Devil's Advocate: A BBW MC New Adult Romance Series - Book 4 (Devil's Advocate BBW MC New Adult Romance Series)

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Devil's Advocate: A BBW MC New Adult Romance Series - Book 4 (Devil's Advocate BBW MC New Adult Romance Series) Page 7

by Carla Coxwell

  The gang was at a long table, swigging beers and talking loudly. Grant was in the center, clearly soaking up the attention. He was already acting as if the gang was as good as his. It pissed Gray off. Dern waved at him, looking like a lost puppy. The other guys didn’t like him as much as Gray did. The fact that Dern sided with him probably did him no favors.

  Gray sat down across from Grant. Some of the members nodded. Gray made a point to look at Pete, Jonathan and Paul.

  “There you are, boss,” Grant said, his little beady eyes landing on Gray. “Glad you called this meeting. There are things to discuss.”

  “There certainly are.”

  The coldness of Gray’s tone took Grant aback slightly. He shifted in his seat and took a sip of his beer, glancing around the table as if gathering support. Next to Gray, Dern sank lower in his chair as if he knew what was going to happen.

  “I heard through the grapevine that you talked to Ben. And I don’t liking what I heard.”

  Other people nodded in agreement.

  Gray replied, “And what did you hear?”

  “I heard you want to give Ben all sorts of shit. Let him practically fuck us in the ass so you can protect your cousin. Seems kinda unfair to us, you know?”

  Gray tried to let the insult about Kristie roll off his back. He needed to be in control of this situation for it to work. He needed to know exactly what Grant heard.

  “Is that what you heard? What am I supposed to be giving Ben?”

  It was stupid of Gray not to come up with such a simple plan earlier. Over the past few days, he made a point to either call or text Johnathan, Paul and Pete, as if it was just a friendly check in. He had mentioned to each of them that he was talking to Ben. And he had made sure to tell each of them slightly different things in the treaty. None of them had been the truth.

  Gray figured one of the guys would run to tell Grant to get on his good side. Whoever that had been was about to be revealed. Soon the problem of the spy would be solved, as well as which of the original members were throwing their full support behind Grant.

  “I heard you’re giving him the pick of the cars off Wallflower Road. You gotta be fucking kidding me, right? That place has the best cars.”

  “We get our biggest income there,” a stocky man at the end of the table chimed in – Gray couldn’t even remember his name.

  Bingo. Gray’s eyes fell on Pete. Wallflower Road had been the street name he had given him. Pete shifted uncomfortably in his chair, as if he realized Gray knew he had been the one to tell Grant.

  But Gray only smiled slowly, promising himself he would deal with Pete later. He looked back at Grant, who was waiting for him to say something. “I’m in charge of this group and have to decide where it will go next.”

  Grant smirked. Please take the bait. Gray watched him closely. He wanted Grant to challenge him for leadership of the gang.

  “Seems like your changes aren’t for the gang. It’s ‘cause Armand keeps going after your cousin and your inbred kids.”

  Dumbass. He probably doesn’t even realize that Kristie is not related by blood. And Gray had only met Kristie two years ago, not when they were little kids. He let his rage cool off before he replied. “You want us to keep getting attacked then?”

  “No. I want us to fight back. Something you seem incapable of doing. You don’t want us to strike back at the gang that has been coming after us. Armand, who is the one gunning for you the most, used to be in this gang. Some would even say that it was your fault things have gotten so out of hand. You didn’t deal with Armand right at the start.”

  “And who are the ones saying that? You? Pete?”

  Pete averted his eyes but Grant merely nodded. “Yeah, that’s right. We think you’re losing it. You didn’t even really run the gang before. Rick did. But he’s dead. And you’re out of touch. We need new leadership.”

  Others nodded in agreement. Some seemed to be sitting on the fence. Dern tried to speak up for Gray but Gray kicked him under the table. Confused, he fell silent.

  “Fine. What do you want to do about it?”

  Grant straightened in his seat, and Gray knew that he had him. “I want to challenge you for leadership of the gang.”

  Everyone held their breath. Even Dern fell silent, still as a statue. But Gray felt at ease. This was exactly what he wanted to happen. This was what he had planned.

  He smiled back at Grant, who looked surprised. “Sounds perfect.”

  Chapter Eleven

  Yes, I got your text. I am doing fine. But I am busy with my children and Gray. Thank you for checking up.

  Kristie reread her text a couple more times before tossing her phone on the bed. Sending the text will have to wait. She sighed in relief. The pain from her C-section had subsided from earlier this week. The bleeding also stopped. Although Kristie was a fast healer, she didn’t want to do anything that would cause the pain to return. She lay down, closing her eyes and basking in the silence.

  Her mother and Lionel had taken Megan out to dinner as a treat. Kristie considered it more of a treat for herself. Megan had spent most of the day playing with toys in her playpen and walking. Kristie tried to help her but Megan was the most impatient baby she had seen in ages. She wanted to walk right then and there or she wouldn’t have any of it.

