Blue Roses (Reunited Series)

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Blue Roses (Reunited Series) Page 7

by Sharon C. Cooper

  After waiting outside the door with no response, she turned the doorknob to find it unlocked. Glancing down the long hallway she heard Skylar coming up the stairs so she eased into the room. “Tyler,” she called out just above a whisper as she closed the door behind her.

  When she walked farther into the room, she saw him stretched out on the bed asleep. Her brain screamed for her to walk back out, but an irresistible pull drew her closer to his side.

  His half-naked body looked ethereal, like a sculpted masterpiece under the moonlight that seeped through the window. She studied his sleeping face before she allowed her gaze to travel to his solid muscular chest. No doubt he still worked out faithfully.

  She forced her eyes back up to his face and had a sudden urge to touch him; to trace the sharp angles of his jaw like she had often done when they were dating. We were once so good together. Sure they’d had their heated disagreements, but making up had always made it worthwhile.

  She turned to leave. “Dallas.” At first she thought he might’ve been talking in his sleep, but she turned to find his concerted gaze on her. And she knew slipping into his room hadn’t been one of her better decisions.

  “Are you okay?” he asked, his voice husky from sleep. He rose up on his elbow. “Did you need something?” He sat all the way up and threw his long legs over the side of the bed.

  Momentarily speechless, her gaze dropped from his eyes, to his wide shoulders down to his remarkable chest. Sitting up, he looked even more delicious. She had heard people talk about their mouths going dry, but this might’ve been the first time she’d experienced it. Her gaze drifted to the tight muscles that made up his six-pack. She appreciated how his narrow waist led to … dear God, I have to get out of here.

  Tyler stood and grabbed her by the elbow. “Wait. What’s wrong? You look like you’re about to pass out. Come and sit down.”

  She shook her head and gulped. “Uh, I’m fine,” she said and readjusted her crutches. “I wanted to talk, but you’re tired. I’ll go.”

  “Okay, but first sit down.” He helped her to the bed, though she knew it was a bad idea. “Do you want some water or something?” She shook her head no. “Well, if you’re worried about some idiot getting to you, don’t be. I’m not gonna let that happen. You’ll be safe here.”

  Yeah, but who’s going to keep me safe from you. She tried to stifle the strong current that raced through her body. She needed to say what she had to say and get the heck out of there. But each time she tried to open her mouth her eyes helplessly strayed to his flawless body. She ached to run her fingers over his perfectly defined chest. Goodness, was he this buffed when we were dating? To just touch him—”


  “Huh?” She shook her head. “I’m sorry, did you say something?”

  “I guess I’m not the only one who’s tired,” Tyler chuckled. “You said you wanted to talk.”

  “That’s right … I did. I said some things the other day that I didn’t mean, and I apologize. Yes, I was mad at you, but I know you only had my best interest in mind.”

  “I did, but that’s no excuse. I’m sorry I called your job stupid. I know how important it is to you, and I didn’t mean to hurt you.”

  Dallas heard the sincerity in his sleep-filled voice and felt her insides melt. But when his finger traveled gently down her cheek, she knew she was a goner.


  Tyler felt Dallas shiver under his touch but didn’t let it stop him from taking what he wanted. He leaned down and placed his lips over hers. Before today, it had been a long time since he held her this close. Shocked by her eager response, their slow, tender kiss quickly turned into one that reminded him of the passion they once shared. No woman had ever gotten him so aroused so fast.

  He wanted more. Lifting her, he placed her further onto the bed, and eased her back then covered her body with his. He stared down at her, admiring her doe-like eyes and baby smooth skin. Abruptly, his head lowered and captured her kissable lips again. Divine ecstasy flowed through his veins when she wrapped her arms around his neck, causing him to deepen the connection.

  A whimper slipped through her lips as his hand explored the soft path down her taut stomach and over her tempting hips. He loved the way her tantalizing body twisted beneath his touch, revealing her need for more.

