Forever Lo (Devil's Knights Book 9)

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Forever Lo (Devil's Knights Book 9) Page 1

by Winter Travers

  Forever Lo

  Devil’s Knights MC

  Book Nine

  Wall Street Journal & USA Today Bestselling Author

  Winter Travers

  Copyright © 2019 Winter Travers

  All rights reserved. Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduction, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) utilization of this work without written permission of both the copyright owner and the above publisher of this book.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, media and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of various products referenced in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication/use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners.

  For questions or comments about this book, please contact the author at [email protected]

  Also by Winter Travers

  Devil’s Knights Series:

  Loving Lo

  Finding Cyn

  Gravel’s Road

  Battling Troy

  Gambler’s Longshot

  Keeping Meg

  Fighting Demon

  Unraveling Fayth

  Forever Lo

  Skid Row Kings Series:




  Fallen Lords MC Series









  Kings of Vengeance MC

  Drop a Gear and Disappear

  Lean Into It

  Powerhouse MA Series

  Dropkick My Heart

  Love on the Mat

  Black Belt in Love

  Black Belt Knockout

  Nitro Crew Series





  Sweet Love Novellas

  Sweet Burn

  Five Alarm Donuts

  Stand Alone Novellas

  Kissing the Bad Boy

  Daddin’ Ain’t Easy

  Silas: A Scrooged Christmas

  Wanting More

  Mama Didn’t Raise No Fool

  Room 19: The Last Resort Motel

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Coming Soon

  About the Author

  1st Chapter of Drop a Gear and Disappear

  Chapter One


  “I’m wearing yellow.”


  I looked up from my bowl of cereal. “Yes?”

  Lo leaned against the kitchen counter and crossed his arms over his chest. “You’re kidding.”

  I wasn't. Not in the least. “No.”

   “I don’t think I have ever seen you in yellow and suddenly you’re going to wear a yellow dress to your only son’s wedding?” He scoffed and reached for a coffee cup. “You’re going to end up wearing black.”

   I rolled my eyes and slurped back some milk in my bowl. “I can’t do that, Lo.” I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand. “If I wear black everyone is going to think I don’t approve of Harlyn and that’s not true.”

   “No, everyone is going to be fine with you wearing black because they know that you only wear black. If you show up to Remy’s wedding wearing a yellow dress, everyone is going to think you’re either having some mid-life crisis or that you have a brain tumor that is messing with your brain.”

   I rolled my eyes. “Really, Lo? Those are the only reasons why people would think I’m wearing yellow? Mid-life crisis or tumor?” I slurped the last of my milk and set the bowl down with a clatter. “You really have no faith in me.”

   “Well, seeing as it’s Saturday and Remy is getting married a week from today, yeah, I don’t have much faith in you seeing as you haven’t even bought a dress for the wedding yet. You get a yellow dress, and you’re going to look like a fucking canary.”

   I scrunched up my nose. “I have plenty of time and you sound like you don’t think I’ll look good in a yellow dress.”

   Lo pushed off the counter and pulled me up from my chair. He wrapped me up in his arms and I tipped my head back to look at him. “Never said you wouldn’t look good. Said you would look like a fucking canary.”

   I quirked an eyebrow. “So you’re into fucking canaries now?”

   “We really going to get into this?” he growled.

   I didn’t really want to, but getting Lo riled up was kind of fun. “I’m just going off what you said.”

   His nostrils flared. “Babe, I’m into you, and if you want to dress up like a fucking canary, then go for it. Just don’t come crying to me after you see the wedding pictures and you stick out like a sore thumb.”

   The urge to argue with him was strong, but I knew that everything he said was right. The idea of a yellow dress seemed fun and different in theory, but I knew I would end up regretting it. “Yellow is on the top of my list, but maybe I’ll check out some other colors too.”

   “Like black,” he replied flatly.

   I pinched his nipple through his thin, black shirt. And twisted.

   “Hey, hey, woman!” He knocked my hand away and placed his hand over his now twisted nipple. “Don’t damage the goods.”

   I rolled my eyes and pushed him away. “I need to be at Cyn’s in fifteen minutes.”

   “That means no quickie before you leave?”

   I wagged my finger in his face. “You don’t get to call me a canary and then think we’re going to have sex.” I grabbed my purse hooked over the chair. “Besides, you should have woken up earlier if you wanted that.”

   Lo scoffed. “Normally you wake me up with the smell of breakfast cooking, but you had cereal today. That ain’t gonna wake me up.”

   “Forty-five years old and he expects me to wake up him every morning.” I rolled my eyes and dug around in my purse for my truck keys. “What are you doing today?” I spotted my keys and pulled them out.