  Her mom had swept in and taken Megan, saying they wanted to spend time with her. Kristie felt wiped. She drank an energy drink earlier but all it did was speed up her heart rate, leaving her exhausted. Now she tried to find a way to make it clear to John that she wasn’t interested without being mean.

  Gray had said he was coming over later. Kristie wanted to get ready but was too tired to bother with it. They weren’t dating anymore, after all. They were married with two children. He had been acting strange though. He had called her this morning and told her he wasn’t going to be able to see Rick at the hospital. Kristie had gone alone. The sudden distance bothered her.

  Kristie went to stand up but before she knew it, she snuggled back into bed. She would worry about everything once she got a quick nap.

  When she opened her eyes, it was because she heard the front door shutting. For a second, Kristie flashed back to the scuffling noise at the door and Armand looming behind her. A cold fear shot up her back and she sat upright quickly. Her breathing came hard. The early evening sun poured into her window.

  “Gray?” she called out, clutching her bed sheets.

  “Hey, you upstairs?”

  Kristie instantly relaxed, feeling stupid. Why was it that every small noise triggered her in some way? She decided more therapy was needed, if she was freaking out over the front door opening and closing when she knew Gray was coming by to begin with.

  Gray was in the doorway to her room now and peeked in. “Hey. You okay?”

  “Yeah, I just…I fell asleep,” she admitted, pushing a lock of hair out of her face.

  “Did I startle you?”

  “Just a little but only because I was asleep.” She tried to downplay how easily she had been spooked.

  Gray walked in and peered into Megan’s crib and then sat down next to Kristie. “Where is she?”

  “My mom took her out with your uncle. I think she could tell I felt a little jumbled and needed a break. They’ll be back later.”

  Gray closed his eyes and lay back on the bed, taking a deep breath. “It’s been ages since we were alone.”

  She smiled and looked over at him. “It really has. You’re right. I can’t even remember the last time. Will you hold me?”


  Gray and Kristie settled onto the bed together. He held her gently and she rested her head on his chest, listening to him breathing. Together like this, everything felt just right.

  Gray’s hand slid over hers and he held it. His eyes had a glint in them that she knew from ages ago. Kristie felt a thrill run up her back as she looked at him. He wanted to have sex but seemed hesitant. Suddenly Kristie wanted him as well.

p; “The bleeding has stopped. The nurse said it would be ok after that,” Kristie assured.

  “I’ll be gentle.”

  Gray leaned forward and kissed her. His lips were warm and brought back her past feelings for him in a wave. Kristie gripped him hard and kissed him back. How long has it been since they slept together? She couldn’t even remember. Too long, Kristie thought to herself as she kissed him harder.

  Gray let out a soft moan, clearly excited by the prospect of sleeping with Kristie again. He ran his fingers down her arms gently, sending shivers up her back. She suddenly felt shy at the idea of Gray seeing her naked. She had just been carrying a child for nine months. Her C-Section scar was ugly and tender.

  Her face flushed and Gray noticed it in the waning sunlight.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “I don’t want to take my clothes off,” she whispered.

  Gray looked her up and down and then met her eyes. “Are you sure?” When she nodded, he replied, “Okay. I understand. But I think you are beautiful, no matter what.”

  Kristie could feel her blush grow stronger and was grateful the light was dim so he couldn’t see. He gently shifted off the bed to stand in front of her. Taking off his own clothes, he allowed her to take him in.

  Gray’s tattoos still gave her a thrill. He still looked like a bad boy even though he was a father of two now. His body was tight and in shape, and Kristie realized just how much she missed gawking at him. His shirt hit the ground and he began to unzip his pants.

  His manhood was pressed tightly against his boxers. Kristie’s breathing was shallow as he removed them and exposed his hard shaft. She had forgotten how large he was.

  “Is it bad for wanting this right now?” Gray asked, his voice rough with desire.

  “No, please,” Kristie replied, anxious to feel him inside of her.

  Gray got on the bed and carefully removed Kristie’s shorts and underwear. She watched him in the reflection of the sunlight as he threw her underwear off the bed. Gray then took one of his fingers and ran it down her wetness. Kristie shuddered and closed her eyes, exhaling loudly. It had been ages since Gray touched her there.

  He fingered her for a few minutes, moving two fingers in and out of her slowly. Kristie let herself get used to the sensation again. She was careful not to move too much because she didn’t want to feel any pain for her scar. Gray positioned himself to enter her and as he slid inside of her, Kristie sighed in delight. It felt like coming home.

  Gray moved slowly inside of her. He held himself up by the headboard so he wouldn’t brush against her and hurt her. His thrusts were leisurely and tender. Kristie could tell he didn’t want to cause her anything but the purest of pleasure.

