Bastard Heir (The Heirs Book 3)

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Bastard Heir (The Heirs Book 3) Page 13

by Brandy Munroe

  “I have got to stop putting my foot in my mouth. Haley, I am going to apologize now for every comment, reaction, or… whatever, in advance.” I had always been professional and diplomatic where both Leona and Haley were concerned.

  I was not good at the friend thing. I was a tomboy who never fit in with the cheerleading crowd. Mackenzie was the first female friend I had connected with.We had a lot in common, but this kind of female bonding was beyond my understanding.

  “Mackenzie, I want to apologize for being ungracious in your home. I really don’t want to discuss this anymore. At least now I know I’m a sappy drunk, not a mean one.” I attempted a laugh.

  Leona gave me a hug. “Don’t take this the wrong way, Katie, but sometimes we forget you’re not as old as the rest of us and you still have a lot to learn.”

  I hugged her back. “Thank you.”

  “I bet Aaron would love to teach her,” Haley continued to tease.

  “Haley, stop that! We’re not all exhibitionists, you know.” I gave Haley a taste of her own medicine. “We can’t all be madly in love like rabbits in heat.”

  “I do get carried away, don’t I?” Haley laughed, not offended in the least by my comments.

  I wished I had Haley’s confidence. I remembered it hadn’t been all moonlight and roses for Haley and Aleksander, and I was truly happy they had found their way to each other eventually. Why shouldn't Haley want the world to know how much in love they were?

  “Can we change the subject? I really don’t want to talk or think about this anymore.” I hoped I didn’t sound desperate. I didn’t want to go into any more detail about my nonexistent love life with Aaron Walsh.

  “Of course we can.” Mackenzie was sympathetic to my plight. I was glad I had befriended the woman, but I would be happy to see this inquisition come to a close. “Right after you tell us why he calls you kitten.”

  “Traitor,” I blurted. I wasn’t upset with them. They were, by all respects, the closest thing to girlfriends I had ever had. It was hard for me after I lost my mother. I did not have a female influence in my life. No one to discuss my first sexual encounter with… No one to help me mourn the loss of my virginity.

  Could I let these women in, tell them what had been happening? Maybe I could ask them if they could help me understand why it was that I knew it was wrong to be with Aaron, but my body did not care—it wanted him anyway.

  I reached for another Jolly Roger. “All right, listen up. I’m only going to do this once.” I spent the next hour explaining the events that led up to the confrontation that occurred at The Upstairs this morning.

  “Mr. Aaron Walsh is complicated, and I don't do complicated,” I finished.

  “There’s nothing wrong with wanting to feel desired, Katie.” The seriousness in Haley’s voice had me paying close attention. “Aaron didn’t call you kitten to embarrass you. He did it because he couldn’t help himself. I saw the way he was watching you.”

  “It’s only supposed to be about the sex. I know I’m not as experienced as most women, but isn't that what most men want—a woman who’s only interested in sex and isn’t looking for a commitment?” I knew the statement hadn’t convinced anyone, including myself, about what I wanted from Aaron.

  “I don’t think Aaron is most men,” Mackenzie pointed out.

  “Speaking of hot men…” Haley was practically drooling. I turned to see Aleksander, Richard, and Aaron walking into the bar.

  Aleksander approached the table and bent down to passionately kiss his wife. As soon as she released him long enough to take a breath, he asked, “Is there room for three more at this pity party?”

  We moved our group to a larger table, and the chatter was mostly about what a jerk Leona’s ex-boyfriend was for dumping her. The girls did not correct the men on their assumption of whose fault the breakup was.

  I returned to drinking water. If I planned on driving myself home tonight, I’d better lay off any more shooters. I was enjoying the evening despite my earlier embarrassment. I couldn’t recall ever having done this—hanging out with friends, laughing.

  I didn't object when Aaron sat in the seat beside me. I was aware of his scent every time I took a breath. My body was aware of his closeness and responded accordingly. I was definitely going to have to do laundry—or buy more underwear.