   “Gotta clean up the clubhouse before the reception next weekend and then maybe work on the bike.”

   “Work on the bike? What’s wrong with it?”

   Lo grabbed his coffee and leaned against the counter. “Putting a new exhaust on it. Got it in last week and I finally have time to work on it.”

   “What’s wrong with the exhaust you have on it.”

   He shrugged. “Nothing.”

   I closed one eye and pursed my lips. “You lost me on why you would order a new one then.”

   “Cause this one is gonna shake the neighbors windows.”

   Good lord. “I’m sure Larry will appreci
ate that.”

   “Fuck Larry. You would think after living here for almost ten years the guy would warm up to me a bit but nada.”

   “You really think Larry is going to come over and shoot the shit with you in the driveway while you wax your bike every Saturday?” Lo was crazy if he thought Larry was going to be buddies with him. I was just glad Larry kept to himself and didn’t give us shit for bikes and people coming and going from the house all the time.


   “Then what the hell, Lo?”

   He shrugged his shoulders. “I thought about it for a second and decided I was good with the guy not talking to me.”

   “And you tell me I’m the crazy one.” I rolled my eyes and leaned up on my tip toes. “I’ll be back later.” I pressed a kiss to his cheek.

   He grabbed me around the waist. “That kiss ain’t gonna do it for me, babe.” He pressed his lips to mine, and I slipped right into the Lo Daze. Though, I had to say I basically lived there permanently the past ten years. “Behave. I don’t want any phone calls needing me to bail you out.”

   “One time that happened and you just won’t let me live it down.”

   His hands squeezed my waist. “That one time got us banned from the furniture store for life.”

   “Pfft. I still say that was all Ethel’s fault.” You break one bed in the furniture store and bam, banned for life. “He was an angry nugget of a man, anyway.”

   “That was not my mother’s fault at all. I’ll have to let her know when I see her that you are still trying to blame that on her.” Lo pulled me close and buried his face in my neck.

   “You’re such a mama’s boy,” I grumbled.

   “Gotta love her while she’s still here with us.”

   Ethel had another cancer scare six months ago, and I knew it had changed Lo. He realized he wasn’t going to have his mom around forever. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the feel of being in this loving man’s arms. “We do have a plate of her’s that you could drop off to her on the way to the shop.”

   “Guess I could drop it to her,” he whispered.

   “Mama’s boy.”

   He playful pushed me out his arms. “I’m gonna have to say you have your own mama’s boy due in town in a couple of days.”

  I shook my finger at him. “You’re damn straight, I have my own mama’s boy. Though he could stand to call me a bit more.”

  Lo followed me to the front door and held it open for me. “I tell him all the time to call you, babe. I think he’s afraid of the crazy stories you’re gonna tell him.”

   I blew a raspberry. “He should be used to it by now. The boy has known my craziness for the past twenty-seven years.” I pressed another quick kiss to Lo’s lips. “Now I got to drive fast to get to Cyn’s on time. You’re too distracting.” I pushed out the screen door and glared at Lo over my shoulder. “Have fun playing with your exhaust today.”

   Lo shook his head and rolled his eyes.

   Larry was walking past the house with his tiny fluff ball of a dog and of course heard me. “Uh, hey there, Larry.”

   I could hear Lo’s boisterous laugh from inside the house.

   “Asshole,” I hiss through the screen door.

   It was only ten o’clock, and I had already made a fool of myself.

   Just another day living the life.


  Chapter Two


   “Jesus Christ!” I stumbled backward out the door and slammed it shut before I fell back on my ass.

   “Logan Birch! Why in the hell are you walking into my house without knocking?”

  I scrubbed my hand down my face and asked myself the same question. I was catapulted back to a young child walking in on their parents doing the nasty. Full body shiver.

  “Hush, woman,” Gravel grumbled through the closed door.

  “Who in the hell does that in the middle of the day with the door unlocked?” I hollered.

  The front door swung open and Gravel glared down at me. Shirtless. Top button of his jeans unbuttoned. “We ain’t fucking dead, son. Figured everyone who would stop by would be at work or out doing shit.”

  “Here.” I shielded my arm over my eyes and held out the pan that belonged to Mom. “Just take this.” I was going to need to go to the clubhouse and rinse my eyes out with bleach.

  “You think you would have learned from the last time you did this.” Mom’s voice joined Gravel’s but I didn’t want to look. God only knew if she managed to get all of her clothes back on. “Knock on the damn door, Logan.”

  Mom was mad. She really only called me Logan when she was pissed off or trying to be serious. “Lock the damn door,” I countered.

  “You think we planned this?” Gravel asked. “One thing lead to another and before I knew it I had your mother bent over-.”

