One Last Time (The Stanton Brothers)

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One Last Time (The Stanton Brothers) Page 2

by Heather D'Agostino

  After putting away my books from the morning, and grabbing what I needed for the afternoon and lunch, I started walking to the cafeteria. When I stepped inside I was assaulted with the smell burgers and soggy fries. I glanced around looking for Micha. He’d said he sat on the left side, but it was crowded and hard to see much.

  “Hey! Over here!” The guy from the parking lot this morning waved his arm in the air. I rolled my eyes. Of course, he’d see me. I started making my way to where he was sitting, and that’s when I noticed Micha sitting beside him. “You wanna sit here?” Ryan grinned as he elbowed Micha in the side. “This is her, Van.”

  My brow furrowed at his pet name for me. No one called me that but my mother. “It’s Savannah,” I said in a clipped tone, “and I was invited to sit here.”

  Micha burst into laughter. “This is classic.” He chuckled. “Move over, Ry.” He shoved him, causing his chair to squeak. “You can sit here.” He pulled an empty seat over, and patted it. “This is Brittany and Andrea.”

  “It’s Andy.” Andrea giggled as she and Brittany shared a look that said I was intruding on something.

  “Savannah,” I stated again before sitting down, and setting my lunch in front of me.

  “Are you going to the game this weekend?” Brittany batted her eyes at Micha.

  “Wasn’t planning on it. Dad has some stuff going on at the stand. I’m supposed to help.” Micha shrugged.

  “But I thought we could all go to the game, and come back to my house for a bonfire, or something.” She pouted.

  “I’ll come back to your house.” Ryan wagged his brows.

  “I was talking to Micha,” she snapped. It was clear that Brittany liked him, but he didn’t seem to feel the same way.

  “I have stuff to do.” Micha tossed his hamburger down on his tray. “You are more than welcome to come to my place to help.”

  “Work? For free?” Brittany scoffed.

  “Some of us have to. I’m gonna take over soon. Dad offered it to Max, but he doesn’t want it.” Micha shrugged again. “What about you?” He pointed to Ryan. “You helping me, or bailing again?”

  “Dude.” His eyes went wide. “Brit just offered her parentless house up.”

  “No, I didn’t!” Brittany screeched as she stood up. “Come on, Andy. I need to stop by the art room before class starts.”

  I watched as the two girls left without so much as a word to me. “What was that all about?” My head swung between Micha and Ryan.

  Ryan started laughing. “You see, Brit has had a thing for my buddy here since about the fifth grade.” He patted Micha’s shoulder.

  “Only, I’m not interested.” Micha shrugged.

  “Why, dude?” Ryan acted like it made no sense.

  “She makes it too easy. I don’t want a girl who’s willing to give it up that easy. Just means that everyone will get a taste too. I want a girl who wants me, and only me.” Micha finished his hamburger.

  “Well, she clearly doesn’t want me.” Ryan leaned back in his chair and sighed.

  “Well, that’s because you’re,” I tapped my chin like I was really thinking about it, “you.”

  Micha started laughing uncontrollably and almost flipped backwards in his chair. “I’m so glad I met you. You are my type of girl.” He kept laughing and when the words finally registered, his face sobered. “That’s not what I meant.”

  “I know.” I giggled as I picked at my sandwich, but I was kinda hoping that he did mean it. Micha was sweet, smart, and from what I could tell so far, he was a genuinely nice guy. He wasn’t bad to look at either with his blue eyes and dark blonde hair. He was muscular, and you could tell by his tan that he spent a lot of time outside.

  “Well, we better get to class.” He shoved back from the table and stood up. “I’ll see ya around.” He grinned before sauntering off to class.

  “Yeah. See ya,” I murmured as I gave a half-hearted wave. Micha didn’t know it yet, but today was the beginning, a beginning to something neither of us was ready for.

  Chapter 2


  The days have been flying by, and work has been exhausting. Football season is starting to wind down. Homecoming was last week. I didn’t go despite Brittany’s protests. I think she thought if she bugged me enough, I’d give in. The truth is, I don’t like her like that, and I don’t think I ever will.