  He recaptured her lips and a forest fire of desire swept through him. Her mouth was as voracious and as greedy as his, her hands as daring. She shifted and he groaned when she grabbed his butt and pulled him closer, revealing his arousal.

  “Ty,” she called out breathlessly.

  “Yeah, baby,” he said, and trailed kisses down her long, graceful neck. He loved it when she called him Ty, which usually only happened during their most passionate moments.

  He allowed his hands to move lazily down the front of her body and unbuttoned her nightshirt to reacquaint himself with her generous breasts.

  “Tyler?” Skylar knocked and called out on the other side of the door. “Are you in there?”

  Chapter Eight

  Tyler cursed under his breath but didn’t move. Dallas squirmed beneath him.

  “Tyler?” Skylar called again.

  “Yeah.” He looked toward the door and positioned himself in front of Dallas. If Skylar walked in, she wouldn’t see much.

  “You have a telephone call. Do you want me to take a message?”


  “Are you sure? Don’t you want to know who it is?”

  “I don’t care, just take a message,” he growled.

  “But it’s your mother.”

  Now she was messing with him. “Sky, get away from the door!”

  She laughed. “Okay, I’ll tell mom you’re a little tied up right now. Also, your virtual assistant called. Your nine o’clock meeting in the morning has been canceled. She called and texted you earlier and got concerned when she didn’t hear back from you.”

  “Okay, thanks.”

  “Oh, and can you let Dallas know her cell phone was ringing?” Skylar let out a mischievous laugh on her way down the hall. He felt like he was back in high school when he’d sneak a girl up to his room. His sister had always been good at running interference.

  Dallas pushed against his chest. “Will you move so I can get up?” She punched him in the arm when he didn’t shift out of the way. “Move! What is wrong with me? I can’t believe I let things get this far.”

  There’s that fiery attitude he’d grown to love. “What if I’m not ready to stop what we’ve started?”

  “If you don’t mo—”

  “All right, I’ll move. But this isn’t over.”

  “The hell it isn’t. We can’t go back. I shouldn’t have let you kiss me again.” She hurried to re-button her nightshirt.

  “Please. It’s not like you didn’t kiss me back.” He stood and slid his shirt on but didn’t bother to button it. “If I remember correctly your hands were all over me, encouraging me to go further.”

  Dallas grabbed her crutches from the side of the bed and hobbled to the door.

  “So what, you’re going to leave without saying anything?” He stepped in front of her. “You wanted that kiss as much as I did. Had Skylar not interrupted, we would’ve been doing a lot more than kissing.”

  Dallas shook her head and finally looked at him. “No. You’re wrong. That … all of that,” she waved her hand over at the bed, “was a mistake. I shouldn’t have come in here.”

  Tyler leaned against the door and folded his arms across his chest. “What are you running from Dallas? You want me as much as I want you. Why fight it? And don’t you dare say anything about that partnership.”

  Her mouth tightened and her anger-filled eyes clawed him like talons. He knew if it weren’t for holding onto her crutches, her hands would’ve been on her hips and she’d be giving him a serious neck roll right about now. It took everything he had not to burst out laughing at the thought.

  “This conversation is over,” she said t
hrough gritted teeth. “Now move out of the way or I won’t be responsible for where this crutch ends up!”

  “Okay, okay,” Tyler put up his hands to block the crutch. “Must you be so violent?”


  “All right, but seriously, I’m not going to apologize for what just happened. Granted, maybe the timing is not the best, but I want you. And I believe you feel the same way.” How many times had he dreamed about having her in his arms again? More times than he cared to remember.

  She sighed loudly. “I … we can’t. We’re friends and nothing else. That’s what I came in here to talk to you about. I appreciate you letting me stay here, and for looking out for me, but we can’t go back. I can’t go back to what we had.”

  Tyler ran a hand over his head and stared at her before asking. “What did we have Dallas? Was I just one of your many flings?” She gasped at his statement, but he kept going. “When you broke things off between us, I had a feeling that it wasn’t just about you needing to focus more on your career. It was something else. What was it?”

