Home > Other > WILD RIDE > Page 5

by Jones, Juliette

  Nate was handing out money like it was going out of style, to the receptionist, to the valet, to the suitcase carriers. He checked us in and ordered room service to be delivered to the presidential suite. He wanted champagne, shrimp cocktail on ice and steak sandwiches. Immediately.

  Amazing what money could do. Those receptionists deferred to him like he was some kind of king or millionaire. Maybe he was. A rugged, built, sexy-as-all-get-out one. And one that I was going to be bunking with tonight, along with his equally-gorgeous, highly skilled cousin. I couldn’t help basking in their beauty, as we waited for the elevator to take us to the penthouse suite. And I couldn’t stem the curiosity: would Nate be equally skilled? Or even moreso? Those bronzed, burnished muscles and the way he filled out those worn jeans promised all I could handle. What would he do? What would they do?

  How far would we take it?

  The topic of my separate room didn’t come up. Maybe it was the orgasm, or the way Riley was holding my hand, or the heat in Nate’s blue, darklit glance, but we were all on the same page and well beyond any pretense that tonight wasn’t going to involve at least one more orgasm. And more likely many, many more. I was almost shocked by my private determination: I’m going to use every feminine power I possess to pleasure them beyond all limits.

  What the hell?

  This was a whole new me, God knew that. God might not have approved of the new me, but I could live with that tonight. After all I’d been through and all I’d put up with, I figured I deserved it. God wouldn’t have put two studly cowboys in a red convertible onto Highway 69 just when I’d needed them if it wasn’t meant to be, that’s how I saw it.

  I was going with it.

  We reached the fourteenth floor, and the bellboys carried the suitcases through an open door.

  Holy hell.

  The suite was huge. One entire wall of the expansive main room was glass, overlooking the night lights of Dallas. Sliding doors had been left open, leading to a large balcony that was decorated with spotlit tropical-looking plants. Even with the doors open, the air was cool, like the air-conditioners had been left on high. The coolness would be swept away into the heat of the night, but this was Dallas, after all. People didn’t worry about the environment in this neck of the woods.

  There were two bedrooms, each with its own bathroom. I wondered how it would all pan out, as far as the sleeping arrangements went.

  Or if any sleeping was destined to take place, that is.

  “Not bad, right?” Riley grinned, noticing how wide-eyed I was by all this luxury.

  “Not bad,” I whispered, as one of the waiters popped the cork on the champagne and Nate tipped him. Then the waiters politely took their leave.

  I was glad again for Riley’s lightness. It could have been awkward, the suddenness of this … scene. The unlikely scenario of us, being here together like this. Strangers. Me and them. I think it might have been impossible to feel uncomfortable around Riley. He was full of humor and so relaxed I couldn’t help but follow his lead. “You want to have a swim with us, Lace? There’s a spectacular view from the roof.”

  It was strange how we all felt so familiar, already. I guess orgasms have a way of bringing people together like that. “Roof?”

  “There’s a pool up there,” Nate said. “Come on.” He grabbed the bottle of champagne but didn’t bother with the glasses. At the insistent tug of Riley’s hand, which still held mine, I followed them.

  They were right: the view was outstanding.

  And there was no one else up there. Nate, noticing a lock on the door to the pool area, closed it and locked it. The sound of that lock clicking into place had a strange effect on me. I was alone with them. No one could see us or interrupt us. It seemed almost odd to me that I felt no fear, not a shred of trepidation. Only excitement. I wasn’t afraid of these Texans, not at all. Quite the opposite. They’d shown me only kindness, generosity and, despite the impulsiveness of the scenario, respect. And I intended to respect them right back. I intended to respect them right over the edge.

  Nate took a swig of champagne from the bottle and offered it around. Then, as I watched, he stripped off his jeans and his t-shirt. His body was nothing short of spectacular. Brawny but not overly so. Perfectly sculpted. Muscular but not over the top. Supremely-strong-looking and dark-skinned, like he was part Cherokee or something equally exotic. He wore black, tight-fitting boxer briefs. In the low, flickering light of the open-aired pool area, I could see that his physical perfection extended in every direction, and to every proportion. He was amazingly masculine, and hard. Everywhere. The tight fit of his boxer briefs outlined an example of male endowment that literally made my mouth water.

