Blue Roses (Reunited Series)

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Blue Roses (Reunited Series) Page 11

by Sharon C. Cooper

  Dallas pulled away and Tyler dropped his head on the pillow and growled. “God! You’ve got to be kiddin’ me! Don’t you have someone else you can harass?”

  She laughed like she’d just learned the secrets of the universe. “Whatever. I guess you didn’t hear the doorbell. Quinn’s downstairs,” she said and turned to leave.

  Tyler rose up on his elbow and returned his attention to Dallas. “Are you feeling any better?” The back of his hand glided down her cheek in a gentle caress. He hadn’t forgotten the fact that she’d lied about not remembering her dream, or at least he was pretty sure she’d lied. What was it going to take for her to trust him?

  Her lids lowered as if enjoying his touch. “Yes. Thank you,” she said, and looked at him. “About that declaration you made earlier…I…”

  “Shh.” He put a finger to her lips. “You don’t have to say anything right now. I just wanted you to know how I feel.” He couldn’t believe he’d said those three words to her again. He kissed her lips and climbed off the bed. “We’ll finish this up tonight, but in the meantime, let me go change my shirt and see what’s up with Quinn. While I’m gone, why don’t you get dressed? We have some serious celebrating to do. It’s not every day a woman turns 34. How about some dinner and then we’ll check out a new spot I heard about that plays live jazz?”

  “I’d like that,” she said and smiled for the first time since he’d entered her room.

  He walked to the door and turned back to looked at her. “Remember, you know you can talk to me about anything. I meant what I said earlier. I’m here for you.”


  Twenty minutes later Tyler walked down the stairs making a mental note to have his assistant find out who, in the area, sold blue roses.

  “What’s up, man? Why haven’t you been answering your phone?” Quinn asked when Tyler walked into the office.

  Tyler finished buttoning his fresh shirt and tightened his tie as he made his way to his desk. “Thanks for reminding me. My battery died. I didn’t realize it until I got home.” He unclipped his cell phone from his belt and hooked the phone up to the charger. “What’s going on with you?”

  “I have some information.” He pushed his long dread locks back over his shoulders and closed the office door. “It’s about Dallas’s firm.”

  Tyler lifted his head and raised an eyebrow. “What about it?”

  “Rumor has it that the Weisman and Cohen Group are being investigated by the Security and Exchange Commission.”

  Tyler studied his friend. “The SEC doesn’t get involved unless there’s some mess going down.”

  Quinn nodded. “It’s in the beginning stages, and I’m sure the firm doesn’t know yet.”

  “Really? How’s that?”

  “My sources say the SEC has been watching them from a distance for the past couple of months. They haven’t requested any detailed information from the firm yet, but it’s coming.”

  Tyler sat on the corner of his desk, his arms folded. “This isn’t good. Dallas is busting her butt, trying to make partner while they’re doing who knows what.”

  “You can’t say anything, Ty.”

  “Man, I can’t keep this from her.”

  “You can, and you will. The SEC hasn’t said what’s behind the initial probing. We have no idea what … or who they’re looking at.”

  Tyler pushed away from the desk. “I know you don’t think they’re investigating Dallas, do you?”

  Quinn leaned on the back of the sofa. “Man, chill. We both know Dallas takes her job very seriously, and I doubt she’d do anything to jeopardize it. So don’t—”

  They both turned to the door when they heard a knock. “Come in,” Tyler said.

  Dallas stuck her head in before walking further into the room. “Hey, you almost ready?” she asked Tyler. “Hey, Quinn.”

  “How you doin’ Ms. Dallas? You’re looking mighty fine tonight.”

  She smiled. “Thank you.”

  Tyler admired her from across the room. He didn’t think she could get any more beautiful, but each time they went out she surprised him. Her hair was all done up with curls on top of her head with curly wisps of hair framing her face, which was perfectly made up. And the fact she didn’t take forever to dress, always impressed him. Tonight she had on a strapless black fitted dress that reminded him of the one she had worn the first time they met. He remembered following her around that evening like a puppy dog, and tonight probably wouldn’t be any different.

