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by Bastian, Laura D.

  The ride to the castle wasn’t long, which was a blessing in disguise, because the carriage was rough and not comfortable in the slightest. And she was eager to meet her new family. Especially since she had been whisked away from the castle and family she had apparently grown up in. When the carriage went under the gate and into the courtyard of the castle, Lily realized she was actually in the same castle that still stood in her own time. There would be changes to it, repairs and expansions over the years, but it was amazing to see the beginnings of something she’d always felt was so ancient.

  A line of servants stood in front of the doors to the castle, but Lily could see no signs that any were royalty. Her heart sank to think the prince still had not come out to meet her.

  She was assisted from the carriage and led into the castle. Inside the stone walls, it felt cooler than where she’d been standing in the sunshine, but there were only a few lit torches lining the walls. The building had a melancholy feel to it and once again, Lily had a bit of fear creep into her heart.

  She studied the servants and was relieved to see none of them looked terrified or overly concerned for their welfare. Though none seemed all that happy with their lot either.

  “If you will please follow me,” a young woman said with a curtsy. “I shall take you to their majesties.”

  Lily gave the girl a smile. “Thank you.”

  They ascended one flight of stairs and then walked down a narrow and dim corridor that ended in a large wooden door. The girl knocked and waited. Lily smoothed the skirt of her dress and hoped her appearance was okay.

  The door was opened from the inside and a guard with a dagger in one hand and a sword hanging from his waist stepped back and watched her as she stood there.

  “Come inside,” a voice from beyond the guard said.

  Lily took a steadying breath and entered the room. Inside, sitting on straight backed carved wood thrones were an older man with gray hair and beard and a woman in her late forties perhaps.

  “It’s about time,” the king said. The woman next to him frowned and Lily was almost sure she had rolled her eyes, but she said nothing to him. Instead the queen spoke.

  “Welcome to Aragonia. I do hope your travels were fair.”

  “Thank you,” Lily said.

  “Are you doing this of your own free will?” a voice from the side of the queen asked.

  Lily turned to peer into the darkness of the draperies. She could make out the body of a man, but she could not see his features, other than he looked large and healthy. Was this the prince?

  “Of course,” Lily said.

  The king laughed, making Lily turn back to him. “Well, that makes one of you,” the king said, chortling loudly. “Stop sulking and come welcome your new bride.”

  Lily turned her attention back to the figure in the dark. The man stepped out from the shadows, a look of anger on his otherwise handsome face.

  Lily felt herself sigh in relief that he wasn’t horrible to look at. But as he stared daggers at her, she immediately changed her mind. Though he was physically attractive, she would never be able to look at him if he truly felt about her what his expression so clearly said.

  “I told you I would pick you a beauty,” the king said, surprising Lily with his bluntness. “She will give you no trouble that way. And siring an heir will not be a chore, I assure you.”

  Lily’s face heated with embarrassment. The fact that they were talking about her like that in front of her was uncalled for.

  “I beg your pardon, your majesty,” Lily said before she could stop herself but the prince interjected loudly.

  “I will take my leave now, father.” He stepped down from the dais and stood in front of Lily then turned and bowed stiffly to his father and more formally to his mother. “I’ll show Princess Liliana to her chambers.”

  The king laughed once again, but Lily was prevented from responding as the prince grabbed her by the arm and practically spun her around to drag her out of the royal chambers.

  “What are you doing?” Lily demanded once they reached the dim hallway.

  “Stopping you from saying something stupid. Never question my judgment, and never speak so freely to my father. It will not go well with you.”

  “But how could he say such a thing?”

  The prince looked at her as if she was crazy to even question it.

  “That you were beautiful?” the prince asked.

  “No, that I was…” Lily stumbled over the words. “That I wouldn’t be…”

  Understanding dawned on the prince’s face and he stepped back a little from her, releasing her arm.

  “Don’t let that worry you. I won’t touch you like that. That would make me too much like him.” The prince practically growled out the words and started to walk away from her.

  Lily stared after him, stunned that he would flat out tell her that he had no intention of actually being a husband to her. He looked behind him after he’d walked a few feet.

  “Come with me. I’ll show you your place. You should get your rest. We are to wed tomorrow. It will be a long day.”

  The prince turned away once again and Lily had no choice but to hurry after him. He didn’t say another word as they moved through the castle. She had no idea how big the place was, and if she would ever figure out how to get back to the front doors. Her normal, upbeat attitude began to fail her and Lily worried she might actually come to discover this wasn’t a dream come true, but more of a nightmare.

  The prince stopped abruptly at a door and turned to her. She took a few tentative steps and stopped beside him. He reached out and opened the door then stepped to the side to allow her room to enter.

  “I’ll send your girl up to you soon. A servant will bring you dinner. You should dine here tonight. Someone will wake you in the morning and prepare you for the wedding.”

  He turned to leave but Lily reached out and said, “Wait.” She pulled her hand back before she could touch him and he looked at her in surprise that she would have even attempted it. Lily clenched her fingers into a fist and looked at him. “I don’t even know your name.”