  I wished I could see him. All of him.

  He dove into the pool.

  “You’re drooling,” Riley teased, elbowing me gently as he watched me watch Nate. It was crazy and beautiful, the way he wasn’t jealous. It was understood: we were all this together, the three of us. We could feel it and we had already accepted that that was the way this – whatever this was – would play out. Riley, clearly, was open to whatever direction I wanted this night to take. “You’ll get some of that, don’t worry. But first, some of this.”

  With that, Riley kissed me again. He tasted of champagne. His lips were soft, his tongue intimate, insistent. His mouth played my own, wetly, and his tongue parted me, entering me in slow, deliberate glides. Like his fingers had. My body remembered. As his tongue played me, my sex began to dew. My ass felt rounded and full. My breasts were soft, wanting and aching as my nipples tightened. I wanted him to bite me there, to suck me and lick me.

  “I’m going to take your dress off. You don’t want to swim in it, do you?” His fingers were at the hem, pulling the cotton away from my hot skin, not waiting for me to answer him. I welcomed the soothing effects of a light breeze on my skin as he tossed my dress onto a chair.

  “Your hair looks white-gold in the darkness,” he whispered. “Your body is so fucking gorgeous, Lacey. You’re the most beautiful girl.”

  His fingers roved, skating lightly across my hips and my stomach. He was teasing me. I was hot, feverishly so. My pussy was silkily wet, and throbbing lightly. I wanted to come again. But not yet. To know that I could, just from the touch of Riley’s fingers, made me feel more womanly than I ever had. I could come and I would, but I could take it slower this time, and bring both of them along for the ride.

  Riley’s fingers circled my nipples, centering, pinching in little tugging pulls. I almost moaned, but his fingers moved. Lower. To my ass. He fondled the round globes, parting them, feeling between, and lower, finding the slippery heat. Exploring me in an incredibly intimate way. Pushing gently into both passages with his fingers, only just. “Damn you’re wet, sweetheart. For a girl who never came before tonight, you sure are a hot little thing,” he murmured into my ear, nibbling my earlobe. “You want it all, don’t you, sugar? You want us both. We’ll give you anything you want. Everything you want. And only what you want.”

  I liked the sound of that.

  His fingers pushed just a little further into me and he began a slow, circular rhythm. I was forced to widen my stance and barely arch my back in answer to his gentle, stealthy invasion. He took my mouth in another scorching kiss as his fingers grew slick and possessive. His fingers curled and prodded and slid. The slow, heat-infused pleasure began to build. So easily. If I’d let him continue, I would have come. But I pulled from him, wanting to wait. For him. For them.

  I stepped away from him, feeling his fingers slip from my body. I wanted to tease him and provoke him. I smiled gently as I walked down the steps of the pool towards Nate, who was leaning against the wall in the far corner of the pool. “Come on,” I said to Riley. “Follow me.”

  Riley pulled off his shirt. Then he unzipped his jeans, smiling at me. “I’m running commando today so get ready to feast your eyes, sweetheart.” He pushed his jeans down to his ankles, kicking them off.

r />   Riley’s body was beautifully athletic. Lithe and tautly muscled. I was riveted by his golden glow and the superb shape of his chest, his flat stomach and lean hips. And that’s not all. He was so aroused his cock was rigid and upright, brushing against his stomach as he moved towards me. The sight of that big, lusty, perfectly-made body swept away any final, wispy reservations I might have once held on to. He caught up to me as I walked down the lower steps of the pool, leaning to draw my nipple into the hot silk of his mouth, biting gently then sucking strongly, once and again. I felt that pull in the throbbing ache between my legs.

  Riley disengaged, playful. He dove into the pool with a dramatic splash.

  I heard Nate chuckling at his cousin’s boisterous behavior. I went in, ducked under the water, and started to swim towards the opposite end of the pool, where Nate was. Riley swam under me in the water and he grabbed on to me gently yet firmly. I laughed and tried to wriggle away from him. I felt the touch of his mouth on my thigh and I gasped. Cal had never done … that. He had only been interested in one thing – and it had nothing to do with my pleasure, only his.