  “Uh, give me a second, baby. I’ll meet you in the kitchen.”

  “Okay. Good seeing you, Quinn.”

  “You too. And happy birthday.”

  “Thanks.” She closed the door behind her.

  Tyler grabbed his back-up cell phone and patted his pocket for his wallet. “Quinn, I don’t feel good about keeping this from her. She already has trust issues, and I’m doing everything I can to change that.”

  “Yeah, I know. Give me a little more time and then you can tell her.”

  “So what you got goin’ on tonight?”

  “Not too much.” He leaned on the desk. “Ty, I’m serious, you can’t tell Dallas about what we just talked about.”

  “Q, man…” The look his friend shot him stopped Tyler from protesting. “All right, I won’t say a word, but did you find out anything else?” Tyler searched the top of the desk for his keys and didn’t look up until he realized Quinn hadn’t answered. “Well?”

  Quinn hesitated. “Nah, that’s pretty much it for right now. I gotta get going. Have a good time tonight,” he said on his way out the door.

  Tyler watched him leave. He knew Quinn held something back.


  “Bianca, I’m glad I caught you.” David rushed to Dallas’s assistant’s desk. He ignored the fact that her computer was black, and she was standing with her purse over her shoulder and her briefcase in her hand. “Before you leave, can you give me Dallas’s client files again? I didn’t realize I needed some additional information from them.”

  “I’m sorry, Mr. Weisman, but Dallas has those files. If you’d like, I can contact her in the morning and let her know you need them again.”

  David swore under his breath and gripped the edge of the desk to ride the wave of nausea. He was screwed. If he left his makeshift ledger in Dallas’s files like he thought he had, it would be impossible to get them back without raising suspicion.

  “Mr. Weisman?” Bianca tilted her head. “Are you okay?”

  David blinked to clear his mind. “Uh, what were you saying?” He wiped his sweaty palms down the side of his pants.

  “I said I can call Dallas in the morning regarding the files.”

  “No, no, that won’t be necessary. Do you know when she’s expected back?” He rubbed the back of his neck and rolled his shoulders.

  “I think in a couple of weeks, but I’m not sure.”

  “Okay, I’ll wait until then and talk with her. Thanks.” He rushed out the door and back to his office in time to see a person in the hallway, who wasn’t supposed to be in the building during business hours.

  “What are you doing here?” David growled and looked around to see if anyone saw him. He hurried his visitor into his office and closed the door. “I told you never to show your face around here. We can’t risk anyone seeing you.”

  His visitor took a seat in one of the chairs positioned in front of David’s desk. “Nobody saw me.”

  “Well, why are you here?” David rounded his desk and sat down.

  “Are you ready for me to finish the job?”

  “Not yet. I’m not convinced she knows anything.”

  “I think you’re wrong. She’s probably known for a couple of months, which is why I suggested we put a little fear into her.”

  David stood and leaned across the desk. “Listen to me, you two bit piece of trash. I don’t pay you to think. When I’m ready for you to make another move, I’ll let you know.”


was a great choice, Tyler.” Dallas smiled as they walked into one of her favorite restaurants. With the lobby’s impressive décor of expensive artwork and dark wood paneling, each time she stepped through the door, she couldn’t help but think of old money.

  “I thought you’d be pleased. It’s been awhile since we’ve been here.”

  They moved up to the hostess. “Hi. We have a reservation for two – Hollister.” Tyler wrapped his arm around Dallas’s waist, pulling her closer. “Are you sure you’re okay using only one crutch this evening?” he asked for her ears only.

  “I’m fine,” she whispered back, feeling much better than she had earlier. Thoughts of the roses that totally freaked her out and the dream were tucked away in the back of her mind. She planned to enjoy her evening with this wonderful man who had professed his love for her again. No more pushing him away and insisting on them just being friends. It’s time to give love another try. The last couple of weeks reminded her of how much she’d missed him and what they once shared.

  “I’m glad you two could join us this evening,” the hostess said. “Mr. Hollister, Mr. B. is here tonight and asked me to let him know once you and your companion arrived. He’ll be stopping by your table shortly. Please follow me.”

