The Arizona State Guard Trilogy

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The Arizona State Guard Trilogy Page 40

by Jeffrey M. Fortney

  Once she was alone, Carrington spoke again to her caller. "I apologize for the delay, Mahmud."

  "Think nothing of it. That we speak as equals demonstrates my appreciation of your sincere willingness to reach out to me and to bring our two peoples closer. I am merely calling you to tell you how pleased I am that you have sought me out to assist you in putting down this rebellion in your midst. I am sending one of my most trusted men to aid you in building your army in order to defeat the capitalist infidels who curse you. My man should land at your People's International Airport at 8:00 a.m. your time on the 4th of September. I assured him that you would open your palace to meet with him to formalize our agreement," the mysterious caller said.

  "Of course, Mahmud, of course! I'll send my Presidential Guard and People's Police to provide an escort and shall have one of my official limousines bring him to my palace," Carrington purred into the telephone. Carrington's sexual tastes varied widely and there was something about Middle Eastern men that she found to be exotic...and enticing. I bet he'd be a great lay, she thought. I think I need to invite him to The District one day! With the Progressive's takeover of the old U.S. Government, they had begun the process of erasing the names of the famous Founding Fathers from buildings, cities, and other locations across the People's Socialist States of America.

  "My thanks be unto you, Sherrill," the Caliph said to her. "I assured my lieutenant, Abdul Aziz Mohammed Al Zahrani, that you would be most welcoming. Know that Abdul Aziz speaks with my voice in our negotiations and holds my deepest trust and respect."

  Carrington paused for just a moment before replying, "Excellent, Mahmud! I look forward to welcoming Mr. Al Zahrani to my palace. Perhaps, one day, I may welcome you to the palace, as well?" That last part was delivered with breathless sexual anticipation.

  A gentle chuckle came through Carrington's receiver, "I would like that very much, my dear! Oh, pardon me, if I have become too forward, Madame President."

  Carrington felt a sexual thrill pass through her body. "There is nothing to forgive, Mahmud. I look forward to our meeting one day."

  "As do I! Until next we speak, good night, Sherrill," said Mahmud.

  "Good night, Mahmud. Until next time," President Sherrill Carrington said with an expectant sigh in her voice as she hung up the receiver.


  The Palace of the Caliph

  Mecca, Arabia

  Half way around the world, Caliph Mahmud Muhammed Suleyman placed his ornate telephone receiver back in its cradle. A smile played across his face. A smile that one of Suleyman's former enemies had once said 'made the caliph look like a smiling cobra, full of venom and ready to spit and bite'. Of course, that former enemy had said it exactly once...just before he was tortured and killed by the caliph's secret police. The man's head rested on a pike for 2 months at the main gate of the Caliph's Palace just to remind everyone of the penalty for insulting the caliph...such being the law in the Islamic Global Caliphate.

  Caliph Mahmud Muhammed Suleyman pressed a button on his ornate desk and a moment later two men entered the massive room. Both bowed before their caliph, only approaching him when Suleyman waved them closer. They dropped to one knee at his feet.

  "Rise, my faithfuls, rise!" said the caliph. "I have good news for you! I have arranged for you to travel to the People's Socialist States of America to meet with their president in her so-called 'People's Palace'. "

  "As you wish, my caliph," said the taller, older man, Abdul Aziz Mohammed Al Zahrani, a multi-billionaire from Saudi Arabia, a cold-hearted terrorist, and one of Suleyman's most trusted agents. Next to him knelt Mustafa Muhammad Al-Fakeeh, Al Zahrani's chief lieutenant. It was Al-Fakeeh who had helped Al Zahrani evade capture at the terror camp near Kingman, Arizona, three years before. And it was Al-Fakeeh and his Mexican drug cartel contacts who smuggled the two men from the new United States into Mexico!

  "I do indeed wish this. And more, Abdul Aziz. This Carrington woman, like others of her political ilk, are utopians. Treat them with kindness, stroke their fragile egos, and lie to them as you must, and they shall only see the 'good' in you and our plan...and never once suspect that we are lying to them! They will act like sheep being led peacefully to the slaughter never once seeing the wolves that shall kill them."