  Riley’s grip was unbreakable. He held my hips and kissed me there, then he licked me, latching onto me, suckling strongly on the lips of my pussy and pushing his tongue into me, which just about blew my mind. The waves started and it was almost too much. I pushed at his head, laughing and gasping and I splashed away from him, trying to evade his sensual mischief. I was so intent on getting out of his reach that I swam right into Nate, bumping against the rock-hard shape of him.

  Oh, God.

  Nate’s body. He was so big. So incredibly powerful. And I could feel the defined shape of his immense erection against my bare stomach. Oh, my God. Hot and wet and fiercely hard. My heart was thudding in my chest, and I felt the strong, glowing pulse of it where his body touched mine. Warm sensation pooled and gathered. A little fire of slick arousal smoldered between my legs. Nate’s touch was the most maddening experience I’d ever had. I felt like, until now – right now – I’d been starved. I wanted to rub myself all over him, to feel more of this magical effect he was having on me. I wanted to eat him and drink him and taste him. To take him into my body.

  Nate was holding onto me. His hands were on my arms. His touch was like nothing I had ever felt on this earth. Just the sheer strength of him was stunningly erotic. His grip, forceful yet controlled, practically hummed with the power of him. He’s so much stronger than you. He could hold you against his body, pin you down, force that big, straining cock deep, deep inside you.

  He gently placed me next to him, where there was a little ledge under the water, like a seat.

  “Fucking idiot,” he mumbled towards Riley, who was now swimming around like a madman. “You all right?”

  The effect of Nate’s touch was more than electric. Something in me had shifted. Some new, freakishly-strong craving had taken over. Like he’d imprinted me with the echo of his heat and I’d never be able to think about anything else until my hunger had somehow been eased. By him, for him, with him. I was almost too awe-struck to answer. “Yes,” I managed. “I’m fine.”

  He was even more good-looking, up close like this. With his dark hair wet and his brown skin jeweled with water-diamonds. His face, without his hat and sunglasses, was striking. Mesmerizing. Violet-blue eyes were rimmed with thick eyelashes. His features were bold and imperfect yet somehow perfectly assembled, from the wide nose to the full, sensuous mouth. He looked like a Greek god, all tanned and sculpted and shimmery in the star-flicked night.

  Nate was watching me watch him, and his gaze was just as intense as my own. He was studying my face. My mouth. His eyes followed the wavy strands of my blond hair, which hung down to barely cover the fullness of my breasts like a wet, lacy veil.

  “You look like a mermaid,” he said softly, and that deep, velvety tone of his voice caused the light pulse of my sex to swell and flutter even more. I felt almost uncomfortably aroused, tingling and hot. Open. “So beautiful,” he said, his voice rasped. Was it possible to come without even being touched? If I’d suffered from a lack of arousal my whole life, I was now having the opposite problem. If Nate were to touch me now, just the lightest, feathery touch, anywhere on my body, I thought I would melt. I was riding a mellow wave that would crash violently, with passionate surges of beauty that would rock my world in directions I’d never gone. I could tell. But I didn’t need to rush. It would happen. It was happening. His gaze was hot and hungry and he was saying something else. “Flawless. The most exquisite vision I’ve ever seen.”

  So the brooding, stoic Nate Walker was a romantic. A sweet-talker. For some reason, I loved this. It was a little unexpected. And God knew I’d never been talked to like this before. Cal’s come-ons had always sounded more crude than sexy.

  Riley was close by. He was floating on his back, looking up at the sky, giving us some time, splashing lightly. The warm current of his movement washed gently around us.

  “You sure about all this?” Nate asked me.

  In fact I’d never been more sure about anything in my whole life. I felt more alive and more feminine than I ever had. I wanted to show him this, to pleasure him with it, with me, to give as I took and felt and basked in the pleasure he was already feeding me – such a strange, amazing feeling. “I’m sure,” I said. But the question cast a wider net around our circumstance. It made me wonder about them, where they’d come from, who they’d left behind.

