Blue Roses (Reunited Series)

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Blue Roses (Reunited Series) Page 17

by Sharon C. Cooper

  “I don’t care how hard it is, get it done.”

  “I know you think she’s on to you, but do you actually know if she has the information?” Jerome asked.

  “Would I have you going after something if I weren’t sure?” David paced behind his desk. There was no doubt in his mind Dallas had those documents. And since she didn’t give them to him willingly, he would have to take them at any cost. “Do whatever it takes, or else.” He slammed down the telephone not giving Jerome a chance to respond.

  David walked over to the small bar in the corner of his office and poured himself a drink. A few years ago this had all started as a side hustle. His plan was to make a quick million and stop, but he didn’t. He found more investors and he couldn’t help himself. Now things could blow up in his face.

  He should’ve destroyed those notes when he had the chance. There was no way he was going to let some over ambitious girl like Dallas ruin what he’d built. Sure she brought in a lot of accounts to the firm, and her financial savvy could rival any investment manager, but he didn’t like her. There hadn’t been an office meeting or situation where she didn’t challenge him on at least one subject. Had it not been for William, he would’ve gotten rid of her years ago.

  His telephone rang as his glass touched his lips. He gulped his drink and poured himself another one, taking his time getting to the telephone. “Weisman, here.”

  “I think we need to close up shop and cut our losses. The SEC is sniffing around.”

  “Ray, I’m the one who calls the shots here,” David yelled at his silent partner and tossed back his whiskey. He shook his head wildly as the liquid burned the back of his throat. “Quit worrying, everything is fine. As for the Securities and Exchange Commission, they’re not the smartest guys in the world. There’s no way they know what we’re doing.”

  “My gut tells me they’re smarter than you think. We started off careful, Dave, but you’ve gotten careless lately. Maybe you should tell me how you’ve been handling these investments, just in case.”

  David dropped into his office chair and grabbed his head. The two quick drinks made him lightheaded. “Nah, you don’t need to know. You’re a silent partner in this project, remember? If the commission starts asking you questions, they might trip you up to draw out information. The less you know, the better you are,” he said, his words slurred. “If they contact you, tell them what I told you to say. You’ll be all right.”

  “I don’t know,” Ray said, doubt in his tone. “I have a bad feeling about this, and I have too much to lose.”

  “Aw, quit your worrying and don’t call me again unless you have another investor.” David disconnected and rested his head against the back of his chair. There was no way the SEC was on to them. He’d been too careful.


  Dallas paced the floor in Tyler’s bedroom like a caged animal. Yes, he was right about her and Harmony not staying at her house, but how dare he man-handle her into staying at his penthouse.


  “Not now, Tyler.”

  “Then when?” He walked into the huge bedroom and closed the door behind him.

  She stopped in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows and stared out into the night. She could see Tyler’s reflection where he stood in front of the door, his hands stuffed in his front pockets. It was hard to stay mad at him when she knew his main concern was her safety, but that didn’t negate the fact that he’d behaved like his usual domineering, possessive self when he demanded they leave the house.

  “I get that you’re angry. But what did you expect me to do? Someone runs you down, leaving you for dead. There have been threatening calls, a mysterious note, and an idiot ex-husband to show up. Who I just found out about and who is brave, or stupid, enough to attack you in a public place, and if that isn’t enough, a break-in at your house. What did you expect me to do?”

  Dallas sighed audibly but didn’t move from her position, her back still to Tyler. She continued to stare out into the night, and couldn’t ask for a better view. The bright lights from nearby buildings bounced off the darkness creating a spectacular sight. Tyler had told her about his Chicago project, but she didn’t expect all of this. Though dusk had settled over the city, she could easily see Lake Michigan lit up by the lights from Navy Pier. She couldn’t wait to see the view in the daytime.

  She turned away from the window and roamed around the room, aware of Tyler’s eyes on her, but making sure not to make eye contact. It felt good to move around without the bulky cast and pain-in-the-butt crutches. Although the crutches were nearby, she didn’t need them at every turn.