  “Stop!” I thundered. I had seen the visual, I didn’t need the play-by-play of how it went down. I scrambled to my feet and turned my back to Gravel and mom. “I, uh, I’ll see you guys at the wedding.” Lord knows if I was going to be able to make eye contact with either of them. “Lock your damn door.” I stomped down the steps and over to my bike.

   Mom cackled like a mad woman and Gravel’s low rumble laugh followed me till I peeled out of the driveway.

  I couldn’t hear them laughing anymore, but god knew I was forever going to be haunted with the image of my mom bent over the couch and begging Gravel to go harder.

  Vomit rose up my throat, and I didn’t make it to the clubhouse before emptying my stomach on the side of the road.



  Chapter Three


  “That’s the one.”

  “Lord have mercy, you look good.”

  I did. I looked amazing. “I’m not getting this one.”

  Cyn’s jaw dropped and the bubble Gwen was blowing popped loudly. “Come again, girlfriend?” Gwen gasped.

  “Unzip me, now.” I turned my back to Cyn. “Did you not hear what I said earlier. I cannot buy a black dress. Get it off me, now.” This was not going to happen. “Do you think they have it in yellow? Maybe orange.” I glanced over my shoulder at Cyn who hadn’t budged from the chair she was sitting in.

  “Uh, girl. You cannot rock yellow or orange.” Gwen shook her head. “At least not in a mother of the bride dress. We could do some funky highlights in your hair if you want though.”

  “Cyn,” I hissed. “Snap out of it and get me out of this dress. Pronto.”

  Cyn shook her head. “Only if you promise to me that you are not going to buy a yellow or orange dress. You are not a bright color person, chick. Why don’t you try plum or dark blue?”

  I turned to the mirror to the side. I ran my hands down the satin fabric and sighed. “I’m not doing blue cause that’s your thing. I’ll match Rigid’s hair and that will just be awkward.”

  “How’s it going in here?” Peg, the salesclerk slipped into the dressing room with a platter and champagne glasses.

  Yes, booze will make this better. I grabbed a glass from her and chugged it down in three gulps. I set the empty glass on the platter and grabbed another. “I’m gonna need this dress in purple, Peg.”

  Peg blinked at the empty champagne glass. I don’t think she was used to customers like Cyn, Gwen, and I. “I, ah, let me look at the tag.” She offered the tray of glasses to Cyn and Gwen then set it on the small table next to the seatette they were sitting on. She fumbled with the tag and cleared her throat. “Uh, that dress comes in the black you have on, or white.”

  “Oh hell no!” Cyn jumped up and yanked the zipper down. “If you’re not going to get the black, then you sure as hell aren’t going to get the white.” She grabbed my glass from me and set it on the table.

  “Well, duh,” I grumbled. Black would make me look like I didn’t approve of Harlyn and the white would make it look like I was trying to upstage her.

  “Cover the girly bits and
let’s go look at the racks. There has to be something out there that is perfect.” Gwen grabbed my shirt and tossed it at me.

  I smirked and pulled the shirt over my head. The dress pooled at my feet and I stepped out of it. “You mean I can’t go out there in my underwear?”

  Peg choked and lightly patted her chest. “Uh, that would not be the best idea.” Cyn snatched my pants off the floor and handed them to me. “Put your damn clothes on, woman. You and I both know you wouldn’t step foot out of here without being clothed.”

  “Clothed?” Gwen snickered.

  “How is she tipsy after only having one glass of champagne?” I asked. I tugged my pants on and grabbed my glass of champagne. “And for the record, we always need to shop at places that offer booze.”

  Gwen lead the way out of the dressing room and over to the four racks of mother of the bride dresses. “There has to be a dress in here that is going to be the one.”

  I nodded my head. “Yup. There has to be.”

  Cyn grabbed the hem of a lime green dress. “But it’s not this one.”

  Agreed. “I think first we need to just look at color. Pick out the colors that will work and then whittle them down by style.”

  Gwen tipped her glass to me. “I think shopping and drinking booze works for you. That was a very smart idea.”

  I knocked the green dress from Cyn’s hand. “Thank you. Now, let’s get to work, ladies, and prove Lo wrong.”

  “And what was it again that we’re proving him wrong about?”

  I reached to grab Gwen’s glass from her but she sidestepped out of my grasp. “You are not taking my mama juice right now. I have a six and four-year-old at home and I can’t remember the last time I was free for a whole afternoon.”

  Cyn clinked her glass against Gwen’s. “A-fucking-men to that, sister. Micha just turned eleven and I swear to god it’s like he’s eighteen.” Cyn shook her head. “You would think it would be enough for him to be able to do whatever he wants with his hair, but now he’s begging Rigid to get his ear pierced and a tattoo.”


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