Keeper of the Realms: The Dark Army (Book 2)

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Keeper of the Realms: The Dark Army (Book 2) Page 6

by Marcus Alexander

  ‘But how did he manage to block their Gateway?’

  ‘Pah! Easily! Do not forget how powerful he has grown and how large the forces that march beneath his banner. I should imagine that sending a small part of his army to the Winged Mountain was a simple task met with very little resistance. I doubt it would have taken his soldiers long to slit the throats of the sentinels that guarded the Winged Ones’ sanctuary. Since then I hear he’s kept a cadre of Stonesingers garrisoned there, where they funnel their energies day and night towards the Gateway, ensuring that it remains closed.’

  Charlie rubbed her forehead in an attempt to dispel her growing headache. The pendant’s secret wasn’t all she had hoped it would be. She had wanted a quick fix. Not this. ‘So if the Winged Ones can’t return that way, what’s this other route you’re talking about?’

  ‘Well, the Winged Ones weren’t stupid. They prepared another Gate to be used in dire circumstances.’

  ‘What, like a secret door?’


  ‘And you know where it is?’

  ‘Yes I do. The pendant reveals the location, but if you recall our deal was half the secret now, half the secret later. My god first, location second.’

  ‘OK, that sounds fair. But how’d you know about this Gateway?’ asked Charlie with a suspicious frown. ‘It’s not like that pendant came with a map and an instruction manual.’

  Darkmount chuckled. ‘Yes it did.’

  ‘Ppft. No it didn’t.’

  ‘Yes it did. The instructions are written upon it.’

  ‘What? No they aren’t!’

  ‘Yes they are. They have been written in Hydraic script.’ Darkmount sighed when he saw her puzzled frown. ‘Feel it, feel the pendant.’

  Charlie rubbed it. ‘I can’t feel anything.’

  ‘Idiot child. The pendant is not smooth is it?’

  ‘Well no, it’s got lots of little bumps on it.’

  ‘Those “bumps” are Hydraic script.’


  ‘It is meant to be read with your fingers. By touch.’

  ‘Oh … like Braille? For the blind?’

  ‘I am not familiar with this “Braille”, but, yes, it is a script meant for the blind.’

  ‘Slick!’ Charlie turned to Nibbler and grinned. ‘How cool is that? Darkmount, one more question. How do I use the pendant once you give me the location?’

  The Stoman shrugged. ‘Much like a normal key. Take it to the Gateway, where you will find a keyhole in the Gate itself. Place the pendant in it and use your Will to power it open.’

  ‘Right … I’m still not a hundred per cent with this Keeper stuff. I know how to open a Portal and how to use my Will to boost my K’Changa. But I’m not sure how to do other stuff with it. Last time I managed to use the pendant to call Nibbler and Azariah it was by accident.’

  ‘I am not a Keeper; my strengths and studies outside stonesinging are limited to Winged Ones. Opening the Gate is something that you will have to work out for yourself.’

  Charlie bit her lower lip then forced a confident grin. ‘Nothing is ever easy, huh? OK, that’s something that I can sort out on my own.’

  ‘I’ll be there too,’ said Nibbler. ‘If it’s a Winged One’s Gateway then maybe I can help too?’

  Charlie flashed him a smile. ‘Thanks, Nibbler. So that’s it, then. Once we’ve got your god you’ll give me the location, right?’


  ‘Then all I have to do is travel to the Gate, plonk in the pendant, use my Will on it, bring the Winged Ones up to date on what’s been going on, then go give Bane the beating he deserves and rescue my parents?’

  ‘Pah! I do not care what you do – just help me get my god.’

  ‘Still not one for small talk, are you?’

  Darkmount gave her a long level stare.

  Charlie sighed. ‘OK, then, let’s talk about what we’re going to do tonight.’

  ‘We will talk over a meal. You will need all your energy for what comes next. It will not be easy and shall most assuredly be dangerous.’

  ‘Oh, great.’ Charlie grimaced, rolling her eyes at Nibbler. ‘I can hardly wait.’


  Planning Ahead

  The three of them sat in the middle of the cavern. Darkmount’s cooking, although no five-star affair, was filling and hearty.

