Because of Lauren: A Love Story

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Because of Lauren: A Love Story Page 24

by Vivi Underwood

  “What did she say that made you decide that?”

  “Several things, but the one that surprised me most was her claim that my grandmother taught my father the gospel while growing up, and when he was eleven years old, he asked to be baptized.”

  “And was he baptized?”

  “Yes, apparently without his father’s knowledge. Mrs. Gustavsen was there and said he was beaming with happiness.”

  He reached for her hand and squeezed it gently. “But there is more. A few days ago, I paid a quick visit to my mother and asked if she knew my father was a baptized member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. She knew, Lauren. She said the reason he moved from Bergen to Oslo as a young man was so he could practice his religion without angering his father.”

  Lauren listened in quiet astonishment as Jonas relayed all he had discovered.

  “My mother doesn’t come from a religious family, but she said she attended church with my father once in a while. She also said that I went to church with him almost every Sunday and that after he was gone, I asked her to take me. Instead, she enrolled me in the Lutheran Sunday school I told you about.”

  When Jonas had finished telling her all his news, he remained silent for a while, letting Lauren absorb the things he had told her. Finally, he said in puzzled tones, “The thing is, I don’t remember going to church with my father. You’d think I’d remember.”

  “Not necessarily. My Aunt Nina was only eight when she came to America, and she remembers almost nothing from her early childhood in Norway. And in your case, church was replaced with the Lutheran Sunday school.”

  Jonas let go of her hand and slid behind her so he could wrap his arms around her. “Makes sense, but there is still more.”

  Lauren waited expectantly.

  “When I was born, my father wanted me to be blessed in the Church. My mother agreed because it meant so much to him, and she wasn’t particularly attached to her own church. She showed me my blessing certificate. She has kept it all these years.”

  Lauren’s eyes opened wide. “You are third generation Latter-day Saint, Jonas,” she said with awe.

  “I was never baptized. My father passed away before I turned eight. My mother said she agreed I could be baptized, but once my father was gone, she didn’t follow through.”

  “No wonder God sent me to you. You might never have discovered any of this if you hadn’t come to church with me and met Mrs. Gustavsen.”

  Jonas nuzzled her temple and held her close. “The first time I went to church with Jake, and they passed the sacrament, I almost took it. I had the strangest feeling of having done it before. I’ve never told anyone until now.”

  “That probably explains why you are so comfortable in church.”

  “You could be right. Even the first time I went with Jake, it didn’t feel strange.”

  Lauren turned in his arms so she could see his face then softly whispered, “Welcome home, Jonas.”

  He swallowed the lump in his throat. She made it sound so simple. He was still in awe of the changes she had brought to his life, seemingly without trying. “I have been reading The Book of Mormon,” he told her. “Mrs. Gustavsen suggested it might be a good place to start. I found your note and the marked passage. And I followed what it said.”

  He saw tears forming in her eyes and pressed her face close to his heart. “Someday, Lauren, we’ll go to the temple. I want forever, too. But I have to figure things out for myself.”

  “I wouldn’t want it any other way,” she whispered. “But will you let the Lord be part of it, too? He can help make things clear to you.”

  “I’ll try to remember that.”

  “Isn’t it amazing, Jonas, how true the words to the song are: ‘God moves in mysterious ways, his wonders to perform’?”

  Jonas lifted her chin and saw the emotions flitting across her lovely face. “Isn’t it amazing that He thought I was worthy of such a wonder? With Jake for a friend, I should have figured things out a long time ago.”

  “That proves God knows us and is aware of our needs. He knows what a good man you are and that you needed a little help. So, he sent me.”

  Jonas cupped her face in gentle hands and looked at her. My angel, he thought. My love, my life. His kiss was as gentle as his touch.

  Jake and Allison stood by the window in the great room watching the two people on the dock. Finally, Allison said, “They have been down there a long time. I wonder what they’re talking about.”

  “If they want us to know, they’ll tell us.”

  “Spoken like a man,” Allison complained.

  Jake’s only reply was a low chuckle.

  “They truly love each other, Jake. Look how they are together.”


  “She is a lovely person. She fits with Jonas.”

  “And to think she knows my parents.”

  “Tomorrow we’ll find out if she is the miracle worker Jonas seems to think she is.”

  “Let’s temper our hopes a little. We’ll hope for the best, but prepare for the worst.”

  “I don’t want the worst, Jake. I want a united family. The children deserve to know both sets of grandparents.”

  “Of course, they do. And we are all working to make that happen. Let’s wait and see what tomorrow brings.”

  Allison leaned against him. His arm slipped around her. “I love you, Jake.”

  “Love you, too.”

  “Ready to brave the family again?” Jonas asked as he helped Lauren to her feet.

  “I think so.” She bent and picked up her shoes, then slipped her hand into his.

  “Let’s go and find out what their decision about tomorrow is.”

  They walked hand in hand up the incline and across the lawn toward the house.

  “This is a wonderful property,” Lauren remarked as she took in the pool area and the superbly landscaped yard. “I can understand why they didn’t want to move.”

  “They had the pool and landscaping done after the addition to the house was completed. Originally the backyard was mostly lawn.”

