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  74. See “About the Committee on Rules,” U.S. House of Representatives,

  75. “When the resolution comes to the floor, members who oppose the bill in any form may seek to defeat the rule, to prevent its consideration. Defeat of the rule effectively returns it (and the issue of scheduling the underlying bill) to the Rules Committee.” Charles J. Finocchiaro and David W. Rohde, “War for the Floor: Partisan Theory and Agenda Control in the U.S. House of Representatives,” Legislative Studies Quarterly 33, no. 1 (Feb. 2008).

  76. “Crime Bill Fails on a House Vote, Stunning Clinton.”

  77. “A President Staggering,” New York Times, Aug. 12, 1994.

  78. See, e.g., “Decision in the Senate: The Overview; Crime Bill Approved, 61–38, but Senate Is Going Home Without Acting on Health,” New York Times, Aug. 26, 1994 (“Senator Joseph R. Biden Jr., the Delaware Democrat who is the author of the bill and is chairman of the Judiciary Committee, said Mr. Clinton’s insistence on keeping its ban on 19 types of assault weapons ‘was the ultimate leverage Joe Biden and George Mitchell had’ in keeping the bill and that provision alive.”).

  79. “‘Pork’ Attacked by GOP Predates Current Debate,” Washington Post, Aug. 18, 1994.

  80. “Crime Bill Fails on a House Vote, Stunning Clinton.”

  81. Boyer, “Whip Cracker,” 39.

  82. Ibid., 39–40.

  83. “Playing on the Public Pique: Consultant Taps Voter Anger to Help GOP,” Washington Post, Oct. 27, 1994.

  84. “Decision in the Senate.”

  85. “Crime Bill Is Signed with Flourish: With Few Republicans at Ceremony, Clinton Urges More Cooperation,” Washington Post, Sept. 14, 1994.

  86. Ibid.

  87. “GOP Offers a ‘Contract’ to Revive Reagan Years,” Washington Post, Sept. 28, 1994.

  88. “Playing on the Public Pique.”

  89. “Republican Contract with America,” U.S. House of Representatives, in the files of the Violence Policy Center.

  90. See “Taking Back Our Streets Act,” U.S. House of Representatives, in the files of the Violence Policy Center.

  91. “NRA’s Answer to Gun Control: An Arsenal of TV Ads,” USA Today, Nov. 3, 1994.

  92. “Gun Control Backers Are Tuesday’s Targets: NRA Shelling Out Big Bucks Across U.S.,” Washington Post, Nov. 7, 1994.

  93. See Violence Prevention Campaign, From the Gun War to the Culture War.

  94. “A Historic Republican Triumph: GOP Captures Congress; Party Controls Both Houses for First Time Since ’50s,” Washington Post, Nov. 9, 1994.

  95. “Tide of Anger Sweeps Out Foley: Speaker Personified Congress in a Year Voters Resented Capitol Hill,” Washington Post, Nov. 10, 1994.

  96. “Clinton Assumes Some Blame,” United Press International, Nov. 9, 1994.

  97. “Republican Gains and Obligations,” New York Times, Nov. 9, 1994.

  98. Ibid.

  99. “Voters Tell Why They Switched,” Boston Globe, Nov. 14, 1994.

  100. “The Harder They Fall: Tom Foley So Busy Speaking He Couldn’t Hear the Message,” Seattle Post-Intelligencer, Nov. 13, 1994.

  101. “Tide of Anger Sweeps Out Foley.”

  102. “House Republicans Target Crime-Prevention Programs Turnabout: GOP Expected to Go After Billions as Part of ‘Contract,’” San Jose Mercury News, Nov. 26, 1994 (“Some conservatives and the National Rifle Association have called on the new Congress to repeal two gun-control measures enacted in the last year—the crime bill’s ban on assault weapons and the Brady law’s five-day wait for the purchase of a handgun—but that’s not likely”).

  103. “Republicans Earn NRA’s Ire over Assault Weapons: Overturning Ban Isn’t a Priority,” Washington Times, Jan. 19, 1995.

  104. “Weapon Ban Repeal Slips off Calendar,” Cleveland Plain Dealer, July 19, 1995.

  105. “Second Amendment Blues: The NRA Under the Gun,” Weekly Standard, Oct. 23, 1995.

  106. “A Conversation with President Clinton,” Cleveland Plain Dealer, Jan. 14, 1995.

  107. “Gun Lobby Shot Down Democrats in Congress,” Cleveland Plain Dealer, Jan. 14, 1995.

