Forever Lo (Devil's Knights Book 9)

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Forever Lo (Devil's Knights Book 9) Page 9

by Winter Travers


   I should have shoved more tissues in my bra.

   Jonas was sitting in his chair, everything looking huge around him while he looked tiny.

   “I’m gonna go grab a drink from the bubbler, babe. You okay?”

   I looked up at Lo and nodded my head. “Yup. I’m great.”

   He eyed me carefully. I was lying right through my teeth. I was a hot mess express right now.

   “You look like you’re two seconds away from grabbing Jonas and running out the door.”

   I held up my hand. “Scout’s honor that I will not do that today.”

   He squinted at me. “I would believe that if you were actually a scout.”

   I nudged him with my shoulder. “Go. I promise I’ll be fine.” He was only going to be gone for like two minutes. I could totally hold it together for that long.

   Lo went in search of the bubbler and I looked around the room at all the parents.

   Lo and I were definitely the oldest in the room, including the teacher. She barely looked like she was a year out of school.

   This was a complete opposite experience from when Remy went to school. Back then I was one of the youngest in the room and snickered at the parents who were much older.

   Oh, karma, you were a slick one.

   The guy standing a couple of feet from me scooted closer. “Which one is yours?”

   “Uh, Jonas. The one in the red Paw Patrol shirt.” Of course Jonas wanted to wear one of the new shirts he had gotten for his birthday. I had been shocked at how many clothing options there were when it came to kids TV shows these days. Again, a complete one eighty from when Remy had been in school.

   “Nice. Mine is the one three chairs over. Olivia.” She was a pretty little girl with blond hair and glasses.

   “She’s adorable.” I racked my brain for something else to say, but as usual, I had nothing.

   “Is he your only child?”

  I cleared my throat. I knew I was going to get questions like this. I had just hoped that Lo was going to be around when I got them. “Uh, no. I actually have an older son.”

  “Third or fourth grade?”

   Oh, boy. “At one point he was, but he’s actually twenty-seven.”

   I had never seen someone more shocked before. “Oh, wow. I, uh, wow.”

   I couldn’t help but laugh. “It’s a bit of an age gap.” I held my hand out to him. “I’m Meg by the way.”

   He shook my hand and still had no words.

   “And your name is?”

   “Oh, sorry. Marcus.” He dropped his hand and stepped back. “Don’t mean to be such a tool. I was trying to imagine what it would be like to raise one child and then basically start over again.”

   I shrugged. “It’s pretty damn fun. I wouldn’t trade Jonas for anything in the world.”

   Marcus sheepishly ducked his head. “I again sounded like a tool. I’m just going to head to the other side of the room and hope I don’t say anything else stupid to you.” He slunk off to the other side of the room and didn’t make eye contact with me.

   Lo walked back into the room and stood next to me. “Why are you looking so smug?”

   “I just scared one of the parents. Or at least made him feel embarrassed.” I looked up at Lo. “And why do you look slightly terrified?”

   He shuddered and shook his head. “Pretty sure I just got hit on..”

   “You think you did? Are you losing your touch that you don’t know when you’re getting hit on?” Lo was damn fine. I couldn’t blame anyone for hitting on him. Once. If they tried a second time that was when bitchy Meg came out.

   Lo ran his fingers through his hair. “Nah, I’m sure I was hit on, but the person who hit on me was a little surprising.”

   “Who?” I hissed. If it was that young teacher I was not going to be happy.

   Lo looked around and lowered his voice. “The principal.”

   I reared back and tried to hold back my laughter. “Mr. Seth?”

   Lo nodded his head. “Yeah.”

   “But… but he’s…” I leaned in super close. “He’s married with five kids.”

   “Guess that doesn’t mean much to him.”

   I stepped back and turned back to watch Jonas. “Is this your way to distract me from being a blubbering mess?” I glanced back at Lo. “If it is, it worked.”

   Lo shook his head. “I wish it was a fucking joke, babe.”

