One Last Time (The Stanton Brothers)

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One Last Time (The Stanton Brothers) Page 5

by Heather D'Agostino

  “I’ve got the rest of this, honey. You can go find your boyfriend.” Mrs. Stanton smiled as she took the towel from my hands.

  “Thanks.” I turned and opened the back door to step out onto the screen porch.

  “About time you showed up.” Micha stood from the rocking chair he was waiting on, and stepped toward me. It was a beautiful afternoon. All the trees had changed to beautiful shades of orange, yellow, and red. The yard had been raked, but it looked like something off a postcard. An old wagon wheel was leaning against a tree, a wood pile was neatly stacked near the porch for those cold winter nights that were coming, and in the distance you could see the pond glistening through the trees.

  “It’s so pretty here,” I mused as I stepped off the porch and onto the grass.

  “It really is.” Micha didn’t take his eyes off me.

  “Stop.” I could feel myself blushing.

  “What? It’s the truth. You’re beautiful.” He shrugged as he stepped up beside me, and linked our hands. “I wanna show you my hideout.” He grinned as he started leading us toward the barn.

  I followed along, thinking that we were going past the barn, but Micha opened of the doors, and led me inside.

  “I’ve been in here a thousand times. What could you possibly need to show me?” I glanced around.

  “This way.” Micha pulled me toward a ladder. “Up you go.” He moved behind me, and boosted me up by the waist until my feet could easily step onto the bottom rung. I climbed up to the top knowing Micha was behind me, staring right at my ass. When I stepped off and into the hayloft, I turned to face him. “Pretty cool up here, huh?” He grinned.

  “What exactly are we doing up here?” I nibbled my lip. I had an idea, but I liked this side of Micha, and I always took advantage of it when it came out.

  “I come up here to think sometimes.” Micha shuffled through the hay. It was crowded up here because they’d put up bales for the winter. “You can see everything.” He moved over to where the pulley hung, and pushed open the small doors near the peak of the roof.

  I sat down beside him, and stared out at the view. It was amazing. You could see for miles, and the sun made the fields look like they were made of gold. “It’s breathtaking.” I sighed.

  “I wanted to show you this, but I also wanted to spend some time with you without my family. I never get time for just us. We’re always working or at school.” Micha scowled.

  “I know. I’m sorry.” I frowned.

  “Don’t be sorry.” He smirked. “Just fix it.” He leaned in and pressed his lips to mine. “I miss you,” he whispered as he trailed his lips along my jaw. I shivered as I tipped my head back. It felt good, but the sharp bite of the hay into my palms reminded me of where we were. “Stop thinking so hard.” His lips moved back to mine, and this time his tongue ran along my bottom lip. I sighed, and he took advantage. One arm wrapped around my back, and before I knew it, we were lying down. Micha was holding himself up on his elbow. His left hand was slowly running up and down my side. His leg was between my thighs, and every time his tongue would probe into my mouth, his knee would press against my center.

  “What are we doing?” I gasped between kisses.

  “You drive me crazy.” He panted. “I just want to touch you. We don’t have to do anything else.” His voice was shaky as his fingers slowly crept under my shirt. My stomach tensed. Micha and I hadn’t done anything other than kiss. This was new for us. “Please?” His hand moved higher, and I nodded when his fingers brushed the underside of my bra.

  I reached up, and pulled his head back down, kissing him harder as his finger pulled the cup of my bra down, freeing my breast. He cupped it, his hand shaking all the while. I could feel him getting hard against my thigh. I moaned, and ground myself against him. The rough denim provided enough friction, that I’d feel a little relief if I kept it up.

  “You’re killing me,” Micha hissed as he broke the kiss. He yanked his hand from my shirt, and braced himself over me. His head was hanging, eyes closed, lips thinned. His shoulders shook as he tried to control himself. I slowly reached for him, my fingers bushing over the obvious bulge in his jeans. “Savannah,” he hissed a warning. I lifted my head, and placed a kiss to the side of his neck as I rubbed him again, this time with a little more force. I’d only done this with one other guy, so I didn’t really know if I was even doing it right. “Shit!” His arms trembled from where he was holding himself.