  His slow pace worked. It had been so long since they had slept together that Kristie loved the feeling of him sliding all the way in and all the way out. She could feel every inch inside of her as he fucked her this way. The way he gripped the headboard turned her on, and she caught herself admiring him as he moaned.

  Kristie wished she could roll over and ride him. She wanted to take him down her throat until he came. But she knew she had to pace herself and fought to hold herself back. Gray was breathing hard as he moved inside of her. Kristie could feel her own climax building up. She had never finished from sex that was so leisurely. But the way Gray was fucking her hit all the sweet spots.

  Before Kristie knew it, she was climaxing. She moaned loudly, calling Gray’s name as she came. Gray grunted and did one hard thrust inside of her, shooting off in her as he moaned her name. He gripped the headboard, with his eyes shut tightly as he came.

  As Gray came down from his orgasm, he gently slid off of Kristie and lay down next to her. Kristie took a deep breath and grabbed Gray’s hand.

  He squeezed it back. “I love you.”

  Kristie looked at him after he said it and smiled. “I love you too.”


  The next night, Gray turned down a street on the outskirts of town, near where the group’s warehouse used to be. His palms were sweaty as he drove up to where the race was going to happen.

  He knew he should have told Kristie what he was planning. Guilt ate away at him. He tried to brush it off. She couldn’t know that he was going to be racing Grant for the right to be leader.

  It had been ages since someone had challenged the rule of the Devil’s Advocates. Gray had been agreed upon as the leader from the old group with Rick backing him up. Different gangs had different challenges to be leader. The Devil’s Advocates’ challenge had always been a street race on their bikes.

  It had been a long time since Gray had done a street race. The last time was back in high school. He was cocky and had ended up wiping out and breaking a leg. The motorcycle races were dangerous, more so than their car races. But if Gray won this then his leadership would no longer be questioned. Grant would either leave or respect the fact Gray was in charge. That meant that he didn’t have to worry about Grant fucking up his larger plan.

  Still Gray was worried. It had been so long since he had raced and he hadn’t practiced at all. The night before with Kristie reminded him how much he needed her. He would do whatever it took to keep everyone in his family safe. I can’t die tonight.

  The gang congregated behind a closed down ice cream shop. Somewhere nearby, a party was going on and music blasted out into the streets. Dern was hovering at the edge of the group, looking incredibly nervous. Gray pulled up and got off his bike.

  “You showed up,” Grant said by way of greeting. “Wasn’t sure if you were going to or not.”

  “Here I am.”

  Grant eyed him, as if to stare him down and make him nervous. But Gray wasn’t in the mood. Too much was riding on this.

  “Well then,” Grant said. “Let me get ready.”

  Grant turned around to go back to his bike. Gray’s phone suddenly went off. He braced himself for Kristie’s name but looked down to see Ben’s. He headed off back toward his bike, out of ear shot of everyone.


  “Heard something that concerned me today.”

  I’m going to find out who the rat is. Gray cleared his throat. “What was that?”

  “You were thinking about changing the terms of our deal. Even if I did my side of the bargain, you’re going to hold off on a crucial piece of turf off the main highway.”

  Gray’s eyes fell on Jonathan, currently out of the crowd by himself, doing something on his phone. He told this particular lie only to him.

  “Where did you hear that?”


  Motherfucker. Gray stared Jonathan down. He wasn’t even going to the Infernos. He was going directly to Armand this whole time. Gray gripped the phone and turned away from the group, anger surging through him. He wanted to go over there right now and punch him in the face. He told himself to hold off. That would have to wait until after the race was finished.

  “That’s not true,” Gray replied, “But now I know who is reporting to Armand.”

  He hung up his phone and headed over to the rest of the group.


  Megan took a step forward and stumbled onto her bottom, looking surprised. Kristie laughed and scooped her up, holding her close.

  “Come here, you!” she cooed.

  Kristie’s phone suddenly went off. She wondered if it was Gray. She had texted him a couple of minutes ago. To her chagrin, it was John. Now is the best time to end this before he gets the wrong idea, she thought as she picked up the call.

  “Hello? John?”

  “Kristie. You answered. I hadn’t heard back from you yet in reply to my texts.”

  Kristie shifted Megan to put her down on her lap. They were sitting on the floor in the living room. Her mom was stuck at the night shift, and Lionel had already gone to bed.

  “John, I wasn’t really sure what to say. I know we had something going on years ago but…I’m married now with two kids.”

  There was a long pause before John repli
ed, “Right. I understand. You just looked so unhappy in the grocery store. And after the arrest…well, your mom just figured…”

  “My mom?”

  John stuttered, “I didn’t mean your mother. I meant me. I just figured… you needed someone to look after you.”

  “Are you telling me that my mother put you up to this?”

  “I gotta go.”

  The line went dead. Kristie stared at her phone, fuming. Was he really telling the truth? He had no reason to lie. Truth be told, it did seem like something her mom would do. She could see her mom now – seriously considering sending John her way so she would leave Gray for the police officer instead.


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