The Arizona State Guard Trilogy

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The Arizona State Guard Trilogy Page 36

by Jeffrey M. Fortney

  "Howdy, major! Caught a slug in my shoulder. I didn't want to evac but one of your medics ordered me to get on this chopper or he'd knock me out and put me on it," Cowen replied with some humor in his voice. "Hurts like hell!"

  "Do you need a painkiller, master sergeant?" Teresa asked.

  "No, ma'am. They've given me half a syrette and I don't want any more. The pain let's me know I'm alive! Abe's gonna bust my ass for getting hit!" replied Cowen.

  The chopper flew on for several minutes before the copilot turned and motioned for Teresa to don an intercom headset. Once the earphones were in place she heard, "Major...we've picked up a call from Lieutenant Colonel Roman's pilot! A jihadist they captured was wearing a suicide vest and detonated it. The colonel is okay but we have one man done and a young woman who is badly injured. They're calling for medevac and it's along our flight path."

  "Let's pick 'em up, then!" Teresa responded. The UH-60 turned slightly and began a quick descent. The pilots flared the chopper expertly and brought it in for a soft landing on a level patch of ground near LTC Roman's position. Teresa and the other medic jumped from the chopper with their backpacks and ran toward the downed personnel.

  Teresa nodded to her husband as she knelt down next to Private Jenna Richards and quickly examined her injuries. The other medic ran over to check on Mokri and the jihadist pilot then walked back to check on Marcus before kneeling down to help Teresa with Richards. Teresa's gaze asked an unspoken question; the medic merely shook her head. There was nothing anyone on Earth could do for MSG Mokri or the pilot.

  Marcus' gaze went to the open door of the medevac helicopter. "Who's injured?"

  "Tobias Cowen took a round to the shoulder," Teresa answered then looked up at her husband with tears in her eyes. "Marcus, the other patient is Temp. He's...he's in bad shape."

  Marcus spun and raced over to the helicopter as fast as he could. Climbing aboard, he looked at MSG Cowen and said, "Tobias...I'm sorry. Abe didn't make it." A look of shock came over Cowen's face then he released his lap belt and, with Private Allen's help, he slid out of the helicopter. Allen followed Cowen as he rushed toward the two bodies lying motionless in the sand. Cowen knelt down next to the bodies and, using his good arm, he rolled the body of his friend off of the dead pilot. There was surprisingly little damage to Mokri's face but Cowen noticed a wound under Abe's chin. A sharp piece of shrapnel must have passed through his jaw up into his brain. Cowen pulled Mokri's body close to his own and bowed his head in tears.

  Marcus turned to look at the wounded form of his friend, Aaron Templeton, lying on the stretcher. As he leaned forward to look closer, Templeton opened one eye and in a weak voice spoke through the oxygen mask.

  "Think I...*cough*...*cough*...fucked up,...colonel."

  Marcus reached over and gently took his friend's hand. "'re too tough an hombre to screw up!" He smiled down at his wounded friend.

  Templeton took a slow, raspy breath. "No...trusted Caldwell...*cough*...back us up. hanging."

  Anger began to boil deep within Lieutenant Colonel Marcus Aurelius Roman. He spoke softly to Templeton. "Ssshh, Temp. Save your strength. We'll be out of here in a few minutes and get you to the doctors."

  Templeton tried to shook his head slightly, an action which caused him to cough even more. "No...not this...*cough*...time. Muh...ti...*cough*...bout done run...out. Proud...real proud...*cough* be...real...real proud*cough*...friend."

  Tears swelled up in Marcus' eyes and ran down his cheeks. "It was an honor to serve with you, Sergeant Major Templeton, and even more of an honor to be your friend."

  Teresa Roman climbed up into the helicopter and knelt next to Templeton and Marcus. Templeton smiled weakly at the young couple. " own! Love you... ...*cough* you both...*cough* my own..." Templeton's eyes closed and his last breath wheezed from his chest. Teresa checked his carotid for a pulse...and found none. She knew there was nothing more she could do for the old soldier. Teresa looked from Templeton to her husband. "I'm sorry, honey. There's nothing more I can do for Temp, but we can save Richards, if we move fast."

