The Soul Redeemer: From Victim to Victory

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The Soul Redeemer: From Victim to Victory Page 36

by Bowser, Nancy

  "Basically, yes that is what it was like. There wasn't as much time to program me as most people would undergo, but then they didn't think that I had much of a mind to think with and didn't see the need to spend too much time on an imperfect clone," Megan said.

  Sam was thoughtful then asked, "This new model of clones. Do you know their purpose?"

  "I was never given that information; however I have overheard and seen things. I have heard talk of the Day of Release and I think that means the day they release all of the clones into society. I don't know for sure, but I think they are being assigned certain areas around the United States, and once they are all in place, the Day of Purification will begin," Megan explained.

  "The Day of Purification?" Sam asked. "You mean as in purifying the world from Christians? It stands to reason that if your job was to get rid of Christians in Samaria, then we can only assume that their jobs are the same only on a much larger scale and with much more ability to carry out their jobs."

  "Probably," Megan answered. "Like I said, no one has told me this. I just heard things and that is my assessment, especially after reading Nicole's Bible every morning. I believe that the goal is not only to kill the Christians in mass destruction, but to rule the whole world through the one you would recognize as the antichrist."

  "Do you know when the Day of Release will be?" Sam asked.

  "Not specifically, but the clones are very close to being ready. They are in training and conditioning about twenty hours out of every day. They don't require much food or sleep. They do need as much water as a human though."

  "What would happen if the computer system shut down?" Sam wondered out loud. "Would it just disable the clones or would it be dangerous for them?"

  "I'm not sure about the dangerous part. I do know that they rely completely on orders, so disconnecting them would definitely have an effect on them," Megan answered.

  Sam said, "We need to do what we can to stop this murderous rampage, but we don't want to harm them if we don't have to. I'd like to save as many as we can."

  Megan sighed, "Until today, I didn't think I was a person. I knew I had human genes, but I didn't think that made me human. I know they believe they are even less human than I felt, and I do have compassion for them. I would like to think that these clones could be saved, but I truly don't know if that's possible. They are slaves at a much deeper level than I was."

  "You've done a good job, Megan," Sam said. "God uses everything that Satan means for destruction and can turn it into something useful and beautiful when we surrender to Him. I'm very sorry that you've had to experience this difficult life, but God is using the things you've learned to help us now be able to stop Satan's destruction."

  "Well, I don't know if you'll be able to stop Satan's destruction. The clones are only one part of the plan," Megan said.

  All eyes went to her. "What do you mean?" Sam asked.

  "Well, there are the humans that have been programmed. Like Nicole was. There are tons of them that have been programmed specifically for the same purpose as the clones, all ignorantly waiting for the trigger that will awaken the sleeping program within them on the Day of Purification. The clones are to join the humans in destroying all the Christians."

  Nicole suddenly remembered a dream she had had many months back. In the dream, Jihad had been proclaimed in the middle of a church worship service where the congregation was mainly white Anglos, not Muslim as she would have expected. She thought that it had been a representation of the holy war between Christians as theology had become destructive and divisive amongst themselves. Now she saw the dual meaning. God had also been warning her of this day.

  Sam ran his hand over his head like he always did when he was deep in thought. "This is bringing together a lot of loose ends. We know that the Illuminati have been working on bringing in the New World Order…." He almost jumped out of his chair as he exclaimed, "I think I get it! The clones aren't replacing the people. People, or sleepers, who have been programmed with the Day of Purification assignments are already settled in mainstream society, probably strategically placed where they will carry out their orders quite effectively. The clones will be released aiding the humans in the destruction and then they'll take over society and become the police for the New World Order."

  Gus turned to Megan, "How do you know this about the human programming?"

  Megan answered, "Peter. He loves to brag."

  "This is probably a long shot, but did Peter ever happen to mention what the trigger would be that would activate the Day of Purification program in the humans?" Gus asked.

  She closed her eyes as if trying to locate that information somewhere in her mind. When she opened her eyes, she said, "It has something to do with sound waves and frequencies and elves that ride on microwaves…"

  Sam snorted. "What land of make believe do you come from?"

  Gus answered, "It's legit, actually. She's talking about ELF waves that are sent out via microwave emitters and are used to control people's thoughts."

  Megan raised her chin haughtily and addressed Sam. "Do you want me to continue telling you what I know, or do you want to do this on your own?"

  "I’m sorry, your highness. Please continue," he said as he humbly bowed his head.

  She nodded. "Some people have implants in their brains or other places in their bodies that are like a high frequency receiver and something else that I can't remember, but when their handlers send the signal out by remote, their brains are stimulated in certain areas which triggers pre-set programming. Certain frequencies produce certain programmed responses, allowing them to be controlled from long distances."

  "The tech team disabled a device in your brain," Sam said. "I'm assuming that was a receiver."

  Megan said, "Yes, however my computer chip was much more complex than those found in humans. I mean other humans." She smiled at the knowledge that she was actually a part of their race. "While theirs is simply a receiver, mine was connected with the main computer at the clone center.

