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Trapped Page 2

by Lucy Wild

  I take full advantage of her position to hold her by the ass, gripping it more tightly than I need to, enjoying the soft feel of her buttocks through her trousers. Already, I can feel my vow slipping away.

  Ever since Jess and Ally died, I’ve wanted nothing to do with women. It would only end in pain like last time.

  Losing my wife and my daughter in a car crash was a blow I never recovered from. Any chance at a new life was crushed by the overwhelming guilt of knowing it was my fault. I took us out in the ice, I drove us, I lost control and skidded off the side of the road, no one else made me do it. I killed them both. The thought haunted me every single night.

  I had grown used to living on my own in the forest, using the life insurance payout to cut myself off from society, to repent through the solitary life of the hermit.

  I had seen women walking along the old logging tracks from time to time during my wanderings, occasionally I would get a flash of what might be, of the world I left behind. Those thoughts were easy to ignore.

  But this one, something was different with this one. For one thing, I hadn’t left her alone when she screamed. She was nothing to do with me. It wasn’t my place to look after her. I could have left her to let fate decide what happened to her, whether she lived or died.

  But I didn’t. I went to her. I found her in the snow drift, looking half dead. She was laid there and my first thought wasn’t to help her up, it was to tear her trousers down and fuck her right there. It was a dark thought and one I somehow managed to ignore while I helped her to her feet.

  She can’t stay but I have no choice but to take her to my cabin. The storm is getting heavier, the snow stinging my eyes as the wind whips up the drifts at my feet, the trees thinning as I reach the track by the river, another two miles to go.

  The trail that leads to my place is faint. From the main walking route, it’s invisible, you have to know where to look, a rabbit trail that was a little too wide. I know it like I know most of the forest, intimately, like how I want to know her. She has to go. If she stays I’ll have to fuck her. I’ll have to take her and what would that say to the memory of my love? Ten years but still I owed her for my crime.

  I will wait out the storm with her then make her go. She can limp back to civilisation, back to her world of phones and music and noise and all the things I want nothing to do with.

  She asks me a few more times where we’re going but gives up when I don’t bother replying. I reach the point on the track where my personal path heads deeper into the forest. She sounds nervous as she asks, “Where are you taking me?” a final time. I still don’t answer. She’ll see soon enough.

  Another fifteen minutes, the journey made longer than usual by having to twist through the branches so they don’t strike her too hard, and then I step into the clearing. The cabin is waiting, as surprised as me by what I’ve brought back. I can almost hear it asking, “What’s this then?”

  I put her down. She stumbles at once, crying out in pain and I instinctively catch her. She leans on my shoulder as I point at the house. “Inside,” I say.

  “What are you going to do to me?” she asks, her teeth chattering loudly.

  I shrug. “Stay out here if you want.”

  “N…no,” she stutters, clinging onto me as I walk over to the door and shove it open. It scrapes on the stone flagged floor, the noise competing with the growing wind.

  She goes in before me, blinking as her eyes get used to the dark. The fire is almost down to embers but retains enough heat for me to get it going again in a couple of minutes. Once the flames are licking upwards once more, I walk past her and into the next room. I undo my coat, placing the fawn in the makeshift cot I have prepared.

  It’s a cross between a crib and a cell, made to hold the injured animals I come across while I do my best for them. I couldn’t save Jess or Ally but I can sometimes save something out here. The cot has seen a fair few deer, a badger once, plenty of rabbits. It’s been empty for a while but the fawn can pick up the scent of some of its fellows, no matter how faded the smell may be. It backs into a corner and sits shivering.

  I walk to the back door and shove it open. Ica is there, the deer that has been my companion for a long time. I whistle and she comes over, walking in and seeing the fawn. She sniffs at it through the bars then trots back out. It’ll do for now. By tonight she should be feeding the new one alongside her own fawn. I don’t feel pride, only a sense of doing what I must do to atone for my crime. A neverending penance.

  I put my head through to the other room. She is sitting on the chair at the table, shivering so wildly, she looks like she is having a fit. “Strip,” I say, walking in and pulling off my coat.