  “I’d love a chance to try the pool sometime. Swimming is my favorite form of exercise.”

  Jonas laughed softly. He’d never forget the memory of Lauren shaking with cold after braving the ice-cold fjord waters and asking to be held so she could get warm again. He decided a heated pool would be in her future.

  Chapter Twenty

  Two very excited girls were ready to leave the next morning. The ride went smoothly, and though it was long, no one seemed to mind. Lauren entertained the girls by telling them about their grandparents. They learned that it was their grandfather who convinced her to move to New York several years ago and their grandmother often invited her to dinner or a swim in their pool. The girls lapped it up.

  When they finally arrived, Jonas was more anxious than he let on and wondered how Lauren could stay so calm. They drove through the open gates and parked close to the front entrance. The girls scrambled out, followed by Lauren. Jonas remained in the car, observing.

  Lauren held out a hand to each girl, and they grabbed on tight. Despite their excitement, they were a little nervous but eagerly stepped up to the heavy front door. Before they had a chance to knock or ring the bell, the door was flung open, and Peter stood there with a smile of welcome. The smile gave way to surprise. He had expected to find Lauren and her young man on the doorstep, not two young, unknown girls.

  “Hello, Peter,” Lauren said with a warm smile. “I have brought two young friends to meet you.”

  Before she could get another word out, Leah stepped forward, smiled widely, and said, “Hi, Grandpa! I’m Leah. I’m eight, and I am getting baptized today. Will you come to my baptism?”

  Lauren bit her lip in consternation. It wasn’t quite the introduction she had planned. Then she sm
iled. Leave it to Leah.

  Before Peter had a chance to react there was movement behind him, and Mrs. Andrews stepped next to her husband. “Hello, Lauren. I thought I heard children’s voices,” she said with a delighted smile. “Who have we got here?”

  “Peter, Sarah, these are Jake’s daughters, Nora and Leah. We met yesterday for the first time. When I discovered their connection to you, I knew I had to do something. If you are angry, be angry with me, not with them. They have wanted to meet you all their lives.”

  Lauren watched Sarah closely. Instant tears came to her eyes, and without hesitation, she put her arms around both girls.

  Peter stood there a moment, stunned, then pulling himself together, leaned down and enfolded them in his embrace. It was a remarkable, touching moment. Finally, Peter straightened and reached for Lauren. Giving her a warm hug, he whispered in a voice rough with emotion, “Thank you. I’ll never be able to repay you.”

  “Just love them,” she whispered. She turned toward the car and motioned for Jonas to join them. “There is someone else I’d like you to meet,” she said as they watched him get out of the car. “He made this reunion possible.” She reached for Jonas’ hand as he approached and said, “My fiancé, Jonas Juul. Jonas, this is Peter Andrews, my boss, and his wife, Sarah.”

  Introductions and handshaking over, Lauren explained about Jonas having seen Peter outside the building last Thursday and the ensuing conversation that made them realize Lauren’s boss and Jonas’ best friend were father and son.

  “When I discovered that, I knew I had to bring you together.” She looked at Peter and Sarah, pleading for understanding. “Are you angry with me?”

  Sarah gathered Lauren in loving arms. “I am forever grateful, Lauren. You have been such a blessing in our lives.” She looked at her granddaughters and smiled through tears. “Come in all of you. We have a lot of catching up to do.” She took each girl by a hand and led them inside.

  Jonas and Lauren looked at each other as they entered the house. She felt his firm hand on her shoulder in a silent gesture. They’d achieved the miracle they’d hoped for.

  After a lively hour with Peter and Sarah, Leah again brought up her baptism. “It’s not until four o’clock. Will you come? It’s more special when grandparents come.”

  Peter, feeling somewhat at a loss, looked at Lauren. She quickly explained why baptism takes place at the age of eight, mentioned the simple ceremony briefly, and assured them anyone was welcome to attend.

  “There is a family dinner afterward,” said Nora in her sweet way. “We would love to have you there. Our mother’s family will be there, too, but if you come our family will finally be complete, and my dad will have someone of his own.” She looked at them beseechingly. “Please, will you come?”

  Peter turned to his wife. Was it really that simple, fourteen years later? Lauren seemed to think so, and the girls accepted him and Sarah without reservation. He swallowed past a painful lump in his throat. He had granddaughters! Beautiful granddaughters! He wanted to weep for the wasted years.

  Lauren watched him. Though he tried to hide it, his eyes were wet. Nora’s plea had touched him.

  “What do you say, Sarah?” Peter finally said in a gruff voice. “Is there any reason why we can’t attend Leah’s baptism this afternoon?”

  Sarah looked at her husband. He had nursed his anger for so long. It had colored both their lives. Then Lauren joined the New York office of Peter’s company, and almost immediately she noticed a change in her husband. There was still pain, but the anger was gone. Lauren gradually became part of their lives. Who could have guessed that she would be the vehicle that would reunite the family after so many years?

  “I can’t think of a single one,” said Sarah gratefully. “Thank you, girls. On behalf of your grandfather and myself, I accept the invitation to the baptism and the family dinner. It’s about time we all got together.”

