms.

  They were all surprised at the sound of the Inn door opening and closing and when they looked up, they even more surprised to see a young girl standing in front of it. They knew the Inn was closed and that no one was supposed to be there.

  The girl who appeared to be about eight or ten years old was dressed in old fashioned clothes. She stood in the shadows, silently watching the ladies for a moment before she walked away from them, over to the garden and picked a flower.

  Something was out of place. The ladies looked at one another as if to say, "Do you see what I see?" But before they could respond, the little girl shyly approached them with her head down. She seemed to humbly present the flower to Nicole without looking up. "Please take the pretty little flower. It is a gift because you are so pretty and I like you."

  Just as Nicole was reaching out to take it, Liz said, "NO! Don't touch it!"

  The little girl lifted her head and turned to look at Liz. The intercessors all took note of the pale, surreal looking skin and the startling, completely black eyes. There was a flash of change in her expression, but it happened so quickly and then was gone, that they wondered if they had really seen hatred, revulsion and rage cross the girl's face.

  But then she smiled sweetly at Liz and held the flower out to her. "It's just a pretty little flower. It's a gift because you are so pretty and I like you." She smiled sweetly and took a step closer to Liz, still offering her gift.

  "I know who you are," Liz said, "and you are no innocent little girl. You are a perverted, unclean spirit and we will not touch you or your gift."

  The little girl was playing her part well. She looked genuinely hurt and dropped the flower. Then suddenly, she looked up as if she were being called. Her face took on a rebellious, sensual expression. She picked up the flower and looked at the women one at a time, offering her gift. As she looked into Casie's eyes, Casie said, "In Jesus name we take you captive and bind you with the blood of the Lamb."

  The little girl once again dropped her flower and now looked very fearful. She looked over her shoulders and started to lift up off the ground as if she was going to fly away, but Liz called for angels to come and help them. Their presence was evident even though they were not seen because the girl spirit stopped in mid air and began thrashing about as if trying to escape from someone's grasp.

  Nicole said, "In Jesus' name we command you to tell us your name and function."

  She stopped thrashing and with a very haughty look said, "I am Sensual Desire and Entrapment."

  So Nicole replied, "Well, according to the power and authority given us by the Lord Jesus Christ, in His name we strip you of your name and function."

  Another of the ladies added, "And we clothe you with the blood of Jesus!"

  The spirit began to scream and move about again as if in great pain and torment while still being held in midair by the angels. "Please! Please, anything but His clothes, and certainly not the bloody ones! Ow, ow, ow!" And then she stopped crying and grew still as if a new thought had occurred to her. "Hey, you can't take me captive and hold me this way. You are on my property, and I have rights to be here!"

  "What are those rights?" Nicole asked, then added, "You can not and will not lie to the Holy Spirit."

  The spirit raised its head a little higher and said, "I was invited here."

  "By whom?"

  "By the people who want me."

  "There are no people who want you here now. The Inn is closed. Hey, I know who you are. You're the ghost spirit that is welcomed by the sign inside that says, 'A friendly ghost lives here.' We know you are not a friendly ghost. You want to appear innocent, but your enticement and entrapment lead to destruction. Who is your highest spiritual master besides Satan?"

  "I can't tell you that."

  "You can and will."

  "He'll hurt me."

  "My Master will hurt you more."

  It flinched, then reluctantly and quietly said, "Incubus Succubus." Then it added, "And that's why you can't hold me captive because I have rights to be here. He stationed me here and I'm under his authority."

  Liz said, "You are also outside of the building where you were assigned to live and work. Therefore you are under breach of contract and have given up your rights and your protection which means that, yes, we can legally take you captive as we have done."

  At this proclamation, the ladies witnessed a transformation of the little girl into its true form. Nicole had never seen a spider demon before, but standing before them was now a large, black spider, much like a black widow in appearance. The ladies agreed that the Holy Spirit wanted that demon gone and that they did have authority to remove it from the property.

  Casie said, "Ok then, in the name of Jesu
s, we dissolve your rights to be here and command you to leave the property of the Samaritan Inn and go into the abyss waiting for the Lord's judgment on you."