  “Wh…what?” she asks, wrapping her hands around her chest, backing the chair towards the wall as if she thinks I might attack her.

  I march over. There isn’t time to placate her. If she doesn’t get out of her wet things, she’ll freeze to death before the storm ends. I need to get her warm. I tower over her, grabbing her arms and pulling her to her feet. “Strip or I strip you.”


  I’M TERRIFIED BY TWO THINGS. One is that he’s holding my arms so tightly there is no way I can get away from him. The other is the overwhelming sense that I want him to kiss me.

  He looks so hot, the fury in his eyes, the way he’s staring at me, I can barely take it. I know I should be more scared. I’m in a cabin in the forest with a man I don’t know anything about. Nobody knows I’m here. He could do absolutely anything to me and I wouldn’t be able to stop him.

  I try to pull away from him, unable to handle the intensity of this feeling but he won’t let me go. Instead he undoes my jacket, whipping down the zip in under a second. I gasp but don’t stop him. I can’t stop him. My arms haven’t thawed yet.

  He tugs the coat from my shoulders and I make a half hearted effort to prevent him yanking my top off me. He bats my hands away as if they were irritating but ineffectual flies, tugging it over my head and tossing that after my coat.

  He doesn’t stop there, the next layer comes off and then as I mutter, “No,” he reaches behind me and unhooks my bra, letting it fall away.

  I clamp my hands over my chest, surprised by how much my nipples tingle against my palms. He twists me around and bends me over. I barely have time to catch myself on the edge of the table before I realise he is yanking down my trousers and panties in one motion. He growls as he is forced to fight with my shoes, getting them off me after a concerted effort. He throws them away with such force that they thud against the far wall.

  I am naked. I am shivering more than ever as he grabs me and pulls me over to the fire, the chair in his other hand. “Sit,” he says, pushing me down onto it as if I had a choice.

  The fire has become an inferno, the heat of it soaking into my skin, at first too much to bear. Within seconds the cold has vanished from my bones. I hear a rustling behind me and glance back to see he is doing the same, stripping out of his clothes without saying a word.

  I look away, ashamed to have seen his chest coming into view. There is a wicked scar down the left hand side but that does not detract from the taut sinews of his muscles. I cannot resist looking again. He is lowering his trousers and the handsomest cock I’ve ever seen comes into view a moment later. I am thrown by the sight.

  I want to be embarrassed by my own nakedness and my peeping. I feel so small compared to him. He is so bold, seeming not to care who might see his body. Once he is naked, he comes to stand next to me, facing the fire with his hands outstretched. His cock is at the same height as my head. If I were only to lean over, I could taste it. I want to more than anything. He has barely said two words to me but already I find myself falling for him, wanting to know what that might feel like if it were inside me. My pussy tingles with desire but he is oblivious, caring only to get warm.

  Steam is rising from the pile of clothes behind him. It coats the single window. There is a thud from the next room. “What was tha
t?” I ask, looking over to the door.

  He walks away, vanishing through the doorway, leaving me with the perfect image of his taut ass to keep me company. I shuffle away from the fire a little but when he comes back a minute later, he shoves my chair back into place.

  I can feel myself starting to sweat, a trickle of it running down between my breasts as he continues to warm himself oblivious to me slowly cooking beside him.

  After another minute of me trying as hard as I can not to glance across at his cock, he moves away to the front door, yanking it open. A blast of cold comes in with a dusting of snow. “You’re not going out there?” I ask but he is already gone. He went out naked. Is he insane?

  I get up and cross to the doorway in time to see him cramming snow into a jug. The sight of him working naked in the snow turns me on more than ever.

  Another blast of wind makes me shiver as he strides back over, passing me without a word. He points at the chair and I obey meekly, sitting back down and watching as he sets the jug down near the flames. The snow melts quickly and when it has turned to water he pours a little over his arms, scrubbing at them, working the mud from his skin.