  “Oh,” he said, as if surprised she would even ask. “Eduardo.”


  Eduardo pulled the door closed after Liliana had turned away to step further into her room. He stared at the wood that separated them and wondered if he had been too harsh.

  He had wanted to get her away from his father as quickly as possible, but he hadn’t meant to hurt her feelings. And she had said she was marrying him of her own free will. She wasn’t being forced into this. But she had come alone, with no family as support and still looked as if she wanted to be here.

  That should have given him some comfort, but instead it worried him. What kind of woman in their right mind would agree to marry under these circumstances? And she hadn’t even known his name. How was that possible? He’d known he would marry Liliana for the last year. The negotiations had been going back and forth for years before that. Yet he had dreaded this day.

  His bride to be, however, seemed completely at ease with it all. Perhaps she hoped to control him. To have more power than what she could have come by as a younger daughter of a king who had too many children. Becoming the queen of a nation would be enough of an enticement to endure a marriage like this.

  Would she be cold and heartless?

  He didn’t want any kind of marriage like his parents had. He would never want to put a woman through what his mother had endured. And if Liliana was only in it for the title of queen, she would never welcome his touch. Especially not with the way she’d reacted to his father’s comments. Endure it, maybe, but Eduardo never wanted anything so base.

  He stood there for so long that another servant approached, followed by a young woman who must be Liliana’s lady’s maid. He stepped away from the door to allow the servants to pass and when the door was opened, he caught sight of Liliana’s tear stained face as she threw herself at the girl.

r lack of decorum was surprising, but all thoughts of that left his mind as he contemplated the implications of her tears. She was so unhappy here at the thought of marrying him that she would throw herself at a servant and beg for comfort in her arms.

  Eduardo walked slowly down the hallway and turned the corner to his own chambers. If only there was some way he could save her from this marriage. But knowing his father’s wrath, there was nothing he could do. And if he refused to marry Liliana, his father would take it out on the poor girl and cause even more damage than was already done.

  No, Eduardo would have to marry her and hope that in time, she might grow to tolerate him. Perhaps even to the point where they could be united as rulers and do what they could to heal the damage to his country.


  Lily held on to Ana tightly and was thankful the girl allowed her to cry. Ana had seemed to accept Lily’s odd ways. She doubted a real princess would act this way, but Lily needed to know that she wasn’t alone. That someone cared about her as a person. It was a hard reality she found herself in.

  But Lily would survive. She’d never been a quitter and traveling back into the past was not going to be the thing that proved her wrong.

  Lily allowed Ana to help her prepare for bed and when a servant brought her food in, she was already feeling better. Tomorrow, she’d marry a prince, and if she wasn’t already a princess now, though she really wasn’t sure if she was or not, she would be tomorrow. And a princess didn’t cry herself to sleep — she rolled up her sleeves and got to work. Or at least Lily would.

  No matter what it took, Lily would do her best to live the life she was sent here for.

  As she lay down on the bed, she wondered if she’d be able to fall asleep. At first, the bed was uncomfortable, but after a few minutes, she found a position that wasn’t bad. At least it wasn’t lumpy. Of course if it was, then she could prove herself a true princess just like the fairy tale of the princess and the pea.

  Lily laughed softly. No, she’d have to figure out what other kind of fairy tale princess story she was in.

  But that would take some time, because she still had no idea what to make of Eduardo. Would he be good to her, or would he be just as horrid as the king seemed to be?

  Only time would tell.

  When she woke in the morning, she was fed, bathed, and dressed in a long silk gown with more layers than anything Lily had ever worn before. A crown was placed on her head, with her hair twisted through the back to hold it firmly in place. Then a veil of long sheer fabric, that on closer examination revealed it to be some of the finest lace she had ever seen, was attached to the crown and allowed to fall over her face.

  Ana, and another young woman placed satin slippers on her feet and then helped her to stand.

  “It is time, Your Highness,” Ana said.

  Lily nodded and followed the other girl out the door while Ana held the long train that was attached at her shoulders like a cape. The weight of that alone was enough to make her want to shed all the finery and just get married in something simple like the under-dress she’d been told to step into first.

  As Lily walked into the huge hall of the castle, she scanned the room, trying to take everything in. She’d not been allowed to tour the castle yesterday after her arrival and had only seen the hallways, the throne room, and her own chambers.

  But here, she could see the magnificence of the castle. Ceilings that had to be forty feet high were crisscrossed with giant wooden beams. Detailed tapestries lined the walls with few spaces for thin windows.

  Along the edge, the guests stood instead of having any benches or pews like in a church.

  King Gerardo sat on a smaller throne with his wife, Queen Isa to his side. The two stared out into the crowd and though the king glanced at her, the queen gave Lily a small smile.

  Huge pillars with lit candles lined the entryway and more were placed along the corners and behind the man who would perform the ceremony.

  All this she took in within moments, but her eyes were drawn to the man who stood at the front of the room. Though murmurs arose at her entrance, Eduardo did not turn around.

