The Arizona State Guard Trilogy

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The Arizona State Guard Trilogy Page 17

by Jeffrey M. Fortney

  Hank Eberle stepped over to the historic chuck wagon bell first brought to Arizona by a young U.S. Cavalry officer during the Civil War. Hank picked up the striker and rang the bell. "Dinnertime! Come and grab a plate!" he shouted. Marion, Teresa, and Ellie Alvarez were helped by a couple of the cow hands in bringing out the vegetables and rolls. Soon, everyone was seated around the patio tables and ready to eat.

  Titus rose and asked everyone to bow their heads. "Lord, we thank you for this time together in fellowship. You have brought us through a tumultuous time and we are gathered her today to thank you for standing by us. Bless this food that it may nourish us that we may do your will. Amen!" The guests echoed, "Amen."

  "Dig in, everyone! There's plenty for everyone," Marion called out. For the next 45 minutes, the quiet sounds of eating, drinking, and the small chatter of dinner conversation. As some of the cow hands finished their meals, they wandered over to one side of the patio, picked up their musical instruments, and began to play soft music for the family and guests.

  As the dinner wound down, Marcus, Teresa, and Templeton wandered the patio picking up empty plates, glasses, and silverware. These they took into the kitchen where they rinsed them before putting them into a large dishwasher. Hank and Marion brought in the final dishes and silverware. Some of the cow hands brought in the leftover foods and helped Marion put everything into plastic food storage tubs.

  Soon, everyone was back on the patio. Titus Roman stepped up onto one of Marion's planters so that all assembled could see him. "I hope everyone enjoyed dinner?" he asked. This was met with rousing applause and cheers! "Does everyone have a drink?" he asked holding up his beer stein. Most folks held up their glasses, bottles, or steins while others quickly picked up something to drink.

  "Ladies and gentleman, thank you for coming here today and being with us! Thanks to Hank and the hands for putting together another fine barbecue and providing our music," Titus said nodding to his foreman and ranch hands. "Thank you, Governor Alvarez, Mr. Liam W. Evanston, and Ernesto and Isabel Cortez for being our special guests! And, of course, thank you to my beautiful wife, our beautiful daughter-in-law, and her husband,..." Laughter rippled through the crowd. "...our son, Marcus, for being wonderful hostesses and host to our assembled friends. Now, I was told before I hopped up here that Teresa wanted to say something. C'mon up here, Teresa, so everyone can see and hear you!" Titus reached down and took his daughter-in-law by the hand and helped her up.

  "Thanks, Dad!" said Teresa. "I want to thank my Abuela Isabel and Abuelo Ernesto for being here today. Many months ago, they were here when I married Marcus and gained a whole new family. For decades, the Cortezes and the Romans have shared a history that our wedding brought even closer. Sadly, a few months back, our hope for a new link between our families was lost. But I'm up here today to share with you...that Marcus and I are expecting a baby!"

  The crowd went wild with cheers, clapping, hugs, handshakes, and kisses. Titus kissed Teresa on the cheek and delicately helped her down from the planter into the waiting arms of her husband!

  Titus lifted his beer stein. "Teresa and Marcus, thank you for sharing that wonderful news with us. I know that we, Isabel, Marion, Ernesto, and I, are so proud of you two! Congratulations! And on that note, please, everyone, mingle, dance, chat, and enjoy the evening! Salud!" Titus brought his stein to his lips and drank deeply.

  "Okay, Cyrano, climb down from the balcony before you fall down," Marion teased her husband. Titus hopped down and, putting one arm around his wife's waist, drew her closer for a kiss. Releasing his wife, he set down his stein and drew his son and daughter-in-law into his arms, giving them each a hug and a kiss. After Isabel and Ernesto congratulated Teresa and Marcus they came over to hug and kiss Titus and Marion as well.

  Ernesto rose to his full height as he faced Titus. "Titus, now our families are truly one!" Titus gripped Ernesto's hand firmly then embraced the older man.