   I tried to stay focused on Lo, but I couldn’t get my mind off the fact that not only had Lo been hit on, but it was Jonas’s principal.

   Once the kids got settled, Jonas’s teacher gently hinted at the fact that it was time for the parents to hit the road.

   Lo and I walked over to Jonas and I knelt down in front of him. “We’re gonna take off, buddy. You only have three hours left of school and then Papa Lo and I will be here to pick up. Okay?”

   “How will I know how to find you?” Jonas’s voice was quiet and I could tell he was a little unsure about Lo and I leaving.

   “We asked your teacher earlier where we get you. You’ll be right in the front. We’ll be there before you even get out of school.” Remy also had the same fear of not being able to find me when school let out. Thankfully Jonas only went to school for half a day and there wouldn’t be a mad rush to the door.

   Lo ruffled Jonas’s hair. “Once we pick you up, we’ll go grab burgers and ice cream for dinner.”


   Lo nodded his head. “Yup. All you gotta do is be a good boy for your teacher.”

   Jonas nodded his head. “I can totally do that, Papa Lo.”

   “How come you call him Papa Lo?” the little boy next to Jonas asked.

   Before Lo or I could open our mouths, Jonas spoke.

   “Because he’s always been my Papa Lo. My daddy isn’t here no more, but I have Papa Lo and Mama Meg to take care of me.”

   Tears threatened to fall and Lo squeezed my hand.

   “That’s pretty cool.” The boy looked at Lo. “Can you be my Papa Lo if something happens to my mom and dad?”

   “Uh, well, I don’t think it works that way where you’ll get me, but I know your mom and dad have someone who could be like me.”

   The little boy looked confused and sad.

   I elbowed Lo in the side. “Just say yes.”

   “But yes, I could do that for you. Totally,” he added quickly.

   The little boys face lit up. “Cool!”

   I managed to hug Jonas goodbye with only a few sniffles and a tear or two.

   “I’m surprised you didn’t break down in there,” Lo laughed. He beeped open the locks on the truck and opened my door for me.

   “The fact the seemingly straight principal hit on you threw me for a loop.” I hopped into the truck and Lo slammed my door.

   “Maybe they’re in an open relationship and she’s okay with him hitting on bikers?”

   I scoffed and buckled my seatbelt. “Who knows if that is true, but you would think the guy would at least not hit on the parents of his students.”

   Lo shrugged and cranked up the truck. “You would think so, babe, but some people just don’t care.”

   “Well,” I drawled. “He can keep his uncaring ass to himself.”

   “I let him know that in so many words, babe.”

   “What exactly did he say to you?” Lo had only been gone for a couple of minutes.

   Lo shifted into reverse and headed out of the parking lot. “Well, I was bent over getting a drink from the bubbler when he grabbed my ass.”

   “Shut up!” I gasped.

   Lo nodded his head. “For a second I thought it was you, but he opened his mouth before I turned around. About shit myself when he asked if I was tardy and wanted to come to the principal’s office with him.”

   “Hell no. You’re making this up.” The
re was no way in hell Mr. Seth would be that bold in school.”

   “Babe, I swear on your and Jonas’s life, that man grabbed my ass and wanted me to come to his office for a mid-morning romp.”

   “So what did you tell him?”

   “To fuck off and keep his hands to himself. If he didn’t, and I heard about it, I would break both of his hands so he couldn’t touch anyone anymore.”

   I cringed. “Ouch. I bet he didn’t like that very much.”

   “Dirty prick shouldn’t be grabbing people, Meg. Don’t give a shit if he is the principal of the school. That should be the one person who shouldn’t be doing that.”

   “He say anything back?”

   Lo nodded. “He was real quick to offer up an apology and give me some bullshit excuse that he thought I was someone else.”

   “That was supposed to make it better?” I laughed. “God, Lo. This was not how I wanted Jonas to start his school year. Now we’re going to have to report the asshole.”

   Lo shook his head. “Nah, I think I have another way to teach this asshole a lesson without getting the school board involved.”