  "Yes, my caliph!" responded Al Zahrani.

  "Work your wiles upon this one, Abdul Aziz, as you have so many other women around the world. Bed her if you must, I give you leave to do so to further your mission. We want her to invite our warriors onto American soil...many thousands of our warriors...the pretense of which is to aid her upcoming battle with the Americans of the new United States. Tell her that these personnel will help them revive their economy, do those jobs Americans no longer wish to do, and, of course, fight her enemies for her."

  "It shall be done, sire!"

  "I am sending Carrington your credentials and those of young Al-Fakeeh here as my ministers to her government. Know that you speak with my voice and that I trust in you to carry our caliphate to the land of the American infidels. See my private secretary for your travel documents, credentials, and finances."

  "Thank you, my caliph!" said Al Zahrani.

  "Then you are dismissed for now. Review your mission briefing and we shall meet again before you depart. May Allah smile upon you in your mission, Abdul Aziz and Mustafa Muhammad!"

  The two lesser men half rose, bowed, back up several paces, then bowed again. The doors to the caliph's office opened and the two men backed from the chamber.


  The New White House

  Denver, CO

  President Katherine McPheron dismissed her private secretary and took a moment to call her husband in the Presidential Residence to let him know that she would be a little late for dinner. After hanging up the phone, she pressed the fingers of her left hand on the fingerprint scanner on the front of the lower left drawer of her desk. The desk’s security system scanned her fingerprints and, recognizing her, unlocked the drawer.

  McPheron pulled four red colored folders from the drawer. All four were marked 'Ultra Top Secret' in vivid white on the front and back of the blood red covers. She scanned the documents in the first folder, a single page daily update on Project Foothold, then ran the folder and document through the shredder beneath the desk. No physical records existed anywhere regarding the project...and she intended to keep it that way.

  The second folder held a recent joint report from the National Security Agency, the Combined Bureau of Intelligence and Investigation, and the Defense Intelligence Agency. The CBII was the result of merging the old Central Intelligence Agency and the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Following the collapse of the old United States, the new U.S. Government combined and streamlined many agencies and disbanded many others.

  This report provided an update on the actions of the Islamic Global Caliphate. “Suleyman is ingratiating himself with Carrington and that oversexed loon is too damn stupid to see he's going to use her to infiltrate the PSSA”, said McPheron to herself softly.

  The second part of the report described the unrest growing in the cities of the PSSA, cesspools of socialist administrations going back for decades. Those cities had people piled on top of people; people who were utterly dependent on each city's government, and yet contemptuous of those agencies whose jobs were to keep the peace and maintain safety in the cities! Violence begat violence in those cities and the people were becoming little better than barbarians within the gates of the cities; each city had become a cauldron of hate and envy ready to boil over.

  McPheron made herself a note to contact the director of the CBII and have the agency get the pertinent information out to each state's chief executive, emergency managers, and national and state guard commanders.

  The next folder held an update on the release of recovered Defense Advanced Research Projects Administration (DARPA) discoveries to the civilian sector. Advances in hydrogen powered vehicles, hydrogen production systems,
molecular fabrication technologies, and even cold fusion power generation systems were now in the hands of U.S. corporations, spurring rapid economic growth.

  The introduction of the DARPA discoveries were readily embraced by American industries and were bringing about a push for new energy independence programs across the country. The U.S. still needed petroleum for a million and one uses, but cars and trucks could now run on hydrogen!

  Abolishing the old, complicated tax codes and implementation of a fair national consumption tax had revitalized the business sector. This, in turn, led to the creation of new infrastructure, new products, jobs!

  The final folder's report was on the hardening of U.S. assets, military and civilian, against the possibility of an electromagnetic pulse attack. An EMP involved the detonation of a nuclear weapon high in the atmosphere. The resulting electromagnetic discharge would hit the power systems and digital components below like a massive overload; shorting them out. Modern electronic devices not hardened against an EMP would become fried and no longer work.