  He was not happy to see her and she knew he did not welcome this event in his life. What was she going to do?


  Eduardo stood with his back to his bride-to-be, refusing to look at her. He could not show any kind of weakness in front of his father, and if the king so much as thought Eduardo might actually be interested in the Princess Liliana, he was sure it would be a miserable experience for his new wife.

  So in order to protect her, he would have to shun her. At least until he could get her away from here. They would be traveling for their wedding tour, taking her throughout the land to introduce her to the people far and wide.

  Then once they had seen all the towns and villages, as well as met with the lords and ladies of the nobility, he’d be free to show interest in her.

  And though he hated to agree with his father in any way, Liliana was uncommonly beautiful and it would be no burden to be married to her. As long as her heart and soul could be anywhere as good as his mother’s, there might even be a chance for happiness.

  He could only hope.

  Eduardo continued to stare straight ahead. He felt Liliana’s presence there immediately, even before the priest stepped forward. She radiated goodness and he was unable to prevent himself from looking.

  She was covered from head to toe with fabric and lace, but he could see her delicate features through the lace and as he caught sight of her deep red lips, he had an incredible desire to kiss them.

  But he would wait. If he kissed her here, allowed himself to taste of her lips, he doubted he’d be able to act aloof. His father would do something to separate them knowing he was happy with his lot.

  The priest began his part by intoning the powers of heaven to bless their union. As he spoke, Eduardo looked at his bride from the corner of his eye. She stared straight ahead, and fear washed over him. Would she not have any interest in him anyway?

  He didn’t know if he could bear a rejection from her so he took care to tuck away his heart.

  “Do you take Prince Eduardo to be your husband, and give yourself unto him?”

  Eduardo looked at Liliana and she nodded curtly, answering with a single word. “Yes.”

  The priest turned his attention to Eduardo. “Do you take Princess Liliana to be your wife? To protect her with all you are?”

  Eduardo looked once more at Liliana, wondering if she would meet his eyes. But she continued to stare straight ahead, making him realize how foolish he was to want something from a practical stranger. He returned his attention back to the priest. “Yes.”

  He could have sworn he heard a breath of relief from Liliana, but the priest continued with the ceremony until he’d pronounced them husband and wife. Then the priest took their hands, instructing them to clasp them together.

  “Now it is time for the fasting of your hands that will seal your union on a spiritual level. This ritual is one of deep significance. Please interlace your hands together, taking care to breathe slowly and focus on the connection being created.”

  Eduardo took Liliana’s hand in his, feeling the incredible smoothness of her skin. The shiver that rose through him made him look up into her eyes. Did she feel it too?

  Liliana was looking at their clasped hands instead, and when the priest spoke again, she looked to him, almost ignoring Eduardo. But he couldn’t get her out of his thoughts.

  The priest took a cloth and began to wrap it around their interlaced hands. “Henceforth, you will be united in partnership – ready to support one another through both the joys and the sorrows. This act symbolizes a deep commitment to your shared union.

  “Just as your hands are bound before us today, so too will your lives become. While this ribbon will soon be unwrapped, your spirits will forever be joined in unity from this moment forward. Let us acknowledge this special bond you share, and may your relationship be blessed
with joy and happiness.”

  The priest placed his hands on their shoulders and told them to turn and face their guests.

  Eduardo did as he was told and pulled Liliana’s hand to guide her steps until they were looking out at the guests in attendance. He held their joined hands up high and the people clapped and cheered.

  After a few moments, he brought his hand down, and felt her squeeze his hand tightly. She must be eager to be released so he relaxed his hand and reached for the cloth that held them together. The priest assisted him in removing the ribbon and once it was gone, Liliana finally looked at Eduardo.

  The veil still covered her face, but he could see the question in her eyes through the lace. What was she afraid of?

  “If you will come with me,” Benito, his father’s top adviser, said. “I will take you to your room.”

  Taking Liliana’s hand and placing it on his arm in order to show a unified front to his people, but also prove to his father that he had no care for this woman other than in an official capacity, he took a step forward and felt Liliana hesitate for just a moment.

  “Where are we going?” Liliana whispered.

  “To our chambers.”

  Her face, though mostly hidden beneath the lace veil, paled making her plump lips even more pronounced. She didn’t want him and would not welcome his interest.

  “Have no fear,” he nearly hissed as they walked. “I have no intention of touching you.”

  Liliana’s quick intake of breath surprised him. But perhaps she was just relieved. He forced her out of his thoughts, an incredible feat given the fact that she was so close and intriguing.

  He couldn’t wait to get her away from the castle. And maybe, just maybe, he might have a chance to get to know his wife. And perhaps convince her that he would not be such a terrible husband.


  Lily stared at the huge wooden doors that led to the room of her new husband, but with the way he spoke and walked and refused to look at her, Lily wasn’t worried about anything happening. In fact, she worried more about nothing happening. Why had she been sent back here? Lachele had been certain she could send a person to find the love of their lives, but there was no love here. Nothing that would indicate she’d be needed.


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