  Pumpkin season is in full swing. The stand has been busy every afternoon, and I’ve been loading pumpkins into patrons’ cars for hours each day. My mom runs the register, and I lug the things out. Max is home on fall break, but he hasn’t been much help. He’s kept to himself most days, or worked the corn fields with Dad.

  “So this is the place?” Savannah’s voice filled the air behind me.

  I spun around, completely taken off guard, and almost swallowed my tongue. She was standing there in a pair of boots with a red flannel hanging open over a pair of jeans. You could see her shoulder peeking out at the neck from a white tank underneath. “Hey.” I shook my head to clear it.

  “Is this your farm?” She stepped forward, her white teeth on full display in a beaming smile.

  “Uh,” I stammered. “It’s my family’s, yeah.” I raked my hands through my hair. I sounded like an idiot. I’d been doing this more and more the longer I knew her.

  “Can you help me with this?” She pointed to a giant pumpkin a few feet away.

  “Sure.” I wiped my palms on my thighs as I ambled over to where she was standing. The pumpkin was huge, and I knew I’d struggle carrying it out. “Do you have somewhere to put this at home? It’s kinda big for a front porch.”

  “I’m making a display in my front yard. It’s going to fit perfectly.” She clapped her hands as she rocked back on her heels.

  “That’s a good plan. This thing is massive.” I leaned down to roll it slightly. I needed to gauge what I’d be lifting. I didn’t put all these pumpkins in here, my dad did. “This one is $25.” I started to pick it up. “You can pay my mom in a minute. I need you to show me where I’m taking this.” I grunted under the strain. I bet this was at least sixty pounds.

  “Sure. This way.” She scurried ahead of me, and stopped at a 1970s model pickup. “You can put it back here.” She lowered the tailgate.

  “This your dad’s?” I chuckled. She didn’t seem like the type to drive a truck.

  “Used to be. He gave it to me, but I drive my car to school. She shrugged. “It’s more practical.”

  I led her back into the stand. “You cash out over there.” I pointed to where my mom was sitting, and then turned to help another customer.



  Fall was my favorite time of year, and Halloween was one of my favorite holidays. Every year my dad and I made a huge display in our yard, only this year he had to work so I’d be working alone. I’d heard Ryan and Micha talk about his farm so many times at lunch, that I decided to come see what all the fuss was about. This place was huge. A giant red barn sat along the property line between him and the neighbors.

  The stand took up most of the corner of their yard. It didn’t look like more than a shed, but it was full of whatever was in season. I’d sat in my truck for a few moments just watching Micha carry pumpkin after pumpkin out to customers’ cars. Watching him bend and flex was quite the turn on, but I’d never admit it out loud. We’ve become good friends over the last month and a half, and I’m not willing to change that. Besides, I don’t think he likes me like that.

  After he loaded my pumpkin, I had no reason to keep talking to him. I think he felt it to because he turned to help someone else after sending me over to pay. “I need to pay for that giant I just had loaded into my car.” I smiled at Mrs. Stanton.

  “I’m glad someone finally bought it. I was worried it might rot here. It’s so big.” She laughed lightly as she took the bills from my hand. After giving me my change, she called Micha over. “Hey, Micha!” She shouted. “You ought to go with her in case she can
’t get the thing out of her truck. It might squash her.” She laughed.

  My heart fluttered at the idea of him helping me. “It’s still really busy, Mom.” His brow furrowed like he couldn’t understand why she sending him away.

  “We’ll manage.” She grinned. “Go help.” She nudged him in the shoulder, and he shrugged as he followed me out.

  “How far away are you from here?” He glanced around at the crowd still gathered at the stand and shook his head.

  “Not far. Maybe three miles.” I pressed my lips together. “You can ride with me, and I’ll bring you back, or I can just have my dad help me when he gets home tonight.”

  “It’s no biggie. I just worry about my mom.” He mumbled as he jogged around the truck, and climbed in. “So, are you going to carve that bad boy up for your display?”

  “Yep.” I grinned. “Not today, though. Maybe this weekend. I don’t like to carve my pumpkins more than a day before Halloween. They rot too fast.”