  Through his tears, Marcus nodded to his wife. "Let's pull Temp's stretcher out and get Richard's in here. We'll fly Temp and Mokri home in a Chinook." It took only a moment for Marcus and Teresa to release Templeton's stretcher and move it to the ground. Fred Hills and Luella Mingus came up carrying the stretcher bearing Private Richards. They loaded Richards into the medevac helicopter then gasped when they saw Templeton's body.

  The other medic ran up and spoke with Teresa then climbed into the UH-60. Teresa turned to Marcus. "Tobias refuses to come with us. He wants to stay with Abe. Don't be too long. Cowen is going to need surgery soon!" She touched the side of Marcus' face with her fingertips then gave him a quick kiss before climbing into the helicopter.

  Marcus and Hills lifted Templeton's stretcher and carried it away from the medevac helicopter as it lifted off. They carried the stretcher into Hill's CH-47 and set it on the cargo bay floor. Captain Mingus secured the stretcher to the chopper's floor then pulled a first aid kit from one wall. She opened the kit, pulled out a sterile sheet, and draped it carefully over her fallen comrade. She gently touched his face with her finger tips before pulling the sheet over his face.

  Marcus and Hills unlatched another stretcher from along the wall of the Chinook and carried it outside and over to where Tobias Cowen mourned his friend. While Hills prepared the stretcher, Marcus stepped over to Cowen and placed a hand gently on the back of the man's head. "Tobias...we need to get you to the hospital. Help us put Abe on this stretcher and carry him to Frodo's Chinook. Okay? Come on,'s time to take Abe home."

  He waited for Cowen to nod before kneeling down and placing his hands under Mokri's shoulders. Captain Mingus joined them and helped the men lift the Mokri's body and place it on the stretcher. Mingus strapped the body to the stretcher then draped another sterile sheet over it. Captain Hills and Private Allen carried the stretcher while Marcus and Luella Mingus helped Cowen back to the Chinook.

  Once Cowen was seated, Marcus left the Chinook to walk over to Major Henley's AH-64. Henley was wiping tears from her face as Marcus stepped up to her. "I'm sorry, sir," she said. "The sergeant major and Abe were two of our best!"

  "Yes, Melissa," Marcus began, "they certainly were! No time for tears now. I need you to take charge here. I'm going back to HQ with Cowen, Templeton, and Mokri. I need to report to the general." Major Melissa Henley saluted her commanding officer then watched as he walked back to the CH-47 Chinook, his head down.

  Marcus walked up the ramp and past the two covered stretchers as he made his way toward the cockpit area. Captains Hills and Mingus were belted in their seats waiting for his order. "Take us home," said Marcus softly. He turned and stepped over to his usual seat. As he belted in, Private Allen came over. "Allen, what happened? How did Sergeant Major Templeton get hit?"

  "Sir, we were going after some of the jihadists in that bunker of theirs," Allen began. "The sergeant major ordered that CBII agent...Caldwell and his cover us as we entered a large room to clear them out. We entered but Caldwell and the other assholes left us hanging while they went deeper into the bunker."

  The anger boiling within Marcus over the loss of his old friend now threatened to erupt. Roman struggled to maintain control. Finally, he told Allen, "Thank you, trooper. Thank you." Allen walked across the cargo bay to the other side of the helicopter and took a seat.

  Chapter 18

  July 4th

  ASGuard HQ

  Phoenix, AZ

  The CH-47 carrying Marcus, Cowen, Allen, Hills, Mingus, and the bodies of the two fallen ASGuard troopers landed at ASGuard Headquarters approximately 30 minutes later. Marcus accompanied Cowen and their fallen comrades to the Medical Center before going to headquarters and reporting to his father. General Roman was pleased to see his son return safely. The general expressed his regr
ets to Marcus for the loss of his friends and asked about Cowen and Richards.

  Marcus gave his report then asked to return to the battle. General Roman shook his head and told him to stand down. The battle was winding down and Colonel Dixon had the mission well in hand. Titus Roman placed a hand on his son's shoulder. "Marcus, go get cleaned up then check on Cowen and Richards." Marcus nodded and left his father's office.