  "If I needed info that had not been downloaded into my head, I had limited access to certain programs. My chip was like having an iPad inside my brain, only with more functions. It monitored, recorded and reported all of my body responses and chemical reactions. My contact lenses were a part of this system and they not only fed the computer visual intake, but they also visually gave me simple and complex technical info such as the temperature of a room or the names and personal information of a specific person, or pretty much anything that can be accessed online. I could also hear sounds most people can't. Anyhow, it's the reason I was able to function so quickly with Nicole's memories that Dorothy downloaded in me."

  "That sounds like a sci-fi TV show I've seen where they have technology like that in the future," Jake said.

  Gus answered, "I'm not surprised. I've learned that the media will often display such things in an enticing story to prepare and desensitize us to things that are already going on so that when it is introduced into society, we will think that it's great stuff and will readily accept it without questioning the full effects and consequences of it."

  Nicole was still considering what Megan had said about memories. "Does that mean that I have a chip in my brain?" she asked, suddenly worried. She hated the thought of things being implanted in her body.

  "No. You are too old for this technology to have been implanted in you when you were younger. They gain access to your memories by stimulating the part of your brain that holds memories with electrodes attached to your eyes which captures them and uploads them to their computer system," Megan explained, verifying what Joel had told her.

  "Well I guess that for once I'm glad for my age!" Nicole laughed nervously.

  Sam rubbed the stubbly whiskers on his chin with his thumb which indicated that he was in deep thought. "I've often wondered what was behind all these mass murders like school shootings."

  "I've heard talk about this. At least some of the shooters have had this device in
their brain and have been programmed to respond in this way when activated by the frequency. They just change gears and proceed with the programmed plan, then afterwards, they either kill themselves as part of the suicide programming or they don't understand and can't explain why they did what they did." She shook her head. "These types of murders have just been practice for the Great Plan."

  "There's no way we can disable each person's receiver or find and destroy each remote…." Sam considered out loud.

  Jake had leaned forward deep in thought as well. "Maybe we could change the frequency of the signal without any one knowing, so that when it goes out it wouldn't trigger the destruction programming."

  Sam looked at Jake. "Great idea! You're starting to get the hang of this," he said and clapped him on the back. Sam ran his hand over his head again. "If that could work, it would at least buy us some time to figure out how to disable the devises in the people's brains. Of course we don't know what reactions would correspond to that frequency, but at least the consequences wouldn't be on such a massive scale."

  Gus said, "There's a possibility that a large magnetic field released into the atmosphere could disable the sodium/lithium powered high frequency receiver/transducers coupled with multi-range discharge capacitors."

  "Yeah, that's what those things were called!" Megan exclaimed.

  Gus continued. "The receivers have a very small wire that vibrates. This vibration is the catalyst that activates the device. There is a chance that by creating a large electrical current in the atmosphere, it would become magnetized for a brief period of time which, if powerful enough, could move the wire in each receiver enough to disable them."

  "How would we do that?" Sam asked. "I don't know much about this, but I know enough to understand that that would require some serious electricity!"

  "GWEN towers," Gus said. "There are enough of them throughout the United States, that if we activated them all in unison and increased the MHz as high as possible for a calculated time period, we may succeed in creating a large enough electrical current to produce the necessary changes in the magnetic field."

  Jake interjected, "I thought those were just conspiracy theory rumors."

  "And your point is?" Sam asked. "Look around buddy. We're in the middle of a conspiracy theory. You can check it out for yourself later, but they're for real." He was quiet for a moment as he contemplated Gus' suggestion. "What about the ELF waves? They can be transmitted through the towers as well can't they?"

  "Yes. But if we can access the computer system and find the frequencies assigned to the Day of Purification, when we infiltrate the GWEN system, we can bypass those frequencies," Gus explained.

  Sam said, "Interesting. Turn about is fair play! The very tools that the government is using to control the population, we could use against them and beat them at their own game! But I wonder what the consequences of that would be?"

  "Good question. There could be severe weather changes, some mental problems…. However, the question still remains…What are the consequences of not doing it?" Gus countered.

  "You've got a point there," Sam agreed. He leaned back in his chair. "Break time. I'm going to inform Joel of our options. Be back here in five."

  Jake and Nicole stepped outside and looked up at the late evening sky. Even though there was still a hint of light, the stars were so vivid and bright in the mountain air that they were already visible.

  "They don't seem to know that our world is undergoing a dramatic change, do they?" Jake said. He'd always loved the night sky. "Even if all this works out, our lives will never be the same, will they?"

  Nicole could hear the grief in his voice; and in a voice that was constricted with the effort of holding back her own tears she replied, "No. But my love for you will never change, except to grow deeper." She turned into his embrace. "And I can hardly imagine that. I love you so much now that being away from you feels like torture. No matter where we end up when this is done, you are my home, Jake, and as long as I can be with you, I'll be ok."

  "I wish time would stand still," Jake said as he held her in his arms. "But it never does. I loved the time when our boys were little," he reminisced. "Those were good times."

  "Yes they were, but there were some hard times in there too. I think love is the key, Jake. No matter what happens in the world, if we have love for God and for each other, we can be content."