  108. Ibid.

  109. Rosenstiel, “Political Polling and the New Media Culture,” 701.

  110. “Terror in Littleton: The President; Clinton’s New Gun Proposals Include Charging Parents of Children Who Commit Gun Crimes,” New York Times, Apr. 27, 1999 (“Even Senator Tom Daschle of South Dakota, the Democratic leader, threw cold water today on a focus on guns. ‘I’m not sure that gun legislation is what we need,’ he told reporters.”).

  111. Clinton’s Shots at NRA Off Target,” Cleveland Plain Dealer, Jan. 29, 1995. See also “Stuart Rothenberg,” Rothenberg Political Report,

  112. “Clinton’s Shots at NRA Off Target.”

  113. “Roger Stone on Political Scandals, Birthers, and What It’s Like to Work for Richard Nixon,” Stone Zone, May 22, 2012,

  114. “Clinton’s Shots at NRA Off Target.”

  115. “Political Notebook: Kerrey Returns NRA’s Fire; Romney Cashes In at ‘Home,’ ”Associated Press, Oct. 24, 1994.

  116. Paul Waldman, “The Myth of NRA Dominance Part III: Two Elections the NRA Did Not Win,” Think Progress, Feb. 22, 2012,

  117. “Clinton, Playing the Early Bird, Is Lining Up Campaign-Style Ads,” New York Times, June 24, 1995.

  118. Ibid.

  119. “Clinton’s ‘Unpaid’ Political Whiz Is Really a Gun for Hire.”

  120. “Mutual Mistrust, Competing Goals for Clinton and Congressional Dems,” Associated Press, Oct. 26, 1995.

  121. “Beyond the Clinton Presidency,” New Republic, Sept. 16–23, 1996.

  122. “Why Democrats Dumped Gun Control,” Salon, Apr. 18, 2007.

  123. Celinda Lake, “Attention Democrats: It Wasn’t Gun Stance That Lost Votes,” Charleston Gazette, June 8, 2003.

  124. Waldman, “Myth of NRA Dominance Part III.”

  125. Jules Witcover, “Bullets and Ballots,” Baltimore Sun, May 16, 2003.

  126. “Matt Bennett,” Third Way,

  127. “Jonathan Cowan,” Third Way

  128. “Jim Kessler,” Third Way, www.thirdwayorg/staff/5.

  129. “ Owner Joins in Gun Control Battle,” Associated Press State & Local Wire, Oct. 1, 2000. “I’m a parent not a politician. I’m fed up with the lack of common sense in this debate, and I know many other Americans feel the same way,” McKelvey, a former board member of the Brady Organization, said in an AGS press release announcing the new organization. “I believe deeply that if we present the American people with the unbiased facts about this problem, they will help lead us to the most sensible solutions.” “New National Centrist Organization, Americans for Gun Safety, Seeks to Re-shape Gun Debate by Emphasizing Gun Rights and Responsibilities: Group Commits Significant Support for Colorado and Oregon Campaigns to Close ‘Gun Show Loophole,’ Millions More for National Education on Gun Violence; Launches with Chapters in Twenty-Eight States,” PR Newswire, Oct. 3, 2000.

  130. “ Owner Joins in Gun Control Battle.”

  131. “New National Centrist Organization, Americans for Gun Safety.”

  132. Nicholas Confessore, “Control Freaks: Americans for Gun Safety Set Out to Give Gun Control a Shot in the Arm; Instead, They May Give It a Shot to the Head,” American Prospect, Apr. 2002.

  133. “A Way to Win Back Southern Democrats on the Gun Issue,” St. Petersburg Times, May 5, 2002.

  134. “NRA Takes Credit for Bush’s Win: Democrats Sen. Miller Agrees,” Associated Press State & Local Wire, Apr. 29, 2002.

  135. “A Way to Win Back Southern Democrats on the Gun Issue.”

  136. Confessore, “Control Frea

  137. “About Us,” Third Way,

  138. “In Search of the Third Way: The Centrist Democratic Universe Just Got a Little More Crowded,” Roll Call, May 2, 2005.

