The Whore and her Mother: 9/11, Babylon and the Return of the King

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The Whore and her Mother: 9/11, Babylon and the Return of the King Page 22

by Raymond McCullough

  You can also make preparation for the days that are coming. Change your lifestyle, simplify it. Learn to live on much less, not needing the latest fashion, the latest technology. Unfortunately, we are all dependant to some extent upon the exploitation that is capitalism – slave labour in other parts of the world, etc. – but that doesn’t mean we can do nothing!

  If you live in the United States, realise that its days are numbered. Start seeking God for direction as to where to go, and when. Also, make contact with your local Jewish community and learn how to be a blessing to them. They may soon need your help!

  If you live in Canada, or Mexico, there may well be opportunities to help American Jews escape from the USA, when the time comes. This is prophesied, so be ready.

  Finally, we are told to rejoice over the destruction of Babylon:

  Revelation 18:20 Rejoice over her, O heaven! Rejoice, saints and apostles and prophets! God has judged her for the way she treated you.

  This may be a hard one to get your head around right now, but as things develop, it will probably become more clear. We are always inclined to see things from our own human point of view, while only the LORD can see the whole picture.

  A God who would allow evil to continue indefinitely, would not be a God of love – or one that we could easily relate to. He is patient, so that more people may find Him, but ultimately He must judge evil.

  And that judgement will begin with Islam and those nations that seek to destroy Israel, continue with the fall of America and globalisation and then the judgement of the rest of the world. Even so, some will survive into the millennium.

  God is good! His judgements are completely righteous and good! Amen!

  Revelation 22:12 “Look, I am coming soon! My reward is with me, and I will give to each person according to what they have done.

  What do we do now?

  1 If you live in the United States of America, do not disregard the warnings we have emphasised here. Start making some plans – firstly, by seeking God in prayer for His guidance. I can’t tell you what to do, specifically, but He can.

  2 Pray for restrictions on entry to Israel to be lifted, for “Judah no longer to harass Ephraim.”

  3 Start living in the light of these prophecies. If this book does not cause you to seriously re-evaluate your lifestyle and focus then, for you, at any rate, it has failed.

  4 If you do not claim to have any personal relation-ship with Yeshua of Nazareth, take seriously his claim to be the Messiah. Ask the God of Abraham, the Creator, to reveal the truth to you. If you do so in sincerity, He WILL answer you.

  5 Make a list of those people you know, who need a personal relationship with God, through Yeshua, and begin to pray for them. Ask God to highlight three of these to become your ‘VIPs’ – to focus prayer on first.

  6 Meet with a small group of like-minded people to pray for these VIPs and look for opportunities to invite them to join you. ‘Fishers of men’ are not lone anglers, but a team working together.

  7 Watch AND pray! Be aware of what is happening around the world and of how it fulfills the words of the prophets. Be encouraged as you see their words come to pass. He is coming soon!

  8 Do NOT make this book a substitute for the bible! Search the scriptures for yourself to see if these things are true. I can assure you that I do NOT have the last word on the prophets!

  9 Rejoice that God does NOT allow evil to continue on forever, but that he will judge America, Islam, the whole earth! But He will NOT judge those who sincerely put their trust in Him.

  10 “Since everything will be destroyed in this way, what kind of people ought you to be?” (2 Peter 3:10-12)

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  America and globalisation

  America, The Babylon: America's Destiny Foretold in Biblical Prophecy

  R. A. Coombes

  Angels Don’t Play This HAARP

  Jeane Manning, Dr. Nick Bergich

  The Best Democracy Money Can Buy*

  Greg Palast

  Crossing the Rubicon* – The Decline of the American Empire at the End of the Age of Oil