  Through a variety of techniques and materials, such sensitive equipment could be shielded or hardened from an EMP. According to the report, significant progress had been made in shielding the U.S. power generation and distribution systems, military assets, and many civilian communications and transportation systems. The work was continuing at a tremendous pace thanks in part to some of the recovered DARPA assets.

  She finished reading the last report, initialed the front right corner of the first page then placed it, along with the two other reports, back in the security drawer and closed the drawer, locking it. Well, she thought, tomorrow is another day!

  McPheron rose stiffly to her feet. The back injury she had received as a prisoner of North Korean soldiers years before still gave her fits of pain and stiffness. Her doctor insisted she use a cane but she didn't listen to him. The streak of stubbornness that had helped make her an excellent United States Air Force pilot and command officer came back to haunt her from time to time. She hooked the cane over her arm then walked slowly and deliberately to the doorway where she shut off the lights before leaving the room.

  Chapter 3

  September 4th

  The People's Airport

  The District

  President Sherrill Carrington sat inside the Presidential limousine on an isolated ramp of the People's Airport (formerly Ronald Reagan Washington International Airport). She had chosen to meet the Caliph's representative personally upon his arrival in the hopes of showing Caliph Mahmud Muhammed Suleyman that she was indeed very interested in their agreement…and the potential for a future meeting with the caliph in person someday. Presidential Guard (formerly Secret Service) personnel ringed the limousine and the ramp area. Four helicopters were in the air, orbiting the airport to protect the life of the all-important President of the People's Socialist States of America.

  A jet landed and taxied to the ramp where it was directed into its parking position near a red carpet laid out towards the limo. Once the aircraft came to a halt, a set of air stairs was driven into position and raised to the aircraft's primary doorway. Twenty five PSSA elite military troopers in dress black uniform marched from a nearby hangar and positioned themselves along both sides of the carpet as an honor guard.

  President Carrington stepped from her limo and stood business-like, awaiting her guest and his entourage. The aircraft’s door opened and a tall man with dark hair and complexion stepped from the aircraft. His eyes scanned the area around the aircraft carefully. Once satisfied, he reentered the plane only to reemerge a moment later escorting a tall, slender, grey haired man with dusky colored skin. Carrington could feel an aura of power and controlled danger that was exuded from these men; even though they were still many paces away.

  Abdul Aziz Mohammed Al Zahrani and his chief lieutenant and hatchet man, Mustafa Muhammad Al-Fakeeh, descended the ceremonial stairs from the aircraft to the tarmac and the red carpet that awaited. Both men thought it most symbolic that the carpet was the same shade as the blood they knew would be spilled when the Caliph's plan unfolded in the land of the infidels.

  Al Zahrani saw Carrington waiting for him at the far end of the red carpet. She was easy to recognize: tall, thickly built, and rather plain-looking despite the Western habit of wearing too much make up. He noticed that she dressed in a long, plain black dress. Perhaps she thought to honor me by not wearing more Western-style apparel, Al Zahrani thought. A shame she wears no veil. day. Or not!

  The two Arabs and their staff members walked the red carpet until they stood within arms distance of President Carrington. Al Zahrani tilted his head slightly, not a bow but an acknowledgment of Carrington’s position of power. Carrington stepped forward offering her hand to the Arab. Al-Fakeeh stiffened ever so slightly at the dishonor to his chieftain but did not move further or cry out. Al Zahrani had carefully briefed him on what to expect.

  Al Zahrani took Carrington's proffered hand gently, shook it once, then bowed slightly while raising her hand to his lips to kiss it. All the while, Al Zahrani kept his eyes locked on Carrington's. Yes! There it is! The flicker of sexual excitement so common in oversexed women such as this one, thought the Arab.

  "Amir Abdul Aziz Mohammed Al Zahrani, I welcome you to the People's Socialist States of America," Carrington said, blushing and smiling at the same time. "It is my fervent hope that our meetings together will form a bond between the peoples of the PSSA and the Islamic Global Caliphate."