  The hostess led them through a dimly lit dining room and over to a secluded circular booth in the corner. “Is this okay?”

  “This is perfect.” Tyler helped Dallas get adjusted in her seat, and leaned her crutch against the wall next to her.

  Moments after the hostess walked away, Dallas recognized the owner walking toward them with a bottle of wine and a large grin. Apparently, Tyler spotted him at the same time.

  “So what, you’re slumming now, Joe? You couldn’t get anyone else to wait on our table?” Tyler’s voice was filled with the love and respect he had for his long time friend.

  Joe placed the bottle of wine on the table and greeted Tyler with a one arm hug. “Man, where the hell have you been? I haven’t seen you around here in over a year.” Then he turned to Dallas and lifted her hand to his lips. “Ms. Dallas, you’re even more stunning than I remember. I’m glad you decided to celebrate your birthday with us.” He kissed the back of her hand.

  Dallas blushed. “Thank you, Joe. It’s good seeing you again. I can’t think of any other restaurant I’d rather dine in on my birthday.”

  His hand covered his heart. “If I didn’t think this big guy over here would come after me with a gun, I’d whisk you away from here.”

  “You’re damn right. So don’t go getting any ideas.” Tyler said, and they all laughed. “But seriously, it’s good seeing you again, man. You’re looking good.”

  “I’m feeling good.” Joe lifted the wine bottle and poured them each a glass. “Out of 230 wines, this is one of my favorites, so I figured I’d share it with my two special guests. Oh, and dinner is on me tonight.” He lifted his glass. Dallas and Tyler lifted theirs as well. “To old friends.”


  Once the waiter cleared away the empty dessert plates, Tyler propped his elbow on the table and with his chin resting on his hand, his eyes scanned boldly over Dallas. Every day, his feelings for her intensified, making him want to make their reunion permanent. She looked healthy and the spunky attitude she wore like a badge of honor had returned. It was only a matter of time before she started talking about going home.

  “And here I thought you were taking me to some boring hole in the wall. I still love this place, and I got to have dinner with the most handsome man in Milwaukee, making it even more special. Thank you for celebrating my birthday with me. I’m thinking maybe you can give me my other gift when we get home.” She lifted her eyebrows up and down suggestively.

  Tyler’s face spread into a devilish smile. “Girl, I love it when you talk dirty. As a matter of fact, I do have a little sumthin’ sumthin’ planned for you tonight.” He eased closer to her in the circular booth. They’d been exchanging flirtatious comments since they left the house. He looked forward to acting on them, especially now that it seems he’d been given an open invitation. Whatever was bothering her earlier in the day had been pushed aside.

  “Did I tell you how good you look tonight?” He placed an arm around her shoulders and a kiss near her temple.

  “I think you might have mentioned it once or twice, but I don’t mind hearing it again,” she said, her voice smooth and confident.

  Tyler felt the heat of the sensuous flame in her eyes. Tonight would be the night he laid his cards on the table, and prayed she’d give their love another chance. He wanted her back in his life, permanently. She had yet to voice her love for him, but her actions spoke volumes. Could they possibly pick up where they had left off months ago, when she ran from their growing passion?

  “I had planned to take you to this cool jazz spot I ran across recently, but now I’m thinking I’d rather take you home.”

  “And gyp me of an evening out on the town? I don’t think so … unless you’re planning to dust off your baby grand and play something for me tonight.”

  He laughed. “I haven’t played in months. I’m not sure I want to embarrass myself like that.”

  “I remember the first time you played for me,” she said, laying her head on his shoulder. “We were in Chicago, and after leaving the theater we stopped by that lounge around the corner from the state building. Do you remember?”

  “I think I might remember a little something about that evening.”

  She punched him in the arm. “Quit playin’. I know you remember. They had that shiny black piano in the corner and you asked the manager if you could play a little something. After a couple of songs, you had me sit next to you. Then you played one of my favorite songs, Don’t Go, by Alex Bugnon.”