  I’d suspected, in the past, that Cal might have cheated on me once or maybe more. There was nothing concrete about the evidence. No lipstick on his collar or receipts for dinners out. Cal didn’t do dinner out, first of all. And he mostly wore t-shirts. But I’d had a feeling a couple of times, that something was up. There had been one night when he’d been out late and didn’t come home until the morning. His phone had been turned off. He’d smelled different. He’d seemed different, on some un-pinnable, existential level. Quieter, for a day or two. More guarded. He’d assured me he’d only been drunk and stayed over at a friend’s place so he wouldn’t get DUI’ed. I believed him, mostly. But it was something I wouldn’t have put up with and I told him so. I needed to be able to trust.

  All that barely mattered here and now. But as much fun as I might have been having, I really didn’t want to do that to someone else. I didn’t want to be a wife-stealer or a bit on the side. Anyone who’d stepped into my life this morning might have picked me for a slut or a whore. In actual fact, I was anything but. All through my adolescence and young adulthood I’d been almost too prim and proper for my own good. I’d never even had sex until I was nineteen, even though plenty of boys propositioned me. I’d thought Cal might be different to all those jocks who were only interested in one night stands. It was that offer of stability that had been too good to pass up. Little did I know, stability wasn’t all I thought it was cracked up to be. Not Cal’s version of stability, at least.

  Clearly, I’d chosen this day to step off the deep end of every normal consideration, just once. To live and lust and have fun for once in my goddamn life. Tomorrow I could go back to being neat and good and stable and hard-working. Or at least trying to be. Tonight my wild abandon was a gift to myself.

  But I wondered.

  “You two don’t have sweethearts back in Sugar Land who are sitting at home waiting for you tonight, do you? Checking their cell phones, wondering what you’re up to?” It seemed almost impossible that they didn’t have some sweet little thangs pining for them, or a whole slew of them, all across Texas, crying into their pompoms.

  “Nate’s a –” Riley began in his light-hearted way, but then he caught himself, as though registering that the topic at hand was anything but light-hearted.

  I didn’t push it. We were getting into emotional territory now. Until this point, everything had been purely about the physical.

  “It’s all right,” Nate said. “Go ahead and say what you were going to say, Riley.” But Nate was looking at me, and it was a look
of steadiness, and admission. He was about to be honest with me, I could see that. And, even though we were strangers in the night with nothing between us but a good buzz and a very sexy attraction, I appreciated it.

  “Nate’s a freebird, is what I was going to say,” Riley continued. “As of two weeks ago, when he walked out his girlfriend of two years. As for me, there’s plenty of girls checking their cell phones, wondering what I’ve been up to. But not one of them is expecting me to call. They wish I would, but they know it probably won’t happen. Because I was up front about it from day one.”

  All right, so Nate was a one-woman man on the rebound. And Riley was a free-wheeling playboy. I guess that would work for me. Who was I kidding, I could hardly ask them for their résumés and credit reports, and I hardly wanted to. But I liked that they’d been straight up about what was what.

  “You ever do anything like this before?” I asked them, and my question came out quiet, shy-sounding.

  Trust Riley to forge through any awkward topic like a charging bull. “You mean have we ever been with the same woman?”

  “Uh, … yeah,” I said.

  “Not at the same time.” Riley found the question immensely entertaining. “But were not averse to the idea tonight. We’re young, we’re hot – and we’re rich,” he smiled at me, laughing. “And you, darlin’, are a fucking goddess.” He rolled a little, looking at the sky. “It’s a full moon tonight. And it’s Lacey Callihan’s twenty-first birthday. Let’s roll with it.”

  That made me smile a little. The weight of what we were intending to do settled in around me. It was so crazy, so taboo. But as the cool currents of water caressed my naked body, and as I drank in and savored the outrageous masculine beauty of the two of them, I knew I could trust them. I knew I wanted them, in whatever way they were prepared to give.

  As though sensing my unease, Nate held out the bottle of champagne and I reached for it. But he wouldn’t give it to me. “Let me,” he said, sliding closer. Until his long, muscular thigh was flush against mine.


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