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by Bastian, Laura D.

  She prepared the tea, then handed him the cup, taking care to smile at him and make him feel like she could be counted as a friend.

  “Do you know where the queen is?” Lily asked after she pretended to take a sip of tea. “Eduardo is worried about her.”

  Benito shook his head. “She disappeared not long after the king’s injuries.”

  “Do you think she may have had something to do with it,” Lily asked with concern. Benito’s eyes widened, and she saw him take the bait.

  “I had not considered that, Your Highness, but now that you mention it, I could see it as a possibility. It is no secret they had many differences.”

  Lily nodded. “I could see that when I arrived. I can’t imagine the discord they felt. It was so much different than what I grew up with. I fear my own union may have less than happy results as well.”

  She lifted her eyes from her teacup and met his eyes. Benito took another sip of his tea and Lily hoped the medicine would start to wear him down.

  “There is truth to the saying that a son will grow to be what his father is.”

  Lily frowned into her cup, then blinked rapidly as if trying to prevent tears from falling.

  “What can I do?” she asked softly.

  “Do you fear him?” Benito asked after a moment, just as softly.

  “I don’t know,” she said. “He has hardly spoken to me and has dragged me halfway across the country to show me off, as if I were just a possession to him.”

  Benito shook his head. “That is unpardonable, Your Highness. If I were so blessed to have a woman like you in my life, I would shower her with everything her heart could desire.”

  Lily fluttered her lashes over the top of her teacup, keeping her lips closed as she pretended to drink. “That is most admirable of you, your grace.”

  Benito smiled widely, and Lily was certain the drug in the tea was taking affect. She gave him a demure smile, hoping that he wouldn’t see the concern in her eyes. Or at least take it for nerves as she flirted with him.

  The more he talked, the more she became certain he had something to do with the attack on the king and the queen’s absence. Even the way he looked at her injury as if he knew more about it than anyone else at the palace made her more and more sure she needed to keep him talking.

  Lily poured another cup of tea and passed it back to him, taking care to allow her fingers to brush his as she did so, then met his eyes and quickly looked away.

  Her heart pounded rapidly in her chest. If he really had attacked the king, what would he do to her if he discovered she was stalling and drugging him? She didn’t think the medicine would put him out completely, but she hoped it would slow down his reflexes.

  Benito took another drink of the tea then passed it back to her, placing his hand on hers as she lifted the teapot to pour him more. He looked more relaxed and less cautious of her and Lily knew her plan was working, yet he was still so much stronger than she was. If he began to suspect her of anything, she would be in serious danger.

  “You are too kind, your grace,” Lily said, pulling her hand back a little to allow him to hold the pot. “You must have realized how tired I am after such a long day. And this arm pains me. How I wish there was something to ease my troubles.” She placed her hand gently on her injured arm then wiped a tear away. “Eduardo seemed more bothered than sorrowful I was injured. As if my injury interfered with his plans. But I can see the kindness and compassion in yourself.”

  She took the teacup he passed her and took a small drink then smiled at him again. “I am pleased you have joined me. I was worried I’d be left alone and forgotten.”

  “I don’t know how anyone could forget you, Your Highness. Prince Eduardo is a fool for sure. He doesn’t deserve you. I thought that the first moment I saw you when you stepped off the boat.”

  Lily met his eyes, and could see the darkness in his heart. What would he do to her? She had to keep him talking until she could either send for help, or until Eduardo returned.

  “I was so afraid when I first arrived,” Lily said. “Your kind face was the first I saw. I knew if there was any good in this kingdom, it was you.”

  Benito smiled and leaned forward. She could tell his balance was off just a little, as if he were becoming drunk, but with her injured arm, she would still be not match for him.

  “And if the king dies, and Eduardo is assassinated, what ever would I do? I have no one to protect me.”

  “Never fear, Your Highness. I would care for you. In fact, if you wished it, I would do anything for you, including taking you as my wife.”

  Benito reached for her, but she pulled back in surprise at his words and he stumbled and fell to his knees.

  Lily stood quickly from her chair and moved behind it, placing it between her and him. Benito struggled to stand, then got his footing and shook his head. He glared at her.

  “What have you done?”

  Lily shook her head. “Whatever do you mean?”

  “You poisoned me?”

  Lily snorted. “As if.”

  He lunged at her again, then fell against the chair and hit the floor hard with his elbow. He grunted in pain and Lily moved to the side again, trying to get out of his reach. She pushed the chair at him as he grabbed for her, and it hit him in the head, making him scream out in pain then he lay still for a moment before returning to consciousness.

  She had to stop him from getting up again, but she had no desire to kill the man. He rolled to his stomach, then attempted to get up on his hands and knees and Lily looked around the room, trying to find something to tie him up with, but she didn’t think the draperies would work. Not unless she could convince him to just let her roll him up inside.