  By 1600 hours that afternoon, the Battle of Omega Compound was over. Of 309 jihadists known to have been in the terrorist camp, 232 were captured and 67 were dead. A few had escaped capture and were still being sought, most notably Abdul Aziz Mohammed Al Zahrani and Mustafa Muhammad Al-Fakeeh. Casualties among the hundreds of Arizona State Guard and Combined Bureau of Intelligence and Investigation (CBII) personnel were light. Four ASGuard troopers had been killed and 19 had been wounded. Two CBII agents were dead and five had been wounded.

  With the battle over and the captives searched thoroughly, they were being flown or driven to ASGuard Headquarters for detention and interrogation. General Roman called a meeting for 1900 hours that evening. Marcus arrived in the briefing theater at 1845 hours. He stepped over to his father and CBII Special Agent-in-Charge Ken Halsted and brought them up to date on Cowen and Richards' conditions. Both were out of danger and would make it. Having made his report, Marcus tried to find a quiet spot in the room. Some personnel stepped over to offer their condolences on the deaths of Templeton and Mokri. Most recognized that Marcus wanted to be left alone and honored his wish.

  More personnel began to file into the room and make their way to seats. Suddenly, the normal pre-meeting babble died away as CBII Agent Phil Caldwell entered the room. In his usual egotistical manner he called out, "Hail the returning heroes!"

  Before anyone else could move, Marcus bolted from his chair and raced across the room. Caldwell turned just as Marcus slammed into him, carrying both men to the floor. The CBII agent tried to roll and throw Marcus off but the ASGuard officer held tight. "You son of a BITCH!" Marcus yelled as his left hand tightened around Caldwell's throat and he drew his right arm back. His right fist shot forward, smashing into Caldwell's face once...twice... Others leaped forward to pull Marcus off of Caldwell but he shook off their grasping hands and struck Caldwell again and again. "You filthy son of a bitch! Too busy on your own glory hunt to help others! You left Temp! You didn't back him up, you fucking glory hound!" Marcus' fist struck again and again and again.

  By the time Marcus could be pulled from Caldwell, the man's face was a bloody pulp and the knuckles of Marcus' right hand were ripped, torn, and bleeding. Marcus looked up to see General Roman and Halsted standing there. Marcus turned to look at Halsted, who had been a friend for many years, and said, "Halsted, if I ever see that son of a bitch again, I will kill him on the spot! Do you hear me?" Then he turned to face his father. "General, I surrender myself for disciplinary action," he said looking directly into his father's eyes.

  General Roman spoke quietly with two of his officers and they stepped forward until one was on each side of Marcus. Physically and emotionally drained, Marcus allowed the two officers to lead him from the room. By the time he took notice of his surroundings, he was surprised to find himself in the medical center and not the detention center. Teresa Roman quickly led him to an examination room and closed the door.

  Teresa put her arms around her husband and her head against his chest. Marcus put his arms around her and rested his head against hers. Tears flowed freely from their eyes and down their cheeks as they mourned their fallen friends.


  July 11th

  Phoenix, AZ

  The funerals of Sergeant Major Aaron Templeton, Master Sergeant Ebrihim Mokri, and two other Arizona State Guard personnel were held one week after the attack on the jihadist camp. Arizona State Governor Eleanor Alvarez and General Titus Augustus Roman opened the ceremonies, chaplains spoke words about eternal glory for each of the fallen, members of the ASGuard came forward to speak of their friends, and family and friends wept together. All too soon, the speeches were finished; Arizona flags were removed from the caskets, folded, and presented to family members with words of appreciation and solace; the traditional rifle volleys were fired; then the soft, mournful notes of Taps echoed across the cemetery.

  The attendees slowly filed past each casket, some stopping momentary to speak or lay something upon the casket, others to say a silent prayer for the one inside. Then they began to leaves in one and twos and small groups. Eventually, the cemetery was empty of the living save for those whose solemn duty it was to see the departed to their final rest.


  That evening, a wake was held for the fallen ASGuard members in the organization's All-Ranks Club. Personnel came and went as was their want. Special guests in attendance that evening included Governor Alvarez, Ken Halsted, and noted author Liam W. Evanston. As the night wore on, many attendees left until only a few remained. The group remaining included Titus Roman and his wife, Marion; Marcus, Teresa, and little Julian who was sleeping peacefully in his mother's arms, Tobias Cowen, Ellie Alvarez, Ken Halsted, and Liam W. Evanston.

