by Lynne Graham
Amir and Bisma had been born without surgical intervention. Shahir had still looked rather faint once or twice during the proceedings, but had held up valiantly to the challenge.
Indeed, the past year and a half of married life had been blissfully happy for Kirsten. Secure in her husband’s love and admiration, she made occasional appearances in support of various charitable enterprises in Dhemen, and she was now much too busy and much too content to worry about trying to be the perfect wife all the time.
Her brother Daniel had achieved his doctorate, and was currently employed on a conservation project in the Arabian Gulf. He was able to visit his sister in Dhemen as often as he liked.
There had, however, been a less happy conclusion to Kirsten’s attempt to mend fences with her father. Her letters had been returned unopened, and six months earlier Angus Ross had passed away suddenly after suffering a heart attack. Daniel and Kirsten had attended the funeral and paid their last respects with sadness, but also with acceptance that they had done what they could to re-establish contact with the older man. Perhaps it was for that reason that Kirsten had increasingly come to rely on and appreciate the love, kindness and support she had found within Shahir’s family.
‘We have two nannies and a host of other helpful staff,’ Shahir remarked from the threshold of the room, Squeak trotting at his heels. ‘But where do I still find you?’
‘The same place I often find you at the end of the day. Has the King retired for the night?’ Kirsten asked as she accompanied her tall, handsome husband along the passage to their bedroom.
‘Yes, and I’ve booked the clowns for his birthday this summer. I haven’t seen my father enjoy himself that much in years. I know who to thank for that too.’ Shahir gave her a warmly appreciative smile. ‘My royal parent has never liked traveling, but you have organised his suite here exactly as his rooms are at home and he seems very relaxed.’
‘I’m glad.’
Curving a possessive arm round her slender back, Shahir slowly welded her soft, yielding curves to his lean, muscular frame and murmured huskily, ‘I really love being married to you. ‘
‘Do you?’ A highly provocative and feminine smile tilted her mouth.
The answering glitter of his stunning dark golden eyes made her mouth run dry. ‘I’m crazy about you.’
As Shahir splayed his fingers to the swell of her hip, to ease her into even closer contact, Kirsten stretched up her arms to link them round his neck. ‘I love you too…so much.’
He bent his proud dark head and circled her lush pink lips with his own. She quivered in wild response. He kissed her breathless. He told her how happy she made him. He told her that without her and the children his life would have no meaning.
Kirsten listened starry-eyed while Squeak yawned, and yawned again. He had seen it all before, and he headed off to his cosy basket in the room next door and snuggled down to sleep.
ISBN: 978-1-4268-5790-4
First North American Publication 2006.
Copyright © 2005 by Lynne Graham.
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