  139. Ibid.

  140. Waldman, “Myth of NRA Dominance Part III.”

  141. “2012 NSSF Congressional Fly-In Invitation,” National Shooting Sports Foundation video,

  142. “Industry Leaders Meet with U.S. Senators, Representatives,” National Shooting Sports Foundation,

  143. Miller is, among other things, director of the Environmental Analysis program and is the W.M. Keck Professor of Environmental Analysis at Pomona College in California,

  144. Char Miller, “The U.S. Senate Should Shoot Down the Sportsmen’s Heritage Act—Now!” Back Forty, June 13, 2012,

  145. Ibid. For a detailed discussion of the environmental consequences of lead ammunition, see Violence Policy Center, Poisonous Pastime: The Health Risks of Shooting Ranges and Lead to Children, Families and the Environment (Washington, DC: Violence Policy Center, 2001),

  146. Violence Policy Center, Blood Money: How the Gun Industry Bankrolls the NRA (Washington, DC: Violence Policy Center, 2011),

  147. Ibid., 4–5.

  148. Ibid., 8–10.

  9. Solutions Worthy of the Name

  1. “Cops: Guns, Not Gangs, Are Issue; Police Outline Plans to Quell Violence—Council Skeptic: ‘What’s Going to Change?’” Seattle Times, May 30, 2012.

  2. “Day of Horror, Grief in a Shaken City: Gunman Kills Five, Fatally Shoots Self as Police Close In—Family Cites Mental Illness: ‘We Could See This Coming,’” Seattle Times, May 31, 2012.

  3. “A Brief History of Seattle Music,” Seattle’s Big Blog, Aug. 25, 2010,

  4. “Alt-Rock Hub, Purring with Jazz,” New York Times, Aug. 29, 2010.

  5. See “Cocktails and Bad Art at Seattle’s Official Bad Art Museum of Art,” Obscura Day,

  6. “Police Laud ‘Hero’ in Seattle Shootings,” Associated Press Online, June 1, 2012; “Day of Horror, Grief in a Shaken City.”

  7. “Police Laud ‘Hero’ in Seattle Shootings.”

  8. “A Life Full of Rage, a Shocking Final Act; Gunman’s Father: ‘We Let Him Down . . . We Let a Lot of Other People Down . . .,’” Seattle Times, June 1, 2012.

  9. Ibid.

  10. Ibid.

  11. “Police Release Details, 911 Calls of Café Racer and First Hill Killings, May 31, 2012,” CHS Capitol Hill Seattle Blog,

  12. “Day of Horror, Grief in a Shaken City”; Casey McNerthney and Scott Gutierrez, “Police: Seattle Shootings Were Like an Execution; Suspect Gave the Finger to People Helping Woman Near Town Hall,”, May 31, 2012,

  13. “Day of Horror, Grief in a Shaken City.”

  14. “Police Laud ‘Hero’ in Seattle Shootings.”

  15. “Josh Sugarmann, “Seattle Mass Shooting Latest by a Concealed Handgun Permit Holder,” Political Machine, June 1, 2012.

  16. Ibid.

  17. David Hemenway, While We Were Sleeping: Success Stories in Injury and Violence Prevention (Berkeley: University of California Press 2009), 1.

  18. David A. Sleet et al., “Traffic Safety in the Context of Public Health and Medicine,” AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety (2007).

  19. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, “Traffic Fatalities in 2010 Drop to Lowest Level in Recorded History,” news release, Apr. 1, 2011.

  20. See Violence Policy Center, “Gun Deaths Outpace Motor Vehicle Deaths in 10 States in 2009,” May 2012,

  21. David Hemenway, Private Guns, Public Health (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2004), 182.

  22. Hemenway, While We Were Sleeping, 23.

  23. “Motor-Vehicle Safety: A 20th Century Public Health Achievement,” Journal of the American Medical Association 281, no. 22 (June 9, 1999): 2080–82.

  24. “50 Years of Progress: Where Do We Go from Here?” presentation by Adrian K. Lund, president, Insurance Institute for Highway Safety at Edmund’s Safety Conference: Truly Safe? May 24, 2011.

  25. Hemenway, While We Were Sleeping, 9.

  26. Ibid., 23.

  27. Research and Innovative Technology Administration, “Households by Number of Motor Vehicles: 2010,” Bureau of Transportation Statistics.

  28. For a detailed history of gun ownership in the United States as reported by the General Social Survey conducted by the National Opinion Research Center at the University of Chicago, see Violence Policy Center, A Shrinking Minority: The Continuing Decline of Gun Ownership in America (Washington, DC: Violence Policy Center, 2011),

  29. Paul Waldman, “The Myth of NRA Dominance Part IV: The Declining Role of Guns in American Society,” Think Progress, Mar. 1, 2012,

  30. Ibid.

  31. “White House Backs Right to Arms Outside Obama Events: But Some Fear Health Talks Will Spark Violence,” Washington Post, Aug. 19, 2009.

  32. “The Tree of Liberty . . . (Quotation),” Monticello,

  33. “White House Backs Right to Arms Outside Obama Events; But Some Fear Health Talks Will Spark Violence,” Washington Post, Aug. 19, 2009; “Man Carrying Assault Weapon Attends Obama Protest,” Associated Press Online, Aug. 18, 2009.