  Micha glanced out the window before turning to stare at me. I could feel his eyes moving over my body, pausing in spots like my face, and my white-knuckle grip. “You want some help.” His voice sounded a little strained, and when I looked over at him, I saw him swallow. “Carving it, I mean. I could help. If you want me to, that is, but I understand if you don’t.”

  “That would be awesome.” I bounced in my seat just before turning in my driveway. “Halloween is my favorite holiday. Most of my friends don’t care anything about it.”

  “I’m not most friends. I love Halloween too. My family does crazy decorations every year.” He relaxed back in his seat as I parked, but he seemed anything but relaxed.

  “We’re here.” I shoved open my door. “We can be quick. I don’t want to keep you from work.” I rushed around to the back, and waited as Micha slowly climbed out. It was like he’d completely changed his tune now, and was trying to delay leaving. I couldn’t understand him, but I did understand one thing… he was coming over on Saturday, and he volunteered. That meant something, right?



  It was finally Friday. Ryan had been bugging me all day, but tomorrow I was spending the afternoon with Savannah so I tried not to let him bother me.

  “You going to the game tonight?” Ryan leaned against the locker beside mine as I packed my backpack to leave for the afternoon.

  “No. I have to help at home,” I muttered as I shoved a few more books in. “I told you this at lunch.”

  “I really need you to come tonight.” He sighed.

  “Why? Your date bringing a friend?” I glanced up at him as I checked the contents of my bag one last time.

  “What if she is?” He crossed his arms over his chest.

  “Dude. I’m not blowing off my chores at home for some chick that I don’t even like. Besides, I promised my mom that I’d help her today since I’m going to be gone tomorrow.” I stood up and tossed my backpack on my shoulder.

  “You are such a pussy.” Ryan shoved me, causing me to bump into the lockers.

  “It’s called being responsible. You should try it some time.” I shook my head at him. Right at that moment, Savannah came walking down the hall.

  “Hey.” She smiled.

  I smiled back, and I’m sure I looked like a total idiot. “Hey.”

  “So, come over about three,” she called as she walked out the door toward the parking lot.

  “Would you just stop this and ask her out?” Ryan smacked me in the back of the head.

  “Do you want me to kick your ass today?” I glared at him. “I have a date with her tomorrow, or maybe you didn’t hear what she just said.”

  “A date? So, you asked her out.” He stared at me like I’d grown a second head.

  “I’m going over to her house to carve a pumpkin tomorrow.” I lifted my chin, proud to prove him wrong.

  “That’s your idea of a date? Pumpkin carving?” Ryan bent at the waist, laughing as he slapped his knee. “How old are you, twelve?”

  “Shut the fuck up.” I growled as I started to walk away.

  “No, wait up.” He jogged after me. “Are you at least going to kiss her?”

  “Why is that any of your business?” I shoved the door open at the end of the hallway, and burst out into the fresh air and sunshine.

  “A date means going somewhere dark where you can make out. Pumpkin carving at her house doesn’t sound like a date.” He half laughed, half grumbled. “Why don’t you bring her to the game tonight?”

  “I’m not going to the game. I have to work.” We’d reached my truck at this point. I tossed my backpack on the passenger seat, and slammed the door. “I have to go. If you’re finished with whatever this is, I’ll see ya Monday.”

  “Let me know how the pumpkin carving goes.” He snickered.

  “Fuck you!” I shouted as I climbed in and headed home. Was I a complete idiot to think this was a date? Were we really just friends hanging out? I guess Savannah would let me know tomorrow.



  “I’ll be outside, Dad!” I shouted as I grabbed the last few things I needed for carving my giant pumpkin. Micha would be here any minute if he was the type to be on time. It was a warmer fall day, so I opted for a t-shirt. I didn’t want to get pumpkin goo on me anyway.

  Just as I was stepping out the front door, Micha’s truck pulled into my driveway. I could see him smiling, and I waved as I trudged through the front yard. We’d left the pumpkin close to where I was going to build my display. I’d already placed the trees, and covered them in cobwebs. I had a few fake grave stones that I’d painted last year. All that was left was the glowing pumpkin.