   “Lo, let’s not break the law. Just report him to the school board and let them do what they want with him.”

   Lo pulled into the driveway and shifted the truck into park. “Nope. Doing this my way, babe. I could tell this wasn’t this guy’s first time being a grabby asshole. He new to the school?”

   I bite my lip and nodded my head. “Uh, yeah. This is his first year.”

   “So I bet that asshole has gotten in trouble before, but it just got brushed under the rug. He’s gonna keep doing this bullshit until he gets taught a lesson, babe.”

   I pushed open my door and jumped down from the truck. “You figured all of that out about him from one hand grab and a couple of words?” I rounded the truck and climbed the porch steps.

   “Know his type, babe. I’m gonna take care of it before he fucks with someone who won’t tell him no.”


   Oh hell. It was Larry.

   “Hey, Larry,” Lo called.

   “Logan,” Larry replied. “I was just going to talk to your wife about the poop in my yard.”

  Lo looked at me. “Something you need to tell me about pooping in Larry’s yard?”

   I rolled my eyes and shook my head. “Not sure what poop in your yard has to do with me, Larry.”

   “Because it has to be your dog.”

   I frowned and shook my head. “Blue died last spring, Larry. If there is poop in your yard from him, then it must be petrified.” Old Blue had been seventeen when he died and there was no way in hell he would have been able to make it over to Larry’s yard to poop. He barely was able to make it out of the house the last couple of months. I missed that dog something fierce.

   “Are you sure?”

   Lo chuckled and shook his head. “Yeah, we’re positive, Larry. He’s buried in the backyard.”

   Larry propped his hands on his hips and sighed. “Well, then who is pooping my yard, Meg?”

   Oh, Larry. He was getting up there in age, and he was getting crankier by the day.

   “Well, it wasn’t Lo or I so you can cross us off the list of suspects.” I pointed toward the blue house on the other side of the street. “Maybe it’s the Mitchell’s?”

   Larry glared at the blue house. “You may be right.”

   “Welp, have a good day, Larry. Meg and I have some work to do.” Lo grabbed my hand and pulled me into the house.

   “What work do we have to do?” I laughed. I pulled the door shut behind me and Lo wrapped me up in his arms.

   “We don’t. I was just trying to get you away from Larry before you set him onto all the neighbors about the poop.” Lo tipped his head to the side. “Do the Mitchell’s even have a dog?”

   I shook my head and laughed. “Nope. Never have. I just felt like messing with Larry. He didn’t realize Blue died, so there is no way he is going to remember that the Mitchell’s don’t have a dog.”

   “Well, I guess that’ll keep him off our backs for a little.”

  I sighed and rested my head on Lo’s shoulder. “How did Larry not remember that Blue died? Didn’t he help you dig the hole?”

   “Yeah, but I think Larry is getting up there in his age. It’s a good thing his daughter moved in with him.”

   “Yeah,” I agreed. “Otherwise I’m sure he would be giving us a lot more hell about everything.”

   “So,” Lo drawled. “We have three hours before Jonas is done with school?”

  I bite my bottom lip and nodded my head. “Yup.”

  “I think there might be some things you need to help me take care of in the bedroom.” Lo wiggled his eyebrows and brushed his lips against mine. “Quite a few things, actually.” Lo dropped the keys on the end table and pulled me into the bedroom.

   “Why, Mr. Birch, are propositioning me? I do believe you just had a run in with a principal trying to do the same thing to you.” Lo grabbed me around the waist and tossed me on the bed.

   “The difference is I know you want me, babe. Principal Grabby-pants is a lawsuit waiting to happen. Or an asskicking that is going to happen.” Lo pulled his shirt over his head and tossed it at my face. “Now get your clothes off and stop talking.”

   I shimmied my leggings off and kicked them to the end of the bed. “Yes sir, Principal Birch.”

   Lo smirked and dropped his pants to the floor. “You’re gonna pay for that one, babe.”

   A tremor rolled through my body in anticipation. “Promise?”