  He works lower, pouring more water over his chest. I see the trickles run down to his thighs as he scrubs around his cock and then he is done, pouring the last of it over his hair. He shakes his head and then returns to the door, vanishing again.

  When he comes back, he has another jugful of snow and holds it out to me. I shake my head, seeing it melt in front of my eyes. “I’m all right,” I say.

  He pours the contents straight over my head. I let out a shriek of shock as the ice cold water pours down me. He has a cloth on me a second later and is scrubbing my skin. I can’t breathe for a second, the cold is too much.

  In moments the heat of the fire brings me back to myself and I realise his cloth is sliding over my nipples. They betray me, aching, stiffening, throbbing almost as he moves past them, over my stomach. The cloth goes between my legs for a brief moment and I let out a soft sigh, shuffling my thighs apart.

  He continues to scrub at me but my body wants him back between my legs. Finally he stops, putting the cloth in the jug before standing up. I glance down. His cock is rigid, pointing aggressively towards me. I can’t help staring at it, my mouth open.

  I know he’s about to kiss me. I can sense it. Instead he marches over to the front door and disappears outside again. I limp after him, following him out into the snow and immediately regretting it. I trip and fall into a drift, the burning cold sinking into my still warm skin. I feel his hand on my arm, pulling me upwards once again.


  I WENT OUTSIDE TO PLUNGE my head into the snow. I needed to do something to get control of myself. The sight of her body when I stripped her out of her clothes was bad enough but seeing her face so close to my cock made me want to grab her and force her mouth open, ram myself inside.

  I had stripped her to get her warm. I had got out of my own stinking clothes so I could get clean. When I realised I had an excuse to wash her body, I made the most of it but the sight of her pussy got me so hard I almost sprinted outside. She stared at my cock. She knew what I wanted to do. I could tell.

  I rub snow in my face to try and cool down, hearing her thud into the ground behind me. I turn and there she is, her ass pointing at me. I grab her and pull her upright. She looks at me and I look at her, seeing her shivering again.

  I push her inside and she goes, stopping by the fire and glaring at me with a petulant look on her face. I know swatting her ass would shock that look away.

  I think I’m calmer but seeing her naked and not ashamed makes me hard again in seconds. This time when she looks down I can’t do anything. I am lost in her gaze, my body growling with need.

  “How long do I have to stay here?” she asks.

  “Go now if you want,” I say, stepping away from the door. “You’ll be lost and dead in an hour.”

  She looks at me, as if surprised that I can speak so much in one go.

  “Really?” she asks, glancing at the door and then back at me, her eyes going down to my cock every few seconds. Let her look. I know she’s wondering what it’ll be like for it to be in her. She’ll find out pretty soon. “Maybe I should stay here a while? Where it’s safe.”

  “You’re in danger here too,” I say, taking a step towards her.

  “Am I?” she asks, not backing away. She is still shivering. “What kind of danger?”

  “This kind,” I say, grabbing hold of her and plunging my tongue into her mouth. She doesn’t pull away and I know I’m right. She wants me.

  My cock brushes over her stomach and it makes me tingle, her skin is still cold.

  At first she is tentative, her tongue edging very slowly forwards. Then she grows bolder, her hands running over my chest, her eyes tightly closed.

  I push her down onto her knees, gripping her shoulders so she can’t rise up again. She looks up at me with those big eyes of hers and blinks slowly as my cock brushes her cheek.

  “Open your mouth,” I say and she does, sticking out her tongue. I shove myself in, choking her on my length, my hands on the back of her head, holding her in place. She does a good job considering how rough I am, managing to take gasping breaths as saliva runs down her chin, my shaft throbbing as it passes her lips. She flicks her tongue over the tip when I hold it by her face, eager for me, diving back onto it, owning it, making it hers.

  It suits her to have my cock in her mouth, she looks hotter than ever. If I could have resisted her, the chance has gone, she has captured every last part of me.

  Her cheeks grow redder as I keep thrusting until I feel myself on the verge of coming. I don’t want the first time in who knows how long to be so soon. Pulling out, I watch her fight for breath. I pick her up and lift her onto the tabletop. It’s worn smooth by years of use and she almost slides off. I push her back and she steadies herself with her hands, her chest thrust forwards. I shove her legs apart, staring at her pussy while she pants for breath, not saying a word.