  Tyler chuckled. “Yeah, and then the manager asked me if I’d be interested in a permanent gig there.”

  “If only he knew he was offering a job to a self-made millionaire.” Dallas laughed. “You have a gift, Tyler. Remind me, do any of your other siblings play?”

  He shook his head. “My mother wanted at least one of her children to play an instrument. Guess who drew the short straw. Not many people know I had to suffer through ten years of lessons.”

  “I’m glad you drew the short straw. Now you can take me home and play something for me … before you give me my other birthday gift.”


  The thought of her and Tyler coming together again in the most intimate way made Dallas giddy. She would no longer have to fantasize about how it would be to make love to him again.

  Tyler slid his arm around her as he guided her out to the lobby. “It has to be hard walking around with one crutch. Are you sure you don’t want me to get the other one out of the car?”

  “I’m positive. Besides, without the other crutch in the way, this gives me a chance to be a little closer to you.” She smiled up at him.

  “I like it when you’re close to me. If I had my way, I’d have you by my side like this all the time.”

  “I’d like that. These crutches are cramping my style. We can’t even walk hand in hand like we used to.”

  He kissed the top of her head. “You won’t be on crutches forever, and then we can go back to doing a lot of other things we used to do.” He grinned mischievously.

  Dallas couldn’t help but remember why she fell in love with Tyler the first time. The attention he showered on her went deep and being with him felt right. Making partner at the firm should be her main focus right now, but the more time she spent with Tyler the more time she wanted to spend with him. Don’t think, Dallas. Just enjoy the moment.

  “Before we leave, let me stop by the ladies room.”

  “Sure. It’s this way.”

  “Hello, Dallas,” someone said from behind them. They both stopped and turned to see who the voice belonged to. “How’s it going Hollister?”

  Anxiety gushed through Dallas’s veins when she stared at the man of her nightmares. Unable to speak, she grabbed hold of the front
of Tyler’s shirt. Chilling images of her past flashed before her eyes.

  The small shimmer of security that settled on her when Tyler’s protective grip tightened around her waist only lasted a minute before anger pierced her heart. The hell Mark had put her through years earlier came flooding back. It had been ten years since she’d last seen him, and if she had her way, it would’ve been longer.

  “I don’t even get a hello? No hug, no kiss, nothing?” He stepped closer to her, but Tyler stiff armed in the chest, causing Mark to stop.

  Tyler turned to Dallas. “How do you know Mark?”

  Her mouth dropped open. “How do you know him?”

  “It’s good seeing you, Dallas,” Mark interrupted and glanced at Tyler, and then back at her. “I guess congratulations are in order. I heard you two are married.” He gave them a tight-lipped smile that didn’t reach his eyes.

  Dallas, still in shock, cast sad eyes up to Tyler. His anger-filled eyes were intense and bore into her as if searching her soul.

  “What’s going on here?” He tightened his hold on her waist.

  Her eyes filled with tears, but she refused to let them fall. Instead she swallowed and said, “Tyler, this is….”

  “Her other husband,” Mark volunteered.

  Chapter Twelve

  Tyler’s hands felt raw from the grip he’d had on the steering wheel on the drive home. He still couldn’t wrap his brain around the fact that Dallas had an ex-husband. Mark Darley no less. He hadn’t like the guy the first time he met him, and he liked him even less now.

  For the past half-hour Tyler’s mood went from angry to shock, back to angry. Why would Dallas keep this from him? When were her and Mark married and for how long? And why did this guy assume he and Dallas were married? He had more questions than answers and based on her silence in the car, it wasn’t going to be easy getting the answers.

  The panic in her eyes when Mark showed up at the restaurant bothered Tyler most. He’d never known her to be afraid of anything, but tonight he saw fear. What had this guy done to her?

  He walked upstairs with a glass of water for Dallas. When they arrived home, she had asked him to help her to her room and requested some water, but said nothing else. He couldn’t stand to see her distressed and withdrawn, and he knew it would take more than a glass of water to get her to talk. Maybe he should’ve opted for the glass of wine, like he’d originally thought.


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