  The girls ran to their grandmother and hugged her before doing the same to Peter. They were raised in such a loving environment, they took for granted that these grandparents loved them as well.

  Before leaving, directions to both the church and the girls’ home were given. When Leah worried about them finding the church, her grandfather assured her he would find it with the help of the GPS in his car. More hugs were exchanged, and just as they were getting in the car, Peter pulled Lauren aside.

  “Will you tell my son how deeply sorry I am for the pain I caused him all these years?”

  “Shouldn’t you tell him that yourself, Peter?”

  “I will when I find the courage. But will you pave the way, Lauren? Please?”

  Lauren nodded. “I’ll tell him if that’s what you want. But it will mean a lot more coming from you.”

  “Everything is happening so fast. I need a little time.”

  “It’s been fourteen years,” she reminded him gently. “How much more time do you need?” Without waiting for a reply, she climbed into the car.

  The girls waved enthusiastically as they pulled away while Lauren gave Jonas a smile of gratitude. If not for him, this day might never have happened.

  The ride home seemed surprisingly short. The girls chatted almost non-stop and asked every conceivable question about their grandparents. Lauren did her best to answer them all.

  Finally, Nora said quietly, “This is going to be the best family gathering ever. My dad will be so happy.”

  At home, Allison and Jake waited anxiously for their return. When they heard the car pull into the driveway, they both came outside, faces full of hope.

  Leah was the first one out of the car. “They are coming to my baptism!” she called excitedly as she slammed the car door. “And to the family dinner. Nora invited them.”

  Jake’s eyes sought Jonas’ as he emerged from the car. Jonas’ face had a tranquil, reassuring look as he nodded to Jake, but before he could say anything, the girls’ voices tripped over each other in their eagerness to relate all that had taken place. Emotions were running high when Jake motioned for Jonas to follow him into his office.

  “Do you think they will actually show up this afternoon?” Jake’s voice held doubt.

  “I’ll be surprised if they don’t. They were very moved by the affection the girls showed them. After Leah pleaded with them to come to her baptism, Lauren gave a simple explanation of what would take place. Then Nora invited them to the dinner. She told them if they came you would finally have someone of your own and their family would be complete. I was sure your dad was going to lose it, he was so touched by Nora’s plea on your behalf.”

  Jake stretched out his hand to Jonas and pulled him into a bear hug. “How can I ever thank you?”

  “The trip was Lauren’s idea,” Jonas reminded him as they pulled apart. “I’m just glad it worked out.”

  Jake sat down in his desk chair and motioned for Jonas to stay. He chose a comfortable leather chair angled toward the desk.

  “Tell me about Lauren,” Jake began. “Allison explained how your families connect and that she made a special trip to meet you, but I’d like to know a little more than that.”

  Jonas grinned. “I guess you could say I located the family, and then she came and found me. She believes God sent her to me.”

  At Jake’s raised eyebrows Jonas explained Lauren’s reason for traveling to Norway to meet him. “I’ve loved her almost from the moment we met. She is my life, Jake. And though she has a successful career here, giving it up to marry me doesn’t seem to faze her.”

  “She must be quite a woman if she has the courage to take on a new husband, a new country, and a new way of life all at once.”

  “Yes. I’m constantly amazed by her. Fortunately, she is familiar with the country, speaks the language, and has longtime friends there.”

  Jake looked at his friend, the man he loved like a brother. “Hard to believe you
finally found the right woman. I’d almost given up on you.”

  Jonas smiled. “Yeah, me, too. Lauren and I have something important to tell you and Allison. Maybe this evening, after your kids are in bed?”

  “I’ll let her know.” He looked at Jonas. “I sense a difference in you, Jonas. I can’t quite put my finger on it.”

  Jonas nodded in agreement. “We’ll tell you tonight.”

  There was a knock on the door. Jake rose to open it. Lauren stood in the doorway.

  “May I come in for a moment?”

  “Please,” said Jake and stepped aside.

  She looked at Jonas and smiled. “You look very comfortable.”

  He returned the smile. “I am. Is this private? Would you like me to leave?”

  She declined a chair, so Jake remained standing. “Oh, no. I just need a quick word with Jake.” She turned to him. “Your father called. He wants to come here before we leave for the baptism. He’d like a few minutes with the family. Is that alright with you?”

  Jake’s brows furrowed. “Did he tell you why?”

  “No, but at a guess, I’d say he wants to apologize for the past fourteen years. He has more than a few regrets, Jake.”

  Jake looked at her in silence. His eyes suddenly burned. He swallowed to ease the restriction in his throat. Fourteen years he had prayed for this day. “Thank you, Lauren, for all you have done for us. Jonas couldn’t have brought us a better or more welcome addition to the family.”

  “You are very kind, but I don’t believe it’s anything I did. I think he fell hopelessly in love with your daughters and finally acknowledged the pain he had caused everyone, including himself.”

  “That may be true, but I doubt he would have softened toward the Church if not for you.”

  Lauren wasn’t aware of anything special she might have said or done to cause his father to change, so she merely said, “Then I hope this will be a new beginning for all of you. What time shall I tell him to come?”


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