  I lean forwards and take her left nipple into my mouth, running my tongue over it whilst tweaking the right with my finger tips. I listen for the change in her breathing, waiting for the right moment. It comes when she starts to groan. As soon as that happens I kiss my way down, sliding my tongue over her clit, needing to taste how sweet she is.

  It fills my mouth, the flavour of her. Above me, she is crying out. I make her cry louder as I push two fingers into her wetness, watching them vanish into the pink folds of flesh.

  Inside her pussy, I let my fingers explore, seeking out every point they can, driving her wild. I lean in again and play roughly with her clit with my other hand, glancing up to see an expression of, “I can’t believe this is happening,” on her face. The look makes me smile.

  I start to thrust into her pussy, loving the wet sounds it makes as she gets more turned on. She is moaning above me, my cock twitching at the sound. I ache to be in her but first I want to make her come with my hand. Then I decide to tease her. I pull out and lift her to her feet, bending her over, ignoring the pout of frustration as she tries to work out what I’m doing.

  Once she’s leaning over the table I pull her ass cheeks apart and dip my tongue in there, making her gasp loudly. Then I slide my fingers back into her pussy, thrusting faster than before.

  Her clit is rubbing on the edge of the table, my tongue darting around her little secret hole, my fingers a blur as she starts to groan, “I’m going to come. Oh shit, oh shit, keep doing that. Oh fuck, don’t ever stop. That feels so good. Oh shit, keep going.”

  Her words become mumbles as I move faster and I glance down in time to see the contractions of her pussy as she comes around my fingers. Her legs shake and her body writhes in place. She lets out a deep long groan of pleasure as I slide slowly out of her. Now it’s time. I can’t wait any longer. I have to fuck her.


  HE’S SO ROUGH, HE’S LIKE an animal. It’s
nothing I’ve ever experienced before and it’s the greatest thing I’ve ever known. His fingers inside me were enough to make me come faster than I ever have in my life and he’s only just begun with me.

  I know how big his cock is from the way it stretched my jaw so wide. All the time he was licking and playing with me, I was wondering what it would feel like to have it feel me, I felt so empty after his fingers left, I would have done anything he asked.

  But he doesn’t ask anything. He just takes. I don’t need to do anything. I don’t even need to think, I just need to react.

  I react strongly to his tongue on my ass, enjoying something I never thought I would like. He’s only just beginning to show me new things.

  As my orgasm fades, he lifts me up again and carries me over to his bed, a straw filled mattress in the corner, softer than I expected when he drops me onto it. He pounces on me before I can move and without knowing how, his cock is in me. He thrusts forwards in a single motion, propping himself up on his arms as he looks right into my eyes, watching my reaction.

  I don’t care how I look, all I care about is how painfully full I feel. He stretches the inside of me, forcing me wider, allowing him all the way in.

  Once he’s buried in me, he leans down and plunges his tongue into my mouth, kissing me hungrily whilst his hips remain still. I grind against him, seeking the motion I need but he torments me, making me work for my pleasure.

  Then he stops kissing me and at the same moment he lifts my legs at the knees, pulling my hips up, getting deeper still as he starts to thrust. He is not slow. He is faster than I thought possible and I can barely breathe and then all of a sudden he stops again.

  He repeats this over and over. Fast as hell and then no motion at all until I’m crying out for a release. “Beg me,” he growls, knowing what I want.

  “Please let me come,” I say, writhing under him, his fingers lightly brushing my clit. “Please let me, I need to come.”

  “Come,” he says, thrusting faster than ever. Just the word is enough, knowing I have to obey his command. My body responds before I’m even aware of it, feeling his length throb deep in me as a climax hits me more powerful than I thought any could be. It shakes my core, brings spots in front of my eyes, my fingers and toes tingling as it keeps going so long my lungs feel empty, my back in pain from arching so long.


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