  She looked everywhere but at him, which surprised him. She was never at a loss for words which confirmed his suspicion. There was another reason she had turned down his proposal.

  Tears welled up in her eyes when he lifted her chin to look at him. “Tyler ….”

  “Talk to me baby. You know you can tell me anything.”

  She leaned more on one crutch, and slowly moved his hand away. Swiping at her tears she looked down at the floor, and then back up at him. “I didn’t accept your proposal of marriage because … I have to focus on my career.”

  She was lying, but why? He opened the door and resisted the urge to touch her. “Sweet dreams,” he whispered when she walked past him.

  Tyler closed the door behind her and leaned against it. I’m in trouble. I’m in big trouble. So much for not letting her back into my heart. He groaned and moved to the bed. What was he going to do? Kissing Dallas made him want her even more. Quinn was right, he might as well quit denying his feelings and deal with them. But he couldn’t make someone love him, especially not Dallas.

  Several moments passed before a slow smile spread across his face as a plan unfolded in his mind. The way she responded to him tonight was proof she still had feelings for him. There was a chance he could win her back. Now all he had to do was get her to realize she wanted him as much as he wanted her. So in addition to keeping her safe, he’d show her they were perfect for one another and meant to be together.


  Dallas lay in bed still feeling the effects of Tyler’s kisses. His soft lips against hers brought back wonderful memories of the times they’d spent together. No man had ever made her feel as alive as he had. And those hands, Lord. He always did know how to make her body respond with only a touch. Every stroke set her on fire. Even now, the heat between her thighs spread through her like hot lava. She blew out an annoyed breath and fanned herself with a magazine from the side table.

  Frustrated, she tossed the magazine to the other side of the bed and sat up. She had to get a grip. She put her hands over her face and released a low smothered scream. Tyler and I are just friends – nothing more. We simply got caught up in the moment. She groaned and fell back against her pillows knowing she was lying to herself. I am so weak!

  “Okay,” she said out loud to the ceiling, “tomorrow is a new day. I’m going to act like nothing happened, because nothing did happen. I’m a grown woman, not some teenager who can’t control herself. Tyler is my friend…a special friend, but a friend none the less. I will not risk our friendship for a quick lay.” She sighed and chanted those words over and over until she drifted off to sleep.


  Tyler had been awake for hours catching up on some work in his home office. Touching base with his general contractor on the North Carolina project took longer than he expected, but he was glad he could handle some of the issues over the telephone. He also had a chance to talk with Quinn about Dallas’s situation, and a workable plan to keep her safe.

  He tossed his pen onto the desk and stood. The smell of blueberry pancakes and hot maple syrup permeating throughout the house drew him down the hall and into the kitchen. After missing dinner last night, he felt hungry enough to eat a horse.

  “Morning,” he said to his sister when he walked into the brightly lit kitchen. He had no doubt she’d give him the business about Dallas being in his room, but he was ready for her. He moved to the coffee maker on the counter and poured himself a cup of coffee.

  “Good morning. Sleep well?” Skylar asked between bites.

  Tyler glanced at his sister and didn’t miss the humor in her eyes. “As a matter of fact I didn’t, thanks to my irritating sister.”

  “Hey, don’t take your frustrations out on me. You should’ve put a ‘Do Not Disturb’ sign outside your door.”

  He shook his head and smiled. “Sometimes, I can’t stand you.” Dishes filled with breakfast items were spread across the center island. Skylar enjoyed cooking and always made enough to feed a football team. He grabbed a plate and loaded it with pancakes, sausages, scrambled eggs, and fresh fruit, and then he sat at the table across from her. “So what did Mom want last night?”

  “She wants us all, including Dallas, to go to church with her and Daddy next Sunday. It’s family day.”

  “Oh.” He hadn’t been to church in a few weeks and was surprised his mother hadn’t called sooner to inquire about his whereabouts. “I’ll check with Dallas. I’m scheduled to be in North Carolina for a few days next week, but I’ve been thinking about delaying the trip.”