  All the other ladies, agreed, and then watched as it was taken up and away, out of their sight, all the while its eight legs were kicking against the angels and it was spewing out obscenities and what appeared to be pieces of white web that disintegrated as fast as they appeared.

  Nicole turned to the ladies and said, "It's no accident that this spirit manifested as something we would consider to be innocent. We need to remember that we must be cautious of everything, especially things that seem innocent so that we aren't deceived by Satan's tricks."

  "I get it!" Liz suddenly said. "I've been getting spider bites and seeing real spiders all over the place. Just yesterday we killed two black widows in our house. I have known that this is physical representation of what is going on in the spiritual realm; I just didn't understand it until now. The spiders that you guys have seen in the spiritual realm and that I keep seeing in the physical are representative of Satan's entrapment of people that leads to destruction! This spider demon was Sensual Desire and Entrapment, but I bet it could be any type of enticement that demons use for entrapment."

  "That's it girl! Sensual desire, entrapment and black widows…sounds like Jezebel to me." Casie said. "Ok, Lord. Thank you for revealing and confirming this to us. In Jesus' name we bind the spirits of Jezebel, Behemoth, and all spirits of entrapment over our community, over our churches and pastors, our town's leaders, the businesses, the school and its board members, administration and teachers, the citizens, homes, families, fathers, mothers and children, the land.

  "In Jesus' name we loose them from the entrapment and enslavement of the evil one and we ask You Father to loose legions of holy angels to come and make war with the enemy and to minister freedom and healing to the people. Amen."

  All the women joined in the "Amen."

  As they began walking back to their cars, Deanne turned and looked back at the Inn. She stopped, gasped and said, "Look!" There at the top of Inn, hidden from view except from a certain angle, was a window that had been painted over some time ago, but no one had noticed it before. The image was of a large black spider.

  "Confirmation," several said in unison.

  The following day, the Inn went into foreclosure. No one knew what that meant for sure, but the day after that the intercessors were back at the Inn.

  They had been led to march around the property line one time every day for six days, and then to march seven times around on the seventh day. And Casie had a shofar to blow. It would be like the Israelites marching around the walls of Jericho where the giants had lived.

  As they arrived, they found a pile of trash and garbage surrounding the old oak tree.

  "Why am I not surprised?" Nicole asked. "It's just confirmation of the defilement and pollution the Lord told us about."

  Liz replied, "Which confirms the other part of the word as well. This property will be cleansed and purified!"

  "Amen!" they all agreed.

  Nicole backed her truck up close to the tree and they loaded all the garbage into the back of it.

  "I'll be right back," she said. "I'm going to park my truck across the street to signify in the spiritual realm that the defilement is being cleansed and Satan's rights are being removed."

  "Good idea, because we know that what happens in the physical represents what is happening in the spiritual," they all said together.

  "I think we're getting it!" Casie laughed.

  Nicole returned and they held hands forming their prayer circle. She said, "We need to remember that this is not our battle, it is the Lord's. No matter what happens when we are marching, we must not become terrified or distracted. Just keep going. The Lord is with us just as He was with Joshua and the Israelites. We must be faithful to complete our assignment.

  "Joshua 1:3-9 says, "Every place that the sole of your foot will tread upon I have given you… I will not leave you nor forsake you…. Only be strong and very courageous, that you may observe to do according to all the law which Moses My servant commanded you; do not turn from it to the right hand or to the left, that you may prosper wherever you go. Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”

  The ladies all agreed that they believed God's promise and made sure that they were covered in their spiritual armor. Then they lined up to begin their silent prayer march around the Inn, pouring out the blood of Jesus in the spiritual realm as they walked. Casie led and Nicole brought up the rear. Because of Mary's physical weakness, she stationed herself on a bench just outside the Inn to pray.

  Nicole wasn't sure if anyone else saw and heard Anak or not, but as they reached the spot where she had first seen the giant, he showed himself again with another fit of intimidating rage. He began spewing out defiling words, but the intercessors just ignored him, confident in the power of their shields of faith that protected them in the front, and the angels that covered their backs. And none of the giant's flaming rocks hit his intended targets. Nicole could hear some of them claiming the blood of Jesus and some of them praying in tongues, but they kept their eyes focused on the path in front of them.