   “Have I ever broken a promise to you yet, babe?”

   I shook my head and pulled my shirt over my head. “Nope, so let’s not start today.”

   He grabbed my foot, pulled me to the edge of the bed and in between his legs. I plastered my hands on his bare chest and smiled up at him.

   “I’ll never get tired of that wonky smile, babe.”

   I ran my hands up his chest and looped them around his neck. I pulled him down until his lips were a breath away from mine. “I know I should be offended by that, but all those words did was make my loopy heart beat faster and my loopy smile wider.”

   Lo’s lips pressed against mine, a low grumble rumbled from his throat, and his hands skimmed over my back and grabbed my ass. “You’re mine, babe.”

   “Was there ever a thought that I wasn’t?”

   “Not on my end. I think you might have fought it for a second.”

  I held up my pointer finger and thumb a centimeter apart in between us. “Maybe for like a nanosecond.”

   “Worst nanosecond of your life, right?”

   I nodded my head and pressed my lips to his. “But we’ve been making up for it ever since. Lo Daze, baby.”

   Lo pushed me back onto the bed and covered my body with his. “You’re fucking crazy, babe.” He brushed kisses across my jaw and up to my ear. “But I wouldn’t want you any other way. All. Mine.”

   Yes indeed, I certainly was.

   Stuck in the Lo Daze for ten years and counting.


  Chapter Twenty-Two


   “His name is George Seth.”

   Rigid raised his hand and pointed to the picture I handed out. “Uh, pretty sure this is my kid’s principal.”

   I nodded my head. “He is your kid’s principal and everyone else's kids at this table.”

   “Probably something I should have known, right?” Demon asked. “Having twins has fucked with my mind. Can’t remember shit besides dumb songs about baby sharks and how much Tylenol I can give the kids.”

   Rigid chuckled and shook his head. “If it makes you feel better, this is his first year being the principal.”

   Demon pointed his finger at Rigid. “That actually does make me feel a little better about being a shitty parent.”

   “If you were a shit
ty parent, I’m pretty sure Paige would have left your ass a long time ago.” Gravel nodded to me. “You wanna clue us in as to why we’re looking at a picture of this guy?”

   No, I really didn’t want to because I knew they were just going to give me shit about it, but they needed to know why we were going to scare the shit out of this guy.

   “Anyone of you assholes laughs in the next ten minutes, I’ll kick your ass. Got it?” I looked around the table and glared at each of them.

   “This is going to be good.” Rigid rubbed his hands together and leaned forward in his chair.

   I sat back in my chair and tried to figure out where to start. I wish I didn’t have to tell these assholes, but I knew they weren’t going to let it go until they knew what happened. “Meg and I took Jonas to his first day of school on Tuesday.”

   “As did we all, although you were the only one who left wanting to kick the new principal’s ass,” Demon chuckled.

   “Everyone but me,” Slider clarified. “Marco is past having to take to his first day of school.”

   “Lucky bastard,” Gambler grumbled.

   Slider splayed his hands out in front of him. “I was the only one smart enough to find a good chick with an almost full grown kid.”

   Gravel slapped Gambler upside the head. “Shut up you, assholes. I wanna know what the hell is going on with the principal.”

   I sighed and continued on. “We took Jonas to his class, did the typical shit with him, and then I went to get a drink from the bubbler.”

   “Holy shit,” Rigid whispered.

   “Holy shit what?” Demon looked around the table confused. “What the hell did I miss?”

   “Nothing,” Rigid laughed, “but I know exactly where this story is going.”

   “Oh yeah?” I asked Rigid. “Why don’t you tell me what happens next?”

   Rigid shook his head. “Hell no. I want to hear those words come out of your mouth.”

   Might as well just get straight to the fucking point. “I leaned over to get a drink from the bubbler, he grabbed my ass, and invited me back to his office.”

   Everyone froze, speechless.

   A low inaudible sound came from Rigid.

   Gravel held my gaze and shook his head.


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