  Skylar smiled. “So is church the only reason you’re delaying your trip? Or could it be that you can’t pull yourself away from your bedmate, I mean houseguest?”

  Tyler eyed her over his coffee cup. “I don’t know why I tell you anything.” He put the cup down and cut into his sausage.

  “Should I start planning an engagement party?”

  “Don’t go making a big deal over last night. I’m probably setting myself up again.”

  “So why do it? Why keep going after her when she apparently doesn’t want you?” She grinned mischievously.

  Tyler shot her a penetrating look. “I still love her and she does want me. She’s just fighting it.” He shoved the sausage into his mouth.

  Skylar threw her head back and laughed. “Yeah. Right.”

  “I don’t know why she’s fighting what she feels, but there is no doubt in my mind she loves me.”

  “Well, she sure has a funny way of showing it. Although, her being closed up in your room last night does suggest otherwise.”

  She wouldn’t have kissed me back if there wasn’t anything between us. He felt her hunger and passion bursting to be released, and he was just the man to bring her complete satisfaction. He smiled. Yep, she wants me. That little bit of hope was all the encouragement he needed to pour on the charm.

  Skylar cleared her dishes and returned to her seat. “So, what about Desiree? Aren’t you supposed to escort her to some banquet or something?”

  “Yep, this weekend. But that has nothing to do with my feelings for Dallas. I agreed to take Desiree as a friend.”

  Tyler grinned inwardly. Nothing got a woman’s attention like seeing her man, or in this case, future man, with another woman. Oh, yeah, he was going to enjoy seducing Ms. Dallas.

  “Speaking of friend, are you aware that Dallas sees you as only a friend?”

  “I’m aware of that, but I plan to remind her of how good we once were together. When I finish courting her, she’ll be asking for my hand in marriage.”

  Skylar stared at him for a few seconds and then burst out laughing. “I see you still have a high opinion of yourself. I’m looking forward to watching this courtship unfold.”

  “Yeah, you laugh now, but wait, you’ll see.”

  Skylar kept him company while he finished his breakfast. They talked and laughed about some of their dating failures back in high sc
hool and college. Tyler remembered some of the guys she dated, but was surprised by some of the ones he didn’t know about. The conversation eventually went back to Dallas.

  “Have you recovered from yesterday’s shock?”

  He shook his head. “I can’t tell you how glad I was to see you guys walk through the door last night.”

  “It showed. You looked like you were about to faint from relief. So has there been any word this morning?”

  “I haven’t heard anything, and I doubt that Dallas has. I’m not even sure she’s awake yet. One thing I know for sure, though, is that I definitely don’t want her going out alone. Quinn and I are going to shadow her until we hear something from the detective. If Q and I aren’t around, I have a car and a driver lined up to take her wherever she needs to go. I’m hoping, during those times, you’ll be available to hang with her.”

  “She’s going to pitch a fit.”

  “Maybe, but until we know everything is fine, she’s going to have to deal with it.”

  Several hours later, Tyler knocked on Dallas’s door. He wanted them to get reacquainted, and there was no time like the present.

  “Come in,” she said, her voice groggy.

  “Wake up sleepy head.”

  Dallas opened her eyes slowly and stretched. “What time is it?” She squinted against the sunlight pouring through the opened blinds.

  “It’s almost one in the afternoon.” Tyler sat on the side of the bed and brushed hair out of her face. “Are you planning to sleep the day away?”

  “I hadn’t planned on it, but I feel like I could,” she said, burying her head under the covers.

  Tyler pulled the blanket back. Her eyes were red and her hair was all over the place, but she still looked beautiful to him. “Didn’t you sleep well?” He smirked. Since thoughts of her kept him awake most of the night, it would serve her right if she experienced the same thing.

  She rolled her eyes at him. “I would’ve slept fine if I hadn’t received a call from Harmony.”


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