  “You ready for this?” Micha chuckled as he made his way toward me. He was wearing a pair of worn jeans that had a tear at the knee. A navy t-shirt was stretched tight across his chest. His baseball cap was turned backwards, and it appeared that he was chewing a piece of gum or candy.

  “I’m always ready,” I teased as I set my arm full of stuff on the ground. “I got this for the guts.” I began shaking open a plastic garbage bag. “I figured we could carve him here.”

  “It’s a boy, huh?” Micha laughed as he knelt down beside my stash of knives.

  “Eh.” I shrugged. “He was a bit of challenge to get here, so I’d say he was a boy.”

  “Ok. Sure.” He laughed. “Where do you want to start?”

  “We need to get the guts out. Here’s my design.” I handed Micha a piece of paper where I’d detailed what the face would look like. I had everything drawn with a scale at the bottom.

  “Wow.” Micha looked impressed. “A little bit detailed here, aren’t ya?”

  “I’m good with numbers. Get it from dad, I guess.” I shrugged as I grabbed the largest knife, and thrust into a spot near the top. I wanted to cut the top off so we could scoop the insides out.

  “What does your dad do?” Micha moved closer and chose a knife of his own.

  “He’s brought in to crunch numbers and decide whether an owner should sell or not. He helps the seller make sure he’s getting the right deal,” I mumbled. Most people didn’t want my dad coming to their business. If he was there, it meant things were bad and the business was tanking. Every place we’ve left I’ve had enemies from what my dad did to someone we knew.

  “You want some help?” Micha moved closer and reached for where I was holding the knife. It wasn’t budging, and I’d been struggling for a bit.

  “That would be great. He’s fighting me.” I frowned as I stepped back. Micha kneeled beside the pumpkin and began pushing the knife in and out as he followed the line I’d drawn. His arms and back flexed as he seemed to easily complete the task I’d been struggling with so badly just moments ago. “How’d you do that?” I placed my hands on my hips.

  “Hazard of the job; I lift shit all day every day.” He chuckled as he removed the top off the pumpkin. “All yours.” He backed up and set the top to the side.

h no. You don’t get out of this part.” I reached in the pumpkin and grabbed a handful of goo. “Come help or I’m throwing this at you,” I warned.

  “I just got the top off for you.” He scoffed.

  “And now you’re helping with this part.” I grinned as I let the goo plop into the bag I’d set to the side.

  “Fine. I’ll help, but you have to reward me with something when we finish. I hate this part,” Micha teased.

  “Reward? Like what?” I slowly stood, and faced him.

  “I’m sure you’ll think of something.” He winked as he tossed a handful of goo into the bag.

  “Uh huh,” I muttered as I knelt down beside him. I could feel the blush creeping up my neck, and I turned away to prevent him from seeing it. It was already hard enough to hide the way I felt when Micha was talking about normal things. Now that he seemed to be flirting, it made it impossible.



  It took us a while to get the pumpkin cleaned out. It was a monster, and we had to take turns reaching inside the top. The hole wasn’t that big, and we found out early on that we bumped heads every time we tried to reach in together.

  “I think he looks good.” Savannah nodded as she stepped back and appraised our work. We’d just put the finishing touches on him. All that was missing was a light inside.

  “He does look good,” I agreed. “So, what’s my reward?” I turned to face her, and I could feel the air between us instantly change. Her shoulders tensed, and her face instantly turned toward the ground.

  “I don’t know if I can…I just…” She shook her head, and sighed before glancing up at me.

  “Relax.” I chuckled.

  “I’m not that kinda girl, Micha.” She frowned. “I didn’t think you were that kinda guy.”

  My smirk fell as her words slammed into me. “I’m not that kinda guy; at least I’d like to think that I’m not.” I placed my hand on her shoulder. “I’d be lying though if I said I didn’t want to see what this is.” I stepped closer. “Can’t you feel it?” My voice lowered. “I mean, every time I’m within ten feet of you, I feel it. Tell me I’m wrong.”


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