  Lily lifted the sling off her shoulder and struggled to untie it. That would be her best option. She studied his feet then hands, wondering which ones she should tie. Then inspiration hit. She remembered a movie she’d watched and grabbed both is hands, pulling them behind his back and twisting them in a knot then took the remaining length of the sling and brought his feet up, forcing his legs to bend at the knee in order for her to hog tie him.

  He jerked and struggled, forcing her to use both hands, and her arm screamed out in pain, but she knew if she didn’t use all her strength now, she’d be in terrible danger.


  Eduardo had found the hidden room his mother had retreated to on occasion and had searched there for her, but to no avail. She was gone.

  At least there was no indication she’d been injured. He looked around the room, trying to find anything that might give him a clue to his mother’s whereabouts. The room was clean, and he knew it had been used recently.

  There was no dust and even the little writing table she had was clean. The candle had been used recently, and Eduardo had wondered if perhaps she’d written anything. The wax used to seal her correspondence looked as if it had been recently used and Eduardo doubled his search efforts. He then left her hidden room and returned to her bedroom then to his room.

  Behind his own box of papers and quill and wax, he saw a folded paper. On the front it said nothing, but the seal was his mother’s. Eduardo broke the seal and unfolded the paper, searching the words for her meaning.

  She’d written in a rush, her letters not formed as neatly as she’d always done, but he was sure it was hers. She mentioned a trip they had taken when he was a boy, and Eduardo was almost certain he knew where she’d run to. Then as he continued to read, his eyes widened.

  She’d named the man behind it all. And Eduardo knew he was still in the castle.

  Eduardo left his rooms at a run, his guard pulling his sword at the movement of the prince running past, then Eduardo shouted for him to follow.

  “Where is Benito?” Eduardo asked.

  “I don’t know, Your Highness.”

  “Find him,” Eduardo said. “And take him to the throne room for questioning. I must see my wife to safety.”

  The guard rushed off and Eduardo could
hear him instructing another guard to join him. When he neared his father’s room, the guard standing by the door nodded.

  “Any change?” Eduardo asked.

  “No, Your Highness. The servant there watching over him has said nothing.”

  Eduardo nodded. “Let me into the king’s study. I must be sure my wife is safe.”

  “She is being watched over, Your Highness.”

  Eduardo smiled. “I’m not certain Miss Ana would be enough to protect her.”

  The guard chuckled. “No, of course not. But she is not there with the princess. Lord Benito is inside with her highness.”

  Eduardo felt the blood drain from his face, and he reached for the door, drawing his sword before he even entered the room.

  But instead of seeing what he feared he might, his eyes fell to the man behind it all, tied and moaning on the floor while his dear wife sat on the edge of the desk, her feet dangling above the floor while both chairs in the room were tossed about. Lily held her injured arm at the elbow, and he could see the wound had opened and had begun bleeding through the fabric of her sleeve.

  “Take him to the dungeon,” Eduardo demanded to his guards. “If this isn’t proof enough of his guilt, I am sure my mother can give more when she returns.”

  The guards bent down and lifted the trussed-up man between them, each holding him under the arms with his back still arched and his feet tied to his hands.

  “Are you hurt?” Eduardo asked, turning to Liliana.

  “No more than just this,” Liliana said, holding her arm. “I re-injured it while tying him up.”

  “What happened?” he asked.

  Liliana shrugged. “I just figured it out, I guess. Did you find your mother?”

  “I know where she is, though I didn’t find her. She had figured out it was Benito and fled the castle after leaving me a message.” Eduardo pulled her into a hug against his chest as she still sat on the edge of the desk, being careful not to jar her arm. “I was terrified to think you were in here alone with Benito, then I open the door to find this.”

  He turned a bit and looked at the floor where the man had been. Lily’s head rested against his chest and he pulled back enough he could lift her face toward his. Eduardo looked into her eyes, trying to understand how he had been blessed enough to have her in his life.

  “You are so full of surprises,” he whispered.

  Liliana chuckled. “Yeah, about that. I have a few more for you. But do you think they can wait until tomorrow. Right now I don’t think I can keep my eyes open long enough to go into detail.”

  “Of course, my love,” Eduardo said, before kissing her softly. He lifted his wife into his arms and carried her to her room, then laid her gently on the bed. She was already asleep when he placed her there, so he just removed her shoes and stockings, loosened the ties of her dress to give her a little more freedom of movement, then called for the doctor to come check her wound.

  When the doctor declared the injury fine after an examination, then re-wrapped it in clean bandages, Eduardo made sure Liliana was watched over by someone he trusted before he went to his father’s room. He needed to be sure his father was kept safe as well.


  Lily took Eduardo’s hand in hers as they walked through the gardens near the kitchen. Someday, castles would have ornamental gardens and walkways and paths, but right now, the scents of the freshly turned dirt and the herbs growing along the edges was enough to help her feel peace.

  And if Eduardo could handle this next bit of her story she’d begun earlier, she was sure her heart and soul could keep that peace and allow her to make her final decision.

  “Now that I’ve told you about some of my odd quirks and my beliefs about women’s roles in life, I have one last thing to tell you.”