  I felt the light touch of his thumb gliding across my wrist. It sent my nerve endings into the stratosphere. I understood he was apologizing for his behavior earlier that morning without saying a word.

  Did I want to accept his apology? It wouldn’t solve anything. I still wanted the physical closeness we shared during sex. I wanted him, all of him. I squirmed in my seat at the uncomfortable pooling between my legs.

  “Thank you for delivering my dry cleaning today, Katie, but it could have waited until tomorrow.” His amber eyes taunted me, and my name rolled smoothly off his tongue like melted butter.

  There it was—the reason I wouldn’t forgive him. I pulled my hand away and a shiver trickled down my spine. If I forgave him, how long would it be before the next temper tantrum born of jealous rage? What was in those predatory amber eyes?

  Was it desire, like Haley had suggested?

  Or was it something darker, something possessive?

  Chapter 19


  They had invited Katie to their pity party for Leona. I knew that Katie and Mackenzie had become close in the short time they had known each other. Richard had explained that the girls had a lot in common. They both lost their mothers at a young age to the same debilitating disease that took my own mother. They both had strict fathers and were very much tomboys growing up, not having a lot of girlfriends to commiserate with.

  I found myself noticing that, like at Richard’s house, Katie fit in with this group at the table better than I felt I did. I also noted she had been drinking. Why was Leona’s breakup more traumatizing for Katie than it seemed to be for Leona?

  I needed to get her alone. I needed to properly apologize for my behavior. She had pulled away when I gently caressed my thumb across her wrist. Her soft skin set my arousal in motion. She had to forgive me. How else was I going to lure her back into my bed?

  “Katie, you haven’t sent an RSVP for the invitation to Aaron’s birthday party next Friday.” My trance was broken by Mackenzie’s comment.

  “I’m sorry, it must have gotten lost, I never received it. I won’t be attending, but thank you for the thought.”

  No explaining—just no, she would not be attending. I was not going to let this stand. “You have other plans, Katie?”

  “Yes.” Still no explanation. I was going to have to be obvious and come right out and ask.

  “What might they be, if you don't mind my asking?” It took everything in me to ask calmly, as if I was a friend with idle curiosity.

  “You see that sign on the door that says ‘closed for private party on Friday’? It’s so that I can celebrate a quiet birthday of my own with my brothers,” she smirked.

  “I see,” I replied. “I guess Anne must have double booked.” I had her attention now, her smirk turning into an inquisitive frown.

  “Double booked?” Was there a slight panic in her voice?

  “Yes, double booked.” I was enjoying playing with my little kitten. “Mackenzie graciously offered to throw a party for my birthday—here, Friday night.”

  Katie called Anne over to the table. “Anne, did you double book the bar Friday for another birthday party?”

  “Yes. When your friend called to book, I saw no reason to leave half of the bar empty on a Friday.” Anne winked at me and walked away.

  “Katie, that’s wonderful,” Mackenzie gushed. “I had no idea your birthday was coming up. When is it?”

  “It’s actually Friday,” she volunteered the information freely. I was aware that no matter how upset Katie was with me, she would not do or say anything to disappoint her friend.

  “Looks like we share a birthday, Katie,” I drawled,
smiling inwardly. We had more in common than I had originally thought. I was going to get to see her for my birthday after all.

  I had a week to get her to forgive me. Then she would be mine in the way I had dreamt about since our first encounter… and our second. There would be a third, if I had anything to say about it.

  I had been disappointed when I arrived home from work to find the clothes she’d accepted from me that morning waiting for me, freshly cleaned and bearing a note. I took them and the other articles of clothing and delivered them to her door with a note of my own. Please accept these as a peace offering.

  She wasn’t home, so I left them hanging on her door. She must have been here with the girls. Lady Luck was on my side when I got the call from Richard to join him and Aleksander. I saw no reason to spend the evening alone in an empty apartment and accepted.