  I slowly slid my hands to his waist, and attempted to undo the button on his jeans. He sucked in his stomach as my cold fingers ran along the fabric. When the button popped free, I painstakingly slipped one hand into his pants. I glanced up to see his eyes shut, and his breathing picking up. I bit down on my lip, as my hand made its way under the waistband of his boxers, and felt along the soft skin until I reached what I was looking for.

  “Shit! Shit! Shit!” Micha hissed as my fingers wrapped around him.

  “Do you not want me to?” I paused and innocently looked at him. Maybe I was off base here.

  “It’s not that at all.” He shook his head. “It feels amazing. Let me move a little.” He leaned to the side, until he was able to lie down. “Come here.” He pulled me so I was draped over him. His thigh went between mine once again and as I stroked him, he pulled my hips down against him. I was so lost in my own feelings that I missed seeing what I was doing to him. I felt his release as it spurted all over my hand, and my own came shortly after.

  We laid there in the loft for quite some time just enjoying each other. Micha took off his flannel so I could clean my hands, and then we spent the rest of the daylight just holding each other. The day brought us closer, and as the sun set and the moon rose, I knew I was in love with him. There was no doubt anymore. Micha Stanton was firmly written on my heart.

  Chapter 6


  This year I was doing something I always said I would never do… going to the winter formal. Every year our school put on this big dance that was similar to the prom. They’d have it in the gym, and all the girls would go crazy as they waited for us guys to give in and ask them to go. Ryan cornered me last week, and asked if I’d like to go in with him on a limo. I think it’s kinda stupid and a waste of money, but the look on Savannah’s face when I told her said that I needed to tell him yes.

  I’ve spent the better part of today getting ready for this thing. I went into town this morning and picked up Savannah’s corsage. I got a haircut, and grabbed my suit from the dry cleaners. Now, I’m standing here in my living room while my mom fawns over me.

  “It’s fine.” I brushed her hands away as I tugged on my tie once again. I hated the things, and rarely wore them.

  “I’m just happy you’re going. Your brother only went to prom.” Mom smiled as she clasped her hands together in front of herself.

  “Leave him alone.” Dad laughed from the kitchen. He was trying to sneak a bite of food while Mom was away from the stove.

  “I gotta go. The limo just pulled in.” I rushed into the kitchen to grab the corsage, grabbed my coat on the way out, and waved one last time as the door closed behind me.


  “S’up?” Ryan was sitting in the seat across from me with none other than Brittany Fisher curled into his side.

  “Hey.” I lifted my chin in greeting as the limo pulled back onto the road. Savannah didn’t live far from me, so I knew it wouldn’t take us long to get to her place.

  “How come you didn’t get me flowers?” Brittany scowled at Ryan. “He got Savannah flowers.”

  “I didn’t know you were coming with me until two days ago. That stuff takes time, baby. You should have committed sooner.” Ryan shrugged. He had a point. I think the only reason Brittany agreed to be his date is because we were doubling.

  “I bet Micha would have gotten me something if I went with him.” Brittany crossed her arms over her chest. Her breasts looked as if they were going to spill out of her top. I wondered what went through girls�
� heads when they picked out dresses for these things. I mean, wouldn’t you want to be comfortable? Brittany looked as if she could barely move. The red satin dress she was wearing was practically painted on her. It barely contained her breasts, and the bottom barely came down enough to cover her ass.

  “Micha’s not your date.” Ryan scowled.

  “Savannah said yes two weeks ago.” I lifted the corsage as the limo came to a stop in front of Savannah’s house. “Be right back.” I opened the door, and jumped out.

  It was cold out tonight, and as I jogged up the steps, I could see my breath in the air. I had no idea what her dress looked like, but I hoped it covered more than Brit’s. I did not want to have to fight some dude for looking at her tonight.

  I rang the doorbell, and waited. Within a few seconds, Mr. Lucas opened the door. “Savannah will be out in a second. Wanna come in?” He stepped back.