  Halsted looked at the others. "Thanks for letting me attend today's ceremonies. I know my agency is kind of persona non grata around here right now."

  Titus looked at his old friend, then his son, then back to his friend. "Ken, you've been a part of our family for a long time. You didn't cause the rift between the CBII and the ASGuard and you've already taken steps to resolve the problem. You are always welcome here!"

  Halsted looked around the table and saw everyone nodding their agreement...including Marcus. He smiled in return and said, "Well, a person who shall remain nameless was severely disciplined by the agency, then promptly resigned. No loss! And on a side note, the agency is going to change its name. The Combined Bureau of Intelligence and Investigation is too much of a mouthful...and so is the acronym. We're bouncing ideas around. I'll keep you posted." He looked deep into his drink for a moment then raised his glass and drank deeply.

  "Well, I for one am glad I wasn't put up on charges and court martialed for beating the shit out of that nameless person," said Marcus looking at his still-bandaged right hand. "Temp deserved better than me trying to exact revenge and destroying my career in the process."

  Tobias Cowen's comm unit chimed. He excused himself and left the room saying he would return shortly. And return he did several minutes later pushing a wheelchair. In the chair sat Private Jenna Richards, still healing from her wounds under the care of the ASGuard's medical personnel.

  "Jenna wanted to be at the funerals today but they wouldn't let her out of the med center. I promised her I'd bring her here to the wake. Got a friend in the med center who let me slip her past their security!" said Cowen smiling.

  The group continued sharing stories about their fallen friends for some time. Liam W. Evanston, who had remained uncharacteristically silent most of the evening, finally spoke.

  "You know, I got to meet you kind folks after you helped with that ruckus down along the border. Over the months, I've grown to know each of you much better and spent many hours listening to your tales of daring-do. I didn't know the other ASGuard troopers as well as I knew Temp and Abe but, my God, those three men and one woman were damn fine people," he said gently. "Marcus, I don't know if you knew it or not, but Temp once told me that before he met you, he'd been thinking of getting out of the military?" Marcus' quizzical look told the author that the young officer had never heard the story.

  Liam smiled before continuing. "Yes, Temp told me that he was putting his retirement paperwork together when he was asked to look after a new young second lieutenant fresh out of Special Forces training. He said that he immediately saw something different about you...something he'd rarely seen in other officers. He used the Old Noncoms' Network to find out as much about you as he could. Seems that particular intel network had a full dossier on you and your family! Temp realized the potential in you long before many of you
r commanding officers did...and held off putting in for retirement. He told me that serving with you was the highlight of his long career." Evanston raised his glass and said, "To Temp!" The others answered the toast!

  Evanston paused for a moment before continuing. "The first time I met Abe Mokri, he and Tobias here were having one of their usual 'brotherly' arguments about something or other during that field exercise you invited me to last Fall. I watched them bicker and bitch back and forth for several moments. Then they stopped, looked at each other, and began laughing. I invited myself to eat lunch with them by plopping down next to them under a tree." Evanston took a sip of his drink and let him mind wander back to that moment.

  "Tobias, you and Abe proved to me that peace between Arabs and Jews is possible! That peace could exist between the multi-great grandsons and granddaughters of Abraham," he said seriously.

  A puzzled look appeared on Jenna Richards face. She looked at Evanston and asked, "Grandsons and granddaughters of Abraham, Mr. Evanston?"

  "Yes, indeed, young lady!" replied Evanston. He paused a moment to toss some snack food to the two beautiful Siberian Huskies curled up at his feet. The dogs snapped the snacks out of the air without rising from the floor. "About three millennia ago, the people of the Middle East were basically one people...Aramaic, if I recall properly. One of their great prophets was a man we now call Abraham..."

  " the old languages," added Tobias Cowen.

  Liam W. Evanston smiled and nodded at Cowen before continuing with his story. "Now old...Abram...had a problem. As a prophet, he spoke with God...and God had told him that he would be the 'father of nations'. Well, Sarai...or Sarah, as we call her nowadays...was Abram's wife and she and Abram were kids! So, Sarai encouraged Abram to take her handmaiden, Hagar, as his consort to give him children. Well, to keep the story short..."


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