  The more time I spent with my brother, the more comfortable I was in his company. I never imagined that one day I would be sitting in a bar in some small town, drinking, conversing, and enjoying the company of strangers who were fast becoming friends.

  I thought that, to some extent, my brother’s fiancée was the reason. She was a beautiful person inside and out, and it was difficult not to immediately like the woman.

  Aleksander was hovering over his pregnant wife and decided he needed to take her home and put her to bed. I was convinced that he was in a hurry to get his wife home and take her to bed. Their passion for one another was evident to anyone with eyes. Katie had once told me they were like rabbits in heat. I envied them.

  As everyone said their goodnights, I noticed Katie taking a seat at the bar. I joined her.

  “Not ready to leave yet, kitten?” I used my best panty-melting glare and most seductive voice, hoping to entice her.

  “No. I had a couple of shooters and thought it best I sit and drink a couple bottles of water before driving home.” She was not combative, not shutting me out. Why not, I wondered?

  “Was Leona’s breakup so bad you needed to drink?” Katie didn’t drink, I knew, and I hoped this sudden change of events had nothing to do with my earlier behavior.

  “No, I needed the liquid courage before apologizing to Mackenzie about why I brazenly let her future brother-in-law finger me under her dining room table at Thanksgiving dinner.”

  I was the reason for her sudden interest in, as she put it, ‘liquid courage.’ Not for the reason I originally believed, but still, I was the reason.

  “Oh.” I had no idea where this conversation was going. Should I apologize? I didn’t regret doing it. I was regretting the look on Katie’s face as she calmly sat drinking her water. Too calmly… Why had she not dumped it on me, yelled at me, for putting her that situation? The calm was far worse.

  She was unemotional and detached.

  “I should have warned you about Haley.” I wouldn't apologize. I would do it again, if she let me.

  “Yes, you should have.” I wanted her riled, angry with me, like she had been earlier at her work. I would do anything for her to get in my face. I would accept any physical contact with her. Even a slap to the face from my kitten.

  I did not like this Katie, the cold, stick-up-her-ass future trophy wife.

  “Dance with me, Katie?” I had to get her to feel what she felt the last time we danced together.

  “Sure.” That was too easy—no cajoling, no convincing.

  I took her hand and led her to the small dance floor. I placed one of her hands on my shoulder and rested the other one on my chest. I wanted her to feel my heartbeat, feel the heat radiating off me from her presence.

  I placed one hand on the small of her back and the other on her head and brought her to my chest. Her head lay below my chin, and I could take in her scent—the scent of honey. I could also smell her lust. I was correct in assuming she wanted me, physically, if not emotionally.

  I drew her closer against my groin to feel my ever-growing erection. She looked up with emerald green eyes and coyly smiled. “That’s not the organ I have an issue with, Aaron.” She ran her hand through my hair and splayed her palms across my heart. “This is one getting in the way.”

  She pulled away. “I think I’ll take a taxi home and come back for my car tomorrow. Goodnight, Aaron.” She left me standing on the dance floor as she said her goodbyes to Anne.

  I stayed and contemplated how I was going to get her to come around to my way of thinking. Maybe I was overcomplicating things. What if I gave her what she was asking for—sex, no strings, no commitment? Whatever sexual desire I felt for her would fade once I had my fill of her. Then we could both walk away… satisfied, without regret.

  She was wrong. I was not thinking with the wrong organ. I had a week until the birthday parties to come up with a plan to convince her she needed to do the same. If I wanted to end the unsatisfied hunger she ignited in me, I would have to have to come up with a very good plan.

  I had only a week to find out what made her tick. What would she compromise her principles for, if anything? There had to be something she wanted bad enough to let down her guard and accept it from me.

  I had a nice chat with Anne and was feeling better about my prospects. Anne was a wealth of knowledge. I suspected she knew why I was asking general questions about Katie. She seemed all too eager to serve up the information I was looking for.