  “Sure.” I smiled as I stepped through the door. I had to admit it was cold out, and the slight reprieve helped.

  “My daughter’s pretty smitten with you, son.” Mr. Lucas crossed his arms.

  “I’m pretty into her too.” I smiled. “She’s a great girl, sir.”

  “I expect you to treat her with respect tonight.” He narrowed his eyes, and just then Savannah came rushing around the corner.

  Daddy!” she admonished. “Micha isn’t that type of guy.”

  “You be home by midnight.” He wagged his finger at us as we stepped out the door.


  “You look beautiful.” I wrapped my arm around her shoulders as we rushed to the car. The wind was really picking up, and it felt as if we might get some snow tonight.

  “Thanks.” She grinned as I held open the door. Her dress fluttered in the wind as she climbed in. It was nothing like Brit’s. Where Brit’s was ‘in your face sexy’, Savannah’s was subtle. Much more appealing to me. It was white with small straps made of rhinestones. The fabric was fitted to the hips and then flared out, stopping at the knees. She had a white fur coat on top of it, and her hair was curled with a few pieces pinned up.

  “It’s freezing! Close the door!” Brittany whined as I slipped in, and took the seat beside Savannah.

  “You should have worn a coat,” Savannah quipped as she grinned at me. “Is that for me?” She eyed the corsage.

  “Yep.” I opened the box, and lifted the white roses out, holding the band so she could slip her hand through.

  “It’s beautiful.” She smiled up at me as she leaned into my side.

  It didn’t take long to get to the school, and as soon as we did, I attempted to escape from Ryan and Brit. I wanted to dance with Savannah and I think she had the same idea.

  “We’ll catch you guys later.” I waved as I rushed through the door and inside the gym.



  “Wow!” I sighed as I stared wide-eyed around the gym. It looked like a winter fairyland. Everything was decorated in white and crystals. There were white twinkle lights draped from the ceiling. Fake trees had been painted white and were covered in crystals and silver embellishments. Round tables were set up on one end, covered in white tablecloths with fake snow sprinkled around them. “This looks amazing.”

  “They did do a good job this year. You fit right in, too.” He chuckled as he looked down at me. “Wanna go check your coat?”

  “Sure.” I shrugged as I let Micha lead me toward the doorway that led to one of the school hallways. When we crossed the threshold, there were two students hanging coats up. Micha helped me out of mine, and then froze. “What’s wrong?” I quickly looked down, hoping that I hadn’t bumped into anything and gotten a mark on my dress.

  “Nothing.” He shook his head. He placed his hand on my back, and led me back out into the gym. “Are you trying to get me into a fight tonight?” he hissed right beside me ear.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” I giggled as his fingers brushed against the bare skin at my waist.

  “I see why you kept the coat on.” He groaned as I flashed him a wicked smile.

  “I have to have some secrets too. Besides…” I tipped my chin up so I could whisper in his ear, “gotta keep your eyes on me.”

  I started to step away, and Micha wrapped his fingers around my upper arm, halting me. He leaned down and growled next to me, “You don’t ever have to worry about me not looking at you. You, Savannah Lucas, are the only girl I see.”



  The night was torturous, but Savannah seemed to be having a good time so it was worth it. We’d danced, munched on some of the food, and chatted with several friends. Ryan and Brit had disappeared at one point, and when they emerged from a dark corner of the gym, I could tell they’d been somewhere making out. Ryan’s shirt was slightly untucked, and he had a lipstick smear on his neck.

  “Really?” Savannah muttered as she rolled her eyes. “They couldn’t even go somewhere private?”

  “That’s not really Brit’s thing, privacy,” I clarified. “Last year she got busted making out in the press box after a game.” Savannah’s lip curled in disgust, and I couldn’t help but laugh. “Some guys like that sort of thing.”

  “What about you? Do you like that sort of thing?” Her lips curled on one side as she stared up at me. We were currently on the dance floor, swaying to some slow song that I wasn’t even paying attention to.