  A heavy sigh slipped through her lips. She needed to figure out what was going on, who had broken into her home, and what they were after. Her life was turning into something out of a James Patterson novel. Okay, well maybe it wasn’t that bad, but geesh.

  “I’m so tired,” she mumbled. She plopped down on Tyler’s huge bed, laid back, and placed her arm across her eyes. Moments later, he sat next to her.

  “You can continue to ignore me, but I’m not going away.”

  With her eyes still covered, a small smile touched her lips. “I’m counting on that.”

  The mattress shifted under her, signaling that he stretched out next to her. He brushed a few strands of hair away from her forehead with his hand, and placed a kiss near her temple. “While I was hanging out in the living room with Ms. Harmony, I noticed some similarities between you two.”

  “Oh yeah? What?”

  “You’re both very beautiful and equally stubborn.”

  Dallas laughed. She could imagine the conversation between him and Harmony. He probably told her she couldn’t leave the apartment, and most likely her sister responded with a few choice words punctuated by a neck roll. Dallas removed her arm from over her eyes, and looked at Tyler.

  “Thanks for everything, especially for putting up with me and Harmony. She’s still young, but I was hoping to be rid of my stubbornness by now.”

  He awarded her with a smile, and a kiss that ended way too soon.

  “Well, your stubbornness is starting to grow on me, which is something I’ve wanted to discuss with you. I came to Chicago to check on you, but I also came to talk … about us. Unfortunately, the day hasn’t gone quite like I thought it would.”

  “You can say that again.”

  “The day hasn’t gone—.”

  Dallas elbowed him.

  “OW. What? You said I could say it again.”

  “Yeah, but I didn’t think you’d actually say it.”

  Tyler chuckled and then turned serious. Dallas’s eyes drifted shut when the back of his fingers stroked her cheek ever so gently. The mere touch sent a tantalizing surge from the top of her head to the tip of her toes.

  “I’ve missed you,” he said. “Before I heard your voice message this morning, I did everything to get you out of my mind.” He drew in a deep breath, released it, and stilled his hand.

  Dallas turned her head slightly to look at him. He turned on his back and stared up at the ceiling. “But I couldn’t. I couldn’t stop thinking about you.”

  “Tyler, why me?” It was an unusual question, but she needed to know. Needed to find out what it was about her that kept him coming back. “Why haven’t you given up on me? On us?”

  “Good question. And one I’ve asked myself many of times. I know this is going to sound cliché, but you complete me.”

  “Will you be serious?”

  “I am.” He said without laughing. “When we’re together, I feel complete, whole. I love the way you make me feel. Haven’t you noticed how my chest sticks out more when I’m with you? I love the way you listen to what I have to say. And I enjoy our deep, intellectual conversations. You’re brilliant, gorgeous, and when you’re not giving me a hard time, you make me feel alive and powerful. I can’t explain it any better than that. It’s like what Tim told me when he fell for Simone. When love hits - you know. And Dallas … baby, I love you. I’ve
never stopped loving you.”

  A lump formed in her throat and Dallas fought back tears. No one, not even her mother, had ever made her feel so loved. And with Tyler, it wasn’t just lip service.

  “I don’t deserve you.”

  He lifted up on one elbow, looked at her and frowned. “Why would you say that?”

  “Because I don’t. I’ve given you hell since day one. Not because I don’t find you excruciatingly attractive, inside and out, but because I’m afraid. I’ve been fearful of letting my guard down around any guy who has been interested in more than a friendship with me. You know how I use to be. It was about having a good time with a guy, and then I’d move on.”

  “Yeah, I remember. When we met, I knew I’d met my match. Trying to get you to agree to an exclusive relationship with me was like trying to take your wallet. Now I know how some of those other guys you shot down felt.”

  “What other guys?” “Oh, don’t try to play innocent with me. I heard about how you used to love’em and leave’em, breaking hearts all over the place.”