  Charlie stretched the kinks from her back then leaned back to enjoy the feeling of being suitably stuffed. Her eyes narrowed as Nibbler, having polished off his bowl, pulled out a great slab of ham.

  ‘Where’d you snatch that from?’

  ‘I didn’t “snatch” it,’ he protested. ‘Darkmount gave it to me in exchange for allowing him to sketch my wings.’

  Charlie looked at her friend. ‘Darkmount’s right you know. You’ve got bigger.’

  It was true. Nibbler had bulked up. No longer was he the size of a mastiff; he was more the size of a tiger.

  Nibbler paused in his efforts to bury his face in the ham. ‘What? Is that a bad thing?’

  ‘No, no, Nibbler.’ Charlie couldn’t help but laugh. ‘It’s not a bad thing. It’s just a surprise that’s all. I guess Winged Ones do “growth spurts” slightly differently from Humans.’

  ‘Well, Nibbler by name, Nibbler by nature,’ he smirked.

  ‘Enough,’ interrupted Darkmount, ‘Enough of this pointless chatting. We have work to do.’

  ‘Sorry.’ Charlie sat up. She knew she’d need to pay attention if she hoped to keep her skin in one piece while retrieving the bishop’s god. ‘So what’s the plan for tonight?’

  ‘Tonight will come in two parts. Firstly, we have to gain entrance to the Stubborn Citadel and, secondly, you will have to enter the Gate that leads to the lower dominion while we keep the soldiers occupied. But before we delve into details you will need to know some geography. The Stubborn Citadel lies on the southernmost part of the mountains, where the Western Mountains join the Slumbering Hills.’ With a few notes of stonesinging and a wave of his hands, Darkmount caused the floor to ripple and move. At his insistence the ground pulled itself into a three-dimensional map.

  Charlie blinked at the phenomenon. It was very detailed, more a work of art than a topographical map.

  Darkmount stood and, like a teacher giving a lecture, began to point out locations. ‘Deepforest and Sylvaris lie here in the east.’ His fingers then tracked to the left, indicating a range of jagged-looking mountains that ran from north to south. ‘The Western Mountains, obviously in the west. This great expanse that lies between them and Deepforest is the Great Plains.’ He pointed to two city-like bumps to the south of the Great Plains. The bumps were separated by a river. ‘Alavis and Alacorn, the twin cities. And even further south, right here, is the Winged Mount.’

  ‘That’s where the Winged Ones live, right?’

  ‘Yes, and that is where Bane has posted his Stonesingers to seal their Gate.’

  Charlie stared at the mountain. It held the one thing that would destroy Bane and free her parents. If only she –

  ‘Pay attention!’ snapped Darkmount, jerking Charlie from her thoughts. ‘Now, if we travel up from Alavis, across the Great Plains, we reach the Slumbering Hills. And here, right where the Slumbering Hills meet the Western Mountains, is the Stubborn Citadel.’

  He sang another note and a miniature citadel appeared on the mountains. Charlie leaned forward for a better look.

  ‘Take a good look at this map. Remember it, because tonight when I ask you to, you will open a Portal to this location.’

  Charlie looked long and hard. ‘Deepforest to the east, then the Great Plains, then the Western Mountains and where they join the Slumbering Hills … the Stubborn Citadel. Got it.’

  ‘Are you certain?’


  ‘Excellent. Now for a closer look.’ Singing softly, Darkmount zoomed in on the citadel. As it grew, the other features of the map dwindled until only a perfectly formed model of the fortress remained.

  ‘That’s one mean-looking place,’ said Charlie.

  The citadel sat on top of a craggy, sheer-sided hill. The main building was a squat-looking tower that was encircled by three high stone walls. The place was thick with battlements, guard towers, arrow slits and murder holes. If Jensen’s tower was the epitome of fairy-tale architecture, then this was the complete opposite. No one in their right mind would ever want to visit this place.

  ‘How are we going to get in?’

  ‘The citadel is guarded to prevent any unwarranted Portals so you will have to open your Portal down here, at the base of the hill. We will then climb these cliffs and scale the walls here.’

  ‘That’s a long climb,’ said Nibbler, looking doubtful.