  Eduardo smiled. “More?”

  “Yup. And this one will take all your thoughts and turn them upside down.”

  Eduardo squeezed her hand. “You’ve already done plenty of that. And I think I can handle whatever you have to say next.”

  Lily took a slow breath, hoping this would work. “Okay,” she said. “Promise you won’t turn on me and try to burn me at the stake or anything?”

  Eduardo looked at her with his head tilted to the side. Maybe burning at the stake wasn’t a thing yet. She just hoped she wouldn’t be the cause of its beginning.

  “Lachele?” Lily said into the quiet air. “Dr. Lachele, can you hear me?”

  “What are you doing?” Eduardo asked, looking at her, then in the air where Lily was looking.

  “Don’t ask,” Lily said, turning around again and calling once more. “Dr. Lachele. You said you’d come check on me when I needed you. I hope you can hear me. I need to talk to you.”

  “Liliana,” Eduardo said softly. “There is no one here.”

  “Lily!” an exuberant voice behind her spoke. Lily turned around quickly, but before she could move forward to embrace the woman, Eduardo pulled Lily behind him, and drew his sword.

  “Wait,” Lily said at the same time Lachele clapped her hands in excitement.

  “You found him!” Dr. Lachele said. “And I see he’s quite enamored by you. How long has it been since you arrived my dear? Time passes differently for you ladies I’ve discovered.”

  “I’ve been here not quite two months yet.”

  “Ooh, excellent.” Lachele said. “And how are things?”

  “Who is this woman?” Eduardo asked, still keeping himself between Lily and Lachele. “And what has happened to her hair? Why is she only wearing underclothes that stop at her knees? It’s indecent.”

  Lily giggled at the snort from Lachele. Hoping to keep him from saying anything else offensive, Lily took Eduardo’s hand in hers, then placed her other hand on his sword to encourage him to lower it.

  “This is the woman who made it possible for me to be here. She also has the ability to take me from here if needed. So before anything else happens, I need to know if you can accept me for who and what I am.”

  Eduardo looked down at Lily, then back to the woman. “I don’t understand.”

  “Do you accept me for me?” Lily asked again, taking his chin in her hand and forcing him to look into her eyes. “I am different, and not from here. I’m honestly not from this time even. That’s why I’m so odd in ways. I have completely different opinions than you and I will not be some meek woman who grovels and begs for what I need. I will expect you to be mine and only mine as I would be yours and only yours. I expect you to include me in all decisions relating to us as as a couple and I want to be involved in all things relating to the country we’ll rule together.”

  “You tell him, girl,” Lachele said with a wink.

  “If that is something you can handle, I’ll stay here forever and do everything I can to make you happy. But if you want something different. Now is the time to speak.”

  “You are serious in this?” Eduardo asked. Before Lily could open her mouth to reconfirm her expectations, he pointed at Lachele. “You came here from somewhere else? What is this woman?”

  “She’s a…” Lily wondered if it was something Eduardo could even understand. She shrugged. “She’s a fairy godmother. She has the power to find two people who are meant for each other and give them the chance to work things out. Though we won’t be forced to be together, if you’ll have me, I’m yours. But only with those conditions.”

  Eduardo looked at Lachele who raised her eyebrow and smiled, nodding that it was all true. Eduardo looked back at Lily. “If it took the powers of a fairy godmother to bring you to me, I’ll thank her till the day I die. You are everything to me, Liliana. Of course I will accept your conditions. I love you. I knew that the moment we first met eyes.”

  “So you’re happy here, Lily?” Lachele asked. “Want me to leave you two alone so you can kiss him properly?”

  Lily nodded, not even looking back at Dr. Lachele Simpson, Fairy Godmother Extraordinaire, as she disappeared into another time.

“I love you, Eduardo. And I’m never leaving now. So it’s a good thing we are meant to be.”

  Dear Reader,

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  Thanks for reading.

  Laura D. Bastian

  Other books by Laura D. Bastian


  Sink Or Swim

  Never Trust the Rain

  The way it should be

  Seasons of Love Series

  Echoes of Summer

  Winter’s Kiss

  Autumn’s Embrace

  Promise of Spring

  Royal Secrets Series

  Dancing with the Prince

  Forgetting the Prince

  Rejecting the Prince

  Read all of the books in the Royal Secrets series.

  Crazy Rich Crush Series

  Her Crazy Rich Vacation Crush

  Young Adult Speculative Romance:

  Eye On Orion

  Beyond Orion

  Heart of Orion


  Guardians of the Gate

  Fantasy under L. K. Bastian

  Burden of Blood

  Daimon High Series






  About Laura D. Bastian

  Laura grew up in a small town in central Utah and now lives in another small town in northern Utah. She always loved stargazing and imagining life out-side her own little world. A graduate of Utah State University with a degree in Elementary and Special Education, Laura has been using that training as she raises her children and writes make believe worlds. You can usually find her on her laptop either typing away, or on social media interacting with friends when she’s not playing in her garden


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