  Dallas smiled. “Simone talks too much. And you should talk! Your brother warned me about you Mr. men-weren’t-meant-to-have-just-one-woman. I know you’re an amazing man and there are plenty of women who would kill to be with you.”

  “I don’t want any other woman. You are the only woman for me, and I will fight ‘til the end to have you. Dallas, you’re my other half. We’re supposed to be together.”

  “Tyler, I–”

  “Please … let me finish. I already know how important your career is to you. I know how determined you are to make partner.”


  “Dallas.” He exhaled in frustration. “I want you to have everything you want, your career and a family. With me, you don’t have to choose one or the other. I’m not Mark. And I’m tired of you treating me like I am. I don’t expect you to stay at home and raise kids. I know you want more, and I want you to have it all. But I need for you to give me a chance. Give us a chance.”

  “And that’s what I’ve been trying to tell you. I love you, dammit! I have been a total jerk. I’m so sorry it has taken me this long to get my act together. But months ago, when you asked me to marry you, it scared me. Despite how wonderful you are, I was afraid I’d end up the way I was with Mark. And for the record, I know you’re not him. I feel things for you that I’ve never felt with another man.”

  He wiped her tears and pulled her into his arms. “I hope you know I’m looking for more than just a girlfriend. I want forever. This is not a proposal, ‘cause I know we still have some things to work out, but I want you to be clear about my intentions. I’m in this for the long haul and I need to know if you feel the same way, otherwise, this is not going to work.”

  Dallas gazed into his eyes and cupped his face with her hands. “I want forever, too.”

  He stared at her with dark penetrating eyes and flashed his beautiful smile and twin dimples that still made her weak in the knees. “That’s all I needed to hear.”

  In one smooth motion Tyler rolled her onto her back and covered her body with his. He lowered his head and kissed her so tenderly that all the stress from the day melted away and a raging fire rippled through her body. For the first time in a long time, she was ready, ready to give all of herself to a man, this man.

  “Just so you know, if your sister knocks on that door, or barges in here, I’m not stopping. I’ll be damn if I let another interruption stop me from getting reacquainted with your luscious body,” he said against her mouth, his hands making quick work of unbuttoning her blouse.

  “You’ll get no arguments from me,” she said breathlessly, feeling the hardness of his erection against her inner thigh as she clawed at his shirt. She groaned when his greedy lips replaced his hands and seared a path from the lobe of her ear, down her neck, and over the swell of her breast where he lingered.

  “We have on too many clothes for what I have in mind,” he said and pulled his lips away as if it were the hardest thing to do. He stood. Breathing hard and not taking his eyes off of her, he ripped off his shirt, not caring that buttons went flying. He tossed the garment aside, toed off his shoes and started undoing his belt.

  “Mmm, let me,” she said scooting to the edge of the bed and pulling him closer by the waistband of his pants. She took her time sliding down the zipper and smiled as his eyes fluttered closed and a throaty groan erupted from within him when she wrapped her hand around his throbbing manhood. “You like that, baby?” she crooned loving the effect her touch was having on him.

  “Oh, yeah, but if you keep that up, this will be over before we even get started,” he said, and gently eased away from her before she could really make him cry out. He took a breath and wasted no time in sliding his pants and briefs down his long muscular legs.

  Turned on by the mere sight of him, Dallas scampered back, raised her hips and shimmied out of her skirt, tossing it to where Tyler’s shirt and her blouse had landed. She looked up to find him staring, and enjoyed the way his sexy eyes made love to her semi-naked body.

  “Damn, girl, I think red is my new favorite color,” he said of her lace bra and barely-there panties. “You’re even more beautiful than I remember.”

  “I guess I could say the same about you.” She stared up at the tall, amazingly built man, whose smooth toffee skin, broad shoulders, and long, thick shaft could make the strongest woman drop her panties without being asked. Zoning in on her favorite part of his anatomy, she couldn’t help but think of how generous God had been when handing out the part of Tyler’s body that made him all man.