  "Hey you two, you're one minute late!" Megan called out the back door.

  When they were all seated at the table again, Sam began. "So we are going to attack this problem on several fronts. On the human front, we need access to GWEN and cell phone satellites."

  "Oh right!" Gus exclaimed. "That was almost too obvious to see. Everybody has a smart phone which can be controlled and commanded to emit specific high frequencies."

  "No worries. Joel thought of that and is taking care of those two assignments." He looked at Gus and said, "I want you with Nicole. The two of you are hitting the clone center, assuming that's where their main controlling computer system is."

  He looked at Megan. She nodded in affirmation and he continued. "The first priority will be to change the frequency of the sound waves as Jake suggested, as a failsafe. Next, disable any remotes; and last, destroy the clone computer program. And I want the dates for the Days of Release and Purification ASAP."

  Megan said, "I don't know who Joel is, but I'm assuming he's your superior." Sam nodded and she asked, "He understands that we don't know the ramifications of shutting down the clone programming?"

  "Yes he does," Sam answered, "and we'll be as prepared as possible to deal with those ramifications."

  He looked at Gus and Nicole. "Joel is sending a computer virus for you to install that should terminate communication between the computer system and the clones. Nicole, you'll carry the virus with you in case Gus can't get in, however, if possible, it would be best for him to gain access and assist you. Joel is also issuing a militia to be on stand by. If worse comes to worse, you'll have to take them out by whatever means possible. However, we are also issuing a rescue team for the clones if that should happen to work out. Megan, Nicole is going to need passwords. Are you aware of any?"

  "The only thing that comes to my mind is a little ditty that Peter has been repeating quite often lately. I don't know if it is applicable to this or not.

  'Awake, awake oh sleeper.

  The Day of Sisera is come.

  Oh prevail ye hammer and nail.

  Jael shall be no more.

  Rise up, rise up ye mighty men,

  The Day of Sisera is come.

  Take up the armor, the battle array

  Revenge and judgment is this day.'"

  "Interesting," Gus said. "It sounds like some of the lyrics to heavy metal songs my son was listening to until I heard them and shut them down."

  "Lord, please show us if there are any code words here," Nicole prayed.

  Jake said, "Well in the Bible, Sisera was the commander of the Canaanite army. After being defeated by Israel, he took refuge in the seemingly hospitable home of Heber and his wife Jael. Jael killed Sisera by hammering a tent peg through his head."

  "It sounds like Sisera or the clones want to take revenge on Jael or Christians," Megan said. "I wonder if the password is Sisera."

  "It's definitely worth a try. I'll have a decoder standing by to help with that," Sam said. "We may not be able to shut everything down, but we sure can minimize the effects on the general public."

  Gary came bringing some dinner he had picked up in town. "I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but there were two big men at the diner asking questions about the power outage, and about the Inn; like why it was closed."

  "That would be Darth and Raj. They're here to pick me up," Megan said.

  "Ok. Here we go then," Sam exclaimed as he looked at Nicole. "The contacts were dropped off earlier so let's get you wired up."

  "Wait!" Nicole exclaimed. "You mean Darth as in Vader?"

  "I don't know what
you mean." Megan looked confused.

  "Didn't you watch Star Wars?"

  "No…Oh, but you did…" she said as she thought a moment recalling Nicole's memory of Darth Vader. "He doesn't look anything like the one in the movie. Doesn't sound like him either." Then she said, "But he is just as mean," she added with a smile as if she thought she had done well to find a point of commonality between the two.

  "Oh great!" Nicole looked up toward heaven.

  Megan added, "Something I didn't tell you is that I was supposed to kill Jake and hide his body if something went wrong."

  Every eye turned to look at Megan. "What?" Nicole asked. "Why kill Jake?"

  "Because if I couldn't make him believe that I was you, he could become a threat."

  Sam thought for a minute then said, "Well, that might just be in our favor."

  "Sam!" Nicole gasped.

  "I'm not saying that we're going to kill Jake. I’m saying that Nicole's, rather Megan's, disappearance can be attributed to hiding Jake's body in the woods. It's a perfect set up for us actually. We'll get Nicole situated and then she can go back into town and contact Daemon who will tell her that the guys are in town to get her, and then they can take her back with them."

  "Whoa, whoa, whoa," Jake disagreed. "I don't want those guys to take Nicole anywhere."

  Nicole covered Jake's hand with hers. "It will be ok, sweetheart. I'm prepared for this. And Sam and Gus will be shadowing me, right guys?" She looked to see them both nodding their heads in agreement.

  "With the lenses and wires we'll be able to see and hear everything that Nicole sees and hears," Sam assured him. "And she'll be able to hear me, so I can give her Intel as needed."

  "The technology is unbelievable, hon, not to mention the angels that are helping us out. I haven't had a chance to tell you…"

  Sam interrupted her. "Later Nicole. Jake, you have to let us do what we need to so that she can come home permanently. We can't guarantee that everything will work out perfectly or that Nicole will be free from all harm, however, this is where faith and obedience allow the Holy Spirit to do His work."


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