  They continued marching around the Inn, and as they arrived back at the front of the building, they heard the giant roar. He had the intercessor's attention. He was holding a giant boulder and had crept closer to the Inn.

  "I will destroy this Inn before I allow you to have it!" He yelled out.

  The ladies began to pray, and when they opened their eyes, there was a very bright light hovering over and covering the Inn. Anak and the boulder had disappeared from sight.

  IS watched from his high and lofty throne in the heavenlies above the Inn. Was there no stopping these measly women? But of course there was. No matter what happened on the seventh day of this march, his other plan was still in place and would be virtually unstoppable once commenced. The Inn and his stronghold over Samaria was nothing compared to the magnitude of his power and the ramifications of the next phase of his strategy. The meeting with his friends in the Illuminati had gone quite well, and very soon things in Samaria would change forever. And there would be nothing any of these goons could do about it! He would bide his time…

  Other than the confrontation of Anak on the first day, their walks began rather quietly. The second day of the march was also uneventful as far as the intercessors could tell. They came, they prayed together, and then they marched silently around the property while praying individually.

  On the third day, the ladies noticed that several of the fence railings were on the ground. "We need to pick these up and repair them. You know, repair the breaches," Liz said.

  "What are the breaches?" asked Deanne.

  "Good question. I'd say that we know some would be witchcraft, entrapment, sexual immorality, prostitution, the spirit of harlotry or whoredom, death, pharmakeia, addictions, alcohol, abuse, pride, greed, perversion, deception, prejudice, anger, rage, murder, Indian spirits …"

  "That's right," said Casie. "And those have opened the doors for the strongmen and principalities like Belial, Behemoth, Jezebel, Anak, Incubus Succubus…"

  As they were talking, Deanne and Liz had picked up one of fence railings and were placing it back in its grooves when Liz said, "Oh my goodness!"

  Every body looked where she was pointing and saw that a nest of red ants had been hiding under the fence post on the dirt. They were scurrying around trying to hide.

  "If things that happen in the physical are a representative of what is happening in the spiritual, then this could mean that as we repair the breaches, we are uncovering hiding places of the enemy and he is being exposed," Liz said.

  "Yes Lord Jesus," Cheryl prayed. "Help them not to find another hiding place. In Jesus Name we command them to go to the feet of Jesus to wait for His judgment."

  "Amen," they all agreed. As t
hey continued their march they began loosing the Spirit of truth, freedom, praise, purity, righteousness, love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness, self-control, prayer, humility, surrender, love for God and His Word….

  On the fourth day, it seemed as if all hell was breaking out in the community. Gary sent word with Casie asking that they pray for the community before they marched that day. Two suicides had occurred within the last 24 hours. The sheriff was receiving so many domestic violence calls, it was crazy. They had arrested three people for possession of drugs. A woman had reportedly been raped, and there were several other things that Casie couldn't remember.

  The ladies went to prayer and bound the enemy wreaking havoc over the people and covered Samaria with Jesus' blood.

  As they stood together in the parking lot of the Inn, Liz said, "I feel that I need to share something that happened last night. I have an angel statue in my living room, and it was covered with thick spider webs. We waited until dark, and sure enough, a black widow came out of hiding. I'm just explaining why I'm going to pray a certain way."

  And then she prayed, "Lord, in Jesus' name, we ask that all of the angels that have been taken captive by the enemy would be released, and that You would send out reinforcements in the spiritual realm to aid those angels fighting for Your cause, Lord God."

  "Yes, of course," Nicole prayed. "What an important prayer! This is most definitely war, and there are surely angels that have been taken captive, and angels that have been wounded in this spiritual battle. So Lord Jesus we also ask that You would also bring healing to Your wounded warriors."

  By the next day, things had returned to normal, and everything was quiet in the community as far as the ladies could tell. However, they could sense the battle going on in the spiritual realm as they walked. With every step of obedience they took, Deanne sprinkled salt on the ground and Nicole sprayed salt water, saline nose spray, into the air. The salt was to represent a cleansing and purifying of the land and air from defilement, and to bring redemption and healing to the land and property.


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