  Charlie was quiet as she attempted to estimate how high the cliffs were, then tried to add the height of the walls on top of that. ‘There’s no way –’

  ‘That will not be a problem,’ said Darkmount. ‘I will carry you.’

  An image of the bishop climbing the courtyard in Alavis flashed through Charlie’s mind. ‘Er, OK. Will you be able to carry me over the other walls as well?’


  ‘What about me?’ asked Nibbler.

  ‘Fool, just fly in! It’ll be dark and the last thing anyone would expect is a Winged One.’

  ‘Er, yeah. OK. So fly in where?’

  ‘Here.’ Darkmount pointed to a secluded side of the main tower. ‘The portcullis and main entrance is over on the other side so there will be fewer guards here. Once you meet us I will carve a door inside –’

  ‘Wait,’ interrupted Charlie. ‘You’re making it sound too easy. Won’t they spot us once we’re inside, and won’t they hear your stonesinging first or at least be able to detect it?’

  ‘If we stumble across any guards I will silence them, and as for the stonesinging do not forget I am a Stone Bishop. Stone is my element and my faith gives me power. Real power. Keeping my voice quiet enough to remain undetected, at least long enough for us to get over the wall, will be child’s play. Of course once we’re inside the citadel … Well, that’s where the real danger begins.’

  ‘Oh, great.’ Charlie laced her words with a healthy helping of sarcasm. ‘After all, we wouldn’t want it all to be child’s play and sweet eats. So what makes the inside scarier than the outside?’

  Ignoring her scorn, Darkmount replied. ‘Firstly, there’s a whole garrison of soldiers, Shades and Stonesingers inside. And, secondly, I don’t know where the Gate to the lower dominion is, so we will have to find that when we get in.’

  ‘By beating the directions out of the first soldier you can get your hands on, I’m guessing?’ suggested Nibbler, who had grown used to Darkmount’s ways.

  ‘Of course,’ snorted the Stoman. ‘I only use methods that produce results. Why do otherwise? Of course, on this occasion we won’t have the luxury of taking our time. Once we break in all the citadel’s forces will come raining down on us.’

  ‘Isn’t that going to be a problem?’

  ‘Possibly. But provided this Hatchling –’ he gestured at Nibbler – ‘and I can find a narrow passageway to bottleneck the opposition, it shouldn’t be. Between his flames and my stonesinging we should be able to keep any threat at bay long enough for you to return with my god. Once my god is in my hands there will be no power in that fortress that can prevent us from leaving.’


  A Challenge of Will

  Charlie knuckled her head in an effort to stay focused.

  ‘Right,’ she said. ‘If you and Nibbler are keeping the citadel’s forces at bay I’ll be going on alone, in which case I want some real instructions on where I’ve got to go and what I’ve got to do. And when I say instructions I mean the kind that are step by step, childproof and impossible to fail.’

  ‘Do not worry, Charlie Keeper. The task ahead will be dangerous but not impossible. You are the one who is going to bring me back my god. Of this I am certain.’

  ‘Well … good. So tell me what I’ve got to do once we’re inside.’

  ‘There are seven lower dominions in Bellania, or as you’d call them, seven hells. The realm you require is inhabited by the Patchwork Kindred, and it will be as different to your eyes as Bellania is from Earth. Be aware that it will be unlike anything you have ever seen.’


  ‘It will be like a dream made real.’ He paused as he gave the matter some thought. ‘Or a nightmare.’

  ‘Oookay, then.’ Charlie had a sinking feeling that things were only going to go downhill from here. ‘So what other good news do you have for me?’

  ‘To open the Gate you must focus your Will upon it. You told me that the Delightful Brothers forced you to use a mirror to open a Portal to your own world. Well this is the same. Force it to open and it will reveal the path. Once you have passed through the Gates you will find yourself in a mist, so visibility will be limited. Beneath your feet you will feel a stone path; do not wander from this – turn neither left nor right, but follow it straight ahead. It will lead you to a bridge and on the other side you will find a temple. Remember: stay on the path and do not look down when you cross the bridge.’

  ‘Why not?’