  As the evening wore on, some of the guests left after thanking the Romans for a pleasant time. The ranch hands put away their musical instruments and said their good nights. In time, the party came down to the Romans, the Cortezes, Governor Alvarez, Ken Halsted, Aaron Templeton, Liam W. Evanston, and Hank Eberle. Hank lit a small fire pit to add to the light given off by the citronella torches that had burned throughout the day and evening.

  Marcus looked at Teresa and nodded before rising to speak. "Dad...Abuelo Ernesto, six months ago, Teresa and I set about springing a surprise on you. Sadly, events got in our way...but tonight, with Liam's help, we can complete the surprise. Liam?"

  Evanston rose from his comfortable chair. His two Huskies, contented after a meal of steak, watched him from where they lay. "Titus...Ernesto. I first met Teresa and Marcus at a town hall meeting in Sasabe. As I suspected, they didn't recognize me then BUT, later they did. Knowing you two are big fans of mine, they wanted to surprise you with some signed first editions. Thanks to a mutual friend in Tucson, they were able to pick up the books young Marcus says, events interfered. Fortunately, when they came down to Sasabe to pick up their gear, they were able to bring the books with them. So, from two of my biggest fans...I present you with these!"

  Evanston stepped over and gave each man a copy of his favorite Liam W. Evanston book. He started to turn, then stopped and said, "Now don't read the inscriptions until later tonight! Okay?" He then turned to face Ken, Aaron, and Hank, "Gentlemen, if I had known you were fans as well, I could have brought you autographed copies of your favorites, as well. I've got copies of them at home so what I'll do is sign them when get home and send them to you. Be sure to give me your addresses so I know where to send 'em!"

  As the evening wore on, the conversation turned to politics and current events. Eventually Teresa asked, " the hell did we ever get into this mess?" The patio grew quiet, then Titus, Ken, Aaron, and Hank looked towards Evanston.

  Finally, Titus said, "Liam, you're our resident historical researcher."

  Evanston nodded then responded, "Complacency, my dear, complacency. The Framers of the Constitution designed the United States of America to be a federal constitutional republic with representative democracy. In other words, a federation of sovereign states...bound by a constitution as a republic...where the citizens elect their representatives. Over the centuries, there have been many warnings of the dangers encountered by such governments. Ol' Ben Franklin said we were given a republic, if we could keep it. George Washington warned of the dangers of having two strong political parties. Abraham Lincoln said the United States could never be destroyed by outside forces, only from within. Even, Nikita Khrushchev believed Marxism, communism, and socialism, would bury the United States without a shot being other words, from within." Evanston paused to let that sink in and took a sip from his drink before continuing.

  "Teresa, have you ever heard conservatives called reactionaries? It's because they take the short view, trusting in individual responsibility, the strength of the Constitution, and the basic goodness of humanity, to keep the country running smoothly. They react to problems encountered...instead of creating 'problems' that must then be solved through legislation. That short view has lead to complacency and too many years of letting the Progressives grow unfettered. Progressives, like their Marxist cousins, take the long view of things. They think in terms of decades. Over the past 100 years, they have incrementally gained control of the unions, the media, the educational system, and finally the government." Evanston stepped over to the bar and poured another drink. He looked at the others to ask if anyone else was ready for another. Having no takers, he stepped back to his audience.

  Evanston paused to figure out where he'd left off. "Yes, yes...Americans caused it. The Progressives are experts at dividing people by race, religion, ethnic origin, income, and so on. Then they pitted these groups against one another and championed the 'oppressed' ensuring themselves of voters who think only of their own special little group and not the country as a who
le. And the Conservatives couldn't seem to get on message to stop 'em. Eventually, we reached the point where there were two red, one conservative, one liberal." Liam W. Evanston looked deeply into his glass, his thoughts traipsing through the years. "I never thought I would live to see this happen to my country. Yes, yes, I wrote about it...tried to warn people it could happen...but I thought I'd be dead before it ever happened." He heaved a heavy sigh and grew quiet.