  34. “White House Backs Right to Arms Outside Obama Events.”

  35. E.J. Dionne, “The Politics of the Jackboot,” Charleston Gazette, Aug. 22, 2009.

  Appendix A: A Week of Reported Gun Death and Injury in August 2011

  1. “Army Releases ID of Ariz. Soldier Who Died on Base,” Associated Press State & Local Wire, Aug. 4, 2011.

  2. Clynton Namuo, “Driver Shoots Self After Head-on Crash,” New Hampshire Union Leader, Aug. 3, 2011,; “Police: Lee Crash May Have Been Suicide Attempt,” Associated Press State & Local Wire, Aug. 4, 2011.

  3. Matt Johnson, “Satterlee Was ‘On a Mission’ When He Murdered Wife, Committed Suicide,” Vernon County Broadcaster, Aug. 3, 2011,; “Sheriff’s Deputy Was Told of Murder-Suicide Plan,” Wisconsin State Journal, Aug. 4, 2011.

  4. “Md. Mom Who Killed Son Agonized over School Costs,” Associated Press, Aug. 8, 2011; “Md. Doctor Kills Son, Self,” Washington Post, Aug. 4, 2011.

  5. “Teens Dead in Apparent Murder-Suicide,” Cincinnati Enquirer, Aug. 4, 2011; “Letter to Whites Raises Ruckus: Hate Group Targets Area of Black-White Homicide-Suicide,” Dayton Daily News, Aug. 10, 2011.

  6. “Alice Shooting Leaves One Dead, One Arrested: Altercation at Home Led to Homicide,” Corpus Christi Caller-Times, Aug. 4, 2011; “The Grandson of a Famous Tejano Singer Shot and Killed,” KIII News,

  7. “Police Shoot, Kill Alleged Attacker,” Chicago Sun-Times, Aug. 4, 2011; William Lee, “Man Killed by Police Was Frequent Target of Protective Orders,” Chicago Tribune, Aug. 4, 2011,

. “Drive-by Victim IDd as Man, 18,” San Francisco Chronicle, Aug. 5, 2011.

  9. “Man Arrested in Connection with Phoenix Shooting,” Associated Press State & Local Wire, Aug. 5, 2011; “Shooting Outside Phoenix Baskin Robbins Turns Fatal,” Aug. 4, 2011,, in the files of the Violence Policy Center.

  10. “Man Fatally Shoots Himself While Cleaning Gun,” Associated Press State & Local Wire, Aug. 4, 2011; “Man Shoots, Kills Self While on Phone,” St. Petersburg Times, Aug. 5, 2011.

  11. “Shooting Suspect Remains in Jail,” Pensacola News Journal, Sept. 29, 2011; “Sister Shot, Killed over Cellphone, Deputies Say,” Pensacola News Journal, Aug. 5, 2011.

  12. “Gun Suicide by Man, 23, Draws Crowd to Caddy,” Jersey Journal, Aug. 6, 2011.

  13. “Elderly Couple Found Dead in Murder-Suicide,” Charlotte Observer, Aug. 7, 2011; “Elderly Couple Dead After Murder-Suicide,”, Aug. 4, 2011.

  14. “Bronx Man Charged in Island Slaying,” Staten Island Advance, Aug. 19, 2011; “Cops See Robbery Motive in Mariners Harbor Slay,” Staten Island Advance, Aug. 6, 2011.

  15. “Man, 19, Dead After Shooting in Perry South: Mother Shot Earlier, in Serious Condition,” Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Aug. 6, 2011; “Tragedy Again Hits Family in North Side,” Pittsburgh Tribune Review, Aug. 6, 2011.

  16. “Suicide Note Hints at Fear of Old Age,” Daily News of Los Angeles, Aug. 10, 2011; “Sheriff’s Officials Name Murder-Suicide Victims,” Daily News of Los Angeles, Aug. 7, 2011.

  17. “Man Shot with His Own Gun Is Charged,” St. Petersburg Times, Aug. 7, 2011; “Fla. Man Wrestles Gun from ATM Robber,” Associated Press State & Local Wire, Aug. 6, 2011.

  18. “1 Killed, 1 Hurt in Shooting at Detroit Strip Club,” Associated Press State & Local Wire, Aug. 5, 2011; “One Dead After Detroit Strip Club Shooting,”, Aug. 5, 2011,

  19. “Man Dead After Squabble Between Tucson Neighbors,” Associated Press State & Local Wire, Aug. 7, 2011; Pima Country Sheriff’s Department, “Shooting-Update,” news release, Aug. 6, 2011.


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