  Al Zahrani nodded again then said, "Madame President, on behalf of Caliph Mahmud Muhammed Suleyman, peace be unto him, my staff and I thank you for your kind welcome. The Caliph, may Allah bless him, wishes our peoples to share in the glory of Allah."

  With that, both parties introduced their entourages. With that taken care of, Carrington invited Al Zahrani to dine that evening at the People's Palace. A suave businessman, as well as a cold-hearted terrorist, Al Zahrani accepted in a most charming manner. With that, each group walked to their waiting limousines and were whisked off to their quarters.

  The hotel that had been selected to house Al Zahrani and his staff temporarily until a formal embassy could be arranged was one of the oldest and grandest hotels within the former Washington, D.C. metropolitan area. The caliph had spared no expense, reserving the top two floors for Al Zahrani and his personnel. Of course, when the money being used had been taken from the dead and the enslaved, it was much easier to spend.

  Upon arriving in their suites, Al-Fakeeh and his team carefully swept each room for surveillance devices. Soon both floors had been searched, numerous video and audio devices had been found and neutralized, and countermeasures had been set up in the event that Al-Fakeeh's team had missed anything.

  The next few hours were spent by Al Zahrani and his staff in setting up a number of offices in the lower floor to use as their temporary embassy. The hotel management and staff, encouraged by the large amount of money being given to them by the caliph, worked quickly to meet their new guests every request. V


  The People's Palace

  The District

  Several hours later, with the private dinner complete, President Carrington sat near Al Zahrani on a sofa in the Oval Office. Al Zahrani noticed that the decor of the famous room had changed greatly in recent years. Photos and videos of the Oval Office from decades past had shown the influence of two centuries of United States history.

  The room no longer reflected that history. Gone were paintings of George Washington and Abraham Lincoln, statutes of famous Americans or Western motifs. The walls were painted a pale yellow. The drapes were a deep red, as was the carpet. The familiar Seal of the President of the United States was gone; replaced by another symbol...the yellow hammer and sickle associated with Marxist Communism. Paintings and busts of Marx, Lenin, Stalin, and Mao now decorated the room

  "Madame President, the Caliph has explained to me the problems you face on your continent," Al Zahrani began. "Rig
ht-wing separatists who have stolen your most productive and mineral-rich lands and who openly oppose your government. And radical dissidents within your borders who wish to escape your government's beneficent rule. The Caliph has sent me here to inform you that he is willing to offer his assistance to you and your government in the reunification of your nation...under your control, of course."

  Carrington smiled at Al Zahrani and said, " Caliph is most generous! I do indeed appreciate his friendship and his warm offer to assist the legitimate government of the People's Socialist States in regaining control over all of our territory. What exactly, Ambassador Al Zahrani, is the Caliph willing to offer?"

  "Madame President, please, call me Abdul. The Caliph wishes for you and me, as his spokesman to you, to be on the best of terms," said Al Zahrani, laying on all the charm and sex appeal that was part of his repertoire. In many times over the decades, Al Zahrani had employed these attributes, both as a wealthy businessman and as a terrorist to work his way upon women.

  "Why, of course, Abdul...please, call me Sherrill!" Carrington positively cooed. "Madame President is for the masses. Here at the Palace, we are just friends."

  "Very well, Sherrill it is," Al Zahrani said with a pleasant smile. "Caliph Mahmud Muhammed Suleyman has told me to offer to you as many of our loyal soldiers, workers, and as much of our military materials and equipment as you feel you might need to put down your...insurrection, shall we say? We have sufficient ships and aircraft to begin moving personnel and equipment to both your Eastern and Western Coasts within the month."

  Carrington's eyes lit up with the thought of having seasoned battle-trained troops and weapons to launch an attack upon the United States. During the breakup of the old U.S., most of the old military forces and their resources had fallen in line with the government of the new United States. Given that many of her own people abhorred both guns and violence, Carrington knew she would need troops with a proven desire to fight.


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