  Marion Roman cleared her throat. "And as one of your state representatives to the Constitutional Convention, we're hoping to restore the Constitution to the forefront of this country, even if we're shy a few states. Maybe, someday, our nation can be restored...but until then, our goal is to ensure the nation our Founding Fathers and the Framers of the Constitution meant for us to have. The new government is coming together slowly in Denver and we're going to have some real national elections soon. And, the U.S. Military Forces are still standing by to protect us against the large, external threats."

  Marcus looked at this father and asked, "So what's next for us then, Dad?"

  "For what?" Titus asked. "Tonight? I plan to have another drink and enjoy the company and the conversation. The near future? Well, thanks to you and others at our border stations, our southern border is now reasonably secure. Thanks to you and others, we've put a major hurt on the cartels that used to operate inside the state. But, there are still a large number of illegals in the include some of Middle Eastern origin who have us worried. The risk of terror attacks is high right all the states, red and blue alike. With our nation split in two, terror groups around the world are having a grand old time. The Islamic Global Caliphate is growing by leaps and bounds and gobbling up territory in Europe and Asia." Everyone nodded. News reports from around the globe were bleak as country after country fell to the IGC.

  "And...we have our own troubles with the so-called Peoples Socialist States of America. Yes, we're reconstituting the United States Government...with a little help from your mother as a delegate. Our military forces have drawn back into the conservative states, stripping the bases in the PSSA's territories. A lot of people have decided they can't live under our Constitution anymore and are moving to states in the PSSA. A lot of conservatives have moved to the USA but lately that has slowed to a trickle."

  Ken Halsted spoke up. "I can provide some insight there. According to agents we have in PSSA states, there is a concerted effort by Carrington and her Peoples Progressive Party to keep any more residents of their states from immigrating to ours. They're losing too many people with critical skills and strong work ethics. It's hurting their economy and starting to make them look bad!"

  Marcus turned to his family's old friend and asked him, "How reliable is this intel?"

  Halsted responded quickly, "It's rock solid. Part of the work on rebuilding our constitutional government has focused on paring down the number of departments and consolidating roles and responsibilities wherever possible. The old CIA and FBI had intelligence and investigative outside the country, the other inside. But they seldom, if ever, cooperated with one another...hence events like 9/11 occurred because intel wasn't shared. The new Central Bureau of Intelligence and Investigation will transcend that problem. And the CBII liaison to the State of Arizona will be none other than yours truly!"

  "So...we've secured our southern border, but now we have a border between Arizona and California that is going to be a problem, right?" Marcus asked.

  Governor Ellie Alvarez answered this time. "Yes! Until reconciliation occurs between the PSSA and the USA...and I wouldn't hold my breath that it ever's us and them. We plan to extend the Border Defense System northward from the Yuma Sector and link up with Nevada. We've already received reports of provocateurs from the PSSA trying to stir up trouble in Arizona and other states. The Arizona State Guard will be deployed across the state tracking down and stopping cartels, illegal immigration, terror attacks, and upholding the laws of the Great State of Arizona!"

  "Which brings us back to my earlier question...what's next?" asked Marcus.

  Major General Titus Augustus Roman looked at his son and subordinate. "Well, we're going to do a little reorganization within the ASGuard. With intel from Ken and company, we're going to go looking for those cartel members, illegals, terrorists, and other criminals who we haven't found...yet. Where possible, the units in each county will take action, much as the Texas Rangers do in that state. When a problem is too big for the county units, then we'll send in a task force...a strike team, so to speak. You, Hebert, Dillon, and your personnel made a great strike team! So...your unit and mission are going to change. How's that sound?"

  Marcus paused for a second before saying, "How soon can we start?"