  Michael Ruppert

  Failed States*

  Noam Chomsky

  Falling off the Edge* – Globalisation, World Peace and other Lies

  Alex Perry

  The Grand Chessboard – American Primacy and its Geostrategic Imperatives

  Zbigniew Brzezinski

  The Marketing of Evil*

  David Kupelian

  Nemesis: Last Days of the American Republic

  Chalmers Johnson

  Sins of the Fathers: Healing the Wounds of the Nations*

  Brian Mills, Roger Mitchell

  Stupid White Men

  Michael Moore

  The Victory of Justice*

  Tony Campolo (sociologist)

  Jews and Israelites

  The Biblical Hebrew Origin of the Japanese People

  Joseph Eidelberg

  Discovered: Noah's Ark*

  Ron Wyatt

  DNA and Tradition: The Genetic Link to the Ancient Hebrews*

  Rabbi Yaakov Kleiman

  The Exodus Case

  Dr. Lennart Möller

  Jews in Places You Never Thought Of*

  by Karen Primack

  Scattered Among the Nations*

  Bryan Schwartz


  Is God to Blame?*

  Gregory Boyd

  The Islamic Antichrist – The Shocking Truth about the Real Nature of the Beast

  Joel Richardson

  * Recommended

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  Appendix A

  The prophetic writings about Mega-Babylon (NIV)

  In a separate document I have put together the main passages of the Hebrew prophets which refer to Babylon, and remain unfulfilled until this day. While studying these things myself I found it useful to colour code some of the verses which were common to different prophets.

  So, I have made this document available on our Kingdom Come Trust website at:

  I hope you also will find it useful.

  Keep up with current events

  There will be many signs in the near future of these prophecies being fulfilled, so we will use our KCT website – and also our Facebook page and Twitter updates – to keep you up-to-date with news and developments around the world.

  To keep up with new events which line up with the Hebrew prophecies, go to our ‘The Whore and her Mother’ page on Facebook and click the ‘Like’ button:

  Or you can follow ‘WhorenherMother’ on Twitter:!/WhorenherMother

  Kingdom Come Trust – the author's ministry website:

  For other fiction and non-fiction books published by Precious Oil Publications, and satellite radio, podcasts and other media productions from Precious Oil Productions Ltd., check out our business website:

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  Appendix B

  Note on translations

  We have used the New International Version (NIV) throughout this book. It is a reasonably accurate English translation, whilst also being easy to read. In some passages another translation may have been more helpful and we recommend comparing translations of these prophetic writings.

  Name of God, etc.

  We also had to make a decision regarding the words ‘God’ and ‘Lord’. Initially, we followed the traditional rabbinical Judaism route of writing God as G-d and LORD as L-RD, however, too many people found this confusing and even annoying, so we have kept the names as they are in the NIV translation. There is no intention to cause any offence to Rabbinical Jews.

  Following on from this, another important point is that the Hebrew tetragrammaton, hwhy (‘YHWH’ in
English), is normally replaced in modern Jewish1 use with the Hebrew word, ‘Adonai’, meaning Lord. Christian translators have generally decided to follow this tradition and substitute ‘LORD’ (in capitals) for Yahowah, or Yahweh (different ways of pronouncing the same Name).

  Again, we felt it would cause too much confusion for the majority if we substituted YHWH, or Yahowah – even if that might be more accurate.

  The Hebrew scriptures (even in the New Testament) do advocate that we make known the Name of God. His Name is NOT ‘The Lord’, or ‘Master’ (Baal, in Hebrew), but ‘YHWH’ (pronounced Yahowah, Yehovah, or Yahweh).

  We concede that this is an important distinction, but it is also a side issue, not directly relevant to the purposes of this particular book.

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  About the author:

  Raymond McCullough, from Co. Down, near Belfast, Northern Ireland, has been a professional writer for over twenty years, originally writing a regular series – plus other articles, reviews and reports – for several UK technical magazines.

  From 1990-96 he edited and published the Irish magazine, 'Bread' – releasing his first book, ‘Ireland – now the good news!’ from this in 1995; co-edited by his wife, well-known fiction author Gerry McCullough. His articles have also been published in the Irish Times, Dublin, and the Presbyterian Herald, Belfast.