  I arrived at my apartment and was greeted by the front desk security clerk. “Mr. Walsh, a young lady dropped off the remainder of your dry cleaning.” He handed me the armful of clothing with a note attached. There will be no piece of this offering.

  “Thank you.” I proceeded to the elevator, grinning ear to ear. My little kitten must have arrived home to see my peace offering and decided she wanted nothing to do with it.

  It had not upset me as much as it might have had she not included the note with its suggestion of a challenge. My little kitten was in there. I just needed to find a way to get her to come out and play.

  Chapter 20


  I could have walked home from the bar. I lived three blocks away, and it wasn't freezing outside. I was pleased I had chosen to drink water and had my car when I noticed the package left on my doorstep. My intuition was on the money about what it was.

  I learned my lesson and wouldn’t be accepting any more gifts from him. Everything came with strings. I should have been smarter than that. I could hear Braden’s voice in my head. Nothing in this world is free, Katie. Don't get taken advantage of by those new rich friends of yours. Braden would kick Aaron’s ass if he knew what Aaron had taken advantage of, despite the fact that that I wanted him to take it again and again.

  It would be a restless night thinking about it.

  The next morning, I headed to the thrift store. I was a regular and on a first name basis with the volunteers. One of them sang in the choir with me. When I walked in Saturday morning, there was a lot more chatter among the staff than usual.

  I looked around the collection of ladies’ more refined suits—something for work that was not as constricting as my old clothes. As manager, I could not stroll in looking like the intern I was last week. I wanted a more sophisticated look. One I would have had if I had taken those clothes from Aaron.

  I sighed in frustration over my stubborn streak. I came by my red hair and short temper honestly. I may have lost the Irish accent, but there was no chance of losing the Irish blood in me.

  One of the elderly volunteers spied me at the racks and got excited. I thought the poor thing was about to have a coronary the way she was flailing her arms around.

  “Katie, we were hoping you would come in today. I almost called you to get your butt over here.” Mabel was barely coherent. “Look at these, Katie. They were brought in this morning by the handsomest man I have ever seen. He looked like he walked out of a magazine.”

  I was staring at the items that had been donated—the exact same items that had been sitting on my doorstep last night. Of course Mabel would think of me. She knew I was workin
g at The Boutique. I had mentioned to the staff to keep an eye out for something very much like what the elderly lady was holding in her arms, smiling as if she had found the pot at the end of the rainbow.

  “They are pretty, aren't they.” I was careful not to show emotion over the articles of clothing. “I don't think they are my size, but thank you anyway, Mabel.” End of conversation.

  “You won't know unless you try them on.” She was ushering me into the makeshift dressing room before any protest could be had. I knew they were going to fit and had no way to explain why I would be refusing to purchase them.

  But then again, I could purchase them—with my own money. Did it matter how they got here? I bit my bottom lip as I looked in the mirror at the beautiful black sheath dress from the top of the pile. It was what I had been looking for to wear to my birthday party.

  I slipped the dress over my head and reached back to pull up the zipper. It fit perfectly. There was no need to prolong the pretence. I knew better than to assume, like Aaron that everything would fit without trying them on. I did however wish to do this in private.

  “Thank you, Mabel, for thinking of me. Doesn’t this one look nice?” I asked the older women as I twirled in the black dress.

  “Katie,” she almost broke down, “you look lovely, like you belong in a magazine.”

  “Thank you, Mabel.” I gave her a hug. “If this fits, I’m sure the rest will. I will take them all. If there is anything unsuitable, I’ll donate it back for someone else to feel special in. How about that?”

  “Too bad that handsome man is not here to see you in that dress,” Mabel commented. “I bet the two of you would make a lovely couple.” If only she knew how close to the truth her statement was.

  How would Aaron feel Friday when I walked in wearing the very dress he’d bought for me? The very one I gave back. I was going to wear it proudly on Friday, the dress I bought myself—my thrift store find. All I needed was one special accessory I had stowed away for a special occasion, one such as this.


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