  Target Terror


  Jeffrey M. Fortney

  Published by Jeffrey M. Fortney

  (Original) Copyright 2015 Jeffrey M. Fortney

  1st Edition License Notes:

  This e-book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This e-book may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this e-book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you're reading this e-book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

  This book is a work of fiction. All of the characters and events portrayed in this book are products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously.


  I have to thank my lovely, Julie, for giving me the time and encouragement to write this new e-novel. Our children and grandchildren deserve my thanks, as well.

  Special thanks go out to Jimmie L. Badgett, friend and mentor, for suggesting I write a murder mystery set in space! Sadly, that project got put on hold while I worked on this story. Jimmie, I owe you a mystery!


  I'd like to dedicate this e-novel to Edgar Rice Burroughs, Lester Dent, Robert Anson Heinlein, G. Harry Stine (Lee Correy), and Travis S. Taylor; five authors of great ability and wisdom. Thank you, gentlemen, for the hours of entertainment and the guidance!


  Elections have consequences. If an un-informed electorate votes for someone who looks hot and sounds cool, instead of considering the depth of each candidate's character AND qualifications, then you won't get the most qualified person for the office.

  A case in point was the 2000 Presidential Election in the United States of America. In some timelines, George W. Bush won the election by a landslide. In others, the Supreme Court had to validate the election results. In still others, Vice President Al Gore won that election. And in yet another reality, Vice President Harold Pierce, avowed Liberal/Progressive, defeated Bush and became the 43rd President of the United States of America.

  Once in office, Pierce implemented a series of social engineering programs and pushed through his party's platform against Human Assisted Global Heating or HAGH (pronounced haf). Pierce was half right, the world was getting hotter...temporarily. But that was part of a natural cycle the world had experienced many times over the billions of years of its existence. Pierce's climate policies proved extremely damaging to the U.S. economy and to support his growing social programs, he and the Progressive-led Congress implemented a series of tax increases that further ravaged the economy.

  The September 11th, 2001 terror attacks upon the United States merely added to the problems the country was experiencing. Tens of thousands were killed in New York City, Chicago, Washington D.C., Seattle, and Los Angeles through the use of hijacked aircraft turned into human-guided missiles. More could have died in the cities of Dallas-Fort Worth and Oklahoma City, if Texas and Oklahoma Air National Guard units hadn't been called upon to shoot down the airliners targeting those cities.

  Pierce's next actions did li
ttle to further endear him to the American people. On September 12th, Pierce declared martial law and implemented a domestic spying program throughout the United States "to protect Muslims and other minorities within the country." He then barricaded himself and his cabinet in the NORAD Command Post under Cheyenne Mountain in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Then he sent formal letters of apology to Muslim nations around the globe for all of the "heinous transgressions" perpetrated by the citizens and government of the United States. Step one in removing the United States from the world stage.

  In 2008, President Harold Pierce, with the help of a heavily Progressive Congress and a fawning media, accepted and "won" a third term in office, citing FDR's precedent of serving three terms during wartime. And wartime it was until 2010, when Islamic Fundamentalists finally stopped focusing so heavily on the United States and turned their attention to the many countries they had infiltrated through immigration and rapid population growth throughout the 20th Century. For decades, the demographics of those nations had shifted in favor of the ever growing populations of Muslim immigrants.

  President Pierce died in the "Mountain White House" in 2011 and his Vice President, Henry Quill, assumed the Presidency. Quill's first act was to move back to Washington D.C. His second act was to choose Sherrill Carrington to serve as his Vice President. Step two in removing the U.S. from the world stage.

  By 2015, the economy of the United States was in ruins. The "official" unemployment rate was listed as 15% while in reality, the true number of unemployed and those no longer seeking employment was closer to 50%. Taxes were high on those who did work...and were going higher every year. The large cities of the East and West Coasts were riddled with crime, drugs, gangs, disease, and homeless people. When possible, conservative Americans moved away from the cities and returned to what was derisively called "Fly-over Country" in the heartland of the country. In those states, men and women could still find honest work and try to support their families.


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