  She shuddered in anticipation and inched back against the mound of pillows and opened for him, inviting him to have his way with her.

  A devilish smile graced his lips as he ripped open the condom package and quickly covered himself. He did a slow crawl onto the bed until he was directly over her. “I wanted to take this slow, but the way you’re looking—”

  “We’ll go slow next time ‘cause right now, all I want is for you to be inside me.”

  “Anything you want, baby,” he said, quickly discarding her skimpy undies, and before she could take her next breath he had slipped inside her, filling every crevice of her interior walls.

  She cried out with pleasure as her body adjusted to him, savoring every tantalizing inch of his thickness. Still wanting more, her bold hands grabbed his ass, pulling him even deeper. She’d gone months without the feel of him inside her and she wanted all of him.

  Their hips rocked to a familiar beat and everything within her pulsated when he grabbed her butt and with each thrust he dove deeper, and deeper sending her to the edge of her control. All too quickly, she bucked uncontrollably against him unable to hold back, her head thrashing from side to side against the pillows. Waves of ecstasy throbbed through her and she screamed out surrendering to the whirl of sensation that took her over the edge.

  Tyler was right behind her, growling out her name as his release came with such force Dallas felt the turbulence of his passion swirl around her before he collapsed on top of her.

  After a second round, she placed a lingering kiss along his jaw and curled up to him. His strong arms securely wrapped around her, was more than perfect. This is where she belonged and where she planned to stay.


  Cradling her in the crook of his arm, Tyler outlined the roundness of her breast with the tip of his finger.

  “Mmm, that feels good, but you’re going to have to feed me before we do a round three.”

  “I have no problem with that,” he said, knowing she’d be asleep before he could ease off the bed. Seconds later he chuckled when he heard her soft snores. Talk about role reversal. He covered her naked body with the sheet and got up to take a quick shower. At the moment, he was more hungry than tired.

  A little while later, Tyler exited the bedroom and walked into the living room surprised to see Harmony and Quinn tidying the kitchen.

  “Hey, you just caught me. I
was getting ready to head out,” Quinn said.

  “Well, I’m glad you’re here. I wanted to talk to you about a few things.”

  “I guess that’s my cue,” Harmony said and placed the last dish in the dishwasher. “Thanks for keeping me company, Quinn. I hope I see you around.”

  “You will,” he said grabbing her around the waist when she attempted to step past him. He pulled her close and placed a friendly kiss on her cheek before releasing her. “Take care and have a good night.”

  “You too,” she smiled at him and headed down the hall humming.

  Tyler shook his head at his friend. Unbelievable. “So, what did I miss?” he asked looking through the large stainless steel refrigerator for something to eat. Dallas was still a firecracker in bed, draining him of all of his energy, yet he couldn’t get enough of her. But right now, he needed food.

  “Why didn’t you tell me Dallas had a gorgeous sister?” Quinn asked. He took the bottle of beer Tyler offered and moved into the living room, making himself comfortable in one of the upholstered chairs.

  Tyler chuckled, and took a seat on the sofa, a beer in one hand and two slices of cold pizza in the other. “Didn’t think about it. Besides, she’s too young for you.”

  “As long as she’s legal, she’s old enough for me. She’s cute, but having a boyfriend who knocks her around sounds like bad news.”

  “Yeah, I know. I’ve seen him, and he is bad news. I’m just glad she got away from him.”

  Quinn rubbed his chin. “Me too. It’ll be easier getting to know her if there’s nobody else in the picture.”

  Tyler shook his head and laughed. “Q, don’t start nothin’. She seems like a nice young lady. She doesn’t need you to come along and corrupt her.” He joked.

  “Ha, ha, very funny. For all you know, she might be the one.”

  Tyler’s eyebrows knitted together. “Yeah right. Like you’ll ever settle down.” Quinn had been in love once, but when the love of his life was killed, he never let another woman get close again.


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