  In 1993 he hosted a radio show, 'In tha Name a' Gawd!' on 96.7 BCR, in Belfast, which later developed into his current satellite radio show of music, news and faith-based interviews – broadcasting around the world on several satellite networks. From 1996, for seven years, he and Gerry led a cell-based Christian fellowship in the Belfast area.

  Since then he’s been involved in media of all kinds – from web design to podcasting, satellite and internet radio, plus documentary TV production – producing an album of Celtic & Hebrew worship music, 'Into Jerusalem,' in 2005 and a Celtic pop-folk album, 'Different,' in 2008.

  Raymond has researched the subjects in 'The Whore and her Mother' for about forty years, off and on, but the events of 9/11 brought a new focus to his research and a real sense of increasing urgency encouraged him to complete the book in just four months! He felt the subject was too interesting and dramatic to simply be confined to the fairly narrow, evangelical Christian world.

  Since 2008, Raymond has produced and hosted ‘Celtic Roots Radio’ – an iTunes podcast and web station (on Live365) – with around 14,000 downloads per month in well over 100 countries. He also produces and hosts the ‘In tha Name a’ Gawd!’ series and Fresh Bread – broadcasting each week on several satellite radio networks heard in most countries of the world. His 'Kingdom Come Trust' website has hundreds of enthusiastic emails from satellite radio listeners in US, Canada, Australia and the Caribbean.

  Raymond is currently writing a follow-up to 'The Whore and her Mother' entitled, ‘What Kind of People’ – expanding the contents of his last chapter on how we should respond to these prophecies soon being fulfilled. He is recording a new Fresh Bread series based on the book is planning shortly to publish the 'craic' from his Celtic Roots Radio shows as, 'A Wee Bit a' Craic,' and is working on a TV documentary, filmed mainly in Canada, entitled, 'Broken Treaties.'

  More info at:

  1 Until May 1948 the term ‘Palestinian’ was normally applied to Jewish citizens living under the British Mandate. When the State of Israel was declared they then became Israeli citizens and there were only Israelis and Arabs. The citizens of the other 78% of formerly British-mandated Palestine (including the annexed West Bank and East Jerusalem) – although living IN Palestine – preferred to be known as ‘Trans-Jordanians’, later ‘Jordanians’. The term ‘Palestinian’ was adopted by the newly-formed PLO in 1964 and the 6-day War in 1967 turned the Jordanian citizens of the West Bank into ‘Palestinians’.


  1 Human Life International

  2 Israel Today Magazine –

  1 The Telegraph, UK - March 2011 -

  2 The Jerusalem Post -

  1 Michael Rood Ministries: The Real Mount Sinai -


  1 See chapter 6 of Crossing the Rubicon, Michael Ruppert

  1 The Guardian -

  2 Angels Don’t Play This HAARP Jeane Manning, Dr. Nick Bergich (Bibliography)



  1 Assist News Service -

  1 Discovered: Noah's Ark – Ron Wyatt

  1 Split Rock Research Foundation –

  The Exodus Case – Dr. Lennart Möller –

  1 Not all of these events are in strict order and there is some overlap of events.



  1 Many Karaite Jews DO use and pronounce the tetragrammaton, hwhy, for the Name of God.

  Table of Contents



  1 Mega-Babylon – past or present?

  2 A present day world system?

  3 ID of Mega-Babylon revealed

  4 Why trust these Hebrew prophets?

  5 The 2 nd Exodus

  6 Why judge Mega-Babylon?

  7 Get out! Flee! Run for your life!!

  8 The 6-hour war

  9 Riding a ten-horned beast

  10 NEWSFLASH: America is gone!

  11 The man is revealed

  12 The mark of the beast

  13 The Great Tribulation

  14 The mother of all battles

  15 The Return of the King

  16 The ‘heart of stone’ removed

  17 The 1,000 year reign of Messiah

  18 Time for a timeline

  19 The greatest prophet of all

  20 The church must change!

  21 What do we do now?


  Appendix A

  Appendix B

  About the author:




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