  ‘Because it is said to span a bottomless pit. Those who look into it become mesmerized and fall. Once you have entered the temple –’

  ‘Wait, wait, wait. This all sounds too easy. I’m supposed to just walk on in? No guards with three heads? No devils with horns and tridents? No portcullis that turns into a mouth and tries to swallow me whole? Nothing like that?’

  ‘The scriptures say nothing of –’

  ‘Scriptures? You mean you don’t know? Have you never been there?’

  ‘Silly child, of course I have never been there! If I had do you think I would have any need for you and your idiotic sidekick?’

  ‘Hey!’ said Nibbler, who was quickly silenced by Darkmount’s thunderous glare.

  ‘May I continue?’

  Charlie nodded, still unsure what she was letting herself in for. She pouted and crossed her arms.

  Darkmount stared right back. ‘I can tell you nothing with certainty,’ he continued. ‘All I can tell you is what has been written. The temple will be open and unguarded. Once inside you must take yourself to the highest floor. There you will find a corridor lined with many doors. Those on the left will be marked with a burnt cross; the doors on the right will be marked with a burnt circle. The vessel you seek will be in one of the last three doors on the right. Precisely which of the three neither I nor the scriptures can say for certain. Under no circumstances must you attempt to open any door marked with a cross.’

  ‘Why not?’

  ‘The scriptures did not say why, only that it was forbidden.’

  ‘Fine. No doors with a cross. What does this vessel actually look like?’

  Darkmount sketched an outline in the dirt on the cave floor. It looked like a classical Greek vase, the kind with a pointy base. ‘It is an honest and humble stone urn. Dull brown in colour with no lid, and if you were to gaze inside you would see the night skies.’

  ‘What, with stars and all?’

  ‘With stars and all, Charlie Keeper.’

  ‘So shouldn’t be too hard to find, then, huh?’

  The Stoman bishop gave her a measured look, trying to discern whether or not she was mocking him. Charlie stared back and did her best to look serious.

  Pulling a sour face Darkmount nudged over a beautifully crafted leather satchel. Charlie opened it and peered inside.

  ‘Er … is it supposed to be empty?’

  ‘It is for the urn. Its padding will keep the vessel safe and will allow you to keep both hands free.’

  Charlie slipped the satchel over her shoulders so she could wear it like a backpack.

  ‘Most importantly,’ he continued, ‘Touch nothing, eat nothing, drink nothing. Remember these words and remember them well.’

  ‘Touch nothing, eat nothing, drink nothing. Sure. But thi
s still all sounds a little too easy. C’mon, Edge, there’s got to be some monsters or guards or … well, something! What about all these “Daemon Kindred” you talk about?’

  ‘I was coming to that.’ Darkmount picked up a long bundle. He carefully unwrapped it to produce an ancient, rusted and seemingly useless sword.

  Charlie looked at it carefully, waiting for a flicker or a sparkle to suggest a hidden sharpness, but she was disappointed. It really was just a rusty sword.

  ‘Oh, great, I feel safer already!’ she snorted. ‘Not only are you sending me to hell, you’re giving me the worst sword I’ve ever seen in my life and what’s twice as ridiculous is that I’ve absolutely no idea how to use it. Ha! If there’s any hungry daemons in there they might as well sit back and enjoy the show cos the only person I’m going to be a danger to is myself.’

  Charlie crossed her arms and sat back in an obvious grump, not caring who saw her pouting.

  ‘Young Keeper, nothing in any realm is what it seems. Nothing. The same can be said of this sword.’

  ‘What, you mean it’s going to turn into a lean, mean, slicing machine, then?’ she said with thick sarcasm.

  ‘It is a Hell Sword. It bears a nasty surprise and if it looks like nothing now that is because it is deceptive.’

  ‘But what am I going to do with a sword? I don’t know how to use one!’

  ‘Well you’d better learn fast as it is the only thing that kills daemons.’

  Charlie leaned over and took the heavy sword in her hands. It felt as useless as it looked. ‘What about the scabbard?’

  ‘There is no scabbard.’

  ‘So what am I supposed to do with it?’ said Charlie, unimpressed. ‘Hold it all day long until my hand goes numb?’


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