  “I’m with you, aren’t I? If I wanted Brit, I would be with her. Trust me when I tell you that she’s given me ample opportunity.” I sighed. “I want you. Haven’t you figured that out yet?”

  The music stopped, and I led us off the dance floor. Ryan lifted his chin in greeting. “Can I talk to you for a minute?” His eyes darted toward Savannah, “Alone?”

  “Be right back,” I grumbled as I followed him a few feet away. “What is so secretive that my girlfriend can’t hear it?”

  “How do you feel about a ski trip later this month?” His brows bounced as his lips began to curve up on one side.

  “I’d say that would be great if I could actually afford it.” I rolled my eyes.

  “What if I told you, you could?” His grin grew bigger.

  “Right. Who do you know that has a place to go skiing?”

  “Me!” The over excited voice of Brittany came from behind me. “My parents keep telling me I can use it this year for a senior trip. Why not now?” She pressed her lips together and gave this fake innocent look.

  “I’d have to talk to Savannah first. I don’t know what her plans are like coming up.”

  “Sure. Whatever.” She smiled as she reached for my hand. I don’t know what I was thinking, probably nothing because she caught me off-guard, but as her fingers wrapped around mine, I let her lead us out on the dance floor. “Dance with me?” She lifted her arms to place them around my neck.

  “Brit, I don’t think this is a good idea.” I attempted to pull away, but she stepped closer, preventing me from creating space.

  “Why? It’s just a dance,” she mused. “Doesn’t she trust you?”

  “I guess you’re right,” I mumbled.

  “Of course I’m right. Besides, you’re coming to my ski lodge; the least you can do is dance one dance with me.” She smiled, but it wasn’t at me, it was over my shoulder at someone behind me.

  I turned us as the song started to end to see who she was smiling at. I figured it had to be Ryan, but I was wrong. There standing by one of the tables was my date, Savannah. Her face looked shocked while her body language showed hurt.

  I stepped back and gently pushed Brit out of my arms. “I’m sorry. I can’t do this.” I stepped away, and as I made my way off the dance floor, Savannah turned and rushed away from me.

  “Savannah, wait!” I yelled as I weaved through people to get to her. She was rushing to get her coat, and clutching her phone in her hand. “Wait!” I shouted again as I reached her. “It’s not what you think.”

  “Not what I think?” She ga
sped as she turned to face me. Her eyes shot daggers in my direction. “I think she wants you. I think she’s willing do whatever it takes to get you. I think you, Micha Stanton, are blind to her. You’re too nice, and you don’t know how to tell her no.” She blew out a deep breath and paced a few steps away from me. “Tell me I’m wrong!” she turned and shouted at me.

  “Some of that’s right.” I chuckled but it was humorless. How was I ever going to ask her about going skiing if she hated Brit so much?

  “You think this is funny?” She grabbed her coat at this point, and roughly jerked it on.

  “I think you’re cute when you get mad. Do you not see that I’m here with you? When have you ever been this insecure? What happened to that girl who used to tell Brit where to go every day at lunch?” I stepped closer as if I was soothing a wounded animal.

  “She’s still here, she just cares too much now.” She mumbled so quiet I almost missed it.

  “I care too.” I pulled her into my arms. “Don’t let Brittany Fisher get in your head like that. I don’t want her. I never have.”

  “Sometimes I wish I didn’t love you. You make me crazy,” Savannah growled into my chest.

  My arms loosened. “What did you say?”

  “I said I love you; you dummy,” she mumbled.

  “I love you too.” I chuckled as it turned into a disbelieving laugh. Were we really doing this here?

  “Really?” She finally looked up at me and it seemed that she might have had tears in her eyes.

  “Yeah, really. I have for a while; I just wasn’t sure if you did.” I shrugged. “Can we go home now?” I leaned down and pressed a kiss to her forehead. “I’d like to try this again somewhere a little more private.”

  “Sounds good to me.” She smiled softly as I turned and led us to the door. The limo along with Ryan and Brit were waiting right outside. I don’t know what Brit’s game is here, but it’s getting old fast. I’ll do the ski trip because I said I would, but after that there’s going to have to be some rules.


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